Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Reader's Guide to the Queen Bee Arc

Welcome to the new much more digestible format of the Reader's Guide! Below will be my attempt at organization and hyperlinks to individual bios in blue. Hopefully, this is much easier to understand and read than having like 12 bios mashed together here!

Most other Elanas branch from Elana Prime except for the Prodigal Daughter, who can also be thought of as the "Real" Elana, and Proto-Prime is kind of an anomaly at this point and was the original protagonist until a massive dimensional upset occurred. Both "Human Elanas": Harem Queen and The Influencer are also separate. While they have different parents they are still doppelgangers of Elana. Elana's doppelgangers are a mix of parallel versions of herself created by her choices (Sometimes her branches branch. Like Rebel becoming the Smiling Demon and then Smiling Demon branching yet again into Demon Queen of Japan and Archdemon for example), her future self exactly 25 years to the nanosecond into the future, the massive dimensional upset that split Prime and Proto-Prime, and versions of her from DC's existing other Earths like for example her Earth 66 doppelganger Elenor (60's Batman TV Show Universe), her only male doppelganger Ethan from Earth 11 (Genderflipped), and doppelgangers like her Human selves who come from some other DC Earth where Biyalia was much less aggressive in capturing and converting people and most of the OCs are human instead of Biyalian. Generally but not always as with Prodigal Daughter, being named Xozalla means that an Elana branches from Prime.

"Prime" Earth (Elana Prime and her various alternate timeline branches, including retcons and alternate beginnings)

"Not Arrowverse" Earth (Elanas not born to Queen Bee on an Earth suspiciously similar to the Arrowverse, but not quite...)

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