Friday, December 8, 2017

Bio: Tirazzala Vi Korll (Clone)

Tirazzala "Tizzy" Vi Korll (Clone)

Hair: Brown, upper back length, updo

Compound Eyes: Honey Yellow... Behind them... She seems like a good person at heart... How the fuck is she related to someone like Zazzala?

Height: 5'8

Figure: D-Cup, Hourglass. She's your sister but... Dayum! Interestingly, she does not have a belly button cause she wasn't technically born... She was grown in a machine via Ectogenesis. Come to think Nurse Naughty could probably fix the aesthetics with a snap of her fingers...

Feet: Size 9, Onyx Black/Honey Yellow. One color per foot. Again... Sister... But... So pretty...

Personality and Background: Tirazzala is a good person at heart, she's sweet, caring, and very doting on you and is seriously trying to make up for lost time. She's very open-minded and pretty much the perfect older sister... Anti-Allison basically... (Allison came around and became an awesome sister eventually though.) But mom had her reasons I suppose... Although... Very rarely... Something dark briefly comes to the surface... Something much more like mom when she's in warmonger mode... Usually only when interacting with mom and only if they're butting heads. Neither personality seems like a construct and the nice one seems to be her default, used 99.99% of the time. I don't think she's actively trying to be anti-Zazzala, that's just how she is. Your sister has an ever so slight refined British accent. Tirazzala is a clone of Zazzala's first daughter, your older sister. Mom really doesn't like to talk about what happened to the original...

Rank and Occupation: First Princess of Biyalia, in Line to become the Queen Bee... Well... She's basically is Queen Bee now... You've talked this over thoroughly and she's much better suited than you are. There are so many technicalities involved with cloning and age. She's the older sibling, no argument here, her memories and life experience were um... Downloaded into the clone body? I'm not the sciencing type! So let's start over! Rank and Occupation: Queen Bee! Queen of the Hive! Grand General... Yadda yadda we'll be here all day with titles! With the change in status quo, mother and yourself are her Royal Advisors and you're Princess in line to be Queen you guess. (Hopefully, you can slack off...) Queen Bee after your ascension to High Empress.

Age: A few hours technically... 6 years after the timeline slide from the Hymenopteran Wish. (I don't even know how or where to begin... She's both a clone and a Biyalian. The original was a teenager when you were a toddler. The clone looks and presumably is biologically about your age... Mid 20's even though you're technically like 50 chronologically... I mean we live upwards of 400 years so... That's nothing... You still look and feel 20something... Mom's a fucking dinosaur *Cough* and she looks to be barely out of her 30's, even with all of the stress... Hell, she could still pass for late 20's on a good day... But I'm ranting... )

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