Friday, December 8, 2017

Bio: Felicia Fox a.k.a. Solar Flare

Felicia Fox a.k.a Solar Flare

Hair: Brown, shoulder-length, usually a bob, sometimes a bun. You keep trying to convince her to do Emo Bangs since you think they're sexy

Eyes: Green... Behind them... Felicia seems nice. She's actually kinda hard to read...

Height: 5'9

Figure: C-Cup, hourglass (Fairly toned, kinda like say Batgirl. She works out for sure and has a super sexy bod). Her costume leaves little to the imagination.

Feet: Size 9, Candy Red nails, her big toes have flames painted on them. Side Note: She runs a-fucking-lot. Let's just say she loves your particular inclination to rub her feet if she asks nicely enough...

Personality and Background: She's a sweetheart and can be very... Physical... She likes the cuddles and the snuggles and cute things. Her background is rather... She doesn't like to talk about it... She's clearly regretting something...

Costume: Her costume is red and orange and she wears a red Domino Mask with Orange Flame patterns on it. No cape, creates too much drag and air friction.

Occupation: Justice League new Recruit. I believe the system is Core/Founding Members like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman at the top, then the Expanded/International League Members... Then Recruits like she and I...

Notable Abilities

From my personal observation, she runs really fast, can shoot fire, and can subtly heat up and vibrate her fingers like an electric massager... From the League's Database...

Pyrokinesis: Tested at a remote facility staffed only by robots and forcefield shielded for maximum safety... Her peak temperature range was reaching the core temperatures of a Supernova. She completely destroyed all of the equipment and the facility, if left unshielded she could have possibly vaporized the entire hemisphere she was on with the radiant heat alone. We are working on a limiter for her though she should rarely have any need to go that hot. Should she need to we have also developed "Forcefield Grenades" so she can let loose inside of it and minimize casualties

Pyrokinetic Immunity: Ranges from "Not burning herself eating hot food" to "Could survive the core of a Supernova if she could breathe in space". This ability also extends to air friction, see other powers.

Superspeed: While her top speed is unknown... She can almost keep up with the Flash going full throttle but not quite. She is quite a bit faster than our previous second-place holder Supergirl who has been clocked in at 9 times the speed of light, which is well over 6 Billion Miles Per Hour. Her connection to the Speedforce is strong, she is quite the Speedster.

Superhuman Stamina and Endurance: She can run FTL for several hours without taking a break.

Accelerated Perception: Obviously, she can navigate at ludicrous speeds without slamming into objects, she can also speed up her own perception of time to perform complicated tasks in seconds or get an edge in hand-to-hand combat if she's, for example, caught off guard.

Superhuman Reflexes: Due to the speed at which her muscles, nerves, and brain operate she's nigh untouchable

Speedster Brain and Speed Reading: Again, comes with the territory of her other powers, her brain works as fast as everything else does. If she reads a book in seconds, for example, she also learns that information at the same rate as her eyes can read and fingers can move.

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