Friday, December 8, 2017

Bio: Tilly

Full Name: Matilda Catherine Frye

Hair: Chestnut Brown, Shoulder Length, Straight. She pretty much keeps it under a Union Jack bandana all the time. Her hair is extremely soft and silky, when asked about it she says: "Oh, I use The Essence of England. What's that you ask? It's the fucking rain! Just kidding! It's literally a shampoo called The Essence of England."

Compound Eyes: Amber Brown. Behind them... Well, she's pretty normal actually. Really nothing out of the ordinary unless you consider being English strange.

Height: 5'7

Figure: Hourglass. She's on the curvier side and has about D-Cups. She's by no means fat, but also not super skinny. Must be all the bland potatoes am I right? No? Nothing? What I like to call "hot fat" or the more common Thicc AF. To compare her to a celebrity body type I would go with Mae Whitman maybe? She has thicc thighs and a fat ass.

Feet: Size 9. You've never seen her barefoot but her fingernails are painted black so... Later after seeing her feet, you were indeed correct.

Personality and Background: She's pretty polite and charming, but can be the most, rude and crude bitch you've ever met if you get on her bad side. She curses a lot... Her favorites are "Muppet", "Wanker", and "Tosser". Her personality is... Strong? I mean she's not overbearing or anything, but she's fiercely independent. Well, she's extremely English. Her accent is pretty thick and not the fancy BBC English. My knowledge of British dialects is lacking so I wanna say Cockney, but it doesn't 100% fit... Kinda that London Area in general... Look there are like at least 15 different Dialects ok? I didn't actually ask her... But I'd say London. She does not like being called Matilda, it's Tilly or you get a swift knuckle sandwich from her... She's a fan of British Rap. Her favorites include Lady Leshurr, Lady Sovereign, and Stormzy.

Rank and Occupation: Blacksmith, only one in the Hive. Class I Drone

Sexual Orientation: Big ole Lez (I.E. Big Gay). You tried flirting with her once and she turned it right back at you and started flirting with you!


Blacksmithing Intuition: Tilly is a master Blacksmith that comes from a long line of Blacksmiths. She can make virtually any style of blade from English to Japanese to French.

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