Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: Proto-Prime

Elana Marie Striker a.k.a. Proto-Prime

Aliases: The Outsider, The Original, The Sub, Whipping Girl, The Dog, The Universe's Punching Bag, Little Sister, The Adopted Princess, The Cinnamon Roll

Notes: This Elana is the original Elana, the truest OG Elana. She is in fact just some random human that the CCC captured and Zazzala just happened to take a liking to. She is the original protagonist of the earlier chapters before the Dimensional Bleeding Incident created Elana Prime and split her off, there is some crossover, however. 
They are separate, but Prime was her once. Proto-Prime is slowly starting to find her voice and self-confidence. This Elana is the only version so far to be actually related to Allison by blood. Eventually, Elana is honey-trapped, roofied, and had her wings hacked off by Dollhouse before having an adventure with two different Lantern Corps rings and eventually getting into a relationship with her later... The people you meet on the internet... She met this girl through Cinder, a foot fetish dating app where you put a picture of your feet instead of your face. She even bags a "Mafia Princess" along the way after officially becoming a Princess herself too after BPD catches Ms. Riley shooting up some Royal Guards with a Tommygun... Technically, she started dating The Ventriloquist before Dollhouse, however...

Timeline: 2015

Hair: Dyed Black, Shoulder-length, Bob, Emo Bangs. She uses Healthy Glow Blackbody Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable hair can light up a room with a Blacklight effect on command via Bioluminescence.

Compound Eyes: Blue. 
She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses, otherwise known as Emo glasses.

Height: 5'5

Figure: C-Cup, hourglass. In perfect shape, like an Olympian athlete and perfectly toned after getting trapped in a Void Dimension by her Yellow Power Ring where time flows differently and she had nothing but time to work out... It was a DBZ Hyperbolic Time Chamber situation. She started eating better after escaping the Void Dimension to maintain her figure as well.

Feet: Size 8. Onyx Black Polish. Respective Lantern Corps Symbol on each big toe in the appropriate color. Onyx Black polished fingernails as well.

Personality and Background: This version of Elana is quiet, meek, and extremely submissive, but deep down much like Prime, she's fun, geeky, weird, and kinky. She's just a lot shyer and less confident. She is a human that was abducted from her apartment and converted by the Biyalian Empire. She generally serves Queen Zazzala and really enjoys doing so. She is in fact infatuated with Zazzala and displays an intense blind devotion to her, looking up to her as some kind of Goddess. The Queen, of course, praises her little pet even going so far as to grant her title of Princess and adopting her as a little sister. Though the position is mostly fluff, Elana doesn't possess any real power. After an encounter with Dollhouse, she has some major PTSD, and any chance that she could love herself like Elana Prime does was killed. The incident strengthened her resolve and she no longer happily eats all the shit the universe serves her with a smile on her face. After seeing her new resolve and seeing great potential in her, Zazzala officially adopted Elana as a daughter. She is still quiet and submissive but is less of a doormat now and her kinkier elements are starting to shine through the cracks. Fine... The killed metaphor was a bit strong... Peyton is bringing out her fun and bubbly nature, two scarred and broken people who found love in each other... Peyton's sock puppet routine always makes Elana smile. Why she started dating Matilda too is kind of baffling, but also... Matilda is smoking hot... So there's that... Apparently, her love for Elana is real and she gave up serial killing for her! Even confessed her love under the Lasso of Truth! Elana is kind of an angry Emo Goth girl who enjoys making people fear her to power up both of her Power Rings sometimes... But, she's also much more confident now and more frequently is still the sweetest Lil' thing to people she cares for. She can often be found wearing her Bass-Boosted, Noise-Cancelling Headphones and listening to Metal, she quite likes Death Dealer by Lords of the Trident, her current fix. When not using them they are almost always around her neck. Her general clothing style is Emo Goth, she always goes for the more girly look, skirts over pants for example. She does wear a lot of dark eyeliner, going for that Avril Lavigne smokey eyes look. Usually black, but she's a fan of dark purple too.

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: The poor girl... To have her wings cut off while conscious and without anesthesia... Ms. Striker was brought to me by Queen Bee after having escaped being forced to play a sick game with the Riddler and Dollhouse, being trapped alone in a Void Dimension for multiple lifetimes while only a few days passed outside of it, and lost her mind to rage and wandered the galaxy for a few months. Where to start? PTSD? No... She's dating Dollhouse! The woman who brutally tortured her and ripped her wings out... Low self-esteem... Emotional dependence... A toxic relationship with a violent asshole who's sick in the head... I have personally been there with Mistah J... It took Pamela pulling me away to realize how bad he was for me... I only hope the Ventriloquist, the damaged and scarred "Mafia Princess" or more accurately Mob Boss, Don, or Godmother of the Irish Mafia that she's also dating will do the same for her. I see how she makes Ms. Striker laugh with her sock puppet schtick. They're both damaged goods, so they gel exceedingly well together... And she's a Boss Bitch while Ms. Striker is a Sub... To be fair though... Dollhouse has not hurt Ms. Striker any further since the initial incident from before they started dating, she got what she needed from her the first time... So perhaps she's just one of those Psychopaths who get their hooks in and sweet talk you... No... Stop defending her Harley... She's just bad for her... Although... Having a prominent scar herself, Ms. Mathis taught Ms. Striker to embrace the scars that she gave her and the ones she had from before... Psychopath and good girlfriend in the same sentence, huh? Apparently, she gave up serial killing just for Ms. Striker and truly loves her, confessed under the Lasso of Truth. She is sweet to her and the sex is probably amazing since Ms. Mathis is a Nymphomaniac... Ms. Mathis is a very pretty bird... She even looks cute in her damned Mugshot! I told her just to be very wary of Ms. Mathis just in case and told her to keep laughing at her other partner Ms. Riley's sock puppet routine and enjoying life. I believe that Ms. Striker's self-esteem and self-confidence grow every day, and her headphones are helping with many of her other issues, that's the power of Music Therapy! She is no longer having panic attacks, PTSD episodes, and generalized freakouts because of it. She listens to Metal, by the way, as it's her favorite type of music. Classical only works on people who actually like Classical, it can have the opposite effect and irritate and frustrate the patient if they are someone who hates Classical. So in her case, Metal helps her more than any other type of music would because she loves it and enjoys it! But, that's just science and common sense! I know... It's shocking... Listening to music you really like will improve your mood no matter what the genre, and she vibes with Metal so it helps her the most.

Rank and Occupation: Technically the Princess, but... In reality, she'd be something like... Maybe an Alpha Drone... Slightly higher ranked than a Class I. She is also Commander of the Biyalian Armored Corps ("Tank" Command. They're actually bipedal and quadrupedal mechs but they serve the role of a typical tank in the military). Biyalian Ambassador and head of PR. Gotta keep that "Evil Empire" vibe under control. Later she officially becomes Princess after Queen Zazzala adopts her.

Religion: Atheist

Romantic Interests: Queen Zazzala? (Queen Bee, Adoptive Big Sister and later Mother, Love Interest?), Queensguard Captain Beatrice Jameson (Queensguard Captain, Adoptive Big Sister, Love Interest), Matilda Mathis a.k.a. Dollhouse (Serial Killer (Formerly), Stalker? Owner of The Dollhouse, an online doll store, cloth dolls that is... Even though she mutilated her, she developed a bizarre attraction to her anyway, likely due to her drop-dead gorgeous looks and S-Tier Manipulation and Bullshitting ability, a true Psychopath, or perhaps it was the heartfelt love confession under the Lasso of Truth, Girlfriend and Extremely Passionate Nymphomaniac Lover who satisfies all of her fetishes and kinks... Ohhhhh...), Peyton "Sugar" Riley a.k.a. The Ventriloquist ("Mafia Princess", Boss/Don/Godmother of The Riley Crime Family/"The Irish", Supervillain, Skilled Ventriloquist, Girlfriend)

Tattoo: A Three-Headed Dragon

Ink: Black and Purple Phoenix wings tattooed on her back where her insect wings used to be. She also has the phrase "Rise like a Phoenix" tattooed in flaming purple letters above them.

Significant Scars: Many, many abuse and surgical scars on her back and shoulders. Wing removal scars. Self-harm scars on her wrists from her teenage years, these well predate the Emo thing FYI, she does not cut herself anymore and hasn't in several years, since she's happier than ever now.

Major Mutilation: Full Double Wing Amputation. She was captured by Dollhouse and forced to play a sick game with the Riddler. Dollhouse hacked off her wings with no anesthesia, but not before near-fatally poisoning her by forcing various dyes down her throat to dye her wings brilliant iridescent rainbow colors. Despite having no formal training, she removed them cleanly because she wanted them perfectly intact for her "doll"...

Special Skills

None save for maybe unwavering loyalty and obedience to Zazzala. This girl is literally treated like a pet sometimes. Perhaps schmoozing is her superpower? She is as good at kissing ass as she is at kissing feet.

Foot Massage Intuition: Years of being conned into it by Allison have made her highly skilled at massaging women's feet. She can even mellow out the notoriously stoic Wonder Woman with her skill. She's not quite on Prime's level though. She's only practiced extensively, not actually studied Reflexology like Prime did, though she is still pretty damned good at it! Really good actually.

Spa Intuition: She is good at pampering women's feet! She knows many foot spa and pedicure techniques and is excellent at both. She has a huge collection of foot care and pedicure supplies. If her foot fetish wasn't so strong and out of control she would make an amazing nail tech at a nail salon! Unfortunately, she would rather have her mouth on a pair of pretty feet than her hands... Her favorite music through her noise-canceling headphones can help zero in her focus and keep her strictly professional though, she just probably wouldn't be allowed to wear them at a nail salon as a nail tech y'know? All those years pampering Allison really paid off!

Tactile Mental/Emotional Implantation: She can impose her will upon her target's subconscious, implanting memories, thoughts, and emotions into the mind of her target in order to manipulate them. She is able to make them do anything she desires within their abilities, but they won't go directly against strong beliefs they may have and her memory manipulation power is very limited. Bonus points in that her targets think these implanted thoughts are their own though! People with extraordinarily high IQs are highly resistant or immune to her power and those acutely aware of their own minds may notice implanted thoughts are not their own and realize something is up, rendering them highly resistant or immune. The main use of the emotional aspect is to calm down angry girls with a nice foot massage, cheer up a sad girl to make her happy, soothe a girl's fear and anxiety, and the occasional "I will make you turned on with this foot massage!" foot rub, she's made girls orgasm with it... And if she says "Just, forget about it..." They do! She must be touching them, and she is completely unaware that she possesses this ability and thinks she just gives really good foot massages to sway people. This is most likely why Matilda is so nice to her since they started dating, didn't further carve her up, and hasn't attacked any women since. It also explains why Peyton switched to sock puppets, that girl was inseparable from Scarface before...

Peak Human Athleticism: She trained her body to its peak in that Void Dimension... She has Peak Human Balance, Flexibility, Agility, Reflexes, Dexterity, Strength, Speed, Endurance, Stamina, and Leaping.

High-Speed Telekinetic Flight, Mid-Air Maneuverability, and Aerobatics: After losing her wings, she eventually learned how to access the rare Biyalian ability of Telekinetic Flight through intense training and practice, not wanting to lean too heavily on her Power Rings should she ever lose them or be rejected by them. She learned Telekinetic Flight and Aerobatics while trapped in the Void Dimension. She can turn and stop on a dime and do all sorts of aerial tricks like high-speed turns, loops, corkscrews/barrel rolls, aileron rolls, spins, upside-down, and backward flight. You get the idea, she's an Aerial Ace and master stunt flyer, even while in her own head in the zone really vibing to her tunes while wearing her headphones and blasting Metal! If anything it makes her fly better!

Animal Manipulation: Honeybees/"Queen Bee": Her antennae give off signals that allow her to control Earth Honeybees with her mind. The bees are fully adapted to her scent markers, she is their Queen Bee! She discovered this ability while being mutilated and used it to escape Dollhouse.


Note that while she has both Power Rings, she is not an official member of either Lantern Corps due to neither Corps allowing the other's ring.

Yellow/Qwardian Power Ring: Due to her intense Fear and Anxiety, she attracted a Yellow/Qwardian Power Ring and Lantern/Power Battery. While untrained, she has full access to all of its abilities and its power grows with her Fear and Anxiety. This is not a typical circumstance as Qwardian Power Rings generally choose those who can instill great Fear in others, not those who feel it themselves. But, her Fear was so great that the ring felt pity for her and took a special interest in her and accepted her... But, not before tormenting her with her greatest Fear. Her ring teleported her to a pocket dimension where there was nothing but an endless white Void, where she was truly and utterly alone... After keeping her in her personal Hell for several lifetimes, the second she got out she snapped and screamed in a Rage. Even though mere days had passed outside, she was in that Void Dimension for thousands of years. Mentally, several lifetimes. Everything sucks! Cute girl pays attention to her? Surprise! She's a serial killer who collects body parts to make "dolls" and she painfully hacked off Elana's wings, and all she could do was sit there and sob in a Rage. What's worse is she was even Angrier and even more disgusted with herself for still being attracted to Dollhouse despite everything. The stupid Yellow ring fucking with her was just icing on the shit cake and she felt such raw Primal Fury that she just had to scream, attracting a Red Power Ring.

Red Lantern Power Ring: Due to the great Rage and Hatred in her heart, she attracted a Red Power Ring and Lantern/Power Battery. While untrained, she has full access to all of its abilities and its power grows with her Rage and Hatred. As we all know, Red Power Rings cause the user's heart to wither and their blood to turn to Rage Plasma, also turning them into mindless feral Rage Monsters. Elana wandered the Galaxy for a few months causing havoc and destruction to the Green Lantern Drones chasing her until she happened upon the local Blue Lantern of that Space Sector who calmed her Rage and healed her withered heart, causing it to regenerate and start beating once more, flushing out the Rage Plasma and circulating her normal blood once more. They really are like Space Saints. One day, Elana hopes to meet him or her so she can properly thank them. They had already left to go help others in need before her vision became clear and she could see straight and in any color other than red... Because of this, she will not die if she removes the ring or feels Love. Because she is an atypical Red Lantern when she feels love her ring does not reject her but instead becomes so weak that it goes into a "Low Power Mode" and becomes basically useless because Love is on the opposite end of the Emotional Spectrum from Anger. She also completely lost access to Rage Plasma attacks when her heart was restored to working order. But, she can still access all of the normal Power Ring abilities with sufficient Rage.

Honeycomb Hex Gauntlet: Simply a black and yellow, but more black than yellow gauntlet with a hexagon-shaped chamber that houses genetically-modified super Honeybees to be used for attacks with her Queen Bee power. It can house and feed these genetically-modified super bees for months, they simply eat sugar or can be released to drink nectar from flowers. Basically, they have sharper stingers and more lethal venom. They make honey just like normal Honeybees and can sense when Elana feels threatened by smelling the subtle distress pheromones of their Queen Bee.

Bass-Boosted Noise-Cancelling Headphones: These headphones help Elana with everything from keeping her PTSD under control to helping reign in her fetish and focus when sexy feet are involved. Plus, they're awesome headphones in general with great sound quality and ability to block out the world around her.

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