Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: Human Elana

Ivanna Maxine Briggs-Lord a.k.a. Human Elana

Aliases: "Elana Marie Striker", Personal Assistant! (Ivanna is required to wear the nice secretary-esque outfit Kate bought for her and do her hair up in a bun when acting as her PA. Kate just wants her Personal Assistant to look as classy and elegant as she does... Ivanna added cute glasses to the ensemble, Kate loved it so much that she gave her a little raise cause she's nice like that... Or she just has a glasses fetish... Or both...)

Notes: This version of Elana is one completely unrelated to Queen Bee and is on a different Earth (Unnamed Earth, but this is NOT the Arrowverse, despite her mom). She is the estranged illegitimate daughter of not one, but two supervillains. Maxwell Lord and Emily Briggs a.k.a. Looker (CW Arrowverse version). Why is she estranged? Well, her father is an evil megalomaniac and her mother is a flaming racist and White Supremacist so... She was raised by a foster family in Gotham called the Strikers before moving to Central City with her sister Allison.  She took a "Catalyst Pill" that her father's company sent that awakened her dormant meta-genes. However, she felt disgusted by what she did to Kate, so she started wearing a disguised Meta Inhibitor Collar to weaken her powers. Not all of the time though. She eventually becomes Kate's Personal Assistant and Executive Protection Agent.

Timeline: 2020

Hair: Dyed Aqua (Natural Blonde. Jade helped her fight tooth and nail to get special permission so that an employee like her can have dyed hair at work. With a strategic Whammy here and there of course. She doesn't wear the inhibitor at work, just so that she can get ahead at her shitty weekend job. Use every advantage right?), Mid-back Length, usually has her hair down. Ponytail or Messy Bun at Big Belly Burger, Fancy Updo, or Neat Bun while working for Kate, Spacebuns on her off days. She uses Healthy Glow Neon Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable blue hair can light up a room with a cool electric blue glow on command via Bioluminescence.

Eyes: Blue. She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses all of the time, cause she likes the look.

Height: 5'5

Figure: D-Cup. Hourglass. She is extremely toned from her intense dedication to Yoga and her sparring. She doesn't work out because of her enhanced strength and superspeed. However... Her diet could be considered... Unhealthy... So even though she appears to be in great shape... Lurking just below the surface she's a bit doughy...

Feet: Size 8, Aqua Blue Polish with Cerulean Blue Tips, Gold Rhinestone Trim along her cuticles. The extra money from being Kate's Personal Assistant is awesome! She wears an anklet with a charm that says "I 💓 Feet".  Mostly a flip-flop kinda gal, but wears non-slip shoes for work at Big Belly Burger. But while on the clock for Kate, she wears flats and stockings. She's never without her anklet though, she owns that shit!

Personality and Background: This version of Elana is always goofy, geeky, and fun-loving while simultaneously being extraordinarily lazy. As a fast-food grunt, she can be summed up as "Dead inside... But still horny." After her powers manifested she became more confident and dominant. She secretly loves the power she has over people. She particularly likes turning uppity celebrities into her personal bitches. But after the initial rush, she feels disgusted and ashamed. Despite this, she's not about taking free will from people, more just getting whatever and whoever she wants. She has an IQ of 200, a trait she most likely inherited from her father. She lives in an apartment in Central City, California (Home of the Flash!) with her sister Allison (They're like blood sisters though, she's known Allison since they were kids and they grew up together. They're extremely close, even if they bicker at times. Allison stood up for Elana/Ivanna when her alcoholic father tried to beat her for being the "step-kid". They have been besties ever since). She is loving life, especially being Kate's Personal Assistant... So many perks to that job that she gets to spend with an Australian supermodel! Kate specializes in modeling her feet. The foot fun is only the tip of the iceberg... Foot fun while being paid handsomely I might add... Ivanna makes like $50 an hour... Kate can be high-maintenance and demanding, but Ivanna is into that, so... Plus, when she gets picked up in a limo and sips high-end champagne before getting dropped off at Kate's mansion and she's there waiting in sexy lingerie hidden under an expensive big furry white coat that just screams woman of status... Kate has every color of the rainbow cause she's that loaded, but the white one is her favorite. She also wears those super sexy fuzzy flip-flops with the fuzzy straps and soles, and has a pair to match every coat, but also wears them all of the time because they're cute, and why not show off those yummy feet of hers? When you come home to that, you have won at life! In addition to paying her well for work, Kate is her Sugar Mama too! She also gets to ride shotgun in Kate's $20,000,000 custom white Bugatti aptly named, "The Great White" when Kate doesn't feel like having her chauffeur drive her and Ivanna around in the limo, depends on if she wants to drink champagne in the back of a limo and plans to buy a lot of stuff or drive her supercar at 260 mph, that's the top speed anyway. Obviously, she's not trying to die, but she has a supercar so she drives it like one. Usually over 100 on the highway. Kate is actually an insanely good driver and took some kind of supercar driving class... She's constantly spoiling her girl and getting her whatever she wants. A party trick ability of Ivanna's is to open a beer-type bottle by placing it between her legs and giving a quick little squeeze and twist, putting those Kegel exercises to good use. With her panties still on ya perves! Too bad for the boys, she's Big Gay!

Clothing: When acting as Kate's Personal Assistant or Executive Protection Agent, she is dressed like the highest of high-end secretaries for a billionaire would dress... The uniform Kate gave her is all very high-end brands, she wants her shadow to look good after all! A black skirt, a white blouse, a black blazer, high-end black stockings with the fancy embroidered trim, and white flats with 24 K Gold decorative buckles, perfectly tailored to her feet. All of her clothing is tailored for her actually and is super comfortable. She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses all of the time, cause she likes the look. But, if she's riding shotgun in Kate's Bugatti, she wears a pair of half-million-dollar sunglasses Kate got for her as a gift. She doesn't wear them on guard duty cause Kate doesn't want her to look like an obvious bodyguard, rather a Personal Assistant. Finally, she wears a gold and diamond necklace with a shark charm on it, and "K and I forever, opposites really do attract!" engraved on the back. She actually wears that one all of the time cause it was a gift. Naturally, she wears her anklet with the charm that says "I 💓 Feet", all of the time too. No matter what, she owns that shit! 

Occupation: Weekend Grill Closer at Big Belly Burger, Personal Assistant and Executive Protection Agent of Ms. Catherine Newman

Duties to Kate: For $50 an hour... She pretty much just rubs and pampers her feet most days, but is also her gofer and her personal bitch. Bodyguard too, the highly-trained military kind that's more like Secret Service, not the overly aggressive big meatheads that beat people up. She gets paid extremely well, even if all she does on some days is just carry Kate's bags around with her enhanced strength... Or help her move heavy furniture with her enhanced strength... Or act as her footrest... The Masochist in her is super into it actually... Ivanna is actually an excellent candidate for an Executive Protection Agent for several reasons. Her small size makes her unassuming, the Personal Assistant that's just another part of Kate's entourage and blends right in. Except for maybe her hair, then again, it's Cali! Anyway, except for that, she doesn't draw attention or look like a typical "bodyguard". Most people assume that bodyguard = huge muscular man in a suit with dark shades and an earpiece. Ivanna is a Lil' lady dressed to be Kate's Personal Assistant. A woman walking with a female celebrity tends to be less likely to look imposing, out of place, or draw attention and are generally assumed to be just a friend or Personal Assistant, which is exactly how Kate wants it. As her Executive Protection Agent, if she detects a threat, the preferred course of action is usually to scoop Kate up bridal style and whoosh her to safety at superhuman, but still safe, subsonic speeds preferable to fighting or tasing someone. That is if her powers can't defuse a potential threat before it becomes a threat in the first place... Ivanna's task list is extensive... She also has to babysit Kate at celebrity parties to make sure the drunk model doesn't hurt or embarrass herself. Even a swollen ankle from tripping in heels can delay a photoshoot, and Ivanna also has to massage and give Spa treatments to her feet so they stay sexy and model-worthy, though she has naturally pretty feet and Ivanna does enjoy it somewhat, though it's tedious sometimes... Ivanna can't get drunk either so she's more and more perfect to Kate. Kate does see how sad, annoyed, and bored Ivanna gets while babysitting her sometimes, so as a reward for being a professional, she lets Ivanna drink the fancy Champagne they serve at the celebrity parties off of her feet like a scene from a Tarantino movie... She knows that she will enjoy this every time and her celebrity friends are surprisingly nice about it. Instead of degrading her, they either don't say anything at all about "The Help" and totally ignore her existence while talking to Kate or put their own model feet into the pot so to speak, and let Ivanna drink champagne off of their feet too. There's this one Swedish model named Hilda who's very tall (7'3), very blonde (Not dumb blonde, she just has silky blonde hair, she actually has two Ph. Ds and a 300 IQ!), and very sweet who usually joins in on the fun and has feet as equally sexy as Kate's... Anyway, the champagne thing is a good way for Kate to keep her favorite person nearby to do her job, but also reward her at the same time. Kate is a model and a celebrity, but at the end of the day is still her loving girlfriend! Maybe it's a little bit of Karma for "cheating" to meet her and become a couple in the first place. But it's definitely worth it, Kate is an amazing catch. Literally a model, great personality, rich, her type, those feet... She's just a celebrity and Ivanna is not, so this is the baggage she has to carry with that. Plus, she gets paid really well for all of her trouble and gets to have sex with a supermodel at the end of the day! Kate's a total doll when Ivanna is off the clock!

Religion: Southern Baptist (Non-Practicing)

Romantic Interests: Luna Callie Belladonna (Next door neighbor, local Pot Dealer, Girlfriend), Tara Myers (Best friend's big sister, Ex-Girlfriend), Rebecca "Becky" Jameson (Random girl she met at work, turns out she's a Foot Model, Love Interest), Catherine "Kate" Newman (Professional Model, Celebrity Hall Pass Girlfriend. Luna was so shocked that Ivanna scored a legit celebrity that she counts Kate as Ivanna's Celebrity Hall Pass. Kate turned out to be so awesome all on her own, Ivanna never uses her powers on her. Ivanna also has the biggest crush on her from her role on the short-lived Australian sitcom, "I Married a Dingo!" About a man that married a dingo and the insanity that ensues having a dingo as a wife. Kate played the hot next-door neighbor.)

Ink: She has Rosie the Riveter on her right bicep (She is a Sex-Positive Feminist, but she's the chill kind. She's about equality, not superiority.)

Special Skills

Foot Massage Mistress: Extensive knowledge of Reflexology or the art and mastery of foot massage. Kate had her take classes and she has completely mastered it. Including weird foreign techniques, some involving her mouth and tongue. She even learned how to form her Element into a thin layer onto the feet and vibrate it, which feels so good!

Enhanced Flexibility and Balance: She has done Yoga 3 times a week consistently for years. (Also to try and keep in shape and creep on hot women in Yoga pants). She completely mastered yoga after Kate encouraged her to lean into it and developed beyond human Flexibility and Balance. She can effortlessly bend her body as if she was a triple-jointed contortionist. Her Element gives her a sort of "6th" sense, making her more aware of her spatial position and as a result, she has well beyond human, but not like... Spider-Man levels of balance.

Low-Level Mind Reading: She can read what a target is currently thinking.

Psychic Persuasion and Pushing/Subliminal Messaging: Her powers work by influencing the Frontal Lobe and Neocortex using Theta Waves. Enhanced by vocal commands, Persuasion works by exploiting and promoting people's underlying desires and inhibitions and pushing the subconscious desires of the target. Making her voice sexier seems to amplify this power greatly, pushing it into Hypnotic territory, making people much more receptive to her power for some reason... Ivanna has an incredibly strong Southern Drawl to her natural voice, but she generally hides it unless her temper flares, she's insanely drunk, or she deliberately needs to sound as sexy as possible. Enhanced Charisma: Her natural charm and charisma are extremely high, almost to the point of being supernatural, and help this power immensely. To the point where any mental suggestion she plants related to feet succeeds 100% of the time. Everything else is hit or miss. Pushing/Subliminal Messaging allows her to implant thoughts, memories, and emotions into the minds of others to manipulate them, with the added effect of making the target think these thoughts were their own. She cannot remove implanted thoughts, so she has to be mindful. People with extraordinarily high IQs are highly resistant or immune to her vocal persuasion power and those acutely aware of their own minds may notice implanted thoughts are not their own and realize something is up, rendering them highly resistant or immune.

Metahuman Body: A viscous metallic silver liquid called Element courses through her veins instead of blood. Contaminant Immunity: It kills diseases and forces all foreign substances out of the body. From bullets to drugs to alcohol, in addition to slowing her aging while also granting her the below abilities.

Enhanced Strength: Requires testing, but she can pick up a full-grown man in one outstretched arm and snap his neck and she can punch holes through concrete with her bare fist. In theory, since her mother has been observed doing these things. She even arm wrestles with the powerful Hilda to a deadlock... Hilda can lift a fully stocked refrigerator effortlessly and crumple a cast iron frying pan like it's tin foil... Crumple... Not fold... She's been seen lifting her Range Rover out of the mud as well. Ivanna's body is durable enough to match her strength.

Superspeed: She is not a Speedster, but she can move fast enough that she's mistaken for a gust of wind and moves as a blur.

Enhanced Durability: Not willing to test this, but gunshots from small arms seem to have minimal effect on her (According to her alternate self, The Harem Queen), and apparently one time Black Lightning impaled her mom on a steel beam and she's fine so... Her skin is only slightly tougher than a normal human's but her insides are much more durable due to her special blood. The Perdi tried for over 30 years to assassinate Looker... They say she is almost impossible to truly injure... Her daughter Ivanna is just as tough.

"Element": The most potent ability she received from her mother, Element is a viscous metallic silver liquid that also serves as her blood. Life Force Absorption: Channeled through the fingernails, it can be used to form tendrils and suck the life force out of others, adding it to her own life. Looker for example is 47 but looks the same age as her daughter. Element automatically closes small wounds and provides a slight healing factor, though larger injuries require siphoned life force and she cannot heal scars this way. It can also be used to infect others, granting them enhanced speed and strength and a limited degree of durability (Because of their enhanced strength) while putting them under her control. Pain Inducement: She can use the Element in the veins of her slaves to cause intense full-body pain on command. Internal Bodily Cleansing: Element scrubs out the veins and removes all traces and effects of foreign substances, except for Element itself of course. The cleansing effect is so thorough that drug addicts will not experience the effects of withdrawal. Psychic Link and Empathy: She has an intimate psychic connection with each of her Element Slaves. It more or less acts like a GPS and she can also emotionally vibe with her girls, like an Emotion Sharing kind of thing. It is not always on and can be turned on and off at will. Sight Sharing: She can see through the eyes of her Element Slaves at any time from any distance. She has yet to use any of her Element powers, but she knows what her mom can do so... They are there for her if she wants to use them someday. Well... She has used it... To give massages, haha.

Retractable Element Claws: She can coat her fingernails in Element and morph and harden it into deadly 2 inch long razor-sharp claws. Her mother can do this, so it stands to reason...

Enhanced Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat: Kate enrolled her in top tier Krav Maga classes so that her Personal Assistant can also act as an Executive Protection Agent. It should be noted that she trains to fight, but she doesn't actually work out, so she's still a little doughy. Her enhanced strength and speed also give her an edge in real fights, but she holds back against "Squishies". Her Taser/Stun Gun combo is there if she needs it and she trains with it religiously.

Weapon Proficiency: Taser and Stun Gun: As Kate's Executive Protection Agent, she is extremely skilled at the use of both types of non-lethal weapons in combat and carries a hybrid Taser/Stun Gun around at all times.


Meta Inhibitor Choker Collar: This collar, disguised as a cute choker weakens her powers when worn. It doesn't completely remove them but lowers them to about 5% power. Generally, she wears this to avoid the temptation to make every celebrity crush of hers that lives in Central City into her bitch... Cause while breaking down the celebrity barrier with her powers to score Kate was a huge win and they turned out to really vibe anyway... She does not want to make it a habit. A Harem would eventually lead to the temptation to steal with just one hot shoulder devil of a lover whispering into her ear... She paid Kate back the 500 bucks and got a job with her the right way, for example. She offered to pay well all on her own cause Ivanna does such a good job massaging her feet and generally being a good Personal Assistant and Executive Protection Agent that Kate wants to treat her girlfriend well in every way. It might seem like Kate is taking advantage of Ivanna but... She's getting paid hundreds of dollars a day to do easy and sometimes even fun stuff while hanging with her supermodel girlfriend... I call that a win!

Stun Gun/Taser Hybrid: Since she acts as Kate's Personal Assistant and Executive Protection Agent, Kate gifted her the best Taser/Stun Gun hybrid money can buy. It's a standard taser with 15-foot cables, but also has a Stun Gun direct contact shock feature. It has a backup cartridge so that it can be fired twice before reloading and has a built-in laser sight and LED flashlight. The shock is strong enough to down even the biggest and beefiest for a minimum of 30 seconds. It was a gift, so she also keeps it on her for personal use.

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