Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: The Demon Queen of Japan

Branch Overseer Xozalla a.k.a. The Demon Queen of Japan

Aliases: Monster, Smiley, The Smiling Demon, Young Demon, Lady Akuma/Akuma-Onna (As the... Shoguness of sorts... The people generally address her as Lady, My Lady, Lady Akuma, etc. It's a title. And the demon part... She's foreign so it was initially an insult towards her, the foreign conquerer. The daughter of one anyway. Eventually, she rolled with it.), The Shoguness, Kamikaze/The Divine Wind (She can kill people so fast and without ever being spotted that superstitious people believe it was actually a divine wind that somehow killed the victims. Giving rise to the phrase "Must've been The Wind." to explain mysterious deaths.)

Notes: This version of Elana is what happens if the Rebel version fails her Rebellion. Her vocal cords were surgically removed (She speaks with a special device worn around her neck) and her entire body is covered in scars. She was tortured and broken as part of a Nazi science experiment and has a habit of smiling when killing and torturing her foes. She worked as an Assassin for Zazzala and eventually is sent to Japan to Oversee that Branch of the Hive as acting Queen. While living there she learned the Shinobi ways and became a Buddhist, when in Rome as they say...

Timeline: 2020

Hair: Dyed Blonde with Black Tips, Ass length (Her hair grows rapidly if she does not take special pills due to her Healing Factor also accelerating her cell growth. It's an annoying side-effect of her imperfect Healing Factor (Hair Regrowth). Once it reaches this length its growth slows to a crawl, usually fully growing in about 3 days. As a side effect of her powers, her hair is extremely soft and silky as well as strong, she cuts it with her own tentacle blades as they are one of the few things besides blades made of Depleted Promethium that can cut her hair... Apparently, Alix has quite a few Metahuman and Alien clients with Superhuman Durability, so she has specialized tools at her salon. Like Depleted Promethium scissors sharp enough to cut Elana's hair and magic scissors with arcane runes etched in to cut Kryptonian hair.), Hime cut. She uses Healthy Glow Hair Dye and Healthy Glow Blackbody Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable hair can light up a room with a yellow glow and small Blacklight effect on command via Bioluminescence.

Compound Eyes: Honey Yellow. She was converted back into a Biyalian and her proper genetics were also restored. She retains her bionic left eye due to being unable to regenerate pre-Demon injuries, such as her vocal cords. After the Rebellion her bionic eye was upgraded with several vision modes.

Height: 5'5

Figure: C-Cup, Hourglass. Olympic body. She does a superhuman training regimen. She's not overly muscled but noticeably in shape. Regen accelerates her metabolism.

Feet: Size 8, White Polish, Japanese Flag on her big toes. Frequently wears sandals of various types.

Personality and Background: Where to start with this one... She's Harley Quinn level crazy... But at her core, the old Elana mostly remains. She smiles when she kills people and developed some Sadist tendencies, but when a dominant enough woman persuades her to, she'll bark like a dog and wiggle her ass if asked. She's really... All over the place... She was forced to be part of a science experiment (But mostly torture) as punishment and received her amazing gifts that way. She wears hundreds of pounds of weights in her clothing to keep herself sharp. Zazzala eventually forgives her and reclaims her as her rightful heir after years of being disowned. After moving to Japan she generally wears traditional clothing, black and yellow of course. Her inner Weeb is seriously loving wearing Kimonos and shit all the time. Her mom definitely planned this gift well... She is never seen without that yellow smiley face bandana somewhere on her person. After really getting into Buddhism, Suzune gifted her with a Purple Lotus pendant necklace. In Buddhism, the Lotus represents rising and blooming above the murk and the mud to become reborn. Growing and blossoming into one's best self. It is purple to represent her spirituality and mysticism. She has also become a Vegetarian, she doesn't count her biomass powers as eating, just refueling a resource for some of her powers.

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: I never thought I'd ever get to revisit Japan after that incident with the Joker all those years ago... Anyway I'm here at the behest of Queen Zazzala who wants me to see how her daughter is acclimating to Japan. PTSD is such a drastic underselling of what this woman has been through. Torture does not even begin to describe what was done to her. The presence of scar tissue on over 80% of her body including around her genitalia is immediately alarming every time I see her. The monstrous things that were done to her body repeatedly completely fractured her mind. Her core personality is miraculously mostly intact... I would call her a High-Functioning Sociopath with Psychopathic tendencies. She is capable of genuine empathy and is capable of real relationships with a select few people. The worst part about everything that has happened to her is that she has developed Stockholm Syndrome and developed daughter-like feelings of love for the woman that brutally tortured her, Eva. Most likely latching on the first mother-like figure in her life, even one that abused her, replacing her own largely absentee mother. However, since moving to Japan she has instead latched on to her wife's mother Suzune, who has been guiding her through meditation and training her in martial arts. She is strict, but a much healthier mother figure for her. I'm so glad. Since moving here to keep an eye on her, I have become her primary physician as well in Eva's stead. I graduated Medical School after all! Alarmingly, her tentacles have seemingly taken on aspects of her personality and she has even named them, she generally has full conscious control of them, but if her mind wanders or something sets off her body's defense mechanism they will act of their own will. Rock and Roll, her "Guard Dogs" that automatically go into defensive mode when she feels threatened or when her body itself feels threatened. Sebastion and Maximillian, her more aggressive tentacles, they sometimes feed on corpses of their own will. Samantha and Stacy, very perverted, they often grope and molest women of their own will if Elana's mind wanders. They've even been known to strip, but more frequently destroy footwear they encounter if left to their own devices. She has bought more "Apology Shoes" than she can count. Lita and Lzzy... The most alarming pair, left to their own devices they actually abuse Elana herself. This is most likely a manifestation of her Masochism. Afterward, they lovingly nurture and care for her, sometimes even pleasuring her as an apology. She has an extreme attachment to a yellow smiley face bandana she always has somewhere on her person. I believe this was her "security blanket" that got her through her lowest points. It was technically a gift from her mother, even if its original purpose was to remind her to smile... This brings me to her most glaring Psychological issue... The inappropriate smiling... Smile Mask Syndrome. She was told to always smile or else under threat of a bomb around her neck as her closest friends were shot in the head in front of her, and she was forced to watch with a smile on her face. As a result, she often has a twisted, sadistic grin plastered across her face. She doesn't even realize she's doing it sometimes, the connection between her brain and facial muscles has weakened that much... She could be crying her eye out, but still smiling because her mouth won't listen... The poor girl... If I could ask her mother one question, it would simply be... How could you do this to your own daughter? Maybe I could try to be her therapist and her friend... Those seem to be in short supply for her these days... Since moving to Japan, she has begun daily guided meditation with a local... I can't believe I'm saying this... Ninja clan. This is doing wonders for her psyche, and she has shown marked improvement in every area and is having fewer violent psychosis episodes,  psychotic breaks, and PTSD hallucinations. She also says, and I quote "The screaming nightmares in my head are finally just a bit quieter...". She also converted to Buddhism and is quite devout in it actually. I honestly believe that it's good for her to finally have something to believe in and give her just a little bit of hope in her life. She's like a completely different person from the violent and broken girl I first met. She's very... Zen.

Rank and Occupation: Head Assassin of Phantom Claw (Formerly), Overseer of the Japan Branch of the Hive (The closest approximation would be Shogun as the de facto leader of the people. The "official" leader is still in place as a figurehead to keep up appearances, much like the Emperor in the old days. Hence why the Branch Overseer operates out of a small hidden village in the mountains.)

Religion: Buddhist (Mikkyo)

Romantic Interests: Hana Shinotokei (Kunoichi, Younger sister of her longtime friend Misaki, Arranged Wife... Sort of... Hana asked her out and since her mom is head of the Clan and gave her blessing, it's like super official. Hana is basically the wife of the Shoguness), Misaki Shinotokei (Kunoichi, Longtime friend, Girlfriend), Alexandrie "Alix" Dupont (Boutique Owner, Long distance relationship, Girlfriend)

Tattoo: A Smiling Imp Demon (Formerly), The Shinotokei Clan Emblem (Currently)

Ink: She has Tribal style tattoos around the slits in her back that her tentacles come out from, the ink is made from the blood-like goo inside of her tentacles so that her Healing Factor doesn't eat them. On her abdomen, she has a traditional Yin-Yang symbol, the one with the opposing dots in each half because there is a seed of Yin within Yang and a seed of Yang within Yin. Neither can truly exist without the other. The black parts are made from the blood-like goo inside her tentacles so that her Healing Factor doesn't eat them. The white parts are also made from this goo, dyed white with a mystic process, giving her entire tattoo mystical properties. For example, her abdominal scar partially healed. The parts that were tattooed over healed perfectly, so the tattoo is perfectly symmetrical and balanced. This tattoo helps her greatly with meditation, greatly increases her spiritual connection, and helps her keep her damaged Throat Chakra from leaking for much longer periods of time. It has helped her understand the duality of the universe and that she should be perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Significant Scars: Knife scar over her left eye, she challenged Beatrice to a knife fight and lost her entire left eye in the process back when she was a young and very stupid, very squishy Rebel leader. She does not generally hide this scar in public. It lets "the people" know not to fuck with her.
Vertical surgical scar on her throat from her Laryngectomy. Generally hidden by her Vocalizer which allows her to speak and looks like a cute choker.
A huge horizontal scar across her abdomen from the time a Fox Masked ninja beat her in a fight and disemboweled her. Partially healed, see tattoos section.

Special Skills

All of Rebel's abilities. Most just don't apply to her anymore like weapons and vehicle training because her body itself is a weapon...

Type IV Regeneration (Enhanced): The user can close minor to moderate wounds near-instantaneously, appearing as though they never happened. Lost limbs and internal organs will be completely regenerated, damaged nerves can be healed to a certain extent, and critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars. (Elana's healing factor is imperfect and as a result, she still gets scars but only from what would normally be a fatal injury to a lesser being. She also cannot regenerate pre-regeneration injuries.) They don't get diseases and are near-completely unaffected by toxins or drugs and their cellular senescence is drastically reduced, if not completely halted, granting them decelerated aging/eternal youth. Users can regenerate as long as the head/brain is damaged to no more than a certain level. Twisted limbs that regenerate improperly will need to be manually reset. Cancerous cells are multiplied by this type of regeneration as they are considered living cells.

Contaminant Immunity: Due to her Healing Factor her body is immune to the effects of all foreign substances. With special pills to slightly suppress her healing factor, she can get drunk or high. Concentrated amounts of alcohol or drugs lethal to a normal person can brute force past her Healing Factor as well and her body seems to be able to tell the difference between voluntary and involuntary usage.

Adaptive Metabolism: She possesses a supernaturally adaptive metabolism, which allows her to withstand virtually any toxin/pathogen, survive incredibly harsh conditions and recover at amazing speed from otherwise lethal damage. She can build up her physical abilities to potentially infinite levels through increasingly harder training, and develop powerful elemental resistances via gradual exposure. This flexibility extends also to her brain cells, allowing her to learn at an accelerated rate, and she proves highly compatible with enhancing drugs and similar empowering substances, permanently incorporating the enhancements and quickly nullifying their various side-effects.

Superhuman Body (Via Reactive Adaption/Evolution): Regenerative Durability: Her body possesses an enhanced resistance to physical damage due to her accelerated healing factor, though her flesh still takes damage. Her bones are extremely tough, though they are not unbreakable. She's taken beatings from individuals with extreme superhuman strength and come out tougher.

Biomass Manipulation, Appendage Generation: Tentacles, Tentacle Extension, Blade Shifting, Acid Generation: Flouroantimonic, and Organic Spike Projection: Her body evolved retractable dark purple tentacles in response to starvation and her damaged throat, they can consume organic matter to nourish her, smash things, turn into blades, spew the most corrosive acid known to man and fire sharp crystalline organic shards. She weighs about 900 lbs (Not including clothing weights) due to all of her muscular tentacles which weigh in at 80 - 100 lbs each. Organic Wing Manifestation: Her wings were surgically amputated because they just got in the way, she can shapeshift retractable wings if she needs them.

Enhanced Speed to Nigh-Absolute Speed (After Meditating, Temporary): She can run at over 100 mph or fly at over 300 via shapeshifted wings. She learned High-Speed Telekinetic Flight through Shinobi training, study, and mental discipline. She can also teleport within her line of sight. She can reach nearly Absolute Speed in bursts after meditating.

Enhanced Strength/Superhuman Strength to Nigh-Absolute Strength (After Meditating, Temporary): With her arms and legs she is far stronger than any human, think Super Soldier, but she can't toss cars. Her body is durable enough to match her strength. With her tentacles, however, she can lift several tons with ease. She can temporarily reach nearly Absolute Strength after meditating.

Superhuman Endurance and Stamina: She sleeps maybe once a week for about an hour and rarely eats apart from fueling her biomass. It's quite a feat to physically exhaust her.

Enhanced Condition: Her Agility, Balance, Flexibility, Reflexes, etc. are all at Super Soldier levels. Her mind, however, is all kinds of fucked up... Meditation is helping a lot with getting her mind right. Meditation also allows her to push into nearly Absolute Condition for short periods of time, allowing her to go god mode. See Meditation entry.

Twisted Mind: Due to her numerous mental issues and a broken psyche her warped mind is nigh-impossible and dangerous to read (Her inner mindscape is a death trap). It is impossible and even more dangerous to try and comprehend. She is immune to all psychic-based attacks, mental, and dream-based powers, granting her a form of Psychic Shield/Immunity. Attempts at mind control will at best, not work and at worst, backfire, causing intense pain or even death depending on how invasive the attempt was (For direct mind control, indirect mind control like subliminal suggestion and persuasion just don't work, she's too insane).

Enhanced Stealth: Her tentacles allow her to move silently despite her nearly 900 lb weight and allow her to clamber on walls and ceilings by digging in or secreting a sticky substance. Also, her shapeshifting and Vocal Replication affords her social stealth. She has also been training with the Shinotokei Clan in the art of stealth and can even become totally invisible via Shinobi meditation techniques.

Supernatural Assassination: She can perform assassinations beyond the normal limitations of an average killer, dispatching her targets without a trace. (She absorbs the females and devours the males with her tentacle maws). She even got the nickname "The Divine Wind" because with a burst of nigh-absolute speed after meditating she could stab multiple people through the brain from under their chins or snap multiple necks with her enhanced strength and nobody would even see her move as several people just dropped dead for no apparent reason.

Biomass Assimilation: She can directly absorb people into her body or have her tentacles eat them to absorb their biomass. She can then use it for various things. She now says a prayer for their soul before she absorbs someone or uses their corpse for biomass fuel.

Consumption/Absorption Shapeshifting: By consuming/absorbing a target she can assume their form at any time. Previous forms are stored. She now says a prayer for their soul before she absorbs someone or uses their corpse for biomass fuel. She also has limited shapeshifting in that she can alter her own appearance to look like how she did in a previous stage of life or minor things like growing wings or claws.

Enhanced Combat Proficiency and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Expert Hand to Hand Combatant. Trained with the Shinotokei Clan. Reaches Absolute Combat level while in a "Demonic Combat Trance" otherwise known as her totally Zen Ultra Instinct mode, though she can't keep her heavily damaged mind totally Zen for more than a few moments at a time. In addition to her heavily damaged Throat Chakra also limiting her. A special tattoo allows her to combat these issues and maintain perfect Zen for much longer periods of time. Truly she is a One-Woman Army between her skills, superhuman stats, regeneration, bio-weaponry, and Zen abilities which allow her to tear through entire armies with ease. She holds back her full strength when sparring with "Squishies". She even learned how to catch arrows mid-flight.

Night Vision, Infrared Vision, Ultraviolet Vision, X-Ray Vision, Optical Zoom, Scanner Vision, HUD, and Highlighting: After the Rebellion her bionic eye was upgraded with Night Vision, Infrared/Thermal, X-Ray, and Ultraviolet modes (Biyalians can see the UV spectrum already but her replacement eye still needed the same base functionality as her Biyalian eye.) In addition to this, it has a telescopic zoom function and a scanner that can give her basic information about her targets as well as functioning as a target tracker using AR pins with distance numbers and the thermal vision mode as an overlay to Highlight and track lifeforms and movement like a video game HUD.

Bilingual: Elana is fluent in both English and Japanese. She writes poetry in both languages from time to time.

Spiritual Meditation: She has been training with the Shinotokei Clan to help quiet the horrible screaming in her mind and focus, allowing her to clear her mind in combat and go... Ultra Instinct... Dodging any attack with Automatic-Reflexes at Absolute Reflex level and just purely fight with increased strength and speed. Her base stats reach nearly Absolute levels after meditating. She can also manipulate the Chi in her body for various effects. Such as her Chi Channeling, Focus Strike ability, allowing her to focus her chi into any one specific limb to hit with a Megaton attack. Be it a punch, kick, or tentacle strike. Think Iron Fist's signature ability. Her favorite quote of the Buddha is "Our greatest enemies can be our best teachers." The very same people that tried to kill her are now some of the best martial arts and spiritual teachers she has ever had. She learned a lot from Suzune. When she first started learning from Suzune she sensed nothing but chaos within and disquiet in her soul, but she quickly learned that in anger you defeat only yourself and the greatest enemy is that which lies within. Elana's Throat Chakra is irreparably damaged. As a result, it is much harder for her to manipulate her Spiritual Energy. Through incredible willpower and spirit, she can do almost anything the Zen Masters of the Shinotokei Clan can do but is usually limited to a few minutes before she can no longer keep her "Chakra Leak" patched. A special tattoo allows her to maintain perfect Zen for much longer periods of time.


Electronic Eye: Her left eye is a powerful multi-spectrum HD video camera and scanner. It is hooked up to a chip in her brain, granting her various vision spectra options and a scanner that feeds information directly to a Heads Up Display in her bionic eye through the chip. It also allows for target tagging and tracking. The eye looks identical to her organic one, she was actually offered a beefed-up version with a built-in high-intensity red laser/particle amplifier combo identical in thermal output to a Kryptonian's heat vision but it would've made her look like Kano from Mortal Kombat, so she went with the less powerful but much prettier version. It is waterproof, EMP-proof, and on Elana's internal network and unhackable. Any Division Head probably could've personally built a powerful, compact, natural-looking eye laser at any time, but they're so busy that while very useful, an eye laser that's powerful, compact, and still fits inside a realistic-looking eye is not on R and D's top priority list. Daisy or Stark could probably even whip up a compact heat version... But it's hardly necessary so why bother them?

Vocalizer/Sonic Collar: The cute Gothic choker around her neck is a special device that allows her to speak because she has no vocal cords. She can still whisper. Though, it's extremely painful for her to do so. As the Smiling Demon, she doesn't move her lips when she speaks to psychologically fuck with her opponent's mind in addition to using the artificial deep robotic voice setting. She moves her lips when speaking whenever she's out of costume even though she technically doesn't need to and speaks in her original voice.
Vocal Replication: The Vocalizer can produce any combination of sounds, Elana can have literally anyone's voice she wants that she's heard... The main application of this is for when she's in disguise or needs to lure someone somewhere to kill them. Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices.
Artificial Omnilingual Translation: Her vocalizer can translate her speech to any known Earth language and several alien ones with 99.5% translation accuracy.
Artificial Sonic Scream: The Vocalizer can also just output pure sound waves at extremely high levels. Shattering glass and making people cover their ears to block out the pain of popped eardrums. A great stunning attack to prime an opponent for a lethal follow-up. It is lethal at point-blank, with a few seconds of continuous exposure causing enough internal bleeding to "liquefy" organs and cause death.  It is a heavily modulated artificial-sounding high-pitched warble. Like a... Canary Cry from some alternative reality where Black Canary isn't a Metahuman, goes by her middle name, is a brunette, can't fight worth shit, and has to use tech to use her signature freaking ability! As if! Haha! Maybe the Kryptonians there have blue heat vision for some odd ass-backward reason even though their eyes glow red! Heat vision is red.

Personal Army: She commands a personal army of highly skilled Kunoichi loyal only to her to act as whatever she needs them to be. Be it, Spies, Assassins, or just cute maids/bodyguards to stand around and look cute and kick ass when needed. Maid outfits and everything. They can be summoned at a moment's notice because they're, y'know... Freaking ninjas! They just come out of the woodwork!

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