Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: The Smiling Archdemon

The Shadow's Blade Xozalla a.k.a. The Smiling Archdemon

Aliases: Kuchisake-Onna, Butterface, Monster, Smiley, Yabtasim Shaytan, Black Widow, The Smiling Reaper, The Shadow's Blade, The Wind (She can kill people so fast and without ever being spotted that superstitious people believe it was actually the wind that somehow killed the victims. Giving rise to the phrase "Must've been The Wind." to explain mysterious deaths.)

Notes: This version of Elana is what happens if the Rebel version fails her Rebellion. Her vocal cords were surgically removed (She speaks with a special device worn around her neck) and her entire body is covered in scars. She was tortured and broken as part of a Nazi science experiment and has a habit of smiling when killing and torturing her foes. She works as an Assassin for Zazzala. Additionally, this version was raped by a thug on a mission and has a daughter named Ellen. She is from ~20 years in the future in addition to a different dimension than the other Smiling Demon, at one point a split was created and they became separate entities. Her favorite way to kill targets is by taking the form of, i.e. consuming/absorbing her target's wife if possible and... Y'know... If the target is hot she will attempt both to have sex with them and foot worship if they have cute feet before she kills them, usually by absorption cause she likes to have a variety of disguises. She met several supervillains in 2030 and started dating them, by 2040 once a special pump system was installed and she had trained with the greatest fighters in her universe she had truly become an Archdemon...

Timelines: 2030, 2040

Hair: Dyed Dark Purple with Neon Pink Streaks, Ass Length (Her hair grows rapidly if she does not take special pills due to her Healing Factor also accelerating her cell growth. It's an annoying side-effect of her imperfect Healing Factor (Hair Regrowth). Once it reaches this length its growth slows to a crawl, usually fully growing in about 3 days. As a side effect of her powers, her hair is extremely soft and silky as well as strong, she cuts it with her own tentacle blades as they are one of the few things besides blades made of Depleted Promethium that can cut her hair... Apparently, Alix has quite a few Metahuman and Alien clients with Superhuman Durability, so she has specialized tools at her salon. Like Depleted Promethium scissors sharp enough to cut Elana's hair and magic scissors with arcane runes etched in to cut Kryptonian hair.), Undercut (Shaved on the left side), French Braid with a Lacy Gothic Black Bow with a Silver Skull forming the center near the end. Emo Bangs cover her organic eye. She uses Healthy Glow Neon Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her purple and pink hair can light up a room with a purple and pink glow on command via Bioluminescence. Yep, even Ellen's own mom buys her stuff because she likes it, Ellen did not ask her to buy from her... She just likes her stuff more than anything else because it has tons of nice bonus perks and is all-around good stuff.

Compound Eyes: Honey Yellow. She retains her bionic left eye due to being unable to regenerate pre-Demon injuries, such as her vocal cords. Her Emo Bangs cover her organic eye. After the Rebellion her bionic eye was upgraded with several vision modes, features, upgrades, and a high-intensity cutting and piercing laser. It glows bright red when her Trifecta Pumps are active and her death laser is purple.

Height: 5'5

Figure: D-Cup, having a child made her boobs bigger. Hourglass. Olympic body. Does a superhuman training regimen. She's not overly muscled but noticeably in shape. Regen accelerates her metabolism. Venom made her muscles rock hard and her body... Well like... Athletically sexy instead of buff...

Feet: Size 8, Dark Purple Polish. Silver skulls on her big toes. She's a combat boots and fishnets kinda gal.

Personality and Background: Where to start with this one... She's Harley Quinn level crazy... But at her core, the old Elana mostly remains. She smiles when she kills people and developed some Sadist tendencies, but when a dominant enough woman persuades her to, she'll bark like a dog and wiggle her ass if asked. She's really... All over the place... She was forced to be part of a science experiment (But mostly torture) as punishment and received her amazing gifts that way. Additionally, she was at one point raped and got stuck with a daughter. Constant low levels of Venom in her system cause her to anger easily and be even more prone to violent episodes of Psychosis. She still wears the weighted clothing even though it's not doing anything for her anymore. Mostly to deceive her opponents and give herself a fake power boost. Zazzala eventually forgives her and reclaims her as her rightful heir after years of being disowned. She still wears a maid outfit on missions and occasionally a leather half-mask with a zipper over the mouth, usually open. She is never seen without that yellow smiley face bandana somewhere on her person. It's a strange contrast to her heavy Feminine Gothic style and makeup. Her outfits always match her Vocalizer which looks like a Gothic Choker and she often accessorizes with death-themed accessories like silver skull jewelry. She usually goes for heavy black eyeliner and that Avril Lavigne smokey eyes look.

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: Ms. Vi Korll voluntarily checked herself into Arkham and stayed for 6 months without a single incident, she was truly a model patient. Treatment with medication was ineffective due to her healing factor. Group therapy with female patients, especially attractive ones has proven remarkably effective. PTSD is such a drastic underselling of what this woman has been through. Torture does not even begin to describe what was done to her. The presence of scar tissue on over 80% of her body including around her genitalia is immediately alarming every time I see her. The monstrous things that were done to her body repeatedly completely fractured her mind. Her core personality is miraculously mostly intact... I would call her a High-Functioning Sociopath with Psychopathic tendencies. She is capable of genuine empathy and is capable of real relationships with a select few people. Repeated brain damage and improper regeneration of brain tissue have caused memory issues, violent episodes of Psychosis, and occasional psychotic breaks and hallucinations. Abuse of the drug Venom further exacerbates the latter three issues. Constant use of Velocity 9 has caused her to associate intense euphoria with combat and caused her to enjoy causing others pain while fighting. She sometimes reverts to a child form when she gets overwhelmed by emotions and searches for the nearest motherly figure, often myself or Pamela cause her therapy can tend to dredge up things that can easily cause this. While like this she thinks and acts her apparent age until she calms down. She generally just cuddles without saying a word. This brings me to "The Magnificent Bitch". It is unclear if this feminine shadowy figure with 6 glowing red eyes and a sharp-toothed grin is a vivid hallucination or a legitimate alternate persona manifested from her own low self-esteem. Her only purpose is to further psychologically torment Ms. Vi Korll and she only seems to appear whenever Ms. Vi Korll starts questioning her decisions in life. She speaks in an incorrect Old English dialect in a "Magnificent Bitch" version of Ms. Vi Korll's own voice inflections. She is one of many "Inner Demons" she has. The worst part about everything that has happened to her is that she has developed Stockholm Syndrome and developed daughter-like feelings of love for the woman that brutally tortured her, Eva. Most likely latching on the first mother-like figure in her life, even one that abused her, replacing her own largely absentee mother. Elana was so desperate for attention and affection that she didn't even care if it was highly toxic attention and affection, Eva was the closest thing she had to a mom. Eva's claws are in her deep. Alarmingly, her tentacles have seemingly taken on aspects of her personality and she has even named them, she generally has full conscious control of them, but if her mind wanders or something sets off her body's defense mechanism they will act of their own will. Rock and Roll, her "Guard Dogs" that automatically go into defensive mode when she feels threatened or when her body itself feels threatened. Sebastion and Maximillian, her more aggressive tentacles, they sometimes feed on corpses of their own will. Samantha and Stacy, very perverted, often grope and molest women of their own will if Elana's mind wanders. They've even been known to strip, but more frequently destroy footwear they encounter if left to their own devices. She has bought more "Apology Shoes" than she can count. Lita and Lzzy... The most alarming pair, left to their own devices they actually abuse Elana herself. This is either a manifestation of her Masochism or some bizarre manifestation of her low self-esteem and self-worth. Literally beating herself up. Afterward, they lovingly nurture and care for her, sometimes even pleasuring her as an apology. She has an extreme attachment to a yellow smiley face bandana she always has somewhere on her person. I believe this was her "security blanket" that got her through her lowest points. It was technically a gift from her mother, even if its original purpose was to remind her to smile... This brings me to her most glaring Psychological issue... The inappropriate smiling... Smile Mask Syndrome. She was told to always smile or else under threat of a bomb around her neck as her closest friends were shot in the head in front of her, and she was forced to watch with a smile on her face. As a result, she often has a twisted, sadistic grin plastered across her face. She doesn't even realize she's doing it sometimes, the connection between her brain and facial muscles has weakened that much... She could be crying her eye out, but still smiling because her mouth won't listen... The poor girl... If I could ask her mother one question, it would simply be... How could you do this to your own daughter? Maybe I could try to be her therapist and her friend... Those seem to be in short supply for her these days...

Rank and Occupation: Head Assassin/Captain of Phantom Claw (By this point the position is called The Shadow's Blade) "I am the blade in the shadows, swift as the wind, silent as the night, and thrice as deadly."

Religion: Santa Muerte Cult. Guess that makes her Catholic technically.

Romantic Interests: Dr. Belladonna Crane a.k.a. Night Fright (Supervillain, College Professor, daughter of the Scarecrow, Wife), Kara Zor-El (Formerly known as Supergirl, now a Red Lantern, Wife), Gillian Smythe a.k.a. Nightingale (Supervillain, Bar Owner, daughter of the Silver Banshee, Wife), Delia and Deidre Dennis a.k.a. Dee Dee (Twin Granddaughters of Harley Quinn from an alternate future, Supervillains, Wives), Rachael Lane (Mutant created by the Hive, Wife, Other Mom status to Ellen as she's been around the longest), Raven Crane a.k.a. Scream Queen (Retired Supervillain, her mother-in-law and Bella's mom, Girlfriend??? It's like they're married, but without the formalities. She didn't want to make it even weirder with Bella)

Tattoo: A Smirking Succubus. Trifecta Pump System: The pump looks like a rose, delivery tubes look like thorns. 

Ink: She has Tribal style tattoos around the slits in her back that her tentacles come out from, the ink is made from the blood-like goo inside of her tentacles so that her Healing Factor doesn't eat them.

Significant Scars: Knife scar over her left eye, she challenged Beatrice to a knife fight and lost her entire left eye in the process back when she was a young and very stupid, very squishy Rebel leader. She does not generally hide this scar in public. People recognize the Demon by it.
Vertical surgical scar on her throat from her Laryngectomy. Generally hidden by her Vocalizer which allows her to speak and looks like a cute choker.
After losing a fight to a Red Lantern powered Supergirl she has a sort of "Rat smile" or "Glasgow Smile", her mouth was ripped open ear to ear by a pure energy blade of Red Lantern rage energy, similar to the legend of the Kuchisake-Onna.

Special Skills

All of Rebel's abilities. Most just don't apply to her anymore like weapons and vehicle training because her body itself is a weapon...

Type IV Regeneration (Enhanced): The user can close minor to moderate wounds near-instantaneously, appearing as though they never happened. Lost limbs and internal organs will be completely regenerated, damaged nerves can be healed to a certain extent, and critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars. (Elana's healing factor is imperfect and as a result, she still gets scars but only from what would normally be a fatal injury to a lesser being. She also cannot regenerate pre-regeneration injuries.) They don't get diseases and are near-completely unaffected by toxins or drugs and their cellular senescence is drastically reduced, if not completely halted, granting them decelerated aging/eternal youth. Users can regenerate as long as the head/brain is damaged to no more than a certain level. Twisted limbs that regenerate improperly will need to be manually reset. Cancerous cells are multiplied by this type of regeneration as they are considered living cells.

Contaminant Immunity: Due to her Healing Factor her body is immune to the effects of all foreign substances. With special pills to slightly suppress her healing factor, she can get drunk or high. Concentrated amounts of alcohol or drugs lethal to a normal person can brute force past her Healing Factor and her body seems to be able to tell the difference between voluntary and involuntary usage.

Adaptive Metabolism: She possesses a supernaturally adaptive metabolism, which allows her to withstand virtually any toxin/pathogen, survive incredibly harsh conditions and recover at amazing speed from otherwise lethal damage. She can build up her physical abilities to potentially infinite levels through increasingly harder training, and develop powerful elemental resistances via gradual exposure. This flexibility extends also to her brain cells, allowing her to learn at an accelerated rate, and she proves highly compatible with enhancing drugs and similar empowering substances, permanently incorporating the enhancements and quickly nullifying their various side-effects.

Superhuman Body (Via Reactive Adaption/Evolution): Regenerative Durability: Her body possesses an enhanced resistance to physical damage due to her accelerated healing factor, though her flesh still takes damage. Her body has become extremely durable. Due to her Adaptive Metabolism, exposure to Venom has caused her muscles to become "Rock Hard" and extremely dense, being highly resistant to cutting and stabbing. While the pumps are running her muscles become "Iron Hard", granting her Cutting Immunity and she basically becomes nigh-invulnerable. Her bones are extremely tough, though they are not unbreakable. She's taken beatings from individuals with extreme superhuman strength and come out tougher.

Biomass Manipulation, Appendage Generation: Tentacles, Tentacle Extension, Blade Shifting, Absolute Acid Generation: "Xenomorph Blood", and Organic Spike Projection: Her body evolved retractable dark purple tentacles in response to starvation and her damaged throat, they can consume organic matter to nourish her, smash things, turn into blades, spew an acid so corrosive that it can eat through literally anything that isn't Elana (Her unique body chemistry protects her from her own acid. After the Trifecta Pumps were installed the unique mix of chemicals increased the potency of her Flouroantimonic Acid to such a degree that it became an Absolute Acid, eating through anything that isn't Elana and too strong to neutralize with a base) and fire sharp crystalline organic shards. She weighs about 900 lbs due to all of her muscular tentacles which weigh in at 80 - 100 lbs each. Organic Wing Manifestation: Her wings were surgically amputated because they just got in the way, she can shapeshift retractable wings if she needs them. Due to her Adaptive Metabolism, her body evolved new glands and naturally produces small amounts of Venom and Velocity 9, this has increased her baseline stats permanently even when the pumps are off. She also has extreme heat and air friction resistance, evolving these in response to the new speed granted to her by Velocity 9.

"Speedster Brain"/Accelerated Thought Process: She perceives everything at an accelerated rate, the world appearing in slow motion to her, and her brain processes information faster. She can think and move regardless of time's speed. She can turn this on and off so that she isn't stuck in slow motion.

Superhuman Speed: Small amounts of Velocity 9 in her system allow her to run or fly at Mach 1 even when the pumps are off. She can also teleport within her line of sight. While the Trifecta Pumps are running Velocity 9 allows her to run or fly at Mach 10 (Years ago she learned Telekinetic Flight, V9 enhances this) and do "Doppler Teleportation" Where she rapidly teleports, moving so fast afterimages appear, making it appear as if there are multiple of her. It's for intimidation purposes where she uses speed and teleportation to surround her opponent with afterimages. Her lightning is blue due to heavy Velocity 9 abuse. Despite being the perfected future version of the formula it is not enhanced with Tachyons and thus not white. She is NOT a "Speedster" as she has no connection to the Speed Force. Her incredible durability and Healing Factor are what allows her to withstand things like air friction and joint damage. As such, she can't make full use of the top speed the formula grants her. However, as her durability increases so does her top speed, and she can shift into Maximum Overdrive or Burning Demon Mode (At around Mach 5 she bursts into flames.) Where she pushes past the limits of her healing factor and her skin begins to burn faster than she can heal, moving like a true demon of speed. She can also vibrate and phase. Allowing her to kill even targets with impenetrable skin by phasing her bladed tentacle into their heart and shredding it, or phasing in and pumping acid. You get the idea. She can also spin her bladed tentacles at high RPMs like buzzsaws or use them like jackhammers. She can also use it to be brutal, for example grabbing someone's head and repeatedly smashing it into for example a hard wall or the floor at super speed. Something the Flash would never do. That is if her strength doesn't shatter their skull outright.

Superhuman Strength: Small amounts of Venom in her system allow her to throw small cars even when the pumps are off. While the Trifecta Pumps are running she can lift 10 tons with her arms and legs and her tentacles become Industrial-Grade organic smashing machines capable of wielding a Bus as a weapon or knocking down buildings. Her body is durable enough to match her strength. Not to mention her obvious ability to rip off limbs with her bare hands or her tentacles, or literally take someone's head off with a punch or kick. She can also straight-up impale people with her arm or leg but tentacle blades are more effective. She is strong and durable enough to both Thunderclap and Earthquake Stomp, her limb speed is enhanced by her Velocity 9 speed to add more oomph. A thunderclap can pop the lungs of everyone in the room and cause them to drown in their own blood... So she has to be careful around people unless her goal is to group assassinate and kill everyone in the room...

Superhuman Endurance and Stamina: She sleeps maybe once a week for about an hour and rarely eats apart from fueling her biomass. It's quite a feat to physically exhaust her. She can function as a Speedster for days without tiring.

Superhuman Condition: Her Agility, Balance, Flexibility, Reflexes, etc. are all at Superhuman levels. Her mind, however, is all kinds of fucked up... With the Trifecta Pump System running her core physical stats are honed to a bleeding edge.

Twisted Mind: Due to her numerous mental issues and a broken psyche her warped mind is nigh-impossible and dangerous to read (Her inner mindscape is a death trap). It is impossible and even more dangerous to try and comprehend. She is immune to all psychic-based attacks, mental, and dream-based powers, granting her a form of Psychic Shield/Immunity. Attempts at mind control will at best, not work and at worst, backfire, causing intense pain or even death depending on how invasive the attempt was (For direct mind control, indirect mind control like subliminal suggestion and persuasion just don't work, she's too insane).

Enhanced Stealth: Her tentacles allow her to move silently despite her nearly 900 lb weight and allow her to clamber on walls and ceilings by digging in or secreting a sticky substance. Also, her shapeshifting and Vocal Replication affords her social stealth and her Speedster powers allow her to phase through solid material and avoid detection by cameras by vibrating at a frequency they cant see, vibrating so fast she can't be seen on the visible light spectrum, essentially making her invisible to the naked eye and normal cameras. She frequently makes use of her Molecular Oscillation Invisibility for her public "Statement" Assassinations.

Supernatural Assassination: She can perform assassinations beyond the normal limitations of an average killer, dispatching her targets without a trace. (She absorbs the females and devours the males with her tentacle maws). With phasing, she can get into the most heavily fortified panic rooms. She frequently makes use of her Molecular Oscillation Invisibility for her public "Statement" Assassinations. 20+ years of experience as an Assassin. She earned the nickname "The Wind" for being able to kill so efficiently while invisible and moving at high speed. Like chained super strength neck snaps at Speedster speeds

Fear Inducement: More of a tactic than actual power, one example is sneaking up on targets that are for example some kind of leader and piercing a tentacle through their back and pumping them full of acid, melting them from the inside out in front of their underlings, scaring the shit out of nearly anyone and making them run away in fear. She uses this for "Statement" Assassinations to break up problematic groups and the like. There's also just a classic, drop down behind them and decapitate them, the "Ceasar" where she stabs them brutally and way more than necessary, she can phase her hand in and pull out their heart to show to their followers. You get the idea. The fact that she can also turn invisible via Molecular Oscillation and appear behind her target at any time or literally rise up from the floor behind them like a literal Demon from Hell with her phasing ability is fucking terrifying to think about. Especially if she plays ominous music like a funeral dirge from her Vocalizer while still invisible before she strikes... She's a huge fan of using Metallica's For Whom The Bell Tolls. Piercing someone through the brain with her eye laser from a football field away for a One-Hit Kill is very effective too. Using her speed, eye laser, and tentacle blades like a whirlwind she can dice people up into neat little bloody meat cubes in a second. "The Wind" tends to terrify people as well... When a group of people just suddenly drops dead with slit throats... Her blade is sharp enough to cut right through the dense tissue and cartilage of the larynx. It makes a huge bloody mess and is utterly horrific to watch as the victim gasps for air and drowns in their own blood.

Biomass Assimilation: She can directly absorb people into her body or have her tentacles eat them to absorb their biomass. She can then use it for various things.

Consumption/Absorption Shapeshifting: By consuming/absorbing a target she can assume their form at any time. Previous forms are stored. She also has limited shapeshifting in that she can alter her own appearance to look like how she did in a previous stage of life or minor things like growing wings or claws.

Supernatural Combat Proficiency and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Expert Hand to Hand Combatant. Multiple fighting styles. Trained with Wildcat, Batman, Black Canary, Wonder Woman, Deathstroke, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Nyssa Al Ghul, Katana, and Lady Shiva. Truly she is a One-Woman Army between her skills, superhuman stats, regeneration, bio-weaponry, Trifecta Pumps, and brutality which allow her to tear through entire armies with ease. She holds back her strength when sparring with "Squishies" but people have accidentally died during Phantom Claw Initiation by her hand. Sometimes her Venom roid rage can't be helped and she accidentally hits someone too hard in the chest or the face and they end up with sternum shards in their heart, ribs in their lungs, or nasal bone shards in their brain. Biyalia has the tech to bring them back as well as Nurse Naughty, who is occasionally in a good mood after Elana's "worship sessions", both kinds of worship, foot and follower to deity. Ally really needs the worship for her mental health. Most recruits that die quit Phantom Claw but become devoted to Ally for bringing them back to life, becoming her follower.

Night Vision, Infrared Vision, Ultraviolet Vision, X-Ray Vision, Optical Zoom, Scanner Vision, Heads Up Display, Highlighting, Killer Point Vision/Weak Point Sense, AI Assistant, and Database Access,  Targeting, and Optical Laser: After the Rebellion her bionic eye was upgraded with Night Vision, Infrared/Thermal, X-Ray, and Ultraviolet modes (Biyalians can see the UV spectrum already but her replacement eye still needed the same base functionality as her Biyalian eye.) In addition to this, it has a telescopic zoom function and a scanner that can give her basic information about her targets such as what weapons they are carrying, any weak points, vehicle, and drone movement speeds, make, model, armaments, distance, etc. as well as threat level calculations and distance. It also functions as a target tracker using AR pins with distance numbers and the Thermal and X-Ray vision modes as an overlay to Highlight and track lifeforms and movement like a video game HUD. It can also highlight weak points and lock her laser onto them. Her eye also houses an extremely high-output laser that can effortlessly sever limbs or pierce human bodies.


Electronic Eye: Her left eye is a powerful multi-spectrum HD video camera, video recording device, and scanner. It is hooked up to a chip in her brain that houses an AI that can do various tasks like threat level calculations and smart-targeting, the eye also grants her various vision spectra options and a scanner that feeds basic information about her targets such as what weapons they are carrying, any weak points, vehicle, and drone movement speeds, make, model, armaments, distance, etc. as well as threat level calculations and distance directly to a Heads Up Display in her bionic eye through the AI chip. It also allows for target tagging and tracking with AR pins and Thermal and X-Ray overlays. It also contains a Weak Point Targeting program, allowing her Optical Laser to lock on to some vital regions to ensure she scores a kill shot at any range. The eye looks identical to her organic one, she was actually offered a beefed-up version with a built-in high-intensity red laser/particle amplifier combo identical in thermal energy output to a Kryptonian's heat vision but it would've made her look like Kano from Mortal Kombat, so she went with the less powerful but much prettier version. It glows bright red when the Trifecta Pumps are running. By 2040, the tech had advanced enough that they could fit a less powerful, but extremely precise laser into a natural-looking eye. Any Division Head could've personally built it at any point in the last 20 years, but they're so busy that while very useful, an eye laser that's powerful, compact, and still fits inside a realistic-looking eye was not on R and D's top priority list. Daisy or Stark could probably even whip up a compact heat version but the basic one made by the fabricators at R and D is just fine. It is a purple laser with an effective range of 2 miles that can effortlessly sever limbs or pierce human bodies. With the targeting computer, she has insane precision, often going for clean brain shots or heart shots. It is not a heat beam like its bulkier cousin model, just a regular laser... A ludicrously high intensity and output laser operating in the 500 Kilowatt range... It is so bright in fact, that it overpowers other ambient light sources, turning the whole room purple. This thing can easily cause permanent blindness if a normal person were to look directly at the beam for more than a few seconds without proper eye protection, even from the side! Though looking at the point of impact without protection can even cause instant blindness. The raw power output can almost instantly light things on fire, though the beam itself is not actually hot, but can make things hot almost instantly. It raises the temperature of whatever it hits by over 500 degrees F a second! The eye is waterproof, EMP-proof, and on Elana's internal network, and unhackable.

Vocalizer/Sonic Collar: The cute Gothic choker around her neck is a special device that allows her to speak because she has no vocal cords. She can still whisper. Though, it's extremely painful for her to do so. As the Smiling Archdemon, she doesn't move her lips when she speaks to psychologically fuck with her opponent's mind in addition to using the artificial deep robotic voice setting. She moves her lips when speaking whenever she's out of costume even though she technically doesn't need to and speaks in her original voice.
Vocal Replication: The Vocalizer can produce any combination of sounds, Elana can have literally anyone's voice she wants that she's heard... The main application of this is for when she's in disguise or needs to lure someone somewhere to kill them. Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices.
Artificial Omnilingual Translation: Her vocalizer can translate her speech to any known Earth language and several alien ones with 99.5% translation accuracy.
Artificial Sonic Scream: The Vocalizer can also just output pure sound waves at extremely high levels. Shattering glass and making people cover their ears to block out the pain of popped eardrums. A great stunning attack to prime an opponent for a lethal follow-up. It is lethal at point-blank, with a few seconds of continuous exposure causing enough internal bleeding to "liquefy" organs and cause death. It is a heavily modulated artificial-sounding high-pitched warble. Like a... Canary Cry from some alternative reality where Black Canary isn't a Metahuman, goes by her middle name, is a brunette, can't fight worth shit, and has to use tech to use her signature freaking ability! As if! Haha! Maybe the Kryptonians there have blue heat vision for some odd ass-backward reason even though their eyes glow red! Heat vision is red.

"Trifecta" Pump System (Drug Empowerment): Installed in 2040 after Ellen was grown, Trifecta is a secret ratio of the most current version of Venom, the perfected version of Velocity 9 from... 9 years in the future in 2049 (Ultraviolet Widow "Borrowed" it from S.T.A.R. Labs for us), Pure Adrenaline, and a splash of specially blended Fear Toxin courtesy of Ms. Belladonna Crane, that causes fearlessness instead of fear. The pumps and tubing are nanocompressed to the back of her neck and connected directly to the base of her brain, the delivery tubes run along her body nanocompressed. The system cannot be disrupted or severed while still allowing liquid to flow and is completely unhackable. Her regeneration and endurance allow her to run the pumps for days... Literally... With nanocompression, there's a lot of drugs in there... The pumps are activated with the vocal or mental command: "Unleash the Demon". They are on Elana's internal network and unhackable as well as immune to EMP. While the pumps are on her bionic eye glows bright red. Interestingly, while the Venom definitely makes her stronger and her muscles harder and denser, it doesn't make them any bigger. Possibly a side effect of her shapeshifting and subconscious desire to stay feminine looking.
Effects: While the pumps are running Elana's personality changes. Venom causes increased aggression and bloodlust while Velocity 9 has the side effect of increasing Endorphins production... As a result, her Combat Sado-Masochistic urges are greatly increased, making her literally get off from combat, both hurting other people and being injured herself as the pain becomes pleasure to her. She enjoys using her speed to give people a bunch of tiny cuts as they slowly bleed out, the death of 1000 cuts as they say.

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