Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: The Witch Queen

Queen Xozalla Elana Marie Vi Korll a.k.a. The Witch Queen

Aliases: The Red Queen (A mistake by Demonica who's never read Through the Looking Glass... It may just be a reference to her red hair and eyes though...), The Queen of Terror, The Iron Queen, The Queen of Hearts, Killer Queen, The Succubus Queen, The Super Succubus, Lana!

Notes: This version of Elana is from a timeline formerly known as Queen of Terror, where Zazzala and Beatrice are killed in battle when she's in her early 20's and die in her arms. It breaks her and she slowly becomes more malicious... It also turns out her grandmother made a deal with the Devil for not her own soul but Elana's... So now she commands dark magics with her dangerously unstable mind. Eventually, she forms a deep relationship with both Demonica and Leah, or Luciel and Azrael if you prefer. She also has a powerful Succubus form known as Lana.

Timeline: 2025

Hair: Dyed Dark Red (Neon Pink as Lana), Mid-Back Length (Ass Length as Lana), Updo (Spacebuns as Lana). She uses Healthy Glow Neon Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her fierce red hair can light up a room with an eerie red glow on command via Bioluminescence. She can probably make it glow pink as a Succubus if she wanted to. She wears the crown for Royal affairs.

Compound Eyes: Blood Red (A side effect of Dark Magic on the mortal body, Formerly Honey Yellow)

Height: 5'5

Figure: C-Cup, Hourglass. So... Because of her dual hearts ramping up her overall metabolism and the sheer amount of intense sex she has... She's actually in fairly decent shape even though sex is her only workout... (F-Cup, Fat ass, Thicc thighs, and perfectly toned body as Lana)

Feet: Size 8, Blood Red Polish. "Upgraded" to Thigh High boots and gothic stockings. She wears arcane rings on her toes that increase the potency and reserves of her magic, multiple rings per toe. A gift from her Arcane Instructor Angel Witch. (Her toenails are a bit longer and Demonic Runes form on her feet as Lana, she is also often barefoot or in barefoot sandals as Lana.)

Personality and Background: She didn't get the name Witch Queen for nothing... To her subjects, she's a psychotic tyrant... To her slaves... A loving Mistress... If they're in her good graces that is... And to people that she cares for... She's much like the old Elana... Her evil laugh is on point! After her Succubus alter ego Lana was born, her personality and libido started to bleed into Elana. She became Queen when Zazzala fell in battle. She's married to Death and her soul belongs to Satan. She adopted a Victorian Goth style. Wearing a lot of black and blood red. She uses a glamour charm in her human form to hide her more Demonic attributes like her small horns that grow from her hair, though she keeps the red eyes cause she likes the look. She says "Oh My Devil!" as an expression of shock and surprise as a sign of respect towards her chosen deity of worship and dark mistress Demonica/Luciel Morningstar, Daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, and the Granddaughter of The Supreme Being.

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: I begin analyzing Ms. Vi Korll at the behest of her concerned Advisor Stephanie. To start off Ms. Vi Korll lost her mother and adopted sister on the same day, and her bodyguard that was one of her closest and oldest friends and coolest exes a few years later... Her mom and sister both died in her arms and her bodyguard killed herself in front of her... She has severe PTSD and I fear all of this trauma has created and fed something genuinely monstrous in her... She says an infection permanently turned her eyes red... Even if that's true... She gets a dark look in her eyes sometimes... Like an actual demon is peering back at me... Either way... There's a monster locked up in there... Something born pure evil and Psychopathic... Like all of the little bits of darkness in Elana's soul distilled and condensed into some dark entity from the blackest depths of Hell... Whatever she is, she hides well... Although, even when I don't see the monster peering back, she still has this hungry sexual look in her eye more than she doesn't... As for her therapy, all I can do is talk to her and offer her a shoulder to cry on. Her wife Leah has been an amazing support system for her, though, I'm delighted they met. Though it was unfortunately through the loss of Ms. Vi Korll's bodyguard Tara. Whatever they are doing is working quite well for Elana to help her cope. She has a memorial wall in her room, I think it's quite healthy for her to help her move on and find closure.

Rank and Occupation: Absolute Monarch of the Biyalian Empire, Satan's favorite little helper, Future Succubus Queen

Religion: Satanist. She's about as devout as you can get... She performed a Binding Ritual with Demonica/Luciel, essentially one of those "Marry your God" type things.

Romantic Interests: The Archangel of Death (She's literally married to the Grim Reaper, an attractive Blonde named Leah, Wife), The Devil (A woman named Demonica/Luciel she thinks is wicked hot, 10/10, would smash, did smash, Chosen deity of worship, which also entails a Goddess with benefits type situation, Favored Mistress when she's her Maid), "Queen Lucinda" (Tara Myers, Current Succubus Queen, Historied Love Interest), Stephanie Edelweiss (Her closest and most trusted Royal Advisor, A relationship bloomed over the years, especially considering how handsy the blind Stephanie is, even before they started dating... Elana absolutely loves being thoroughly groped by her, Girlfriend)

The Playmates: The Playmates are a collection of highly attractive women who are mostly people who Elana/Lana have tortured and broken in some way after they earned her ire on varying levels. Most of them are a result of the Bimbofication spell except for the Myers sisters. Allison had her IQ restored, but not her body. Silla and Mantha display deceptively high intelligence at times. Many of them are also cursed with partial Succubus bodies. Jade's Feet, Tara's Eyes, Mantha's Mouth, Lips, and Tongue, and Silla's Ass, Thighs, Hips, Vag, Succubus Heart, and Tail. They are more or less forced to dress like sexy french maids (Though their stockings end at the ankle and they don't wear anything but the cursed rings on their feet, except maybe anklets) and mostly confined to the Royal Quarters. Although servants wait on them hand and foot when Elana isn't around and they are treated like royalty wherever they go as they are the Queen's own personal Harem. They're well taken care of. They voluntarily wear cursed rings that magically protect their feet and keep them soft, clean, and pretty while preventing their pedicure from ever chipping. With the added effect of burning or exploding off any footwear that they try to cover their feet with. Anklets are free game and are encouraged. She especially loves when they wear highly ornate golden Barefoot Sandals with a sparkling ruby red heart-shaped gemstone in the center of a heart-shaped piece that connects all of the chains. Hearts and footprint patterns line the ankle supports. Chains with optional bell accessories are connected to the toe rings, heart-shaped piece, and ankle support, and extra toe rings are linked up, though those 8 can be freely taken on and off by the girls. Though the bells are almost always used by all of the girls cause they love teasing her. Gold polish and slightly longer nails magically accompany these for the sexy Golden Goddess look... They are as follows: Jade and Tara Myers (Not her Tara. A version from another dimension), Allison Striker (She's only her foster sister. She is not related to her in any way.), Priscilla "Silla" Matthews and Samantha "Mantha" Foster (Two people that wronged her in some way at some point, Priscilla interrupted her date and start bible thumping obnoxiously while calling her a Dyke, and Mantha was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and called Elana a bitch...) All of them are lesbians as well, the others "converted" Jade and Allison.

Tattoo: An Inverted Pentagram

Ink: She also has a 99% black inverted pentagram rune on her right shoulder, there is a tiny fraction of it that is white. She has three memorial tattoos on her left bicep. "Zazzala Vi Korll: 1937- 2017. The mother I never got to know...", "Beatrice Quincina Jameson: 1950 - 2017. The sister taken too soon...", "Tara Anne Myers: 1988 - 2025. She took herself from me...". Over her left boob is a tattoo of a red heart broken in half down the middle vertically with "Broken" written on each half, "bro" on the left half, and "ken" on the right half. She got a tramp stamp that says "Promiscuity" in black and red letters in a sexy font to match with Luciel's golden "Chastity" tattoo she received as a middle finger from The Supreme Being when she lost her virginity. This act made her love her little maid even more which she didn't think was possible. On her right bicep, she has a tattoo pledging her devotion to a certain fallen angel she loves dearly... She has a big pink heart with "I Love Luci(el)!" written across it in the font of the title card of the 1950's sitcom she's referencing in letters that are half-black and half-white. "Luci" herself thinks the tattoo is both cute and clever.

Special Skills

Magic (Incantation: Latin): Commands extremely potent Dark Magics, granting her a range of abilities far too great to list here. She has limitations such as mana reserves and incantation speed.

Clairvoyance: She can see into the future. But only about her alternate selves, she cannot see into her own future.

Soulmate Connection: Leah: Her relationship with Leah is next level, and they Vibe so in-sync it gives them actual powers. Such as Leah's Supernatural Multidimensional GPS and Elana's empathetic abilities. It can be tricked by convincing enough Doppelganger, however... They have to be really convincing though.

Peak Human Flexibility: All of the sex has made her insanely flexible... Strange how you learn things sometimes huh?

Superhuman Stamina and Endurance: A fun fact about Succubus biology is that they have two hearts. The smaller secondary heart located in the chest in the "normal" location and a much larger, stronger primary Demon heart located behind their vagina to supply constant blood flow and fuel their libido. Even in human form she still has two hearts... So her overall Stamina and Endurance are through the roof.

Id Embodiment/Mostly-Tamed Inner Beast: Elana's "Unconventional" Succubus Form. Some Succubus characteristics remain even in her human form. Such as the immortal soul pact with Demonica and the second powerful Demonic heart behind her vagina for example. Her Stamina and Endurance are boosted to Superhuman levels because she has two hearts pumping. It also makes her workouts insanely efficient because she can be more intense for longer while also nourishing her body with blood more quickly... If she worked out that is... She can have marathon sex even in human form because of it though, even in human form, she's a Succubus apparently... Dual heartbeats make for some interesting doubly intense Girl Boners... When she's so turned on she can feel her heartbeat within her pussy... Imagine that, but with two separate heartbeats and a raging Succubus libido... She has a horny demon beastie that is a dark reflection of herself living inside of her. (See notes on Lana below)

Lana Daemielle Liliana

And now for Lana, Elana's "Unconventional" Succubus Form...

Lana's Background: When Elana's Dark Mana Saturation hit Critical Mass after getting eaten out by a Succubus, Lana was born, she first awakened when Elana was worshipping Demonica/Luciel's feet and leeched the last little bit of Dark Mana that awakened Lana. Lana is a sort of alternate personality in a sense... She IS Elana but as a Succubus, she's all of Elana's repressed sexual urges and libido unleashed and totally out of control. Lana is all of the ugly parts of Elana's personality that she hides and buries deep down... The real Elana, her Persona, her true self! Also known as her Id Embodiment. Lana is most often awakened when Elana gets too turned on. The threshold seems to vary day to day but her kinks seem to draw her out more quickly, for example, someone playing on her Masochism. She can also be called forth at will. Lana does not age, she will remain the same until Elana dies and they become one. As of right now, Lana is a Purified/Ascended Archdemon after absorbing Pure Light Archangel Mana and surviving, being able to wield both Demonic and Angelic magic without suffering the typical Purified Demon weakness of losing their dark powers... Demonica/Luciel has seen the future and learned that Lana will one day become Transcendent... Fully wielding the most powerful Demonic and the most powerful Angelic magic and possibly becoming one of the Top 10 or even Top 5 most powerful beings in existence... In about 10,000 years... Give or take.

Archsuccubus Physiology: Lana possesses the unholy strength, unholy speed, unholy durability, unholy stamina, etc. befitting of an Archdemon. The only way to kill her is by penetrating her primary heart with a divine weapon. A fun fact about Succubus biology is that they have two hearts. The smaller secondary heart located in the chest in the "normal" location and a much larger, stronger primary Demon heart located behind their vagina to supply constant blood flow and fuel their libido. However, because Lana and Elana are one and they performed the Binding Ritual with Demonica/Luciel and formed an Absolute Contract, they have her divine blessing and she will allow no fatal harm to befall her most treasured maid and the future Succubus Queen as long as they are sworn to her. Which is forever because she owns their soul. While Archsuccubi already naturally possess an extremely powerful Demonic Healing Factor, in addition to this she technically has Absolute/Quantum Regeneration because of her protected soul.
Psychic Shield: Due to her Healing Factor, she is immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to their unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts.
Demonic Body Fluids/Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: All. This is self-explanatory but if it comes from Lana's body it's gonna make you supernaturally horny if it gets in your body. It is most strongly concentrated in her saliva, sweat, and internal mucous membranes.
Prehensile Tail, Prehensile Tongue: As a Succubus uses both her tail and tongue for sex frequently, they are both long and very dextrous... She can freely transform her tongue to its Succubus form and release her tail even in human form.
Succubus Claws: Lana can shift her finger or toenails into razor-sharp claws.
Venomous Fangs: She can inject her potent Aphrodisiac saliva with a bite.
Insatiable Demonic Lust/Insatiable Libido: Naturally, as a literal sex demon she has a supernatural lust and libido along with an unnaturally powerful sex drive. It's actually so powerful that it can power up Lana's magic and base stats, increasing the hornier she gets, which is an infinite limit because she is an Archsuccubus, Hulk logic. Think the Hulk's main power but substitute Infinite Rage power boost with Infinite Lust power boost. This libido bleeds into her human form as well.

Archsuccubus Abilities: Carnal Intuition: Lana has an innate masterful encyclopedic knowledge of sex. This allows her to be a master of inducing sexual gratification in all its forms. She actually developed a few secondary effects to this power... Her sex is so good it sort of makes her partner's brain crash and reboot... By that I mean they can only babble incoherently until their horny mush brain comes down from the sex high, perks of being a Succubus.
"Womaneater"/Seduction Intuition: She possesses innate flawless seductive skills and overwhelming charming allure which she can use to easily and efficiently seduce, persuade, and manipulate anyone and everyone of either the same, opposite, or even entirely different species of sex. She possesses intuitive knowledge of how to make people feel sexual arousal, lust, bliss, joy, content, euphoria, orgasmic, pleasure, etc., and can always make anyone and themselves feel immense sexual satisfaction. Her body naturally produces pheromones that make most beings putty in her hands regardless of sexual preference. She possesses a Supernatural Charm and Beauty she can use to easily sway others.
Sex Sight: She can see a person's entire sexual history, their orientation, any fetishes they have as well as all of their "weak spots". Among other things.
"Lust Touch"/Tactile Sexual Arousal: Through touch, no matter where she can create complete sexual arousal and extreme lust. It can also cause enhanced sensitivity to sexual pleasure and cause them to crave sexual interaction.
Lust Mastery: She can crank up the sex hormones in anyone to induce lust as well as sending subliminal thoughts to induce lust, basically flooding their brains with sexy thoughts to make them horny.
Persuasion: Lesser minded individuals (Most mortals) tend to do what she says due to her powerful Succubus charm.
Sexual Orientation Manipulation: Exactly what it sounds like. Lana can freely toy around with someone's sexual preferences. She uses this great power for one purpose and one purpose only... Increasing the number of hot Lesbians in her harem. Naturally. She can also use it as a Subliminal "Logic Bomb", set off by a certain trigger. For example the lesbian switch flipping on the first time her target sees a hot girl.
Fetish and Phobia Inducement: Exactly what it sounds like. Lana can freely toy around with what gets a person's rocks off... She can also make them fear anything. She likes to use this power as a Subliminal "Logic Bomb", set off by a certain trigger. For example, she could plant a foot fetish bomb that triggers the first time her target sees a sexy... Bare... Foot... Most of the Playmates have foot fetishes and an innate fear of men... They just don't know it yet. Lana set a bunch of fun random triggers in each of her girls. It was way more fun than just giving it to them outright.
Orgasm Inducement: She can induce orgasms in herself and others at will. Basically, if it has to do with sex she can probably control it...
Demonic Magic/Archdemon Magic: Like most Greater Demons Lana can cast magic instantly and without incanting. (Her power bled over into Elana until she first awakened. For a brief time Elana could instantly cast like a demon). She is Nigh-Omnipotent can more or less warp reality (With limitations) and she is nowhere near Ultipotent but nevertheless extraordinarily powerful... She is a very young and inexperienced Archsuccubus but with time she will gain a greater grasp on her abilities and become a powerful Lordess of Hell and Heaven, becoming an Ascended/Purified Transcendent Succubus.
Succubization (Partial, Self-Limitation): She can curse women to become partial Succubi. She can choose one body part, organ, or pair of limbs and that part will become like a Succubus. For example, a Succubus brain would make one think and act like a Succubus but grant none of the powers. Or Succubus feet, for example, would make anyone, Foot fetish or not hopelessly attracted to them. Succubus eyes would grant them sexual sight. She can fully Succubize women and even men with just a snap of her fingers or a thought but partially Succubizing her girls is so much more fun!
Shapeshifting: Succubi are naturally masterful shapeshifters, she can look and sound like anyone real or imagined. Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices.
Demonic Possession/Brainjack!/Bodysnatcher: She can possess anyone whose willpower she can overpower, basically only Gods can resist her. She uses this ability exclusively on hot women so that she can do pervy stuff while in their/her body like self-foot worship, masturbating, etc. Becky for example, playing with her giant melons and sucking on her sexy feet while "cosplaying" as "her". She has a bit too much fun bodysnatching and can actually bodysnatch multiple people at once and doesn't need to physically possess each one, though she prefers the direct piloting style of possession so that she can feel everything.  
Succubus Sex Combat: Lana has instinctual knowledge of how to use her large assets in combat, having mastered Boob Combat and Ass Combat, as well as using her wings, tail, and claws in combat in tandem with magic. Lana's supernatural ass and hips are now a potent weapon. She instinctually knows how to smack people around with it and knows several ways to use her thunder thighs in chokeholds. Some of her strongest attacks involve her thrusting her hips at superspeed and rapidly and precisely hitting her opponent's G-spots with her ass or vag, making them scream in ecstasy. She also knows several powerful Ground Pound style ariel ass drop wrestling moves and her "Facehugger" technique where she smothers her opponent with her ass or crotch until unconsciousness... Lana also has Powerful Boobs and uses a unique martial art utilizing her giant knockers. No really... She can use her boobs as fairly viable weapons in combat when the situation calls. They're so large and heavy that they make great weapons when flying into people's faces at high speed and knocking them out on impact from the force created of the sudden "Airbag" attack of her boobs slamming into their face, a Heavy Strike indeed. Or even just suffocating them until unconscious. She can also smack people with them or drop down onto people with them and her chest bumps actually do damage and send people repelling off in the opposite direction.

Other About Lana: When Lana takes over Elana's body becomes more like a Succubus, much curvier and sexier, with bat wings, a little pink tail with a heartlike spade at the end (It is also highly dextrous and prehensile but in a supernatural way the way it can move), and a much... much longer fully prehensile tongue... Lana does not age but Elana will eventually die of Natural Causes as per her pact with Demonica/Luciel, Lana is a kind of pseudo-Succubus until Elana dies, any life energy she may feed on is instead converted into mana or will generally energize Elana and Lana.


Enchanted Blood-Iron Sword: Forged from the literal blood of her enemies, about 300 of them. This enchanted sword never dulls, is unbreakable, and will return to her hand automatically if she's disarmed or she can return it by will.

Rings of Adroitness: Normally such enchanted rings are used to turn one into a master artisan, artist, swordsman, etc... Elana gives these to her female friends to put on their toes, granting them master-level footjob skills for example. They are a relatively common arcane item and even only moderately skilled mages can easily materialize them from just a bit of their own mana.

Mimic Shoes: Often taking the form of the cutest and sexiest open-toed heels imaginable, once worn they latch on and proceed to worship the feet of the woman they are attached to until satisfied, usually several hours later. After detaching they act like a pet to the owner, reattaching when they get "hungry" again. After revealing themselves, they look like Mimic Shoes, jet black, multiple glowing yellow eyes, and a visible tongue right under the sole usually, but it can move around to get the toes or any part of the foot. Via magic, they only look Demonic to their owner, to everyone else they just look like really sexy shoes. They eventually evolve into strappy heels that go all the way up the legs, the "Goddess" gladiator sandal style, but they can morph into any style of women's footwear. The owners freak out at first, but quickly grow to love their new favorite shoes that massage and worship their feet as they go about their day. They're comfortable enough to wear without socks and happily slurp up any sweat. Elana gives these out as a gift, obviously not spoiling the surprise.

Demonic Pets and Servants

Climgasm and Ormaxu: A pair of twin Lilims that she absolutely cannot tell apart because they have the same personality as well. They're about 5 feet tall, light gray in complexion, and have pointy ears and small fangs. They are fucking stacked for being so short, in the front and in the back! Sexy Lil' shortstack sex demons... Like Succubi, they have extremely long prehensile tongues. They have black eyes with yellow irises and slits for pupils like a cat. Like Succubi, they have small bat wings and prehensile tails ending in a spade. They're both scantily clad in tight black leather. Lilims are semi-feral Lesser Succubi. They're barely sentient and have absolutely zero control over their sexual urges. They are considered pets by many types of Demons and sometimes kept around for sex. They can speak in one-word sexual terms. They are trained to make Ahegao faces on command to turn Elana on. They can Glamour spell human disguises for themselves, however, their sinister Demonic features like their eyes, ears, fangs, wings, and tails are visible in photographs. Their human forms are that of blonde-haired, blue-eyed twins that can only seem to communicate by giggling, their story is that they don't speak English and are from Europe. They disguise themselves whenever they go out in public with her.

Marylin a.k.a. "Leggy Peggy": A Leg Demon. What is a Leg Demon? Take a woman from the belly button down and seamlessly and magically separate her from her upper half. Essentially she's a magically animated woman's lower half without the ickiness, where the seam would be is just smooth and she's usually wearing something nice or sexy anyway. She is alive and sentient and communicates with Elana telepathically by rubbing her feet on her face. It's not actually necessary as she's telepathic but they both enjoy the foot teasing so it's a win-win. She can see and hear via magic. She serves the future Succubus Queen willingly, seeking her out immediately upon hearing she was a leg woman with a massive foot fetish... Naturally, Peggy's legs, feet, thighs, and ass look like they could belong to a model or Goddess, and yes... She does have those parts so she can have sex with Elana... She can still consent after all. Also, her name is technically not Peggy it's Marylin. She often acts as a maid, cleaning stuff with her incredibly dexterous feet and toes. She also gives Succubus level footjobs. Elana loves to watch and reward her for a job well done with foot worship... Peggy also has few Lesser Leg Demons called Foot Demons that she commands... The same concept just magically animated women's feet to the ankle instead of the whole lower half. They are extremely naughty and playful so they're often cuffed at the ankles... Though they sometimes get loose and tease Elana...

Doll: Doll is a magical doll that changes appearance every single day, often taking the appearance of an old crush of Elana's or her dream girl. She looks and feels like a real girl.

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