Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: Nurse Badness (Ally's Animal Army)

Aphrodite Artemis Polyxenia Monroe a.k.a. Nurse Badness, APRN

Aliases: The Lovely Nurse Badness: APRN, Lil' Aphrodite: The Other Goddess of Love! (She would like you to remember that her name is pronounced with a long "e" sound, AphrodEEte. Rhyming her name with mighty intentionally, more than once is the quickest way to earn a Falcon Punch! Much like her Great-Great Auntie that she was named after, that mispronunciation pisses her off to no end...), Artemis: The Huntress (Surprisingly, the actual Greek Goddess of the Hunt herself was pretty chill about it, being her Great-Great Auntie or something, even taking the young woman in as a goddaughter. She is the Goddess of Chastity as well... So she does encourage her goddaughter in a non-judgemental way to maybe dial back her sex a bit to honor her...), Animal-Vegetable-Fungus Girl, Chimera, Lusus Naturae, The Alpha, The Pack Leader, Uberjaeger, Das Ekel Tier, Ally’s Pet Monster-Daughter, Legion, Swarm, Hive, Plague, Avatar Aphrodite (She can bend Earth, Air, Fire, Water and any combination thereof), 9-Brains, Nymph, M-Desu, The Beast, The Huntress, Guru, Party Queen, The Professor, Peahen, Vampie, Sportsmistress, Cryptid, SCP #[ERROR], Big Ol' Marshmallow, The Big Gay, Nurse Monroe, Fat Girl, The Painted Lady, The Little Sister of Healing, Blissey: The Happiness Pokémon, Glue Gal, The Fun-Gal

Notes: Elana Prime approached Ally asking her to heal her ugly abuse and surgical scars on her back. As she did successfully in many timelines… In this timeline, however… Instead of asking for cute cosplay blackmail photos of Elana in provocative positions… In exchange for healing her scars, Ally would make Elana into her own daughter, quite literally remolding her into her own image down to the DNA, remaking Xozalla Vi Korll into Aphrodite Monroe, truly making her into her own daughter... Mutating, tweaking, and enhancing her DNA until she became a true, full-fledged Healing Goddess and proper Sister of Healing, while simultaneously reweaving, stitching, and snipping at her threads of fate to separate her from Prime. Retroactively making “Elana” dead for the past 5 years by repairing and remolding the corpse of a young woman who died in an accident to look exactly like Elana once did. Ally took Aphrodite under her wing in Medical and made her the leader of a group of women she had been cultivating throughout the ages called the Animal Army. Who, like Aphrodite, are also human-animal hybrids, though they’re just one animal mixed in each. Most of them have good enough hearing and senses of smell that they are lie detectors and all of them have at least a basic-level psychic shield or better due to their brains constantly regenerating from their healing factors. The teams are The Four Horsewomen, The B-Team, and The Support Animals. She regularly encounters Eva Mengele, who performs brutal experiments on her under the guise of legitimate medical testing, often luring Aphrodite with her stupidly hot daughter Wilhelmina, and Maisie White, the kind Southern Doctor. Both of whom work in Medical in different sections of the labs. The labs are so big and have so many wings the two doctors rarely meet. Ally and Maisie work together all the time though, being the Vice-Head and Head of Medical respectively. Her fake backstory is that she's Ally's daughter who was studying Nursing in California for the past 5 years, just now coming back home after getting her Master's in Nursing and becoming an APRN, and getting certified. In reality, she read all of the books and took all of the tests in like 6 hours because all the healing knowledge is baked into her DNA, but she is still a legitimate nurse.

Timeline: 2020

Hair: Blonde with rainbow tips (Her genetics are tweaked, it grows in like that. She also has the ability to freely manipulate her hair color), Ass Length, Straight or in an immaculate bun, depending on what job she's at. She loves Spacebuns though and wears them on her off days, both normal and Princess Leia flavored spacebuns. At work, she is never without her old school '50s Nurse Hat, perfectly placed and secured.

Eyes: Blue (Willie described them as "Really fucking blue!"). She can see a few different spectra, described in her powers section. They look like normal human eyes though.

Height: 7'7 (She has normal body proportions, i.e. she does not look "stretched out", as it is not medically gigantism, she is just exceptionally tall.)

Figure: J-Cup (Modified Holstaurus DNA. Milk production genes are disabled. Normal nipples. She has incredibly strong back and chest muscles underneath to support them. They are incredibly soft and pillowy.) Hourglass figure. She has a Goddess physique, she just looks perfectly toned and extremely sexy all the time. She is on the curvier side, she has several extra organs mind you. Fat ass. Thicc thighs. Model legs. Because of her height, her physique, extra organs, extra limbs, etc. She actually weighs about 500 pounds because of mass, but she doesn't look it cause most of that weight is actually just her height, extra limbs, and extra organs. Her diet is almost exclusively stuff like ice cream, but it doesn't matter because of her perfect Goddess metabolism, 100% efficient digestion, etc. she will never gain weight unless she uses her Fat Manipulation power to make herself chunky for roleplaying purposes with her girlfriend... And even then she only makes herself a Lil' bit thicc cause it makes Willie hot and bothered, so still well within Hot Fat range, and only temporarily.

Feet: US Women's Size 33 (18 inches long). Rainbow Toenails. (She can freely manipulate the color, length, and sharpness of her nails. There is no paint on her nails, they are just the color that they are at her will because she is a Goddess). Her fingernails are white and have red EKG pulses and red medical crosses on them alternating. The nails on her extra arms' hands have all EKG pulses or all medical crosses, depending on how many of her extra arms are out, it's usually either just her normal 2 or all 6. She has long, almost monkey-like toes. She wears an anklet with a charm that says "I 💓 Feet", even at work, she's allowed one fun jewelry item that won't get in the way or contaminate anything. It should be noted that her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from her legendary Foot Archery to wielding extra weapons to giving amazing massages with her feet, this girl is good with her feet! Her Absolute Beauty extends to her feet as well, she has more than one partner with a foot fetish themselves as well. Every version of Elana has nice feet, but Aphrodite literally has Goddess feet so needless to say, they can drive her partners mad with lust and were worth mentioning. Peacock can watch her do foot archery practice for hours while touching herself... I mean who hasn't had their weird girlfriend in the background jerking off, instinctually making bird mating calls mixed in with their moans as their girlfriend trains? She's usually wearing white stockings and her kind of ugly white non-slip nurse shoes... She has a love-hate relationship with her "crocs"... But always makes sure they are spotless!

Personality and Background: Aphrodite’s personality is identical to Elana Prime’s, Ally did not touch it. Due to having 9 brains, she has at least 9 sub-personalities, most being an aspect of her personality amplified to an absurd degree, except for The Beast, who is just her baser animal instincts taking over. Nurse Badness is possibly even her true Persona, with Aphrodite actually being the sub-persona. Nurse Badness is actually in control most of the time. Please note that while conditions can bring out a sub-persona, Aphrodite can freely call upon them or put them back to sleep freely of her own will. Aphrodite always has access to all of her skills and abilities at their maximum potential no matter what persona is active, Guru for example could shoot a bow like the Goddess of the Hunt herself but generally, Huntress does it. Some of her personalities just excel at certain things, it’s more of a focus thing because she has so many skills and abilities. Please note that Aphrodite and all of her sub-personalities speak with a California Valley Girl accent, she sounds dumb and vapid sometimes cause of her accent, but that couldn't be further from the truth, she's ridiculously smart in fact... She says Great Hera instead of OMG as an expression of shock and surprise. A party trick ability of hers is to open a beer-type bottle by placing it between her legs and giving a quick little squeeze and twist, putting those Kegel exercises to good use. With her panties still on ya perves! Too bad for the boys, she's Big Gay!

Dr. H. Quinzel's Analysis Notes: I write this not necessarily treating Ms. Monroe as a patient, she does however possess 9 brains! Each with one or more distinct personalities, they seem to be facets of her already existing core personality amplified to an absurd degree or just her baser instincts having more pull over her decision-making process. I will attempt to sum them up below. I believe Nurse Badness to be her "true" personality, Aphrodite just feels like a constructed persona of Nurse Badness where she forces herself to adhere to social norms by speaking and acting in what is considered a more socially acceptable way. For example, Nurse Badness while wearing the special suit that changes along with her camouflage ability will find a high traffic area of women and set up an area of extremely sticky floor-colored goo from her body all over the floor, (Saliva and mucous that form a rubber cement-like substance, if you must know) and camp on the ceiling or wall nearby while camouflaged and just watch them struggle as their footwear gets stuck and goo oozes between their toes. Well... She's putting one of her hands to good use while she watches... This stuff really gets her engine revving if you catch my drift... To be able to masturbate completely silently, while sticking to a surface, while maintaining the mental focus to maintain perfect camouflage and matching it to her movements so that nothing looks out of the ordinary because of the movement is honestly a skill, I'm a little impressed... More impressed that she opened up to me about it though... She very obviously has a "Stuck Fetish", which is more of an amalgamation of her other fetishes. Mostly, it's just her foot fetish cause the goo makes people lose all footwear 100% of the time. The goo even has pheromones in it that subconsciously attract women and repel men. Her saliva can also act as the solvent that breaks up the glue, so she gets to further indulge her fetish and lick the women's feet until they're free, a majority of them even stay and are actually into it, all the while never knowing she was the one who trapped them in the first place... It's harmless fun, annoying and inconvenient at best...

Nurse Badness: She is over the top cutesy, kooky, and flirty. She speaks in the third person most of the time, but not always. She is Aphrodite’s core personality fully unleashed. She is the even quirkier and even more weird version of Aphrodite. She really lets her freak flag fly, not being defined by social constructs or caring what anyone thinks, doing and saying what she wants, always speaking her mind. She actually likes being seen as eccentric. She is extremely sweet and empathetic, so just Aphrodite. She resides in the Main Brain, sharing it with Aphrodite. She is seldom seen without her signature nurse outfit and hat. She is also extremely professional at work in the Med Labs and takes great pride in her immaculate appearance. Her patients love the look, especially cause she puts on a little flirty flirt on some of them. Ok, so maybe she's a tad unprofessional with the flirting, but she is good at her job and well respected by her peers. So, incidents in Podiatry are forgiven when you consider that her saliva can literally become medication... They would rather have Nurse Badness than a girl in childish patterned scrubs with dirty tennis shoes, her hair down and unkempt, and no name badge! So flirting and foot stuff is quickly forgiven by the girls! Again, her patients tend to love it anyway! A little something extra y'know? And yes, she is even nice to boys, though in the professional, good at her job way, she's still super gay. But, as a medical professional she does know male anatomy and how to check it for issues, she's not above touching a penis for her job, she does a little of everything where she's needed in the Med Labs. She's non-judgemental as well, even the guy who got his dick stuck in a toaster and the woman who "fell" on her shampoo bottle and got it stuck up her ass... She did her job without judgment and patched them up, no unimportant questions asked. Her Auntie Aceso taught her well!

The Huntress: When Aphrodite needs to do archery, fight, or just generally be a huntress and track someone or something down, this serious and deadly persona takes over.

The Beast: When Aphrodite allows all 9 of her brains to completely give in to their animal instincts, The Beast comes out... She is savage and feral, tearing her enemies to shreds. Literal beast mode if you will.

Nymph (Sub-sub Personalities: M-Desu): When Aphrodite gets hugely turned on, Nymph comes out to play. Nymph can shift slightly in her overall personality, such as M-Desu having more influence and making her more Masochistic when she’s feeling Masochistic. She is always a horny Nympho, however, due to March Hare and Celestial Dragon DNA making her libido burn like wildfire nearly all the time, when she’s active. March Hares get the sudden urge to fuck 40 times a week! Sometimes even 40 times a day! The other 8 brains just keep the hormones wrangled in most of the time but Nymph fully unleashes them. Nymph is always moving her pelvis, even when just sitting. She is a serious humper and grinder. She is near-constantly sweating, genitals engorged with blood as her hearts, yes hearts plural pump, and steam slowly leaks from her nose and mouth at all times. She is a sexual encyclopedia, always studying new techniques and willing to try new things. She's a kinky bitch. For example, when Wilhelmina shocks her, she squeals in ecstasy. She's definitely too kinky to torture, as the Nazis quickly found out. To paraphrase Skeletor... "Joke's on you, she's into that shit!". She does occasionally go to Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings... It can get out of control sometimes... She does martial arts and Yoga to help channel her intense sex energy, though both can backfire on her hard, martial arts being practiced barefoot... And Yoga usually just serves to turn her on no matter what when women do it and show off their flexibility and ask her to hold their bare feet for certain positions...

Guru (Sub-sub Personalities: Party Queen): When Aphrodite becomes very Zen, Guru awakens from her meditation. She is more or less a New Age hippie. She likes her hair down and is never seen outside of her Yoga outfit and tie-dye bandana. She is perpetually barefoot. She does a ton of Yoga, meditation, and giving those weird New Age massages where they use their feet to massage a face for example. Peacock is her most frequent “Customer” for foot-based face massages. She is known to say Namaste while bowing and putting her palms together. She really enjoys getting stoned with Crystal Dragon, who for example shotguns Guru with her mega THC breath. Considering that Crystal Dragon’s saliva is MDMA and her sweat is Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) she and Guru fucking party when it’s party time! The Crystal Dragon’s bio-drugs are strong enough to get even Aphrodite, with her Hydra-Goddess blood high as a kite. When Guru wants to party hardy, she shifts slightly into Party Queen, a girl who just wants to drink, do drugs, and party! She's a literal Party Animal!

The Professor: Aphrodite is always extremely intelligent, but when she puts on her lab coat and cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses and puts her hair in a bun, The Professor is ready to think! Whenever Aphrodite needs to think, strategize, hack, etc. The Professor usually has an idea. The Professor can get caught up talking to the Division Heads about “nerd” stuff for hours. She even gave me some great Psych tips and insight... If she says she's a Greek Goddess of Healing-in-training with absolute knowledge about how the body works... Who am I to argue? She called her Auntie once to prove it... It was Aphrodite... The one she was named after I mean. Her effortless natural beauty made me remember why I fell in love with Pamela... One of the reasons anyway... And another time it was her other Auntie, Artemis... I asked about Hera and she looked really uncomfortable all of the sudden... So I think she's legit. The next time I brought up Hera, she reluctantly invited her. She clearly loves her rather intense Auntie and is loved, they have quite an... Interesting relationship...

Peahen: The highly feminine-looking Peacock awakened a little bit of bi-curiosity in Aphrodite, but towards Peacock only. I guess you could say Aphrodite is still very gay, but making an exception for the mostly female-looking Peacock. Because this is still the highly lesbian Aphrodite’s body, she will only go to 3rd Base with Peacock, giving her footjobs cause she doesn’t mind touching a dick with her feet. She's in the medical field anyway, so it's not like she hasn't touched them before, and Peacock is super understanding about not having full-on sex. She was just happy Aphrodite even gave her the time of day, and it didn’t wreck their friendship, becoming terrific friends with most of the benefits.

Vampie: Aphrodite doesn’t need to consume anything really to live, her body is Self-Sustaining. Vampie however… Enjoys the taste of blood… A side effect of all the predatory animal DNA, she generally comes out when Aphrodite is licking and sucking on a girl’s foot or pussy, and she accidentally starts sucking blood through the skin, leaving a little “Love bite”. They don’t hurt and due to chemicals in her saliva, it actually feels extremely pleasurable to the girl she’s sucking blood from due to those same chemicals. Seeing a ton of blood does not trigger her, it’s mostly a sex thing, but distinct from Nymph.

Sportsmistress: When Aphrodite needs to work out or play sports she dons her workout clothes, leg warmers, and sweatbands, becoming a huge “Bro” that is super into exercise and sports and is ultra-competitive. Her “Eurotraining” workout plan is legendary in its intensity. For example, one of her cardio workouts involves using two treadmills at max speed and hopping between them, sometimes one leg on each, requiring incredible skill and dexterity. Being intense for the sake of being intense... She plays Basketball scrimmages with some of the tallest people in the Hive. The Scarlet Sniper and her War Witch comrades Steel Czarina and Permafrost, Sasquatch in the Animal Army, Great White who is a mutant created by the Hive, and Murphy “The Murph Train” in the Queensguard. When the Scarlet Sniper’s tall mom and aunt join in and Bea joins, it becomes Hive VS Russia. Sportsmistress is a beast at Basketball for so many reasons. She is huge, aggressive, a dunking machine, and can make half-court and even full-court 3 pointers! You'd half expect the ball to burst into flames NBA Jam style when she plays. She especially likes to workout to the song "Maniac" and at the end of the day drink beers and watch football and basketball in the Mancave with the bros like Griff and Murph in the Queensguard, her drinks are spiked by The Crystal Dragon so that she can actually get drunk. The boys actually quite like hanging with their one female Bro and also enjoy working out with her.


All outfits are programmed into her armor module for instant switching. It should be noted that for Halloween, she is always a sexy nurse! Well... Sexier nurse, her everyday work uniform is much more '50s nurse with just a little sexy thrown in, gotta show off that Goddess bod, y'know? She has a right to dress super slutty on Halloween! Y'know?

As Nurse Badness, she dresses identically to her mom Nurse Naughty, a mix of  '50s nurse and sexy cosplay nurse. Clad in all white and wearing her kind of ugly white non-slip nurse shoes on her white stocking-clad feet, complete with the iconic nurse hat. This is how she is dressed most of the time. It should be noted that she keeps her hair and uniform immaculate, taking great pride in her appearance. Her white shoes and uniform are kept spotless and her name badge always clean, visible, and perfectly aligned. Her hair is always in an immaculate bun and her cap perfectly set and affixed to her hair with pins. Her Auntie Hygieia taught her well!

As the Alpha, (Any time she's in the field) she wears a form-fitting bodysuit that leaves her hands, feet, and several cutouts exposed. This is to allow her wings and tail to unfold, allow her to release the swarm of bees living in her body more quickly, and leave her hands and feet free to use claws or archery or even foot archery. It also changes color and texture to match her skin when she uses her camouflage ability. 

As Guru, she lets her hair down and wears Yoga clothes and a rainbow tie-dye bandana, and is generally barefoot.

As The Professor, her hair gets put into a neat bun and she dons cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses and a lab coat.

As Sportsmistress, she puts her hair up into a high ponytail with several evenly spaced scrunchies and wears 80's styled workout clothes including legwarmers and sweatbands. She goes for a total 80's workout look!

Rank and Occupation: Assistant Vice-Head of Medical (She is not under Ally, rather she is her protégée and partner. Ally dotes on her daughter a little bit. Some of Aphrodite's favorite medical work is Chiropractic work, Physical Therapy, Podiatry, Reflexology, and Medical Massages. Some people are weird about Divine Healing Magic and take the old-fashioned route to recovery). She spends 12+ hours a day on her feet sometimes, Peacock is such a doll for always massaging her feet after her shifts. Ally's too! Maisie's... Even Eva's on her "good" days... Peacock's foot fetish is just as strong as another girl we know..., Pack Leader and Alpha of the Animal Army, Bone Cleaner for the Museum of Anthropology (Her mutant beetles she can "birth" through her ovipositor are extremely quick at skeletonizing bodies, she gets paid well for her efficiency in big orders. When she can send an Elephant skeleton back to the people who sent her whole ass Elephant corpse within an hour of receiving it... When she repeated this with a blue whale carcass, they just started asking her to do it on-site to save time and money on shipping.)

Religion: Sisters of Healing Church. A religion based on the Greek Aspects of Healing. Epione, Panacea, Hygieia, Iaso, Aceso, and Aegle, also known as Panacea, her sisters, and their mother, or the Asclepiades. Epione's daughters/Lil' Aphrodite's Aunties are quintuplets. Basically, it’s about healing and helping those in need, even one’s enemies, and never intentionally causing harm to those you heal. All are equal in the eyes of the Sisters of Healing. It’s kind of like the Hippocratic Oath in a way, but in the form of a religious code instead of an ethical one, but in a way, it’s kind of both. It was originally more religious in Ancient Greece. Primum non nocere. First, do no harm. Aphrodite only uses her most horrific powers on people like literal Nazis and other people who deserve the worst ways of death. She is generally not a killer and does not enjoy causing pain or harm to others. Except for Nazis, fuck Nazis. Her girlfriend and her mom being the exceptions, though with Willie she is literally fucking a Nazi. Willie becomes less Nazi with each passing day that she dates Aphrodite... But that's a story for another time... 

Follower of Aphrodite. She's about as devout as you can get... I mean... She's freaking named after her! Ally choose this name for her because Aphrodite was the relative Elana most reminded her of. Lil' Aphrodite performed a Binding Ritual with her Auntie Aphrodite, essentially one of those "Marry your God" type things. Lil' Aphrodite is a devout follower, because sex, masturbation, and even just platonically loving and being good to others please the Goddess of Love greatly.

Relationships with the Greek Pantheon: To the Greek Gods and Goddesses, family doesn't mean the same thing it does to mortals... Zeus and Hera are brother and sister and Panacea is one of Zeus' direct descendants... Aphrodite (The Goddess of Love) and Artemis (The Goddess of the Hunt) are Lil' Aphrodite's Great-Great Aunts or something for example... Long story short, any Goddesses including Panacea are totally free game for sexual activities. It might seem weird... Panacea giving her daughter a footjob, for example, but for Lil' Aphrodite especially she's in a gray area. Genetically she's Panacea's daughter, but Panacea did not give birth to her, so it's stepmom porn rules on top of the general fucks not given by the residents of Mount Olympus.

Romantic Interests: Wilhelmina "Willie" Mengele (Literal Nazi, “Superhero”, Girlfriend), Bich "The Crystal Dragon" (Animal Army General, Really hot Stoner friend/Girlfriend. The constant smoky shotgun kisses while stoned and horny led to many a make-out session and made her fall hard for this sexy, laid-back Stoner chick quickly), Kandi “Peacock” (B-Team Member, Friend-with-benefits/Sort of "Girlfriend"), Aphrodite (Literally the Goddess of Love, Chosen deity of worship and Goddess-with-benefits, Hot Auntie), Tamamo "Inari" (Animal Army General, Shinto Fox Goddess, A combination of love, lust, and worship. Aphrodite feels many ways about Inari and loves, worships, and respects her. Girlfriend? Domestic Partner? Soulmate?), Varying levels of attraction to various members of the Animal Army such as... All of them... At least friends-with-benefits status to every single member of the Animal Army.

Tattoo: A rod of Asclepius. A staff with a single snake coiled around it. (It has one snake. One! Not two. It is not a Caduceus staff)

Ink: Whenever Aphrodite wants a new tattoo, Ally physically alters the color of her actual skin so that her Healing Factor leaves them alone. They look exactly like normal tattoos, but will never fade. She could easily do them herself with shapeshifting, but having Ally do them, even though they only take a second is a bonding experience. Her tattoos include Rosie the Riveter on her top left bicep (She is a Sex-Positive Feminist, but she's the chill kind. She's about equality, not superiority, although coincidentally Biyalia is a historically female-dominated society.) She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her left foot. On her right foot, she has "Nurse Badness" written in a cute font in bright pink letters, underneath that, she has lips with blood-red lipstick biting the lower lip in a sexy way. Underneath is written "Sexy Beast" in the same font and color as the Nurse Badness. Her top right shoulder has "Predator" written in 80’s action movie font with a sexy version of… The Predator… Though it has multiple meanings. She has "Animal in the bedroom" as a tramp stamp in a sexy black font. On her back, she has a red rose shaped like a heart with two pink doves flying behind it. Written across the rose in flaming pink letters in a sexy font is "Aphrodite!". On each breast in big letters, she has "Big" written on her right breast and "Gay!" on her left, separated by her cleavage, above which the "The" is tattooed.


The Choker: This cute choker is actually a piece of tech that quite literally chokes Aphrodite on command. She doesn’t actually need to breathe, but damn is it hot to her! M-Desu uses it all the time.

The Charm of Inari: A gift from her dear friend Inari. This traditional Shinto charm allegedly offers Divine Protection and good fortune. Knowing that Inari is an actual Fox Goddess, this one is legitimately magical in nature.

The Bow of Artemis: A monstrous 10-foot hybrid Compound Longbow, this bow is more like a mobile ballista, firing massive bolts. Blessed by the Goddess of the Hunt herself with moonlight, it glitters like gold. It has a draw weight of over 5 Tons. Body armor is a joke to these massive bolts, usually carrying the body along with it, pinning it to nearby walls indoors, or sending people flying outdoors. Often leading to horrific Vlad the Impaler situations depending on how the bolt embeds itself into the ground. But often they rip right through, several factors determining whether they catch and Impale or rip right through/Pierce. Largest number of targets killed with one arrow in a straight line: 7. With her Telekinesis... Remember Yondu's Yaka Arrow in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies? Her boobs do not get in the way, she has long enough limbs and such incredible strength that she can shoot at an angle with a modified technique to get around her boobs. She can draw and fire her bow with insane godly speed and accuracy thanks to her strength, speed, dexterity, and 6 arms. It is Nanocompressable.

The Arrows of Artemis:  These are actually closer to ballista bolts in size, but they are perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Shaft: They are made of a solid, strong but lightweight alloy core and coated in carbon fiber to increase their strength and rigidity, making them a nice glossy black color. Arrowhead: She uses Hardened Titanium-Steel fixed-blade four-point broadhead arrowheads for maximum bleed and penetration.  Fletching: They are four-vaned style for that nice spin. The vanes are plastic for all-weather usage and rainbow-colored cause she wanted to both represent and to have pretty arrows.

The Crimson Arrow and The Cerulean Streak: She has one specially made Depleted Promethium arrow of normal size with a special arrowhead that superheats with plasma and glows bright blue. It effortlessly melts and cuts right through armor like butter and is designed for multiple penetrations and reuse. It is more or less indestructible and painted red to hide the blood better. It is not generally fired but instead controlled with her telekinesis, the glowing blue tip leaving a blue trail as it streaks through the air at over Mach 5. Though at that point it bursts into flames so she usually keeps it under that. Her highest single instance killstreak is over 150 kills in about 3 seconds. Though she used her other powers to accelerate her perception of time and view it in slow motion cause it would look cooler, as she loves superhero movies. The Guardians of the Galaxy movies are in her top 10... Top 10 Marvel movies alone! She loves superhero movies so much that she has to make individual lists or there would too many to narrow it down.


Ability Mastery: While not as good a healer as her grandmother, mom, and aunties, she is extremely creative at combining her powers to simulate some abilities she does not technically have yet to achieve the same end result.

Bow Mastery/"Goddess of the Hunt": She is a master huntress, firing her bow like the Goddess of the Hunt herself, who she was personally trained by. Her boobs do not get in the way, she has long enough limbs and such incredible strength that she can shoot at an angle with a modified technique to get around her boobs. She can draw and fire her bow with insane godly speed and accuracy thanks to her strength, speed, dexterity, and 6 arms. This includes foot archery as well.

Superspeed Combat Archery, Moonlight Bow Creation, and The Moonlight Arrows of Artemis: She can create an ethereal Moonlight Bow from thin air with the Moonlight Blessing of Artemis. She can shoot thousands of arrows in moments while maintaining her perfect aim, she can slay thousands of enemies in seconds and never miss a shot. She has the Blessing of Artemis, so she can create arrows made of pure moonlight from thin air instantly, ad infinitum. Because they are made of pure moonlight, they can Impale any target and breach any defense, since they are the arrows used by the Goddess of the Hunt herself! Obviously, they have a magical Defense Break/Armor Piercing Effect so that they always Impale their target for a One-Hit Kill. Except for Deities and others with a strong enough immortality, there are always exceptions. She could probably take out Doomsday in one shot to the head though.

Love Bow Creation and Love Goddess Arrows: She can an ethereal Love Bow from thin air and her feelings of love, and create Love Arrows from thin air instantly, ad infinitum. Eros is her Auntie Aphrodite's son... That's right "Cupid" is Lil' Aphrodite's cousin! She can shoot love arrows too! They are ethereal pink arrows of pure energy that when shot through someone's heart induce feelings of love, and when shot through the genitals, induce feelings of lust. Please note that they don't hurt whoever she shoots, they're basically ghost arrows. Her targets don't ever feel the arrows. She uses them responsibly, they last indefinitely, but she, Aphrodite, Eros, and the Erotes can remove them if need be.

Absolute Accuracy: A combination of her skill, eyesight, incredible calculation ability, telekinesis, and personal training from the Goddess of the Hunt herself. It would take someone with godly levels of speed, agility, and reflexes as well as some kind of pre-cognitive ability to actually dodge her homing arrows… Cause she never misses a shot... She learned from the best!

Supernatural Combat Proficiency, One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Expert Hand to Hand Combatant. She was taught the Ancient Greek Pankration fighting style by Ally as well as her Pressure Point fighting style and her precision body destroying techniques. She uses a mix of Pressure Point Intuition and Anatomical Intuition to systematically and rapidly disable her opponent's body until they're a potato or "noodle person". Taking out her opponents with pure knowledge, skill, and precision. She is a highly technical fighter. A more malicious application of her Absolute Anatomical Intuition is using her near-godly strength and speed to for example use her finger to precisely shatter the three bones in a human arm - The humerus, the radius, and the ulna. Shattering them in such a way that the bone shards will protrude into the nerves, causing intense pain... Shattering them in such a way that no doctor will be able to repair them... The arm will, therefore, dangle from their shoulder like a dead fish for the rest of their life unless healed by extremely potent healing powers... Which are generally only held by Divine Beings and thus extremely rare to come by. It would take someone hurting someone close to her for her to reach that level of maliciousness. Moving from crippling to killing, if she must kill in a duel to the death, the gentlest way she can send someone off is by striking their heart hard with precise timing to knock it out of rhythm and cause instant cardiac arrest due to the R-on-T Phenomenon. She also developed AVF (Animal-Vegetable-Fungus) Style, a unique fighting style based around using her numerous built-in biological weapons like her snake fangs, tail stinger, claws, poisonous spores, and poison spit in combination to poison her opponent multiple times over… You get the idea. She also has several more basic Animalistic Combat Styles. Like the really obvious Scorpion style where she fights with her tail stinger, using a venom that causes pain and inflammation. She also learned Rachael's (Also known as Ultraviolet Widow) Silk Style centered around silk traps and silk weapon usage combined with her agility. She's particularly skilled at using her silk in creative ways in combat and she prides herself on her ability to restrain, tie-up, cocoon, or suspend her opponent from the ceiling mid-battle. She is also mythic in her use of a bow. She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease. Though, she holds back her strength when sparring with "Squishies".

Pole Dance Intuition and Vertigo Immunity: Y'know... For exercise, obviously! She is an amazing Pole Dancer, she can even do it while completely sloshed! She can fight from a stripper pole as well. She picked it up from Peacock...

Absolute Anatomical Intuition: Ally shared her godly anatomical insights with her daughter Aphrodite, giving her innate knowledge of the body, human, alien, or otherwise. It is baked into her very DNA. With one touch she can instantly get a full diagnosis on a person, but she also has X-Ray and Microscopic vision. Just for fun, one time she read every medical book and paper ever published in about 5 minutes. She knew all of this stuff already because it's baked into her DNA, but Superman did it once and she thought it would be fun to do it too!

Absolute Massage Intuition: She has godly insight into anatomy and literally gives Godly massages. She can enhance them with Nerve Control, making her hands hot or cold, using her godly speed to vibrate her hands, or running a bit of low-level current through them. Combined with her hand and finger strength, or her feet depending, it makes her truly a Goddess of all massages, foot, or otherwise. The girls really appreciate the multiple hands massaging their feet, as she can work multiple areas at once, such as soles, toes, arches, heels, ankles, calves...

Sexual Intuition/Sex Goddess-in-Training: Her knowledge of the body and control over systems like nerves and hormones make her an incredible lover... She quite literally has Divine Knowledge of what would feel the most pleasurable to her partner and the power to act upon it and make it feel even better. She has been training under her Auntie Aphrodite for 5 years. She actually developed a few secondary effects to this power... Her sex is so good it sort of makes her partner's brain crash and reboot... By that I mean they can only babble incoherently for a few minutes until their horny mush brain comes down from the sex high. Her Auntie Iaso has also been teaching her a little bit about her "Eroasis"/"Sexy Healing" techniques to make people orgasm instantly on command and generally make them horny as fuck! Her Auntie Aphrodite and Auntie Iaso taught her well!

Bondage Intuition: Partially predatory instincts and partially learned skill, Aphrodite knows several effective methods of restraining someone both in combat and for sexy reasons. She is a master of tying people up! She has spinneret glands and she primarily produces pink silk which smells really sweet, at the least the dry spider silk she uses for sexy time does, she can make any color and a variety of scents. Her favorite and most commonly used being Aphrodite's Embrace, dry pink silk that smells sweet and has trace amounts of aphrodisiacs mixed in that she uses for sexy time situations. Paralytic Purple Poison is for combat or capture, dry or sticky purple silk almost dripping with non-lethal paralytic poison. Golden Orb Weaver's Gift is a dry, uber-strong golden silk used to restrain VIPs and POWs. She can capture swift-moving prey with a silk lasso/bolas/net at extremely long ranges on the first attempt.

Silk Weaving: She can make rope, lassos, nets, bolas, and many other weapons or items out of silk extremely quickly and precisely using her multiple arms.

Enhanced Stealth: Her natural instincts give her inherent stealth intuition. In addition to this, she can blend in with the background to become invisible, lower her body temperature at will to gain Thermokinetic Invisibilty, becoming invisible to thermal cameras. She is completely silent when she walks, can suppress her scent with pheromones to temporarily burn out someone's sense of smell, can stop her hearts without ill effects, and lower the electrical activity in her brains to reduce her bio-electric presence. She can put people to sleep with narcoleptic pheromones, is extremely quick and agile, can stick to walls, fly silently, erase memories with her psychic abilities, and is flexible enough to fold up quite small despite her size, you get the idea. If she needs to stalk her prey or otherwise sneak around... Let's just say she's as elusive as any Cryptid...

Enhanced Tracking: Her sense of smell and ability to sense heat and electrical signals make her an excellent tracker.

Master Tactician/"Chessmaster": She is the leader of the Animal Army for a reason and knows how to use her "Troop's" unique abilities in combination with her own in the best combination so that the team always functions as a flawless, coordinated unit.

Nurse Badness Powers (All touch-based)

Divine Healing/Healing Hands: She has the ability to heal anything and everything with a healing light her body can emit from anywhere. Though she primarily channels it through her hands and occasionally her feet. Cuts, burns, broken bones, cancer, etc. While she can heal the body, she cannot restore a soul that has moved on. One must be alive, even if by only a thread for her healing powers to work. She can however force a soul to return to the body by using her other powers to restart the heart for example. She can bring the dead back to life within reason. *Her religion forbids her from bringing the truly dead, souls have moved on back to life as undead with her healing and heart jolting power...

*While functioning as a Sister of Healing. While in combat, controlling corpses as flesh golems with her flesh reanimating virus spores is allowed, as they are less undead and more fleshy puppets, she isn't bringing the soulless back to life.

Icyhot Hands: She can make her hands warm or cold to soothe or numb pain. Well her whole body actually. Nurse Badness' patented Warm Hug Therapy is somewhat legendary.

Bio-Electric Touch: She can easily restart the heart or cause a pleasurable sensation. She can also combine it with her Nerve Control power to truly have that special touch.

Nerve Control: She can completely numb her patient's pain and even cause them to feel only pleasure as long as she's touching them. She can literally massage the pain away by combining her various powers. Her GiGi Epione taught her well!

Internal Bodily Cleansing: She can cleanse others of bodily impurities with a mere touch, removing anything that does not belong such as poison, drugs, radiation, bullets, shrapnel, cancer, disease, etc.

Biochemistry Manipulation and Medicine Creation (Medicine Creation inside self only): She can manipulate her body chemistry to mix any number of healing drugs within her own body to be used in various forms. She can also seep rubbing alcohol or medical ointments from her palms for example or even just lotions... Lubricants... For medical purposes of course... She can make advanced lotions with special properties just like her favorite shoe store employee from another dimension... But she still prefers to buy Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. products from her alternate future timeline daughter Ellen anyway, because she just finds her so damned charming and lovable and wants to support her. Aphrodite has a disposable income because of Inari's repeated Blessings anyway and Ellen allows herself to be teased when Aphrodite and the Animal Army try on shoes... Mostly open-toed ones... They both enjoy it so Ellen discounts her on beauty products partially because of the footplay with the Animal Army and partly because she gets a bonus from her boss for the huge amounts of sales she makes at the shoe store. Plus they tip well and almost everyone in the Animal Army buys her beauty products as well. Numbing/Aphrodisiac saliva is another example, like when she sucks blood and gives her little loves bites. She makes tons of extra high-end beauty products to use during her various spa/foot worship sessions to earn Inari's Blessing, only the best for Inari! Body-made products are so much more special to Inari because Aphrodite is literally giving a part of herself to her and they often have added bonuses like pleasant tingling and aphrodisiac scents. She can also manipulate the biochemistry of others, though to a lesser extent. She can only make medicine inside of her own body, but she can masterfully tweak the biochemistry of others, often combining it with her "Claywork" power. Her mother Panacea taught her well!

Drug Stinger: Naloxone: Sometimes pulling the drugs out of the body with her other power isn't enough. Thankfully, she can release a retractable stinger from her palm that injects Naloxone mixed by her body with her other powers to block opioid absorption.

Drug Stinger: Adrenaline: When her defibrillator hands fail, she has a retractable stinger in her palm that can inject Adrenaline mixed by her body with her other powers directly into the heart.

Drug Stinger: "Painblock" (Specially Mixed TTX, otherwise known as Pufferfish Tetrodotoxin): When she needs to give someone immediate pain relief, but can't stay around to touch them and block their pain signals with her powers, she has this retractable stinger in her palm to inject TTX specially mixed by her body with her other powers for immediate pain relief. Normally, TTX's poisonous effect lies in its ability to block voltage-dependent sodium ion channels in motor nerves, causing numbness and paralysis serious enough to cause death. However, Nurse Badness' specially mixed TTX works slightly differently. See, the sodium ion channels also serve as conduits for pain signals to the Central Nervous System, so by inhibiting only those pain signals, this mixture offers instant pain relief with zero chance of addiction. The one side effect... It does still make you loopy, similar to dolphins who chew on pufferfish to get fucked up...

Body Sculpting/"Claywork" and Gender Swap (A combination of Biochemistry Manipulation, Hormone Manipulation, Flesh Manipulation, Fat Manipulation, and Bone Manipulation): She can freely mold a person's body like clay and even change a person's gender by manipulating their DNA (Via manipulating the chemicals: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine) and altering their body chemistry and hormones and using her "Claywork" to touch up their face and body shape if needed. It is not painful because Aphrodite makes the changes happen slowly and naturally over several hours. Aphrodite has a long waiting list of clients lined up to be resculpted to be sexier or switch genders. She doesn't charge but makes some nice ass tips and a ton of new very hot friends... Always made to their specifications of course, but they always ask for hot and Nurse Badness always delivers in spades. Sometimes she gets too much foot action from all of the newly christened owners of two X Chromosomes... It's her own fault for giving everyone sexy feet free of charge... Because of Biyalia's female-dominated socio-political structure, 99.99% of her clients are either women who want to be hotter without getting surgery or losing IQ points to the Feminizer or men who want to become women for a multitude of reasons. The price of getting a Feminizer procedure is quite expensive, for example. Biyalia's reversed gender dynamic makes it hard for males to advance in life unless they marry a powerful woman. Biyalia is super sexist and all about female superiority, that is how Queen Bee runs her empire. Nurse Badness has the added bonus of being able to customize the appearance, which the Feminizer is much more limited in. Peacock had the most unique request, everything but the genitals and sex organs. She's quite good at passing when clothed if her bright feathers weren't a dead giveaway... That and her name is not Peahen... But if you saw her you'd think she was a biological female. The reversed gender roles also mean Nurse Badness has never had a woman ask her to make her male... Women just have it too good in Biyalia, she had a few females with mild gender dysphoria back out after she asked them to sign the legal paperwork to legally change their gender and the number of things they'd be giving up, quite literally signing away. It's amazing how much a fascist empire can put things into perspective... It's free and can be reversed, so it's amazing how many people who think they shouldn't be a woman change their mind when they see the paperwork telling them that being a man is gonna suck for them here. As a legitimate nurse, mind reader, and literal Healing Goddess who can fully understand a person instantly with one touch, she knows that the ones she does get only thought they had it and didn't really have it so she still helped them in the end. Nurse Badness always knows best for her patients! Another female-to-male request that eventually changed her mind was a sweet lesbian... Let's call her Patient 357. Anyway, 357's bisexual wife desperately wanted to be a mom but 357 wasn't willing to let in a third party as a temporary impregnator of sorts, so she wanted Nurse Badness to change her into a male or at the very least change her parts so she could do it herself... Instead, Nurse Badness took a blood sample from 357 and her wife and used her DNA and Cell Manipulation powers to combine the DNA in the blood and transform it into a healthy zygote with half of the DNA of each woman and implanting it into the wife's womb. The new moms and their baby girl visit Nurse Badness all of the time just to thank her for presenting the third option that in the end turned out to be the right option. Her Auntie Aegle taught her well!

Sexual Orientation and Personality Manipulation: Though she rarely uses these, by fucking with hormones and using pheromones and some subliminal suggestion powers she can slowly shift a person's personality or influence their sexuality over time. She, however, considers these things sacred, especially sexuality. She won't even make major changes to her literal Nazi girlfriend because she wants the change to be natural. Even though she can literally rewrite a brain with a special virus and some guidance from her other powers if she really wanted to... Again it's kind of against her code, she won't even use it on literal Nazis... Though she did, however, open some mental doors and plant a few suggestions inside Wilhelmina's mind just to nudge her towards basic human decency a bit quicker... She's been fed Nazi ideology since 1970 when she was born... So she's a difficult nut to crack without cheating a little... It's for the greater good this way... Just little things like "Those Animal Army girls aren't half bad after all... Maybe they aren't all bad..." Baby steps with her...

Healing Blood: Her regeneration is so powerful that her blood is a highly potent healing agent on its own. One small vial can add a year of life, completely heal someone in critical condition, and send cancer into remission for months. A Panacea if you will. She is a universal donor and her blood cannot be categorized into a type. Also, it glows. All Healing Deities possess blood like this. It is different than her mother's True Panacea though.

Chimera Abilities

Mythical Hybrid/Mythical Bestiary: Aphrodite is Ally's ultimate creation, being a hybrid of several creatures, real, mythic, and cryptid.

Hydra-Goddess Blood: Type VIII Regeneration (Absolute/Quantum Regeneration): She can heal from anything completely, even if there is absolutely nothing remaining of her body. Critical injuries will be healed in a matter of seconds. Complete destruction results in complete restoration. Even wounds that are irreversible in nature will heal just like normal wounds. All forms of cellular injuries, disease, and infection will be healed at metaphysical levels, rewritten so that all damage was as a mere dream. Because the cells and telomere lengths will not shorten in any way, she does not age and all forms of sustenance intake required are utterly removed. She is immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in her optimal health and physical prime. The regeneration will extend to her mental, emotional, spiritual, and temporal existence as much as their physical state, rendering all damage to the mind, soul, and timeline to be restored to its perfect working state, and blocking her mind from any attacks or invasive attempts. Even if she is completely annihilated from all aspects of her existence, i.e, if something completely erases her from the past, present, and future on a conceptual/metaphysical level, she would still come back without fail. She may even reappear at a different spatial position upon regeneration, evading any potential jamming into the body. Also, the power cannot be removed, nullified, erased, or affected otherwise, rendering it perfect and absolute. Hydra Blood and Panacea’s own Goddess blood flows through her veins. Her blood cannot be destroyed by any means except being unwritten by The Supreme Being or other truly Omnipotent beings, which they are not in the habit of doing, and since her essence is in her blood she cannot be destroyed by any means. She can get drunk on Dionysus' Godwine and Crystal Dragon's "Dragon Piss Cooler". Crystal's bio-party drugs are strong enough to get her high as well, but neither thing could ever kill her.

Regenerative Limb Addition: She can rapidly regrow severed limbs and on command grow an extra limb along with it if needed. Say her tail is severed, she can choose to grow however many tails she wants to replace it, be it just 1 or 3 or something ridiculous.

Self-Sustenance: Hydra-Goddess Blood also provides Self-Sustenance, she doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, or expel waste from her body. However, she does these things out of habit, not need. She loves waking up next to her girlfriends in the morning or eating the delicious baked goods made by her teammate Dairy Queen. Oh, and smoking weed with Crystal Dragon! So, breathing is kinda neat sometimes.

Sanitized Metabolism and Pleasant Scent: As a Goddess, she always smells either neutral or clean and pretty naturally. The Sisters of Healing are well-known for their Pleasant Scent. She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet or something like roses, it varies. You get the idea.

Fungal Colony Symbiosis and Spores: A Fungal Colony inside her body metabolizes 100% of her oxygen for her in a powerful Symbiotic Relationship, granting her Oxygen Independence. She has lungs, but these are only needed for Dragon Breaths. She is perfectly fine underwater, she does not need to breathe at all. This also affords her access to Poisonous Spores, Hallucinogenic Spores, and Flesh Reanimating Spores.

Flesh Reanimating Fungal Spore Breath: She can bring corpses to life under her control as fleshy puppets, breathing un-life into them. They are not contagious because they are not technically undead, merely reanimated flesh puppets, though they can follow simple commands and act somewhat autonomously. This a form of Reanimation.

Pheromones: Narcoleptic, Lust Inducing, Orgasm Inducing, Persuasion/Hypnosis/Subliminal Messaging, Aggression, Animal Control Pheromones, and Puppet Pheromones. She uses all of them frequently except the direct control Puppet Pheromones, they make her uncomfortable, taking away free will like that, she does use the subliminal pheromones though. Although sometimes Peacock asks specifically to be puppeteered for a few hours, the kinky bitch... Aphrodite obliges her and has her clean up around Medical in a sexy maid outfit usually.


Living Hive: Her body is home to a swarm of special genetically modified super Honeybees she freely controls with her mind. They live in her hollow, rubbery bones.

Bee Manipulation/“The Queen Bee”: She can freely control the special genetically engineered super honeybees that live in her body. They have sharper stingers and nastier venom. Perhaps even nastier than her doppelgänger’s bees... Definitely nastier, not only is it much more toxic than regular bee venom, but it also has some Brown Recluse-like Cytotoxic/Necrotic properties. In addition, these bees have smoother stingers like a Queen Honeybee and can sting as many times as they want without injury. She can also control all Earth Honeybees she may come across.

Honey Generation and Psychedelic Effect: She can create Hallucinogenic Honey like rare giant Nepalese Honeybees make. It gives a fun Psychedelic high. By drinking nectar she can regurgitate up this honey after processing it in a honey sac organ called a crop. It is not vomit, her crop is not connected to her digestive system at all. Let's go over some biology terms and definitions. 

Vomit - "Forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth."

Regurgitation - "Expulsion of material from the pharynx or esophagus."

Crop - "A thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract used for the storage of food prior to digestion."

Super Spit/Enhanced Expectoration: See Mucous and Adhesive entries below.

Mucous Generation and Frictionless Skin/Slippery Body: Super slippery and super sticky varieties. Her entire body is lined with mucous glands, so she can easily slip out of being grabbed like an eel or make the floor extremely slippery with generic fish slime. She can also spit mucous from her mouth reaching insane distance with perfect accuracy. Her Hagfish mucous acts like a net made of pure slime. Hagfish mucous is made of a combination of protein and sugar called mucin and has protein fibers that stretch when pulled making it extraordinarily hard to escape from and clean off. It can lethally gunk up airways and gills easily and utterly destroys machines with moving parts. It makes a great "Capture net".

Adhesive Saliva: She can spit out a large amount of Barnacle Glue from her mouth reaching insane distance with perfect accuracy. It is the strongest natural glue in the world and dries almost instantly, allowing her to easily cement people and stop them in their tracks or to gunk up machinery with moving parts.

March Hare and Celestial Dragon Libido/“Burning Nympho Mode”: She has the superhuman sexual stamina and urge to fuck that a March Hare has. March Hares get the sudden urge to fuck 40 times a week! Sometimes even 40 times a day! When she gets turned on, her Celestial Dragon genes activate and her body heat increases as she leaks steam from her nose and mouth and sweats profusely. Topped off with massively increased sexual aggression, lust, and general kinkiness. Further cranking up her libido is a powerful Succubus heart behind her vagina pumping blood directly into it. The various hormones do all sorts of things to her brains... Extra brains allow full control even while her body is flooded with extremely powerful sex hormones. So she's usually just at normal libido... Unless she wants to lose control and let her beast mind take over and go full Heat mode and let her "lizard brain" run things for a bit. Generally, the one thought on her mind when like this is: “FUCK!!!” She just wants to “Mate” (With the same sex, obviously) and indulge her fetish. That's when she gets all humpy, sweaty, and steamy. She becomes 500 pounds of raw, sexual aggression. She goes through gallons of lube, a mixture of lube naturally produced by her body, and purchased lube. She does occasionally go to Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings... It can get out of control sometimes... She does martial arts and Yoga to help channel her intense sex energy, though both can backfire on her hard, martial arts being practiced barefoot... And Yoga usually just serves to turn her on no matter what when women do it and show off their flexibility and ask her to hold their bare feet for certain positions...

Animal Instincts: Has the natural predatory instincts of an apex predator when hunting and fighting.

Feral Rage/Beast Mode: Self-explanatory. Pure “Fight” response mode where she temporarily lets her inner beast mind take control to fight like an animal...

Tranquil Fury: Multiple brains allow her to access feral strength and ferocity while retaining full control. A metaphor would be wielding a greatsword with the finesse and precision of a rapier or attacking with the relentless strength of a madman, but with the finesse and precision of a surgeon.

Enhanced Thermoreception: Body Heat Sense. She can also detect lies by using this, her sense of smell, and listening to the heartbeat.

Electroreception: Electrical Sense. She can sense electricity generated by nerve impulses and muscle movements and can sense electromagnetic fields generated by electrical devices.

Echolocation and Sonic Scream/Ballistic Scream: She can determine the location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, it also detects illusions, which have no mass, and thus no sound bounces. She can also detect invisible and camouflaged individuals with it. This ability evolved to become powerful enough that it can turn into a powerful Ballistic Scream, capable of shredding or completely blowing up whatever she aims it at, at the highest levels. At a certain point, the air becomes so compressed that her scream lights things on fire and melts concrete as well. She only destroys inorganic targets with the Ballistic Scream. She will stun organic opponents by Sonic Screaming loud enough that it hurts enough for them to cover their ears, but not enough to make them bleed, pop their eardrums, or cause permanent damage. It sounds like a mix of Bat, Whale, and Dolphin noises when she screeches... It's... Something to hear all right... This further adds to her Cryptid-like nature.

Camouflage and Thermoregulation: Chromatophores, Iridophores, and Leucophores in her skin allow her to seamlessly blend in with her background, her suit also matching. She can also raise or lower her body temperature at will without ill effects, most commonly lowering it to hide from thermal detection with Body Heat Camouflage and Thermokinetic Invisibility.

Enhanced Thermoregulation: Can heat up her body from literally flaming hot to freezing cold. Combusting or freezing anything in contact with her body. Including touch-based heat and cold abilities like Melt Touch and Freezing Touch.  This also includes her much more subtle hot or cold soothing hands stuff as Nurse Badness.

Nerve Stimulation Empowerment/"Divine Sky Dragon Mode": Aphrodite can enhance her physical and mental attributes by using electricity to stimulate her nerves to accomplish a variety of things like increasing her already really high and near godlike Strength, Speed, and Reflexes exponentially to... Nigh-godlike levels, granting herself Nigh-Absolute Condition for example. A Super Saiyan power-up for all of her already stupidly high base stats or a Raiden Mode. While she can remain powered up indefinitely, being powered up all the time isn't necessarily useful. In addition to the ambient static electricity that she gives off at higher levels of power not agreeing with the electronics in the med-lab so well. So until the lab gets EMP-proofed she will not be doing tasks like a Speedster in the lab, even though she's already that fast anyway. While powered up, the entirety of both her eyes glow blue. She can also activate Speedster Brain and all of the perks that entail, such as Accelerating her Perception of time to slow down the world around her and activate "Bullet Time" as just one example. Usually, she just uses it to speed up her brain, because her base levels are already so high from being a Healing Goddess that it's usually unnecessary unless she's training with other actual deities and really needs to push herself.

Shapeshifting and Vocal Replication: Includes full Hair Color and Nail Color Manipulation. She can look like other people, slightly alter her height, and hide her extra arms for example. After some practice, she can freely shapeshift like a Martian or proper Greek Goddess. She can look and sound like anyone real or imagined. Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices. She usually only does people, but she can be a 10 foot tall glowing Goddess if she wants to or do tentacle arms, for example. You all know what Martians can do, Greek Goddesses are the same.

Subdermal Chitin Armor: Tough but extremely flexible, she is extremely durable.

Enhanced Antennae: Her special Antennae grant her Foot Control (Please see below. Please note that these powers crossover with a lot of her other powers, but she's especially talented at feet), Absolute Balance and Spatial Perception, 360 Degree Sensory Awareness, and a sort of 6th Danger Intuition sense in combat detecting changes in air pressure and the like, a Spider-Sense.

Foot Control: Connection: She has the power to control female feet, due to a tweak in her main brain and antennae. It is a weird combination of Psychic, Telekinetic, Aura, and Body Manipulation powers... Its power and scope are increased by Aphrodite's particular affinity towards a pair of feet and her level of lust can boost her power's strength immensely (Lust Empowerment), even extending her web of influence to the entire lower body or more. She has an incredibly interwoven connection to the aura surrounding women's feet, it's like a part of her. It is so strong that she could walk by a hot girl at the mall and completely feel up, smell, lick and suck on her feet without her even noticing, and to Aphrodite, it would feel as if she was actually down there worshipping and she would know exactly how they feel, smell, and taste.

Foot Control: Psi-Vampire (Tantric Metabolization Subtype), Aura Reading, and Aura Absorption: Foot Aura: She can literally feed off of her love of feet. Well, technically the aura feet give off. It does not harm the girls she feeds from in any way, unlike most Psi-Vampires. This energizes 
Aphrodite and can end up making her horny. But that may be a side effect of needing to stick her face into sexy feet to feed on their energy. She could, in theory, feed by touching feet with her hands but, the process wouldn't be as efficient because she wouldn't be as turned on and her power is fueled by her fetish. She suffers no ill effects from not feeding, only positive benefits from feeding. She can also sense the unique aura each girl's feet give off.

Foot Control: Puppetry (Combination of Telekinesis and Subliminal Mind Control): 
Aphrodite's antennae give off potent psychic signals. Willpower plays a part, but most women crumble easily, and establishing a connection beforehand by touching foreheads or antennae (Preferable) boosts the connection significantly. With this power, she can literally physically control the feet of others with her mind or give them a masterful foot massage without laying a finger on their feet. It's essentially limited Telekinesis. She can also make women move their feet with their own minds. A more sinister application of this power is using this ability to cause a mild ankle strain so that a woman might ask the nearest reflexology master to help ease their pain and give her an excuse to rub her feet... Oh, and her power does work on males too, this is relevant because if some guys decided to attack her she could literally break all of their ankles with her mind. She has full telekinesis, but her control of women's feet remains especially strong.

Foot Control: Sweat Manipulation: A sub-category of Body Manipulation, Body Fluid Manipulation, 
Aphrodite can on her command induce someone's feet to sweat ranging from a little bit to drenched... Biyalian sweat smells like honey, but Aphrodite loves sweaty human and animal-human hybrid feet too. She really likes the smell of feet, especially given her enhanced animal sense of smell so...

Foot Control: Nail Color Manipulation: A subform of Color Manipulation and Nail Manipulation or possibly even an extremely limited form of Matter Manipulation. Extremely self-explanatory. 
Aphrodite can change someone's toenail color at will. Even polishing unpolished toes, and going as far as adding glitter or rhinestones. She can essentially give free instant pedicures. She can even make nails grow slightly.

Foot Control: Body Manipulation: Growth: 
Aphrodite can make other's feet and toes grow with a thought. This ability is usually used as a prank. If a girlfriend is bitchy she might end up with boats for a couple of hours. She also uses it to make girl's feet grow out of their shoes to film for her personal porn collection... She always returns the girl's feet to normal after filming and never grows them more than a few sizes, nothing too ridiculous, WNBA sizes max. 

Foot Control: Body Manipulation: Sensitivity: 
Aphrodite can make other's feet more sensitive to pleasure, making her have magic fingers as far as foot massages are concerned. She can also make them softer. Kind of a moot point with her various body manipulation powers though.

Fat Manipulation: She can make herself extra thicc or chunky on command or thin as a rail to say, squeeze through a ventilation system when sneaking around. Sometimes Willie requires her to make herself rather plump for roleplay purposes, cause that bitch has several kinks and fetishes Aphrodite can easily indulge... Sometimes Willie just wants to tease and degrade a little fat girl. Well, still Hot Fat cause she still wants to fuck the shit out of her, but definitely not thin either... She can also freely change her measurements as she sees fit. She can literally be someone's Fat Girl, which M-Desu is just so into the idea of... Going by that nickname again...

Photosynthetic Blood: She can photosynthesize sunlight. It powers her up, but she does not need it to live. She can also generate oxygen to help the potency of chemical reactions like her fire breath for example.

Surface Adhesion: Wall Crawling. She has spider DNA and her electrical powers allow her to increase the atomic attraction forces to allow her 500-pound ass to cling to surfaces via Van Der Waals force. She only sticks to things when fighting or infiltrating and that suit keeps her hands and feet bare, so she's all good.

High-Speed Telekinetic Flight: She could fly with Hermes if she felt like it or utterly blast past The Flash... Y'know, the literal God of Speed and the Fastest Man Alive. Well, when Hermes is just casually cruising and not going full godspeed anyway. If she really pressed Sky Dragon Mode she could maybe barely keep up with him for a bit before she lost him. Each Greek god has his or her thing... Hermes' is speed, Lil' Aphrodite's is healing, love, and archery.

Retractable Wings/Organic Wing Manifestation: Owl wings, enabling silent wing flaps.

Night Vision, Ultraviolet Vision, Thermal Vision, and X-Ray Vision: Her big blue Owlishly inspired eyes have perfect night vision and she can see several other spectra when need be.

Aquatic Adaptation: She's equipped to handle the deep-sea if need be. Even though she doesn't need to breathe at all, she can grow gills if she needs to.

Hot/Cold Immunity: See Weather and Elemental Immunity for more details.

Nightmare Mouth: Venomous Fangs: She can use Necrotic or Aphrodisiac venom. 

Shark Jaws: Enhanced Bite/Serrated Teeth/Tooth Regrowth: She has Razor-Sharp serrated teeth that grow back in indefinitely and she can bite with incredible force. Elastic Jaws: She can unhinge her lower jaw like a snake and slightly "Pop-out" her teeth to swallow/bite larger prey. 

Bloodsucking Adaptation: Lamprey mouth transformation (Internal, external mouth looks the same) for stuff like accidental foot bites, which are mostly harmless and her saliva contains a painkiller/numbing agent/endorphins activator, so it doesn't hurt at all and actually feels pleasurable. Even after realizing what’s going on, most girls don’t freak out, cause Vampie is a harmless bloodsucker. She leaves distinctive hickeys, also giving “Love bites”/vaginal “hickeys”. Her mouth appears 100% human when closed and her teeth change as needed.

Elastic Digestive System: She can unhinge her jaws and open her mouth to swallow objects much larger than herself. Her jaw returns to normal human size when she's done. Her entire digestive system is extremely elastic and can stretch to several times its original size. Her chimeric digestive system allows her to digest anything to the point where it's almost a superpower. She doesn't get nourishment from say... Metal, but she can dissolve it in her stomach. Her digestion is 100% efficient, so it does not produce waste. Not that she even needs to eat, old habits and all. She really enjoys eating as much of whatever she wants and never gaining weight or even needing to go to the bathroom ever! She just eats Riley Becky May's homemade ice cream made from her own milk all the time now just because she can! Dairy Queen is an aptly named cowgirl with mad dessert-making skills... I mean... Lil' Aphrodite's nickname used to be Fat Girl cause she would eat like one and was only the teeniest bit doughy underneath and she still looked like she was in shape... But now she can pig out all she wants! It's time to bring Fat Girl back... M-Desu is already foaming at the mouth at the prospect of this nickname coming back...

Prehensile Tongue/Succubus Tongue: A Succubus tongue is more or less just a massively enhanced human tongue that is much longer and prehensile.

Retractable Claws/Poison Claws/Nail Manipulation: She can freely change the color of her finger and toenails, including things like glitter and rhinestones. She can also turn them into razor-sharp claws at any time. She can adjust the length, hardness, and sharpness as well. She can even poison them.

Retractable Prehensile Swiss-Army Tail: Retractable Stinger: She has Basilisk Stone Venom and basic scorpion venom.

Blade Shifting: She has a Chitin Blade. 

Acid Generation: Bombardier Beetle Acid: She can spray Benzoquinone. When she shoots it from her tail, the chemical reaction makes it boiling hot in addition to the high-pressure jet stream that she can shoot with perfect accuracy. When aimed at the eyes it will cause permanent blindness.

Poison Spike Projection: She can shoot out Bee Stingers as projectiles. 

Specialized Ovipositor/Body Infestation/Parasite Generation: Genetically engineered, self-fertilizing, flesh-eating mutant Dermestid Beetle eggs that hatch and start eating in seconds, rapidly growing to adulthood. Normal Dermestid beetles can skeletonize a dead body in a few days, these beetles can skeletonize a living body in minutes... Her Ovipositor also acts as a sensitive secondary fuck hole, it is actually like a highly specialized second vagina. It can still be used for fucking... Ovipositors are weird... Aphrodite's ovipositor is like a stinger, hard and sharp, also containing her venom glands... But can be become soft, flexible, and sensitive to touch, becoming a wider hole instead of a narrow injection point...

Organic Web Generation: Aphrodite has Spinneret Glands at the base of her spine. Through intense exercises, she has incredible control of her spinneret muscles and can shoot webbing from her "butt" with perfect accuracy at surprising range, either just a web line or an entire net. Often surprise capturing an opponent. Her body secretes oils that render her immune to sticking to her own webs, but she can make both sticky and dry silk. As a chimera, she has an absurd amount of silk production potential. She actually can get explosively backed up if she doesn't release for over a week... However part of her daily exercises is working her spinneret glands to work on that perfect "Ass shot" technique, so she's good. She uses a surprising amount of it for her sexy time with her various loves as well. She can also spit silk from under her tongue, but she rarely uses it this way. Her body can produce any color of silk and add scents or poison to the silk, her favorite and most commonly used being Aphrodite's Embrace, dry pink silk that smells sweet and has trace amounts of aphrodisiacs mixed in that she uses for sexy time situations. Paralytic Purple Poison is for combat or capture, dry or sticky purple silk almost dripping with non-lethal paralytic poison. Golden Orb Weaver's Gift is a dry, uber-strong golden silk used to restrain VIPs and POWs.

Elemental Powers

Classic Element Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, and Nature Lordship: She can manipulate Water, Earth, Fire, and Air and any combination of them such as fire and earth for magma. End of days power level, like earthquake and tsunami generation, maelstrom creation, blizzards, etc. She is essentially an Avatar due to DNA from the Divine Elemental Creatures listed. Note that she can manipulate all combinations of elements, the stuff in parenthesis just indicates what each creature is known for, but they are masters of all forms of their element. She can manipulate existing elements or create her own. Since she has the DNA of each of these creatures, she also commands their dominion, such as freely creating storms for example. She also controls the weather. The creatures are, Divine Sky Dragon (Electricity and Air), Divine Fire Salamander (Fire and Magma), Divine Frost Dragon (Ice and Water), and Divine/Great Stone Dragon (Earth and Rock).

Draconian Quad-Elemental Organ: Fire, Ice, Electrical, Stone (Petrifying Breath). Allows for Fire, Ice, Electric, and Stone breath (Surface petrification/shell-forming only unless inhaled.) She has a saying related to Game of Thrones she likes to say before each breath attack, her favorite being fire, which she takes great pleasure in saying before letting her mouth flamethrower loose. They are, "Dracarys!", "Winter is coming!", "...Stormborn... Mother of dragons...", and "With the strength of the Mountain."

Plasma Manipulation: She can burn, shock, or freeze her opponents with it or cut them like a damned lightsaber. Plasma is fucking weird! This is an extension of her electrical powers.

Weather Immunity/Elemental Immunity: She is completely immune to extreme hot, cold, electricity, etc. The elements just don't affect her due to all of her Divine Beast DNA.

Base Stats

Age Empowerment: Her base stats and powers will slowly grow over the millennia until she's at least at Ally's levels of instant healing and body morphing with a snap. It will take her several thousands of years to learn to become an Omnipresential Aspect of Healing like her grandmother, mom, and aunties. She will eventually reach and maybe even surpass her mother Panacea. She is always growing stronger with time.

Superhuman - Absolute Condition: Detailed below, but her base strength, speed, reflexes, etc. are all at extremely high superhuman levels. Near-godlike in fact... Her mother considers her a full-blown Goddess of Healing due to being a genetic clone of her with some tweaks, otherwise known as a daughter with a slightly Narcissistic mother. Haha. All joking aside, Aphrodite is a Goddess, a young Goddess... But a Goddess nonetheless. Her strength and durability are so great that she can Thunderclap and Earthquake Stomp... She has to be especially careful with the clap cause if she claps too hard it lights everything around her in a one-mile radius on fire... Because science, air compression creating heat and all that jazz. Very dangerous! Do not use around people other than your opponent.

Absolute Stamina and Endurance: In addition to her Contaminant Immunity making her immune to fatigue toxin buildup, her fungal colony feeds her body Oxygen and her Hydra-Goddess Blood provides complete Self-Sustenance. She never needs to sleep, but sometimes chooses to sleep. Especially if it’s over at a girl’s house...

Absolute Flexibility and Balance: Aphrodite is absolutely flexible due to her flexible bones. She's basically Ragdoll, but with zero limitations, it's actually rather freaky... She can bend in any conceivable way with no limitations and fit through and into the tiniest of spaces. She has even masturbated with her foot while standing a few times... What? She has that crazy half-March Hare, half-Celestial Dragon libido, the two horniest species in the Galaxy and her hands can be put to better use... She also literally cannot fall over or be knocked down by any means... Also, Super Armor, nothing can make her flinch and she can move through any attack like it was nothing.

Nigh-Absolute Durability: Her rapid regeneration and subdermal armor make her an extraordinarily tough beast. Because she's a Goddess, she basically indestructible.

Enhanced Senses: All 5 senses are enhanced. She is literally Eagle-eyed and Owl-eyed, having perfect night vision. She has a nose like a bloodhound, and her antennae can even pick up smells on the sub-atomic level. She really understands the little nuances of the smell of each girl's feet she encounters and she can smell lies, arousal, and fear. She memorizes the scent, heartbeat, and breathing pattern of everyone she meets as well the unique sound of each person's footsteps. She always knows who's at the door or behind her, it can really freak people out, but she only does it just in case her loved ones are ever in danger. She can hear a heartbeat from a fair distance and generally has the hearing of predator and prey animals alike. If she sets up web lines she can sense the tiniest disturbance to them and home in on it accurately. In addition to Seismic Sense when barefoot, giving her a sort of Radar Sense on top of what her antennae give her... There is no sneaking up on her, Spider-Sense! Illusions, Invisibility, Camouflage. None of that works on her. She can sense lies by heartbeat and pheromones. Her sense of taste is also well above average. She can tell when a girl last washed her feet accurately to the second and what kind of lotions she used and when just by the taste.

Superhuman Lung Capacity: For dragon breath, because she doesn't need to breathe. It makes getting stoned with Crystal Dragon a lot of fun though...

Absolute Beauty: She has a natural, otherworldly Divine Beauty. She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Makeup or not. Even if she just woke up. She is always graceful and ridiculously photogenic. She literally has her Auntie Aphrodite's Blessing and rivals her beauty. Only Eva seems to be immune, thinking she's disgusting because of her extra limbs and chimeric abilities. To be fair... Eva is a Nazi bitch... And to be fair... Lil' Aphrodite is dating her daughter...

Extra Parts and Mental Powers

Multiple Limbs: She has 6 fully functional arms, the extra pairs underneath the original 2. The extra 4 can be retracted into her body at will, but she generally keeps them all out while working or fighting, and the girls really appreciate the multiple hands massaging their feet, as she can work multiple areas at once, such as soles, toes, arches, heels, ankles, calves... She gives literally Godly massages. She has no dominant hand, possessing full dexterity, precision, and coordination with 6 of her hands. Her multitasking skill is unreal between her 9 brains and 6 arms.

Multiple Hearts: Has a normal human heart in her chest as well as a large and extremely powerful Succubus heart behind her vagina.

Multiple Brains and Cephalopod Brain Upgrades: She has Superhuman Intelligence between her 9 brains and all associated Intelligence sub-powers because of this.

Decapitation Immunity: Her head can be separated from her body with no ill effects... She has 8 other brains elsewhere and can still completely function until a new head grows back, usually within seconds.

Hyper-Accelerated Learning: She can learn almost anything in seconds.

Psychic Immunity: Regeneration and Multiple Brains make her completely immune to all psychic-based attacks and control effects.

Enhanced Multitasking and Parallel Processing: Each brain can work independently or in unison to allow her to effortlessly divide her attention, the extra arms help immensely, especially considering she has full dexterity, precision, and coordination with all of them.

Telekinesis and Telepathy: Short version? She's basically Professor Xavier... She can turn mind reading on and off at will, alter a person's memories, implant suggestions, put them to sleep, etc... She has such fine control of her telekinesis that she can, for example, cause blindness by destroying the fine inner workings of the eyes with precision telekinesis, or by killing that part of the brain, or causing a stroke with telekinesis by telekinetically constricting the blood vessels in the brain, or just explosively nuking a person's head like a water balloon. (Localised Biological Explosion/Cranial Explosion Inducement) Think blood-filled water balloon. Like the head exploder in The Boys Season 2, the ending of I Am Not Okay With This, or that famous scene from Scanners. Not only is her control extremely fine and precise, but her telekinesis itself is force of nature level powerful. She can do some terrifying things... But rarely uses her power to harm others.

Intelligence, Knowledge, and Memory Absorb (Via her Nandi Bear DNA): She can suck brains dry of blood and eat the dried out husk after telekinetically popping skulls (Brain Removal). Cracking skulls open like an egg so the brain stays intact, but she can water balloon pop them as well, sucking up the slurry of blood and brain chunks. It’s a texture thing, which is why she doesn’t eat whole wet brains. Only the worst people or the dead that willingly agreed to have their brain eaten when they die so that their knowledge can live on get their brains eaten. She does NOT pick up any parts of their personality or anything like that. Only intelligence, knowledge, and/or skills.

Illusion Awareness: Multiple Brains, her sense of smell, and her Echolocation and Seismic Sense can cut through even the multiple layers of Inari’s potent illusions to discern reality from illusion... She can beat any regular illusion but Inari's Layered True Illusions can pose difficulties escaping from depending on their complexity. Also, being aware that a True Illusion is just an illusion is the least of her problems...

Psionic Inundation/Mind Blast/Mental Overload: She can overload her target's brain with random, useless information, disabling them crippling anxiety and headaches. Think of a computer with 500 tabs open, all playing music until the hard drive starts smoking... They can't do anything except curl up into the fetal position, shake, and cry. It doesn't leave lasting damage, but she absolutely hates torturing people like this...

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