Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ally's Animal Army: The B-Team

As the name suggests, the-B Team consists of the members of the Animal Army that are skilled fighters or have strong powers but are not forces of nature that can take down whole armies by themselves. Aphrodite Monroe uses them for more reasonable threats that don't require the big guns. The B-Team, as well as the rest of the Animal Army such as The Four Horsewomen and The Support Animals, are all very gay, except for Peacock who is technically very straight. All of the girls have a Type VI Healing Factor: Level 4 (Immortal Regeneration): They can regenerate even if their physical body is erased, and Self-Sustenance: They don't need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. but do it anyway. All hair colors are naturally occurring, growing in that way. They are all women possessing Supernatural Beauty, cause even with their sometimes animalistic toenails, they all have model-worthy feet.

Leader: Thesaurus

Hilda a.k.a. Thesaurus

Aliases: The Big Blonde Bruiser, The Viking Dinosaur, The Mighty Thesaurus, The Kool-Aid Woman, Hilda the Home Run Queen

Hair: Blonde, Ass length, Straight. She is almost always wearing a Graduation Cap.

Eyes: Blue, Slit-shaped Pupils. Behind them... Thesaurus is just a big ole marshmallow. She's soft and sweet. She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses when outside of combat.

Height: 25’0. She is... A bit clumsy and often forgets she's such a brick shithouse. As a result... She has a habit of bursting through walls and doorways like the Kool-Aid Man or robots and most large enemies in XCOM II like Sectopods, Andromedons, and Gatekeepers. People have a similar "Oh shit!" reaction when Thesaurus bursts through a wall...

Figure: G-Cup (Proportionally). Hourglass. Thicc AF. Dumptruck ass. Thicc thighs. She's a little bit Hot Fat, being curvy in all the right places. Underneath she's in great shape though, a solid wall of muscle. She's also kind of a sexy brick shithouse in addition to being hot fat.

Feet: She stopped counting sizes, but they're about 3 feet long. US Women’s Size 87 if you must know. She owns one pair of flip-flops. Her feet are magically dirt repellant and she doesn’t generally wear shoes because her body has Anti-Adhesion properties and her claws are not retractable. Her feet are sexy though, you're glad she shows them off. Cerulean Blue Polish. She has books and bookshelves of various colors tattooed on the tops of her feet.

Personality and Background: Thesaurus is sweet and somewhat clumsy. She often Juggernauts her way through walls and doorways, much to Queen Bee’s chagrin. Thesaurus is Swedish and has a heavy accent. She is also more of an Encyclopedia than a Thesaurus, but Thesaurus works much better as a name for a genius T-rex girl, though she has normal-sized arms... She actually has really well-defined arms in fact... She swings that Trivia Bat like a champ! Though she does have a strong vocabulary... But she speaks normally so that she can hold meaningful conversations with people. For such a huge and strong lady, she is so sweet, loving, and open-minded. She's also insanely smart, she has both brains and brawn. She is formerly a language professor with two Ph. Ds, in English Literature and World Languages respectively. 

Animal Characteristics: Tail, Claws, Fangs, Scales on some parts of her body (Tail, ass, parts of her legs, tops of her hands and feet, sides of her boobs, sides of her face), Large Size


Word Manifestation (Trivia Facts only): She can turn trivia facts into solid matter, literally hitting someone with words such as “Fun Fact: A group of ferrets is called a business!” The Trivia Bat is literally made from solidified trivia facts. The Trivia Bat is even stronger when wielded by someone like her with her dinosaur strength. Some of her favorite trivia is below.

“Did you know that Fanta was invented by Nazis?”

“Did you know that George Takei’s reading of 50 Shades of Grey is the most popular version of the audiobook because ‘Oh my!’ is uttered 72 times in his distinctive way?”

“Fun Fact: Eminem didn’t discover internet porn until 2009!”

“Fun Fact: Wonder Woman and Zazzala are the most searched for women on Wikfeet Heroine and Wikifeet Villainess respectively.”

Wing Manifestation: Trivia Wings and Flight: She can make wings out of solidified Trivia Facts to take flight like a Pterodactyl. Well... She can still use her arms, so not 1:1...

Superhuman Intelligence and Encyclopedic Knowledge: She is quite literally a walking encyclopedia and thesaurus with her random knowledge of a vast number of subjects and strong vocabulary. Especially random fun facts! 

Omnilingualism and Projective Omniligualism: Thesaurus can instantly learn a new language by hearing it only once, just a couple of words is all she needs to become fluent in any language, Earth, Alien, Sign Language, Lip Reading, Terrible Handwriting, Backwards Speech and Writing, Body Language, and even Computer Code... She can't talk to animals though, it has to be a language created by sentient beings. She can also emit a field that will automatically translate any spoken language for everyone inside of it.

Enhanced Strength, Endurance, and Stamina

Supernatural Durability, Flinching Immunity, and Juggernaut Momentum: Despite her clumsiness and poor balance (Every time she falls or breaks a wall or doorway, it's her fault), Thesaurus is so large, heavy, and durable that she has Super Armor. Nothing that anyone else can throw at her can make her flinch. It would literally be like trying to make a T-Rex flinch... Thesaurus just charges through every attack like an immovable tank. Most solid structures and objects don't stop her either, she is known as the Kool-Aid Woman for a reason!

Enhanced Hearing, Smell, Vision (Night Vision)

Claws: Not generally used because of her Trivia Bat, but she has them on her fingers and toes, painting both sets of claws.

Fangs and Enhanced Bite: Her teeth are razor sharp and she can easily bite limbs off, but again her Trivia Bat is her main weapon.

Charge!: She can easily bust through a titanium wall... Usually by mistake... Even in the Hive... Queen Bee is not happy but accepts the damages... She also shoulder checks opponents in combat.

Powerful Tail: A single swipe can shatter bones and rupture organs, she uses it in tandem with the Trivia Bat to great effect.

Superhuman Combat: Basic Hand to Hand Combatant: She is not really a trained fighter, just a beast to fight in combat due to her large size, claws, fangs, powerful tail, and super strength. She’s really good with that Trivia Bat though, using it in tandem with her tail to great effect. She is too slow and clumsy to be an Army Annihilating One-Woman Army though. She can still take out big groups of people though. Not having Area of Effect attacks is the biggest thing holding her back. That's not her fault though, the B-Team is just fine with her in her book.

Weapon Proficiency: Trivia Bat/"Trivia Beatdown": She wields her Trivia Bat like a Jedi Master wields a lightsaber. The Trivia Bat is actually weightless and requires great skill to use. Just cause it’s weightless doesn’t mean that getting hit by it doesn’t feel like getting hit by a freight train though! The words from her mouth solidify and appear as tightly bunched together sentences made of black and red energy in the shape of a bat. She can easily shatter bones and rupture organs with a single swing of the Trivia Bat. Hell, she could take someone's head off in one swing and homerun the thing!

Jess a.k.a. Agent Goldblum

Aliases: The Fly, The Vomit Comet, The Most Adorable Xenomorph, The Facemelter

Hair: Black, Ass length, Straight (Greasy, and Disheveled), Messy Emo Bangs.

Eyes: Red compound-style human-sized eyes like Biyalians. Behind them... She is the cute and slightly dirty shut-in that you can’t help but love!

Height: 5’3

Figure: B-Cup. Hourglass. Fat Ass. Thicc Thighs. In good shape, but if you poked her stomach she would be a little doughy.

Feet: Size 7. Chipped Onyx Black Polish. Nails on the longer side. She can frequently be seen rubbing her feet together with Pearly White Lotion-Soap bought from Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. She uses the Super Strengthening Polish too but goes so long without pedicures that it eventually chips, which takes like 6 months... Maybe you could be her permanent pedicure gal... She has such cute feet...

Personality and Background: Agent Goldblum is addicted to sugary foods (Enhanced Metabolism counters weight gain) and is exceptionally twitchy, the hand-rubbing thing is a nervous habit of hers. She is actually a major sex fiend, but also a Goth shut-in who doesn’t take very good care of herself... But she's still highly fuckable... She’s... Hot gross if that makes sense, very sexy, but a little dirty and messy. She’s odd and eccentric and a tad anti-social, but she’s still super likable. She often does the fu fu fu style giggle. She’s into some real kinky shit too... She can often be found passed out under a pile of wrappers and energy drink cans after an all-night binge-watch or binge-play session. She’s what you’d call a NEET, Hikikomori, Shut-In, etc. She is Japanese but does not have an accent, she was born somewhere in the Mid-Atlantic region of America. She can frequently be seen snug as a bug in a rug in her burrito blanket. She likes to roll herself up in it when she binge-watches. Yes, it looks like a burrito.

Animal Characteristics: Wings, Digestive System, Eyes, Antennae


Projectile Acid Vomit: It is long-range, precise, and accurate. It smells so bad that it burns out the senses as well even if she misses. Her opponent can’t smell anything and their eyes will burn and water as the smell makes them dry heave, leaving them vulnerable to a follow-up shot. Her accuracy is great though and she rarely misses.

Acid Immunity: She is immune to her own acid. This includes her teeth as well, she actually has really nice teeth, all things considered.

Wall Crawling: She is literally a fly on the wall sometimes, or the ceiling, you get the idea. Her gloves and boots are made of special materials that allow for atomic interaction to allow her to stick to surfaces even with her hands and feet covered. Though in her room she's always barefoot and in her pajamas, why she would eat, drink, and watch upside down from the ceiling is beyond me... She speaks and understands Japanese though as she is Bilingual, so it's not like she needs the subtitles for non-dubbed anime, cause she watches both as they are both equally good and valid. Seriously though, she has storage systems on her ceiling to store food and drink without spills, and shelves for manga. Shockingly, she has never spilled or dropped anything. Though she has fallen asleep on the ceiling and fell off of the ceiling while remaining asleep, her landing cushioned by wrappers, bags, and cans, waking up in the pile of trash half a day later. She doesn't even need to sleep, she's just lazy. She's a cute shut-in though.

Wings/High-Speed Flight: All of the dyes in the junk food she eats caused her insectoid wings to develop beautiful iridescent rainbow colors after absorbing all of that dye, she can use them for High-Speed Flight. She is a fly after all, haha!

Enhanced Athleticism: Enhanced Agility, Balance, Flexibility, Dexterity, Reflexes, and Durability

Enhanced Vision and Accelerated Thought Processing: She has large round, red, multi-lensed, fly-like goggles that let her see 360 degrees with the help of cameras and offer Telescopic Zoom, Night Vision, Infrared, and Ultraviolet Vision mode settings, though her eyes naturally have UV mode. The goggles also make her look more like a fly with those big, bulbous red lenses. Her brain can rapidly process the 360-degree view from her goggles all at once without getting confused or disoriented.

Danger Sense via Antenna Input: Her fly senses make her very difficult to swat.

Peak Human Combat: Basic Hand to Hand Combatant: She took basic Biyalian Military CQC Training to defend herself. Her acid vomit, reflexes, 360 vision, dodging skill, and flight gives her the edge in nearly any fight, even though she's not an amazing fighter by any stretch...

Uma a.k.a. Night Mare

Aliases: The Dream Demon, The Night Witch Rider, Dark Pegasus, The Sleep Paralysis Demon, The Horse That Rides You

Hair: Black with a large Silver streak, Neck Length, Bob.

Eyes: Red. Behind them... Well, they certainly aren't the eyes of a demon, but to her enemies... Watch out...

Height: 5’2

Figure: D-Cup. Hourglass. Fat ass. Killer legs. Generally, kinda thicc and athletic build, in great shape, very toned.

Feet: Size 7. Shiny Silver Polish.

Personality and Background: Night Mare is a former professional kickboxer from India, she has a heavy typical Indian-English accent, but she’s very easy to understand. She is actually kind of the Team Mom. She always wanted kids but was never able to have them, and she is older than she looks... You would never guess that she is old enough to be your mom... She is a Mama... Horse... A Mare if you will. Though she's Mama Bear in the metaphorical sense. You can occasionally find her sitting on your chest late at night with a lustful look in her eyes and her hand over your mouth, her other hand with a single finger to her lips making the shooshing gesture. There is usually some choking as well, this horse rides you! Damned Sleep Paralysis Demons... She likes to ride cowgirl as she grinds her pussy into your own and chokes you... These "Demons" are supposed to be scary right? Cause this is just hot as fuck!

Animal Characteristics: Tail, Ears, Wing Manifestation, Eyes


Nightmare Craft: Obviously, her target must be asleep, but she can trigger nightmares so terrifying that her target dies of a heart attack caused by adrenaline overload, or cause several other methods of heart failure. Such as, by calcification which creates a host of problems or blood-pressure drop, it's always the heart that gives out first during a real scare. Though she is generally sub-lethal and just trolls with this ability. Also, a swift kick to the head at less than lethal strength can knock someone out instantly and allow her to use this power. A good scare can also make someone pass out, which is all she needs...

Fear-Based Paralysis Inducement and Sleep Paralysis Inducement: She can give off an “Aura” so terrifying that her target is literally Paralyzed with fear. Even if they manage to power through the fear, the sleep paralysis keeps them locked in place. She can inflict sleep paralysis on people who are awake or asleep, it doesn't matter.

Sexsomnia Inducement/"Sleepfucking Inducement": She can make sleeping people arise like a vampire, it's like a sexier version of sleepwalking with more rape. She can make the "zombie" grope, fondle, masturbate, grind, jerk off, or have sex outright, all while completely knocked out. When they wake up, they don't remember a thing...

Daymare Hallucination Manifestation: She can menace the waking with illusions crafted from their fears and anxieties. If they believe enough they may even cause a psychosomatic reaction so severe that an imaginary Ghostface with an imaginary knife stabbing someone would literally trick their brain into believing they had actually been stabbed and their brain would actually trick the body into hurting itself and bleeding...

Intangibility, Invisibility, and Inaudible Movement: She can turn invisible, phase through solid objects, and has the ability to make no sound when she moves. She can also dissolve into black mist and vanish, combining these powers as she exits. This is mainly an "Oh shit!" thing for if her target wakes up unexpectedly. Extremely powerful electric currents can force her to stay solid by bridging the gaps in her molecules, preventing her from going intangible.

Flight via black-feathered Organic Wing Manifestation: She can fly like a Pegasus.

Enhanced Speed, Endurance, Stamina, and Durability

Pincer Grip/"The Chest Sitting Sleep Paralysis Demon": Her grip is nearly unbreakable if she's able to pin someone down. Once pinned, very few people are able to break free of her grasp once she sits on their chest. Not even most superhumans, especially if she paralyzes them first, which she always does.

Powerful Legs: Her kicks can easily fracture and break bones with a single strike. Including face bones. A precision kick to the skull can be lethal with a whiplash neck break or a sharp enough kick to the right area. She can also cause Cardiac Arrest with a lucky chest kick, especially because she wears shoes with metal plates on the soles.

Peak Human Combat: Basic Hand to Hand Combatant: She's a former professional kickboxer, but is quite literally a one-trick pony... She does kick hard though and her enhanced speed gives her an edge. She likes to fight with honor as part of her personal warrior's code, so she does not phase or turn invisible in fights, only using these powers if her life is in danger.

Andrea “Dre” a.k.a. Meteor Astra

Aliases: The Peregrine Slicer, The Bullet Hawk

Hair: Brunette with Neon Yellow streaks. Neck Length. Undercut with Emo Bangs.

Eyes: Brown. Behind them... You could say she's an adrenaline junkie, but she's fun. She wears special Hypersonic Wind Goggles, Aviator style and tint of course.

Height: 6’0

Figure: B-Cup. Hourglass. Thin and lithe, but sexy, well-defined, and toned.

Feet: Size 15. Royal Purple Polish. Long thin feet, long toes. See note below on her nails. Honestly, her feet are still super fucking sexy... Talons: Long, Razor-sharp, Nigh-Unbreakable Talons, she paints them purple. Your insane durability makes it perfectly safe to suck her toes. She buys Super Strengthening Polish from Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. She has pretty much Prehensile Feet that display Enhanced Adroitness, she's quite good with her feet. She is barefoot while in flight and wears flip-flops on the ground.

Personality and Background: Meteor Astra is Australian and has a fairly thick Australian accent, though she’s easy to understand. She is somewhat of a daredevil and a speed demon. For an assassin and former merc, she's really fun-loving and laid back. She doesn't talk about her days with Redbacks, her old mercenary company from her human days... She must've done some shit she ain't proud of...

Animal Characteristics: Talons, Projectile Razor Feathers, Lithe Frame, Wing Manifestation


High-Speed Flight/Hypersonic Flight Speed via her Organic Wing Manifestation and Telekinetic Flight: She has the nickname "Meteor" for a reason... The Sonic Boom entrance is kind of her calling card as counterintuitive as that sounds... It can actually be a really effective scare tactic and misdirection tactic to cause panic and confusion among the enemy ranks.

Enhanced Durability, Endurance, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Flexibility, Reflexes, and Balance

Enhanced Hearing and Eyesight (Telescopic Vision)

Aerial Adaption: Cold Immunity and Enhanced Lung Capacity as well as immunity to motion sickness and vertigo. Though she doesn't actually need to breathe at all.

Projectile Razor Feathers: Self-Explanatory. Her feathers double as throwing knives, which she is deadly accurate with.

Supernatural Combat and Aerial Combat Mastery: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: She is pretty much unbeatable in a fight due to her sheer blinding speed, especially if the fight takes place in the air! She has no anti-armor (As in tanks, she can easily pierce body armor with her talons) skills though, so she's not quite an Army Annihilating One-Woman Army, she's a single target or small groups kinda gal anyway.

Supernatural Assassination: She has several unique assassination methods. Her trademarked “Meteor Throat Slicer” (A Hypersonic throat slice faster than the eye can see). The mid-range “Razor Feather Pincushion Special” is pretty self-explanatory. The “Meteor Piercer” is where she flies at Hypersonic speed in a Piercing Charge attack and impales them, literally flying through her target talons first.

Imka a.k.a. The Flamingo

Aliases: Pinkie Pie, Stilts, Cotton Candy

Hair: Neon Pink with Black Tips, Ass Length with Emo Bangs, Space Buns.

Eyes: Yellow. Behind them... She has the soul of a dancer.

Height: 6’2

Figure: B-Cup. Hourglass. Thin and lithe, but sexy, well-defined, and toned. Sexy long legs.

Feet: Size 15. Hot Pink Polish with Onyx Black Tips. Human nails. Long thin feet, long toes, and nails on the longer side. She lives in flip-flops.

Personality and Background: The Flamingo is from South Africa and has a South African accent. She has pale skin. She is a sweetheart and she loves to dance and do yoga. In addition to her boiling salt springs, she quite enjoys normal hot tubs as well. She is a former Flamenco instructor.

Animal Characteristics: Projectile Razor Feathers, Lithe Frame, Heat and Acid Resistance, Saltwater Filtration Gland, Wing Manifestation


Heat Resistance and Acid Resistance: She often hangs out in a boiling extremely saline bath or hot springs if she can find them that would literally melt the skin off most living things. She also drinks and gets most of her nutrition through boiling saltwater via a special gland. Even though she doesn't need to eat. She loves shrimp too. The standing on one leg thing is unknown, even to her. She just does it without thinking.

Projectile Razor Feathers: Self-Explanatory. Her feathers double as throwing knives, which she is deadly accurate with.

Flight via Organic Wing Manifestation: Flamingos can fly.

Enhanced Athleticism: Enhanced Balance, Flexibility, Dexterity, Reflexes, Durability, Leaping, and Agility

Lightweight Movement: She can walk on mud that anyone else would sink in. Her toes become webbed when she walks on mud to distribute her weight, but only then. They aren't normally webbed, not that you'd mind if they were.

Flamenco Dance Intuition: She has modified it to be used in combat, resulting in unpredictable moves.

Pole Dance Intuition and Vertigo Immunity: Y'know... For exercise, obviously! She is an amazing Pole Dancer, she can even do it while completely sloshed! She can fight from a stripper pole as well.

Peak Human Combat and Gymnastics Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Her unpredictable dance fighting, balance, flexibility, agility, and razor feathers make her a top-notch fighter. She can mix athleticism, acrobatics, and gymnastics with close-quarters combat, utilizing flips, cartwheels, tumbling, pole swings, twists, and other such movements to attack or defend.

Lila a.k.a. Sasquatch

Aliases: Bigfoot, Dr. Dunk, The Sloth Shaman

Hair: Brunette. Ass length, thick, voluminous, and super silky, but also wild and out of control, barely contained by her Ponytail. She uses The Essence of England shampoo by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co.

Eyes: Brown. Behind them... She's a sweet, but wild girl.

Height: 10’0

Figure: She has somewhat hairy legs and arms, and bushy brows. Surprisingly, her bikini area is well maintained. Anyway, E-Cup, Hourglass. In great shape, very toned. She's a sexy brick shithouse.

Feet: Huge hairy, but still sexy feet. She has a little hair on the tops of her toes and the tops of her feet. US Women’s Size 60 (27 inches long). “Monkey toes”: Long, strong, and dexterous toes. Her feet still look mostly human and fairly sexy, you don’t mind the hair and personally, you love her long toes. Her nails are short, thick black toe claws, they are not particularly sharp. She is generally barefoot, but she owns one pair of flip-flops and one pair of basketball shoes. They are magically dirt repellant and she generally doesn’t wear shoes because her body has Anti-Adhesion properties. Her feet are durable, but silky-soft because of her sweat. However, they do get dry easily so she buys a ton of Pearly White Lotion Soap, also for stench control. Grape Ape is her favorite scent. She is amazing at footjobs and really likes anklets and rings. Does not paint her toe claws generally.

Personality and Background: Sasquatch is from one of the Salish Tribes in Canada and has a heavy Canadian accent. She might be a few hundred years old, Ally made her and let her roam. Apparently, way back in the day she used to be much hairier and roamed the wilderness, hairy enough that she didn't need clothes. She may or may not be the inspiration for a certain North American Cryptid with large feet... She prefers to wear tracksuits these days. She has strong Native features and is extremely polite and kind of shy, except on the basketball court where she becomes an absolute beast at the sport, being an aggressive player. She wears a necklace made of bear and wolf teeth with a small bird skull as the centerpiece. There is a visage of the mighty sloth carved into the skull centerpiece and she uses it as a totem for rituals, she's quite spiritual and acts as something of a Shaman around the Hive in her spare time. She believes her Spirit Guide to be the mighty sloth. Seriously, the sloth is an amazing Spirit Animal to have! It means taking it slow and focusing on the things in life that matter most to you. Maybe that's why she's so mellow and gets along with everyone (Yes, even Bubble Crab. They do love each other at the end of the day even though she drives Bubble Crab's OCD up the wall.), but is also a little shy... Except when playing Basketball, then she becomes the scary rape meme sloth... She gets... Intense...

Animal Characteristics: Feet, Musk, Excess Hair, Fangs, Claws, Large Size


Sasquatch “Musk”: She has a particular smell most people find offensive... It is especially concentrated on the sweat glands in her feet... But to you who can smell the nuances of animal Pheromones... It’s one of the best smells... Plus it smells like feet which you’re obviously really into... Combination of Stench and raw animal Pheromones.

Enhanced Athleticism: Enhanced Strength, Speed, Dexterity, Durability, Stamina, Endurance, Reflexes, Leaping, Agility, Flexibility, and Balance

Enhanced Smell and Hearing

Cold Resistance: Her hair does keep her warm.

Basketball Intuition: Sasquatch is a beast on the court. She is huge, aggressive, a dunking machine, and can make half-court and even full-court 3 pointers! You half expect the ball to burst into flames NBA Jam style when she plays.

Disco and Breakdance Intuition: Sasquatch is a Disco Queen! Her favorite song is Stayin' Alive by The Bee Gees. Everyone knows not to touch her big headphones... She is also a great Breakdancer.

Fangs: She has them, but doesn't really bite.

Claws: She has them, but doesn't really use them.

Enhanced Combat and Gymnastics Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat: "Squatch Fu", a combination of fighting and her "Musk", her foot just has to pass by an opponent’s nose to knock most people out cold or at the very least incapacitate them with watering eyes and dry heaving. She knows actual Kung Fu as well. Her height, reach, strength, speed, stench advantage, etc. make her a top-class fighter. She can mix athleticism, acrobatics, and gymnastics with close-quarters combat, utilizing flips, cartwheels, tumbling, pole swings, twists, and other such movements to attack or defend.

Kandi a.k.a. Peacock

Aliases: The Dance Machine, The Saucy Showgirl, Peahen Trap Remix, The Trap Queen

Hair: Blue and Green hair, Neck Length, Layered and feathered Bob.

Eyes: Brown. Behind them... Peacock is flashy to her core...

Height: 5’4

Figure: D-Cup. Hourglass. In great shape. A Lil' thicc, but sexy, well-defined, and toned.

Feet: Size 7. A mix of Blue and Green polish. She has human toenails, but they are long and sharp. She has pretty much Prehensile Feet that display Enhanced Adroitness, she's quite good with her feet. She is often barefoot, maybe wearing barefoot sandals if anything. She asked you to make sure that you give her especially womanly feet. She can wield swords with them so...

Personality and Background: Peacock is effeminate, fabulous, and flashy. She has an Ojou-sama personality and a Noblewoman laugh. She loves the showgirl style and dresses and acts the part. She's quite good at passing as a woman if her bright feathers weren't a dead giveaway... That and her name is not Peahen... But if you saw her you'd think she was a biological female. She has male genitals and sex organs, but everything else was personally sculpted by you to be female. She dresses like a showgirl with a sparkly blue and green Domino mask to match. Seriously convincing Peahen this one is... She prefers female pronouns and has a foot fetish for female feet rivaling your own. She is from somewhere in Southeast Asia, likely India. She’s a medium-dark caramel complexion and her accent is hard to place...

Animal Characteristics: Razor Tail Feathers (Non-projectile), Wing Manifestation


Hypnotic Dance: It’s possibly a legitimate superpower, it's unclear. The Batusi from the Batman of Earth 66 is one of her specialties. The pure sex energy and chaotic nature of the dance is a power in and of itself.

Dance Intuition and Dance Fighting: Capoeira, Ballet, Breakdancing, Hip Hop, Belly Dancing, whatever the Batusi is... You name it. If it's a dance, she probably knows it and can fight with it.

Pole Dance Intuition and Vertigo Immunity: Y'know... For exercise, obviously! She is an amazing Pole Dancer, she can even do it while completely sloshed! She can fight from a stripper pole as well.

Flight via Organic Wing Manifestation: Peacocks can fly.

Enhanced Athleticism: Enhanced Balance, Flexibility, Agility, Dexterity, Reflexes, Leaping, and Durability

Aim Dodging: She dodges attacks with the grace and agility of a ballerina. No one stops her from dancing!

Razor Feather Swords: Her Razor Feathers are so big that they can’t be used as throwing knives, but she can use them as one, two, three, or even four swords by using her feet!

Peak Human Combat and Gymnastic Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Her agility, dodging ability, balance, flexibility, unpredictable dance combat style, and the ability to wield four goddamn swords at once make her a top-notch fighter. She can mix athleticism, acrobatics, and gymnastics with close-quarters combat, utilizing flips, cartwheels, tumbling, pole swings, twists, and other such movements to attack or defend.

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