Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ally's Animal Army: The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse

Directly under the command of the Alpha are her Generals, known as the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. They are the four mightiest members aside from Aphrodite and are some of the oldest members of the Animal Army. They were chosen for their experience, abilities, fighting skills, and elemental powers. They can also easily combine their powers for Team Combination attacks and they synchronize with each other like the gears in a fine Swiss watch while fighting together. Inari can make an illusory moon to power up Moon Rabbit, for example, or Moon Rabbit can open a portal to the ocean so Kraken can pull thousands of gallons of water through it to attack with or flood the room. Opening a portal underwater is also effective, like opening a flood gate. Kraken could create a spiral ice ramp for Moon Rabbit to ramp off of like a spinning rabbit drill. Moon Rabbit can pray to the moon to stir up the tides and Kraken can more easily create tsunamis, the two synchronizing well, Team Space Kraken always kicks ass too. Crystal's Dragon Hustle is kind of like casting Haste but without the drawbacks. Inari and Kraken are called Freezerburn when they're paired as a duo for a tandem hot and cold attack. Inari, Moon Rabbit, and Crystal are Lightning Bruiser Archetypes while Kraken is a Mighty Glacier Archetype. All 4 of them are Bilingual, fluently speaking their native language and English. They all have terrifying strength, so they hold back in training to avoid causing unnecessary collateral destruction and injury. For example, Moon Rabbit's constant sonic booms can be really annoying when she trains at night, so the team trains in remote locations all around the world. The Horsewomen, as well as the rest of the Animal Army such as The B-Team and The Support Animals, are all very gay, except for Peacock who is technically very straight. All hair colors are naturally occurring, growing in that way. They are all women possessing Supernatural Beauty, cause even with their sometimes animalistic toenails, they all have model-worthy feet.

Animal Army Alpha: Aphrodite Monroe

Leader of the Horsewomen: Inari

A few fun Duo Team Names: Freezerburn, Space Kraken, Moon Crystal/Moon Dragon, Crystal Kraken, Ghost Rabbit

Tamamo-no-Mae a.k.a. Inari

Other Names: Haruka

Aliases: Inari Okami, Ghost Fox Goddess, The 9-Tailed Demon Fox, Ara Ara Sugar Mama, The Foxiest Lady, Succu-Fox, Succu-Vixen, The Warrior Miko, The Silver Fox, Gray Fox

Hair: Blonde with Black Tips (Silver-White in her awakened humanoid form and radiant gold in fox form. Her tails always change color to match the hair on her head), Ass length, Hime cut, Bangs. Her hair is so silky and perfect... Her ears grow from hair, she has no human ears in her base form. Her hair turns Jet Black as she puts it into a nice updo, topped with a small vermilion Torii Gate hairpiece perfectly placed front and center during your spa sessions with her feet that you give her in exchange for her Monetary Blessings. It's a win-win for both of you. Finally, 9 fluffy ponytails are her preferred style when in full-human disguise, human ears, and all... The hairstyle sticks out like a road flare when she's dressed casually or in a modern style, but she can rock it! When disguised as a human shrine maiden, it's her Hime cut. She rocks bangs in nearly every hairstyle.

Eyes: Amber Yellow, Slit-shaped Pupils. Almost always mostly closed though, as in she looks like she’s always walking around with her eyes closed, but you know she can see cause they’re just open enough. Her eyes are so pretty though... Though she really only opens them to hypnotize people or when she’s in awakened mode in combat, which is rare cause few opponents require her to be anything more than casually half-aware of her surroundings. She would be the Alpha if you weren’t Ally’s daughter, and she is the acting Alpha when you’re not available, as Medical duties take priority over Animal Army affairs. Almost forgot... Behind them... Well, you just know she always has your back and is someone you can trust.

Height: 5'6

Figure: E-Cup. Hourglass. Fat ass. Thicc Thighs. In great shape, very toned.

Feet: Size 6, Glittering Gold Polish. She wears traditional Wooden Sandals... Often without the socks, since she has claws anyway. They’re retractable, but she likes the look and she’s fully aware that she is not human, so there isn’t much point in hiding them. Plus, she knows you love her sexy little claws. Though her human nails are perfect, much like her fingernails. Really depends on her mood, you enjoy them either way. Her feet are sexy as fuck! Claws or not, they are yummy!

Personality and Background: Despite her name, she is a good fox. If she wasn't, she would be a poisonous rock or something... She has had many names throughout history. She is a 9-Tailed Fox with powerful Illusory powers. Her abilities are so strong that her illusions cause physical damage due to her opponents perceiving them as real, also known as True Illusion. She is Supernaturally Beautiful, when she smiles, her face contorts into a Fox-like grin and she has a human face, but very fox-like features, such as her perpetually “closed” eyes and her mouth is a bit abnormal... She doesn’t have a fox maw per se, but when she smiles it’s unnaturally wide, and her teeth are sharp. At least in her normal partial fox form, she's actually a master shapeshifter who can take full human form if she wants. She just chooses not to 9 times out of 10. She is still extraordinarily hot either way, I can not think of a single person who wouldn’t tap that... She will sometimes cover the lower half of her face with her fan while in human disguise. She possesses a calm aura of regal elegance, a true Ojou-sama, she has this Ara Ara air about her but is also a playful tease... She is a bit of a Troll as well... She can't help but pranking people with her illusions sometimes. Usually minor, mildly irritating stuff like the open-door illusion. People walking into closed doors is always funny because no one ever really gets hurt. She can often be heard giggling adorably afterward. She can be insanely lewd and sexual. Inari is a hellcat- Hellfox in bed! Sore genitals and friction burns on your junk are common after a session with her. Good thing you heal like Wolverine! Though she tells you to soak Buckwheat in water and apply the liquid to your vag if the pain persists, which sometimes happens even to your Goddess body... Guess she feels bad afterward... She's so sweet. Interesting, that girl... She cooks white rice like all the time... Though she knows how to actually make it taste really good and not be bland as shit. The secret... Is sea salt! Thankfully, you love white rice, cause she loves to cook it all the time while humming some old traditional tune you’re unfamiliar with... Though her absolute favorite food is Fried Tofu. She’s so stinkin' cute! Your inner Weeb is just totally entranced by her, cause she checks all the boxes in your book... She is very obviously Japanese and has a heavy, but easy-to-understand accent, 100% made in Japan. She is always wearing a traditional Shrine Maiden outfit or Red and White Kimono. While in combat, she wears a traditional Kitsune Mask and fights with an Iron Fan, and will occasionally paint fox whiskers onto her cheeks beforehand. She has two white Messenger Foxes named Tomo and Tama, both wear red bandanas around their necks. She loves her girls! Traditionally... Kitsune are supposed to hate dogs for whatever odd reason, even though foxes are dogs... Inari, however, loves dogs and always has. She gets along with them just fine. In fact, she and Hellhound are actually quite close... Also, she's a legitimate Miko. She sometimes teleports to Japan to do Shrine Maiden work in her free time. She is only a priestess of her own shrines though, funnily enough. Ally created her over 1300 years ago.

Tattoo: A Blue Flame on her right thigh

Animal Characteristics: Ears, Fangs, Generally Fox-Like Facial Features (Especially when she smiles or grins), 9 Tails (So fluffy!), Claws, Eyes


True Illusions and Layered Illusions: Her illusions are real and cause real damage, they often have multiple layers, think you’ve escaped one only to realize that escaping the illusion was just one layer of the illusion... Being aware that a True Illusion is an illusion is the least of your problems. An illusion of the moon is sufficient to power up Moon Rabbit, for example. The pinch test to see if you feel pain or not used to beat trickster Kitsune is ineffective with her illusions, they are far too powerful and realistic... They are also often layered...

Fox-fire/Kitsune-bi Manipulation: She can expel ghostly blue flames from her tails and mouth, being able to further shape it and control it with her hands afterward. The flames have supernatural properties, such as passing through solid objects like ghost flames and necromancy, anyone killed by them can come back as a reanimated corpse under her control if she desires, for example. They are also extraordinarily difficult to extinguish, only Inari herself or water blessed by a Water Kami can extinguish them. 

Pyroportation: She can teleport via her Fox-fire.

High-Speed Flight: She can fly at high speed using her powers. It is not something stupid like using her tails as helicopter rotors, she just floats supernaturally.

Hypnotic Eyes: Beware when she actually opens her almost eternally closed eyes... Well, they only appear to be closed, but you know what I mean, beware when she fully opens her eyes... They are super pretty though and pretty hypnotic without even using her powers.

Shapeshifting and Vocal Replication: Kitsune are known to be masterful shapeshifters. She could probably be someone else for years and you would never even know... Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices. Especially when she and Kraken both do you at the same time... Looking back, there are a few girls that you’ve known over the years before the Hive who were super into foot worship and then shortly after vanished from your life, and all of the sudden you would, for example, have a $100 bill blow down the street on your way to work and stick to your chest... In retrospect, it smells heavily of Inari... But that just means she's had your back forever... She was definitely that other babysitter that you had that had the crazy 9-way ponytails when “Amy” (Phoebe) was unavailable who always let you explore your foot fetish and was always spoiling your kid self with like 5 bucks whenever you asked... She is seriously so great... It’s no wonder she has more shrines than any other Shinto deity! She has full Hair Color Manipulation and Nail Color Manipulation, she just doesn't really use them. Especially because she has you to give her pedicures!

Absolute Intangibility: She is selectively intangible, completely at will or automatically when needed, she is simultaneously both intangible and tangible, being able to attack or make physical contact with her targets while her targets cannot touch or attack her, even when she's making physical contact. She could walk through someone's sword like a ghost, push it out of the way, and then kill the person on the other end. She can turn it on and off. You two very much touch each other... Repeatedly... Wink wink. She can pretty much only be unwritten by The Supreme Being Herself...

Possession: Inari can bodyjack people, overshadowing them like a ghost. She physically inhabits the target's body with her intangible form. The only way to get her out is if she decides to leave, though she's never possessed anyone longer than half a day at most and only ever just as a prank. A 9-tailed shadow with fox ears is a telltale sign of possession, and those with supernatural vision powers are able to see the telltale glowing yellow eyes of the possessed. The old legends say she entered under the fingernails or through the breasts... Ok... Sure... Old legends are strange...

Invisibility, Technological Invisibility: Self-Explanatory. Though it should be noted that her clothes turn invisible along with her, she does not cast a shadow, and she does not leave footprints anyway due to her other powers. She can see perfectly while cloaked due to it being supernatural invisibility. She also does not show up on any cameras, scanning equipment, or sensors. Somehow sound passes through her. She just becomes a total ghost... Only a Miko can detect her using a ritual Shinto ceremony.

Selective Imperceptibility: She is only seen when she wants to be, and touched when she wants to be. She can literally just vanish and be present, not present, or not present but present. Basically, she can just shift herself through planes of existence. This is why she has ultimate stealth, she is literally only seen when she wants to be!

Absolute Stealth: She can turn invisible, walk through walls, and possess people. She is literally a ghost... That and literally vanishing from this plane of existence on command and having no way of recording or detecting her... She is the ultimate stealth agent of the Animal Army, the elusive Gray Fox.

Tantric Lust Manipulation: She can turn you on to insane levels, just by touching you... Much like a Succubus...

Monetary Inducement: Inari can supernaturally grant wealth instantly... But never for free... If one was to give her a good foot massage first though... Payment will come in a mysterious way for hard work and a job well done. Even more for good foot worship, because Inari is super into it! It is by far her favorite tribute to receive in exchange for granting the Blessing of Wealth. You even made special cards to give to her each time, sort of like a spa package coupon type thing with a cute design, occasionally mixing up the design. She actually keeps them, even though she has a ton of them from you! You give her the full spa experience during your sessions. At this point, your job at Medical is just because you like helping people and you occasionally get to grope some real hotties with your magical healing hands... Inari has you well covered financially. Your Ara Ara Sugar Mama...

Supernatural Shrine Maiden of... Inari...: She is a priestess of Inari... Narcissism aside, she does legitimate Miko work in Japan around her various shrines in her free time, disguised fully as a human woman. She has many Holy powers, including performing blessings and exorcisms in the "normal" way, but she occasionally takes on the role of a Yokai slaying warrior Miko, again fighting "the right way" using Miko techniques and Onmyodo.

Supernatural Intelligence and Wisdom (Nigh-Omniscience): Inari is probably the most intelligent and wise person you have ever met. You might be smarter than the average bear, but she is sagely. I mean she is over 1300 years old so... She is the Animal Army’s Tactical Advisor for good reason! As a side effect, she is pretty much Zen 100% of the time. She can even access Ultra Instinct on command. She is also free of any fear, anxiety, self-consciousness, etc. Of everyone you know, you always know that you can confide in her completely free of judgment. She is the best therapist!

Psychic Shield: Her Zen mind is so Zen that it's unreadable and immune to control effects.

Flawless Clairvoyance: She can see into the future perfectly... However, by the law of the Kami, she can only give cryptic hints and speak in riddles. Fair enough.

Supernatural to Absolute Speed, Dexterity, Agility, Stamina, Strength, and Endurance. Possibly at least Supernatural Durability, hard to tell with her being selectively intangible. Balance and Flexibility are probably insane as well, difficult to tell.

Absolute Reflexes: Via her Zen Ultra Instinct.

Enhanced Smell, Hearing, and Sight (Night Vision). Absolute Vision and Hearing (In her awakened form): She generally has sharp fox-like senses... But the Ghost Fox Goddess sees and hears everything...

Type VI Healing Factor: Level 4 (Immortal Regeneration): She can regenerate even if her physical body is erased.

Self-Sustenance: She doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc., but does it anyway.

Aesthetic Activity/Regal Grace: Ok... Not really a power per se... But Inari is always graceful in her movements and has this “Ara Ara” air about her.

Fangs: She never quite nails the human mouth, but it's intentional. She knows her predatory fox grin makes you hot and bothered... Oh, and they are sharp, so she could bite in a fight if she wanted to.

Retractable Claws: Pretty self-explanatory. Though her human nails are perfect.

Multiple Tails/Prehensile Tails: She has 9 Prehensile tails. They are so damned fluffy! They are unbelievably soft... Tail pillow is best pillow! Inari is the best out of all of your lovers to cuddle with.

Age Empowerment: Her power and wisdom grow as the years pass and she accrues life experience and wisdom. She originally only had one tail and wasn’t always a Ghost Fox Goddess... But after gaining her ninth tail after 1000 years of being a Kitsune her power shot up exponentially and she gained access to her awakened form.

Awakened Form/Limiter Removal/True Form: Her hair turns silver-white and she has an ethereal blue glow. Blue Fox-fire flame orbs hover over the ends of each of her 9 tails. She opens her eyes when at full power and gains access to Absolute Sight and Hearing, seeing and hearing everything in the world. Nothing escapes her... Her Speed, Agility, Stamina, Strength, and Endurance shoot up to absolute levels as well. This is how she earned the name Ghost Fox Goddess... Part of the reason anyway... To clarify, she is not increasing her power, she is releasing magical sealing charms that she placed on herself. While she can maintain this form indefinitely... She just chooses to suppress it. Seeing and hearing everything in the world probably gets really annoying, really quickly. Her Zen mind can easily handle it, so sealing herself is more for the sake of those around her. Her sexy silver hair is her real hair technically, but her blonde base is really sexy too. Oh, and that dark-haired look during Blessing Sessions when you're pampering her feet... Mmmm...

Absolute Combat and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Northern Shaolin Master: She is an expert with an Iron Fan (Tessenjutsu) and has mastered Northern Shaolin style Kung Fu, often combining it with her Fox-fire. Her many supernatural abilities make her unbeatable and untouchable in a fight, such as her selective intangibility, perfect reflexes, fox-fire, and nigh-unbeatable illusions in addition to her all-seeing eyes and all-hearing ears in her awakened form as just a few examples. She can easily kill with a single strike from her Iron Fan, she's easily strong enough to shatter bones and rupture organs. She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease.

Eun Jung (Pronounced Yoon Young) a.k.a. Moon Rabbit

Aliases: The Lightning Lagomorph, The Lunar Lagomorph, The White Rabbit, The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, The Hypersonic Boom Blitzer, Lady Legs, Sexy Easter Bunny, The Lightspeed Rabbit of Infinite Mass, The Bubblegum Pop Rabbit, The Lunar Priestess, The Priestess of Dalnim, Priestess of the Lunar Lady, The Energizer Fuck Bunny, The Energizer Sex Bunny

Hair: Cotton Candy Pink and Blue (White in Lunar Form), Ass length, Martial Arts Braid with a Blue Full Moon Hair Clip near the end, Bangs. Her ears grow from hair, she has no human ears.

Eyes: Brown (Red in Lunar Form). Behind them... She's a real sweetheart... Truly a cute Lil' bunny...

Height: 5'0

Figure: E-Cup. Hourglass. Dumptruck ass (She has a cute Lil' Cottontail). Thicc Thighs. You wouldn't think her modelesque legs could punch a hole through a tank... Seriously her legs and ass are off the freakin charts! Moon Rabbit's legs are long, slender, and extremely well-toned. Lookin' like a model... Her thighs are nice and thicc, but also strong and well-toned, the good kind of thunder thighs! Her deadly legs are just sexy if nothing else. They don’t look nearly as deadly as they actually are... She's in great shape, super sexy, and toned. Especially her core, because the girl uses footjobs as workouts! Yep... Really boss at them too! She can do superspeed footjobs with perfect technique as well...

Feet: US Women's Size 24 (15 inches long), "Easter Candy" Polish. Pink, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Purple, all in light pastel colors. Nails on the longer side. They're human nails, but much harder and more durable, but not sharp, with her strength though, they can easily punch through people like a blade if need be. She has long toes. Her feet are just more to love, and super soft too. Those giant feet of hers are fucking yummy! Legend says anyone who rubs her feet will be lucky 😉 Seriously, her feet are actually mystically lucky to rub! Even more luck for worship. They are magically dirt repellant and she doesn’t wear shoes because her body has Anti-Adhesion properties. Luck Bestowal: Rubbing or better yet worshipping her beautiful lucky “rabbit” feet will grant good luck and success to whoever touches them, with face and tongue preferably. She loves having her feet rubbed and loves worship even more. The level of luck and success granted depends on her overall mood. Pretty much anyone who is nice to her and at least pretends to be into it will find a fairly sizable amount of luck comes their way. Maybe that’s how you ended up with a job you love, surrounded by an army of hot lesbians, and godly powers... Well, a lot of that was before you met her, but still... You are very lucky lass!

Personality and Background: She's playful, a tease, horny, and kinky. She loves to tease you with foot portals at the most inappropriate times. Her favorite purpose is to use them to make her feet appear in front of your face no matter how far apart the two of you are in the universe... It's super distracting having such amazingly sexy feet just pop out of a portal in front of your face randomly at any time! Always accompanied by her adorable giggle... She is always playful and teasing with them... Scrunching them or wiggling her toes... Or grabbing your nose... Or drumming your lips with her toes... Or worst/best of all... Random footjobs out of the blue... Though these tend to be late at night when you're in bed and need a healthy orgasm to fall asleep for the day. Well... You don't really need sleep, but you get the idea. Moon Rabbit is quite the skilled footjob mistress! She also has a small, cute little gap in her front teeth. She is super Genki and bubbly and loves K-Pop like Gee by Girl's Generation. Naturally, she plays D. Va in Overwatch as well. She generally has a Gothic Lolita K-Pop style but also enjoys wearing sexy bunny outfits and maid outfits too. She loves cosplaying! he loves to dance and sing, especially K-Pop. She also really enjoys cardio workouts. That is workouts and sex, obviously. She is actually super into giving footjobs... Total win! She believes that the moon is actually alive, a Korean Moon Goddess named Dalnim. She devoutly worships Dalnim, seeing as the moon freaking powers her up to Super Saiyan and allows her to fly and shoot lightning... It's probably true, your whole family is Greek Gods and Goddesses, so you tend to be pretty open-minded about religion. Maybe one day you'll meet Dalnim's avatar or something... You have the gut feeling that Dalnim is actually a relative of yours in disguise, a certain Titan named Selene... But why would you break Lil' Moon Rabbit's heart like that? If she wants the moon to be a Korean Goddess, why not let her have that one? Inari would say it's Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto... But you've only met Greek Deities to confirm their existence so... Ally picked her up during the Korean War. She is South Korean, born and raised in South Korea with the accent to match.

Tattoo: A blue lightning bolt

Animal Characteristics: Ears, Tail, Libido, Large Feet, Cute Tooth Gap (Ok... Not really an animal characteristic, but she is even more adorable because of it.)


Selective Portal/Filtered Portal Creation: Magic Portal Type: She can open “Rabbit Hole” Portals anywhere she can see and hop through them, including say... Sticking just her feet through portals so that her leader has access to them anywhere on the globe... Moon Rabbit can portal to anywhere in the universe instantly and several alternate dimensions... They can be any size, including the size of a planet if she ever needed to move one out of the way of an asteroid or something... And she can make any number of them. She can also filter them, Allies only, Enemies only (If she makes a big moving portal that moves along the whole room horizontally, for example, only her enemies would be banished away to wherever leaving allies unaffected). A seafloor portal could selectively allow water to rush out or not, you get the idea, basically, she can set a filter on her portals. She can also go anywhere or steal anything... Or portal it directly to her hand or her room or the moon or whatever... If she wanted to... She's not the thieving type at all though... Her portals have some strange properties, depending on the filter. She can defy gravity and hang upside down from a portal or fall endlessly between two portals for fun or to confuse opponents. She has been known to use portals to check out her own ass... I mean... I would too if I was her! She has also been known to fuck with her opponents by being whack-a-rabbit by popping half out of random portals to taunt her opponents. They can conserve speed, cancel it, decelerate her, or accelerate her depending on the filter... She can also open them inside a person or Spacial Slice them Dr. Strange style, but she tends not to get violent with portals... She is also immune to her own portals closing in on her.

Warp Boost/Portal Boost, Momentum Charge, Speed Accumulation, Speed Infinitum, Speed Strike/Infinite Mass Strike, Heavy Strike, Megaton Kick +/Infiniton Kick, "Moon Rabbit Accelerator Ring Missile Kick": Moon Rabbit creates a ring of portals with the acceleration filter and Moon Rabbit only filters set and blasts through them at high speed until she reaches relativistic mass... A final portal appears above her opponent's head and she comes crashing down on them with a relativistic mass in her foot like a white dwarf star! Don't worry, her durability includes Immunity to Acceleration, Inertia, Pressure, Impacts, G-Force, etc., and the "Speedster Brain" and reflexes required for FTL speeds. Her opponent is usually obliterated or heavily injured depending on their durability level. Lunar Form helps her reach relativistic mass much quicker and adds goddamned chain lightning to this attack!

Power Legs and Megaton Kick: She can break concrete or even kick through metal with her bare feet! She can easily kick or slice someone’s head off in one clean kick or swipe or put her foot through someone’s chest and out the other side by using the self-explanatory Razor-Foot technique. Her kicks are so powerful that the air in front of her legs and feet hits as a powerful shockwave before they ever even physically touch her opponents. She can also create Razor Wind to slice up her opponents with air from the force of her kicks. Her kicks sound like thunder due to sonic booms created as her legs and feet break the sound barrier as she moves them. She can use the self-explanatory Earthquake Stomp to disorient and knock her opponents off balance. A direct full-strength kick from her will instantly shatter bones and rupture organs.

Enhanced to Supernatural to Nigh-Absolute Speed (In short bursts unless in Lunar Form. Nigh-Absolute in Lunar Form Only.): She is one speedy rabbit, she is even capable of Flash Stepping, using her speed in short, controlled bursts to appear as if she teleported. This is also how she travels through her portals so quickly. She is so fast that she often creates Speed Mirage After-Image clones. She's insanely fast... And in Lunar form... She could probably do well in a casual race with Hermes... The God of Speed! When he's not serious that is... I mean c'mon, no one is faster than that guy! Haha. For real though, Moon Rabbit is scary quick! 

Speed-Blitz!: She can use her incredible speed, Speed Mirage After-Images, and fighting skill to rapidly strike and disorient her opponents multiple times per second from multiple angles. She uses this if she wants to hide her true powers from her opponents. She can also advantageously use the multiple Sonic Booms to disorient or even kill her opponent with the vibrations depending on how close she is and how durable they are.

Molecular Oscillation: So... Moon Rabbit can straight-up Vibro-Phase through solid matter and vibrate at a frequency that makes her imperceptible to the human eye and all visible spectrum cameras... In addition to her portals to anywhere!

Enhanced Stealth: She can open a portal anywhere and is as fast as lightning... She can also phase through solid matter with vibrations and vibrate at a frequency that makes her imperceptible to the human eye and all visible spectrum cameras... They would never know she was there...

Lucky Rabbit Feet/Luck Bestowal: Rubbing or better yet worshipping her beautiful lucky “rabbit” feet will grant good luck and success to whoever touches them, with face and tongue preferably. She loves having her feet rubbed and loves worship even more. The level of luck and success granted depends on her overall mood. Pretty much anyone who is nice to her and at least pretends to be into it will find a fairly sizable amount of luck comes their way. Maybe that’s how you ended up with a job you love, surrounded by an army of hot lesbians, and godly powers... Well, a lot of that was before you met her, but still... You are very lucky lass!

Enhanced Balance and Flexibility

Supernatural to Nigh-Absolute Agility, Leaping, Dexterity, Reflexes, Durability, Stamina, and Endurance

Enhanced Hearing, Smell, and Sight (Night Vision)

Type VI Healing Factor: Level 4 (Immortal Regeneration): She can regenerate even if her physical body is erased.

Self-Sustenance: She doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc., but does it anyway.

Insatiable Libido and Disease Immunity: She seems to be horny most of the time, and she's a known humper... She gets the sudden urge to fuck 40 times a week! Sometimes even 40 times a day! Supernatural Stamina when it comes to sex. Last count was about 12 hours before you both realized you spent all day fuckin' and she clung to your arm and continued to hump your leg, as one does. Not like you had much else to do on your day off. She is immune to all diseases, but she won't fuck a nasty fuck even when her loins are blazing with passion and desire. She's been known to just grab you and... Well, you can't say that it's unwanted, but sometimes you just aren't feeling it till her yummy feet get involved, then it's game on! So it's not rape. She's flexible enough that you can still do stuff with her feet while she takes care of her needs, so win-win!

Lunar Empowerment: Under a full moon, her fur turns white and her eyes turn red as she glows an ethereal blue. Her tail triples in fluffiness to the size of a grapefruit to create maximum static. All of her base stats increase to nigh-absolute levels and she becomes more aggressive and slightly feral. It also makes her much hornier than normal, even for her, which is just absolutely insane! She also gains an intense craving for vegetables... She will even kick holes into refrigerators to get at vegetables. In this mode, she can straight-up fly at High-Speed via the Moon’s power and the air friction generated by her speed becomes so intense that Static Electricity builds up in her hair and fur. She can then freely discharge this electricity, either through contact or as bolts of bluish-white lightning that can chain to hundreds or thousands of targets because of how quick she is. She can portal to the other side of the world where it’s nighttime to power up and if she portals back, she stays powered up for at least an hour. Even better if it’s a different dimension where it’s always night and the moon is always full if it’s not full on the other side of the world. She can also just teleport to the moon’s surface since she can survive in space, though Inari’s moon illusions are sufficient because she makes real illusions. As she gains knowledge of physics she learns how to direct and weaponize her Static Lightning, first being to bend it and then straight-up homing attack with it, and eventually being able to do freaking Force Lightning with it, make lightning swords, lightning shuriken, and even a freaking lightning lasso... Truly she is a master of Air and Lightning!

Supernatural Combat, Dimensiokinetic Combat/Portal Combat, Aerokinetic Combat, Electrokinetic Combat, Spacial Slicing, and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Taekkyon and Ba Gua Zhang Master: Dance Fighting Master: She’s sort of put her own spin on Taekkyon by combining it with her portal powers. She has also mastered Kickboxing and Capoeira. She knows some Taekwondo and Savate as well. She has also mastered Ba Gua Zhang style Kung Fu, often combining it with her Air and Lightning powers while circle-strafing her opponent and staying behind their back. She generally fights by hopping through portals to attack her opponents from unsuspecting angles or more frequently by sticking limbs through the portals for portal punches and kicks from unsuspecting angles. Her insane speed, leg strength, and portal abilities make her a combat master, as well as her high-speed flight and electrical powers in Lunar form. She can also easily stun or slice her opponents with the air generated by her thunderous kicks, depending on how hard she kicks and she can infuse lightning into her combat. Oh yeah, she makes sonic booms with her higher-level kicks too. She can also just do straight-up tornado arms to blow people away... She generally avoids slicing people in half by closing a portal around them... Most of the time... She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease. She can also casually kick ass while movin' and groovin' to her tunes and expertly dance-fight.

Yanmei a.k.a. Kraken

Aliases: The Ocean Goddess, The Giant Squid of Anger, The Leviathan, The Kraken! (You do quite enjoy yelling "Unleash the Kraken!"), The Mighty Glacier, Queen Inkling, Undersea Invader Squid Girl/Ika Musume, The Jellyfish of Doom!, Water Wraith, The Devilfish, LAZER KRAKEN!, The Rainbow Sex Energy Squid, Titanus Kraken Colossi, Kaiju Kraken, Mechagodzilla, Boiler Squid, The Water Spirit, The Water Witch, The Ice Reaper

Hair: Aqua Blue, Ass length, she has her hair in an Updo with some color-changing ribbons that kind of make it look like a squid's mantle. It is blonde and down in her Scandinavian disguise.

Eyes: Blue, slightly larger than average (Red and dinner plate-sized in full Kraken form). Behind them... Kraken is generally a gentle giant... But centuries ago, she was going through a giant monster phase for a bit...

Height: 30'0 in her base form. She can freely move through the Hive unimpeded due to her boneless physiology and flexibility, even squeezing through a hole the size of a freaking quarter! Her two tentacles are about 25 feet long and the other eight arms are about 10 feet long.
1 Mile Long in her full Kraken form from mantle to tentacle.
Her human form's height depends on whether she wants to be Chinese or Scandinavian, usually around 5'0 to 5'6 for her true race and 6'0 to 6'3 for her disguise.

Figure: E-Cup (Proportionally in her base form). Hourglass. Fat Ass. Her boobs and butt can be bigger depending on how full her water sacs are. She's a shapeshifter, so her figure can vary greatly. But she always in great shape, very toned.

Feet: US Women’s Size 87 (3 Feet). Note that most of this applies to her base form, her shoe size when disguised depends on the disguise and she does not have webbed toes while disguised. Red and Gold Glitter with Gold Tips in her Asian form, Cerulean Blue with White Tips in her Scandinavian form. Her shapeshifting power allows her to change her nail color at will. Nails on the longer side. Long webbed toes. She is insanely dexterous with them despite this and she displays such Enhanced Adroitness through years of practice they are basically Prehensile. She uses feet for tasks requiring dexterity, i.e. most things. Gonna be real here... She has gorgeous feet, even with the webbing! You teasingly refer to her as the Ocean Goddess when you're worshipping her feet, but you think she secretly loves the love and attention... Gonna say it... Her incredible dexterity with her feet and toes means she gives the most divine footjobs... As far as you're concerned she's part mutant sea lamprey due to her incredible ability to utterly drain you of your sexual fluids with her feet... Wink wink. Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from wielding weapons to cooking to massage skills, this girl is good with her feet! They are magically dirt repellant and she doesn’t wear shoes because her body is self-moisturizing and has Anti-Adhesion properties.

Personality and Background: Ally created her in 1180 where she stalked the waters of Norway, Greenland, Iceland, and Scandinavia in general for a while, taking a Scandinavian-looking human form on land to disguise herself. She learned Tai Chi in 1670 during China’s Qing Dynasty from the inventor. She is Chinese, being born and raised there, but also has a Scandinavian-looking form she can shift into where she is tall, has blonde hair, blue eyes (Well... Bluer...), and fair skin. Her accent changes based on her chosen race at the time, generally Chinese or Scandinavian. She wears a Cheongsam/Qipao outside of combat and a special wetsuit that changes color and texture along with her skin while in combat or in the ocean. Kraken is sweet while also being very sexual, she can be sexually aggressive too... Horny Kraken is kinda scary, like when you see an anime girl with a completely shadowed out face and/or body, bright glowing completely red eyes, and a lustful smile... With tentacles and octopus arms... By the way, with her camouflage and bioluminescence, Kraken can actually look like that when she's horny! It's kind of terrifying! Kraken is also a kinky bitch! She loves weird sex stuff and is very open-minded and chill in her day-to-day.

Tattoo: A black wave on her right thigh

Animal Characteristics: 8/2 Arms/Tentacles, Gills, Webbed Toes, Ink and Water Sacs, Boiler Squid Organ, Water Siphons, Boneless Body, Large Size


Water Form Manipulation/Water Phase Shifting/Hydrokinesis/Waterbending: She is a master Waterbender, shifting effortlessly between its phases, even rapidly shifting between the states and creating burning steam for example. She is so good that she can even shift into plasma in a limited capacity, bend blood, turn water into an acid, or strong base by shifting the pH, or conversely purify water. She can shift the density and viscosity of water and for example, walk on it effortlessly, good old Waterwalking. The darkest uses of her Waterbending are Body Fluid Removal/Desiccation, where she just pulls all of the water out of her target's body, killing them. There's also turning the blood acidic or making it a strong base or even making it viscous, all of which are insanely lethal. There's inducing a Steam Explosion with their body water... Water has a high Expansion Ratio, it massively and rapidly expands as it turns to steam... So she can pop people like bloody water balloons with her mind if she so desires... It's arguably merciful... There is also the Blood Tide... She can pull the blood out of several people to fill the room with blood to use in place of water and create a literal Red Sea that she can bend. She can drown a person in someone else's blood... A non-combat use of bloodbending is to make you even hornier when fucking her, horny even for you, which is just frankly insane considering your libido and the Succubus heart behind your vagina... But she speeds up your bloodflow to your vagina and yeah... That's Avatar Yanmei for you... Oh, and she can heal others of almost any injury or ailment using water like some kind of water spirit or ocean deity...

"Ocean Goddess"/Sea Disaster Manipulation: She can generate and control Storms, Hurricanes, Tornados, Whirlpools, and Tsunamis.

Bioluminescence/Bio-Light Manipulation and "Neon Rainbow Light Barrage!"/"Rainbow Sex Energy Laser Gatling": She can glow bright enough to temporarily blind an opponent. She can also glow bright enough to burn out retinas and cause permanent blindness. She can freely adjust the color. Her color can also change based on her mood... Giant Squid of Anger mode Kraken literally glows bright red and Perverted Kaiju Kraken glows bright pink. She can also make just her eyes glow any color, usually red... She can turn completely invisible by bending her light around her so it's no longer in the visible spectrum or the exact same color as the background in addition to her Camouflage ability. This also means that she can hide from all types of vision spectra and imaging tech. The most combat-heavy application of this power is that by focusing the light through the lenses in her eyes, she can fire a powerful Bio-laser through each of her eyes to instantly pierce, cut, disintegrate, incinerate, or friggin explode her target! The laser can be any color... But fricking Laser Kraken?! Really mom? When Kraken is A FIRIN' HER LAZER! So help you if you are her target! The wattage prefix on that thing is probably a number that doesn't exist... She uses her Light Manipulation to dim it so that the thing doesn't blind everyone around her. Cause in the Zetta/Yottawatt range, you're talking freaking blue and white star luminosity! Actually... Not just from her eyes... Kraken can fire a laser from anywhere... Including her vagina, rapists beware! She can fire dozens, hundreds, or thousands of lasers at once, and when she uses this Beam Spam Danmaku attack, she fires multi-colored rainbow sex energy lasers. She is a walking Laser Assault Platform. It's kind of overkill... But a Laser Bullet Hell attack is pretty fucking cool! Especially because of the rainbow sex energy lasers she uses for this attack. Seriously, a rainbow sex energy laser minigun that can pierce almost anything, turning it into molten swiss cheese... It's scary! She likes to play music when she does this attack, everything from Classical to Dubstep to '80s Pop and J-Pop and K-Pop... Oh... And obviously, they move at the speed of light. Her targets are dead long before they know because the lasers hit before the rainbow light trail behind them is even visible, but it's seriously something to watch! Virtually nothing can dodge a light-speed attack... She has Mechagodzilla vibes with her rainbow sex energy laser attacks. Almost forgot! Her usual one-liner for this attack is "Taste the rainbow motherfuckers!"

Camouflage, Shapeshifting, and Vocal Replication: Chromatophores, Iridophores, and Leucophores in her skin allow her to blend in with any background. She can also completely modify her appearance and turn into a full colossal Kraken form. She can shrink to a human-sized form with human arms, but she kind of forgot how to use human arms over the centuries as those muscle groups atrophied and the memories of using human arms faded, so she still uses her feet to do everything. Her arms still kinda hang limp like octopus arms or squid tentacles, her cover story is that she has a rare disease that makes her arms useless noodles. Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices. Especially when she and Inari both do you at the same time... Secondary powers include Nail Color Manipulation and Hair Color Manipulation. She has a special wetsuit that she wears that changes color and texture along with her skin while in combat or in the ocean.

Enhanced Stealth: How can a 30-foot squid girl be a ghost? Well... For one thing, she has master camouflage abilities, can turn completely invisible with her light-bending powers, and hide from every type of light spectrum sensor and camera. Visible, X-Ray, UV, Infrared, etc. she has Body Heat Camouflage and Thermokinetic Invisibility: Her cold body doesn't show up on thermal cameras. She can also stick to the ceiling with mucous and her suckers and pick people off with her long tentacles and octopus arms if she has to and squeeze through holes the size of a quarter. Shapeshifting is another power she has... Blinding people with Bioluminescence... You get the idea.

Aquatic Adaptation and Underwater Breathing: She has gills on her torso and is adapted to survive the deep ocean. However, she does not actually need to breathe at all.

Water Siphons/Jets: Kraken has two water siphons in her body that she can shoot water or ink from at a high enough PSI to sever limbs. One is located under her tongue which she uses for combat on land and the other is located near where her tailbone would be if she had bones which she uses for underwater escape cloud ink and extreme travel speed underwater. She can travel at upper Mach speeds in the water and up to Mach 5ish on land with her water jets. However, she can not move at those speeds for any sustained duration while on land. She just doesn't hold enough water for that, even with her colossal water sacs. She can't keep up sustained jet maneuvers, so she remains a Mighty Glacier.

Ink Generation/Ink Sacs: She has ink sacs that allow her body to produce thick clouds or high-pressure streams of ink. She can release it from either water siphon on her body... It works best underwater but the water siphon under her tongue allows her to spray ink from her mouth at extreme pressure. The ink is an extreme eye and skin irritant. It may cause temporary blindness and temporary loss of sense of smell and taste due to the heavy pungent odor it gives off. Kraken can also internally mix her ink with her Tetrodotoxin to create paralytic poisonous ink, the ink dilutes the poison making it a sort of Taser attack. She can also make an ink smokescreen on land by using her waterbending abilities. She can use black to dark purple ink or bioluminescent glowing ink.

Water Sacs: She has water sacs inside her body that can expand to ridiculous volumes and hold several hundreds of gallons of water. The first few hundred gallons of fullness actually make her already big boobs and ass even bigger, which she sometimes uses to her advantage. But eventually, once she starts going into ridiculous territory her whole body just balloons much like "Blueberry Violet" from either version of the Chocolate Factory movie. However, holding so much water is impractical for many reasons. Although maybe it could be useful in a very niche situation where she needs to unleash a massive hydro cannon attack... You've never actually seen her ballon from water though.

"Boiler Squid Organ": Kraken can get medieval on her foes and spray boiling oil mixed in a special organ inside her body from her jet siphons. This oil is so hot and corrosive that it will melt flesh in seconds and turn anything organic into stew... It will also rust and eventually burn through metal as well. Basically a Rot Beam attack... The organ itself creates some kind of chemical acid-heat reaction which intensifies one-thousandfold when it contacts air and oxidizes rapidly.

Mythic Strength/Supernatural Strength: The amount of force needed to pull a ship completely underwater to its doom is absurd! Assuming a whole intact ship, of course, she broke them first, but her strength is almost godly, especially underwater where her jets are more effective.

Enhanced Reflexes and Balance

Supernatural Durability, Endurance, Stamina, and Flinching Immunity: Her rubbery body is immune to all types of physical attacks and you've never seen her sleep or get tired in the 5 years you've known her. Unless it was in bed next to you, so she doesn't need sleep but can sleep if she wants. She also has Flinching Immunity, better known as Super Armor. She does not react to damage and just walks through everything without being moved. Mighty Glacier, remember? She is an immovable tank. You think you can move a Waterbending, Laser-shooting, half-ton, 30-foot Giant Squid of Anger? I think not!

Absolute Flexibility: Kraken is absolutely flexible due to her completely boneless body. She's basically Ragdoll but with zero limitations, it's actually rather freaky... She can bend in any conceivable way with no limitations and fit through and into surprisingly small spaces despite her gigantic size, such as a hole the size of a quarter. She is very interesting to watch during Yoga class... Krazy Kraken Yoga could be a full series on YouTube or something, haha. It's... A sight... For sure...

Boneless Body and Boneless Activity: Despite her size and 1000+ pound weight, she can move like a normal human despite not having bones or other supporting structures and can attack with full force. You wouldn't even know she was boneless until she squeezes through a crack with her giant self right in front of you... Seriously, those tentacles are destructive whips that can shatter the bones of others, despite being completely boneless themselves... Feeling up her feet isn't unusual either, they feel totally normal! It's like magic...

Mucous Secretion and Frictionless Skin/Slippery Body: Trying to grab Kraken when she does not want to be grabbed is like trying to wrangle a giant, live and pissed-off eel. She's a bit slimy by nature of being half-squid, but she is extremely slippery when she wants to be! She can control it, her body was never slimy any time you've touched her to worship her feet or fuck her... But you've seen bad guys try to stupidly grab her and it was like watching eel wrangling or greased pig catching! She can also make sticky mucous to help with Wall Crawling, which she can do with her suckers. So she's only slimy when she needs to be.

Expandability: Her organs are extremely flexible. This means that she can safely overfill her water sacs to the point where her body begins to bloat until round with no ill effects. Much like "Blueberry Violet" from either version of the Chocolate Factory movie. Her elastic durability is so great she once ate an RPG fired at her during a training exercise and it detonated in her stomach! She briefly ballooned for a couple seconds from the pressure released before returning to normal as smoke leaked from her mouth for a bit. It was like watching a cartoon.

Cephalopod Brain: She is smarter than the average bear. Probably somewhere around Enhanced Intelligence. Smarter than most geniuses.

Enhanced Senses: She has an enhanced sense of Sight (Incredible Night Vision), Hearing, Smell, Taste, and especially Touch.

Underwater Senses: She has full use of all 5 senses underwater.

Type VI Healing Factor: Level 4 (Immortal Regeneration): She can regenerate even if her physical body is erased.

Self-Sustenance: She doesn't need to eat, breathe, etc., but does it anyway.

Multiple Limbs: Tentacles and Octopus Arms: She has 10 Tentacles in place of arms, two are longer actual tentacles, and 8 are octopus “arms”. The clubs on the ends of her tentacles have retractable hooks, in addition to the “cookie cutters” in her arms. Each one of the 250 suckers on each of her arms hides a ring of serrated teeth that can shred flesh if she simply moves her arms around like one of those apple slicers or a cookie-cutter... She has full conscious control over the deployment of the teeth and hooks, they can also suck blood. Blue Ringed Octopus Venom: She has barbs hidden in the suckers on her tentacles and arms that can inject Tetrodotoxin. The injection itself is painless and the target may not even feel it. It can cause up to total paralysis and kills in minutes, usually via respiratory failure. There is no anti-venom to it. She has full conscious control over the deployment of these barbs. She is immune to her own venom and all poisons in general. These arms and tentacles are insanely strong and can easily pop a person like a grape or an egg in the microwave... Or just an egg come to think... She is also surprisingly dexterous with them... Yeah... Sex... Sex is how you discovered just how skilled Kraken is with those tentacles... She just prefers to use her feet... Win-win in my book!

Supernatural Combat, Tentacular Combat, Underwater Combat, Hydrokinetic Combat, and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Tai Chi Master: She learned Tai Chi from the original inventor and master and has mastered several styles and even developed a few of her own. Her long tentacles and arms also provide her a huge advantage in combat to grab and crush opponents, and her tentacle whips can easily shatter bones and rupture organs on impact. Not to mention she knows half a dozen leg-based martial arts like Capoeira. In addition to her insane Waterbending abilities and weather abilities... She can infuse water into her combat and fight at 100% underwater. She can spray boiling ink... Don't even get me started on her light powers and fricking Laser Kraken... She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease. I mostly only mention her water prowess... But Kraken is a master of ice, steam, and such as well. How do you think she got the nickname Ice Reaper? Ice Scythes baby!

Bich (Pronounced "Bee") a.k.a. The Crystal Dragon

Aliases: The Great Stoned Dragon, The Toking Asian (Wordplay on token... She’s not, but you let her have this one cause it's clever), The Super Support Class, Puff the Magic Dragon, Granberia the Dragon Knight, The Party Animal

Hair: Light Green, Mid-Back length, Straight, but partially braided with loose Asian girl dreadlocks, partially shaved on the left side, a sort of Stoner chick look. She wears a Tie-Dye Rainbow Bandana.

Eyes: Red, Slit-shaped Pupils (Usually bloodshot and mostly closed, otherwise known as stoned AF, but her pupils change size based on what drugs are strongest in her system at the time, like being huge when it's cocaine). Behind them... She's a cool Stoner chick, very mellow.

Height: 5'3

Figure: B-Cup. Pear-shaped Hourglass. Slim Thicc. Dumptruck ass... That beautiful scaly ass of hers is so sexy, even with the scales and tail. The girl has a nice butt! That perfect heart-shaped bubble butt that makes you go gaga over it every time. It's actually soft and firm, you hardly even notice the scales when you grab it! A nice butt is a nice butt! Thicc thighs... They're like pillows... She has the best kind of thunder thighs! She has a fatter ass than even Queen Aurora... Somehow it doesn't look weird on her tight little body. She has a great body, really toned and in shape. She's fairly slim until you hit that ass of hers... Crystal's butt should be photographed and framed somewhere because it's so perfect...

Feet: Size 7, Onyx Black Polish. Long toes. Her toenails are claws and she has some green scales on the tops of her feet. She wears open-toed shoes in general cause her claws aren't retractable. Still sexy AF though!

Personality and Background: She is a former heroin addict who made a deal with Ally. Every fluid in her body contains strong Opioids, Opiates, Narcotics, Party Drugs, Psychedelics, Date Rape drugs, or other drugs... She suffers no ill effects, only the fun drug effects, she is super laid back and mellow, bruh. Seriously, Crystal is just the fun, laid-back, party girl Stoner chick, otherwise known as your super hot Stoner girlfriend. She's more or less perpetually stoned. She can be summed up as usually stoned, lazy, horny, and hungry! She generally lounges in sweats, either weed leaf themed or yoga pants that say shit like "Juicy!" across the ass in bold letters... If you were a vampire you would bite that thing! All of her pants have a cutout for her tail. Ally picked her up during the Vietnam War. She is Vietnamese, born and raised in Vietnam, and has a slight accent.

Tattoo: A green mountain on her right thigh

Animal Characteristics: Tail, Claws, Fangs, Wings, Patches of green scales (Tail, ass, parts of her legs, tops of her hands and feet, sides of her boobs, sides of her face), Eyes, Drug Organs


Adaptive Metabolism: She possesses a supernaturally adaptive metabolism, which allows her to withstand virtually any toxin/pathogen, survive incredibly harsh conditions and recover at amazing speed from otherwise lethal damage. She can build up her physical abilities to potentially infinite levels through increasingly harder training, and develop powerful elemental resistances via gradual exposure. This flexibility extends also to her brain cells, allowing her to learn at an accelerated rate, and she proves highly compatible with enhancing drugs and similar empowering substances, permanently incorporating the enhancements and quickly nullifying their various side-effects.

Supernatural Biodrug-Laced Body Fluids: She sells most of her body fluids on the internet so that she doesn't have to get a real job. See below for specifics.

Saliva: MDMA

Blood: Heroin

Sweat: Psilocybin (Found in Magic Mushrooms)

Tears: Ketamine (Her tears can be used in Date Rape... Has she ever done it? Who knows...)

Dragon Piss Cooler: Just don't think about it too much... It's 100% pure drinking alcohol. It's the only easily accessible thing strong enough to get people with crazy metabolisms and healing factors drunk... The Crystal Dragon's quote on quote "urine" is pure booze... Yep... Dragon "pee" is booze! Just don't think about it too much... It tastes like a fruity wine cooler but is 100% pure drinkable alcohol... This cheeky cunt spiked the punch one time while she was stoned off her gourd... She told everyone after the party... It got everyone so wasted though! I mean... It's 100% sanitary... She is a magic dragon... She fills the bottles and such in private, the magic makes it chilled indefinitely. She makes lots of money selling it on the internet. Dragon Piss is the actual brand name and the primary ingredient listed is dragon piss... People just think it's clever and funny and Crystal being cheeky because it's totally clear and smells and tastes like dragonfruit. If they only knew... Just clink bottles and don't think about it too hard... There is always Godwine... But you can only get that at a Dionysus party... These parties always get too epic and you end up locked into a week-long affair... The God of Partying parties so hard that a week feels like an hour and you lose track of time... Crystal on the other hand takes hugs as payment from her friends and you're her girlfriend, so... We human-animal hybrids are still part animal, and this kind of behavior is normal amongst animals as a whole. It's not even really pee, it's literally just booze that happens to exit that hole... She could just as easily regurgitate it from her alcohol bladder, so this is arguably less gross in the grand scheme... Every liquid in her body is drugs! So when it's pre-bottled ahead of time, at that point it's just strong alcohol. It's no different than your honey from your honey sac! It tastes amazing but just happens to come from within the body of a hot girl... It is what it is...

Dragon Breath: THC: She can breathe out dense clouds of hyper-concentrated THC that linger for several minutes, she is perpetually Stoned herself. Almost all of the time, actually.

Particulate Manipulation: She can aerosolize any of her drugs and emit them from her body as a gas.

"Dragon Hustle"/Team All-Stats Boost/Party Buff/4th Level Haste/Greater Haste: She emits a combination of aerosolized drugs and pheromones that act as an all-stats boost for her team. Such as strength, speed, endurance, stamina, etc. Like the support magic class in an RPG. It also kind of acts like Haste in D and D, but without the drawbacks. That's right, Fourth Level Haste, because fuck you! Crystal's Greater Haste has no drawbacks and is multitarget!

Dragon Turbo/Dragon Nitrous Oxide: By making cocaine and performance-enhancing sports drugs the dominant drugs that her body produces, she can give herself a speed boost to where she can temporarily move at hundreds of miles an hour. She can also aerosolize it to speed boost her team as well.

Super Drugs: She can even get people with powerful Healing Factors high with any of the drugs her body produces.

Psychic Shield: Due to her mind being constantly affected by multiple drugs it's unreadable and immune to control effects. “This is your brain on drugs” and all that.

Organic Wing Manifestation/Retractable Wings: She can fly but... She's usually too high and constantly crashes into shit...

Geokinesis/Earthbending: She can manipulate all forms of Earth, but usually just uses this ability to tunnel at high speed.

Seismic Sense: As long as she is barefoot and her feet are touching the ground, she has freaking literal Dragon Radar. She can even pick up heartbeats to sense the position of everyone around her, has a Spider-Sense, can sense illusions and invisibility as well as camouflaged individuals and sense lies with her hearing via heartbeats and smell via pheromones.

Enhanced Stealth: She can gas a whole room with a knockout drug combo and tunnel underground effortlessly. She's the least stealthy of the Horsewomen, but makes for amazing backup on stealth missions!

Enhanced Reflexes

Supernatural Strength, Durability, Endurance, and Stamina

Enhanced Sight (Night Vision), Hearing, and Smell

Type VI Healing Factor: Level 4 (Immortal Regeneration): She can regenerate even if her physical body is erased.

Self-Sustenance: She doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc., but she has the Munchies eternally, so she does these things anyway.

Poison Fangs and Claws: She can coat her claws with various liquid drugs to poison them and get her various drugs into her opponent’s system and her fangs are poisonous at her discretion. One scratch or bite is often all it takes to utterly incapacitate an opponent.

Powerful Tail: Pretty self-explanatory. It is easily strong enough to shatter bones and rupture organs on impact. She can basically use Iron Tail from Pokémon.

Supernatural Combat, Animalistic Combat/Draconic Combat, and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Hung Gar Master: She generally fights based on her Draconian instincts and in tandem with her aerosolized drugs, THC dragon breath, fangs, claws, and tail to disorient her opponents, so sort of like a mix of cornered animal and street fighting. Actually, she grew up fighting in the streets, so she knew how to defend herself even before becoming a dragon gal. Upon being pressed by her Horsewoman sisters, she quickly mastered Hung Gar style Kung Fu and a little Southern Praying Mantis style. She is also an Earthbender and occasionally incorporates that into her fighting. She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease.

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