Thursday, January 7, 2021

Bio: Matilda Mathis a.k.a. Dollhouse

Hair: Blonde. Ass length. Straight. She will occasionally still wear her sexy old school '50s nurse outfit, unbuttoned of course, and including the hat, complete with a red cross on it. Even though she gave up being Dollhouse, the outfit is cute... So... Oh, and she doesn't wear the mask cause she's trying to be hot, not creepy like she was before...

Eyes: Green. Behind them... She’s dead inside, while simultaneously being so madly in love with you to the point of obsession... She also rarely looks you in the eyes... But that could just be because she’s High-Functioning Autistic... It’s a theory you have based on quite a few observations. See notes on personality.

Height: 5’9

Figure: D-Cup. Hourglass. Fat Lil’ ass. Thicc thighs. Model legs. She looks good, she’s in good shape.

Feet: Size 9.5. Pearly White Polish. Model feet and super into foot stuff! She has practiced footjobs extensively... The fact that you met her on Cinder, the foot fetish dating app, and saw her feet well before seeing her face should tell you of their beauty... Seeing as your profile on Cinder is usually just a picture of your feet!

Personality and Background: I’m no Psychologist... But... Matilda is possibly a High-Functioning Sociopath, possibly a Psychopath if it's genetic, she is a third-generation serial killer coming from an abusive family after all... Her father is actually the one who slashed her across the nose and cheeks when she was just a little girl. She is an extremely skilled liar and actress, excellent at manipulation. That being said... Her laser-focused interests in making her "Dolls" for her dollhouse and sometimes childish temper tantrums and outbursts when things don't go her way make me believe that maybe she is somewhere on the Spectrum. Most likely some form of ASD, probably undiagnosed Asperger’s. Her monotone voice except when she does that creepy giggle or gets excited also points to it. The creepy porcelain doll mask could be a way of detaching herself from her horrific actions as Dollhouse... Or it could be so that she doesn't have to look anyone in the eye as she’s hacking them up... Even people on the Spectrum can learn social skills, given enough time. Fake it till you make it could explain her skill at acting and manipulation. M'gann confirmed while scanning her brain that it's not wired in the same way as a neurotypical, she definitely has some form of High-Functioning Autism like Asperger's, called it! She is a Nymphomaniac with a strong reverse foot fetish, she loves having her feet pampered... Works for you! She has some pretty model-worthy feet after all... She also has a Stalker-like obsession with you... She's wicked hot so... It's fine I guess... She confessed her love under the Lasso of Truth, so you know it's 100% genuine. She also swore under the Lasso that your wings were for her final doll and she's done with serial killing now that she's found a suitable lover... Fair enough... I guess... Cute, but in a twisted way... That's Dollhouse for you!

Occupation: Serial Killer (Formerly), Stalker? Owner of The Dollhouse, an online doll store. These days she makes dolls, like actual cute or cool fabric ones, and sells them online. She makes bank and seems to like it a lot! It's really good for her. Much better than selling organs on the black market! Making dolls out of cloth to sell is a nice step up for her from killing people to sell their organs and using their hollowed-out bodies for art... The Gothlette Grim Reaper doll she made you is so amazing! She found her calling for sure!

Sexual Orientation: Apparently, gay all her life... Big ole lez! Even if it was mostly for honey traps, she legitimately fell for you... You could say that she’s... Big Gay!

Significant Scars: She has a long horizontal slash scar across her nose and cheeks from her abusive father attempting to “cure her of her beauty and vanity” when she was just a little girl... You gotta have at least a little sympathy for her...


Surgical and Anatomical Intuition: Dollhouse was well trained by her father in his macabre surgical techniques... She has no formal training or medical degree... But is nonetheless skilled in her ghastly and grotesque methods of surgery while making her “Dolls”... She could possibly make a decent battlefield medic or trauma surgeon if she used her powers for good and got licensed... She cut your wings out with the muscle still attached in a way that you didn’t completely bleed out even running at full sprint while high on adrenaline with your heart racing.

Stitching/Sewing: For as creepy and morbid as her "Dolls" are... The stitch-work is clean and flawless. Her "Dolls" are pretty in a creepy sort of grisly way... The stitching on her "Dolls" is kind of perfect and they look so clean and pretty... For what they are... Preserved corpses stitched together... Maybe she should use her insane skill for Embroidery and Needlepoint even more so to make something actually pretty that most people will enjoy instead... All things considered, she's pretty artistic... Her actual fabric dolls are top-notch and insanely cute or cool and highly detailed. She makes bank selling them online! Like the adorable Gothlette Grim Reaper doll that she made for you...

Organic Preservation: Her "Dolls" are clean and pretty... All things considered... They don’t rot and are preserved indefinitely...

Manipulation and Actress Intuition: She possesses an incredible innate understanding and skill of how to deceive, influence, and manipulate others. Possibly learned through years of faking being a normal person to lure in victims... She is quite good at pretending to be a normal girl and not... Y’know... Giving off major serial killer vibes... Around you though... It feels like it wasn’t all fake... And maybe there is a genuinely sweet girl deep down inside of her... She's actually a pretty sweet girlfriend... Her first gift to you was a doll that she hand made... From fabric to clarify! A little Gothlette Grim Reaper doll, it's actually pretty Metal and she is super adorable! You sleep with her every night, she made a very huggable doll... It's actually a really nice gift, all things considered. The Lasso doesn't lie... She did say that she loved you... Her stalking of you paid off, you absolutely love this doll! She's exactly your taste...

Medical/Lab Weaponry Proficiency: She can use almost any surgical tool as an improvised weapon, especially a syringe filled with knockout chemicals, a needle, and thread, or sutures...

Sledgehammer Proficiency: Despite her rather thin frame, she often incapacitated her victims with a sledgehammer by breaking their legs when she was a serial killer.


Sledgehammer: Just a sledgehammer she used to use to hunt her victims. Nothing special. She kept it for... Nostalgia? Self-defense? As long as she isn't still using it...

Date Rape Drugs: Drugs she spiked your coffee with to get you when you first met her. She knew the exact dose for you to put you out like a light without overdosing on these often dangerous and easy to OD on drugs... Maybe she stalked you for longer than you realized if she knew your exact height and weight and approximate metabolic rate...

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