Thursday, January 7, 2021

Peyton "Sugar" Riley a.k.a. The Ventriloquist

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Aliases: The Godmother, Scarface, The Boss, Boss Riley, The Don, Ms. Big

Hair: Blonde. Upper back length. Straight. "Emo" Bangs cover her scarred right eye.

Eyes: Blue/White. She is completely blind in her right eye due to a gunshot wound. It is almost completely white because of extensive trauma to her eye and scarring of her cornea, which turned it white. Fun fact, most blind people don't have white eyes in developed countries in this day and age. It’s actually pretty rare. Behind them... For a Mob Boss... She's sweet, like sugar... Oh... She's always good to you anyway... So help anyone who double-crosses her...

Height: 6'0

Figure: E-Cup. Hourglass. Looks like a freaking supermodel! Fat ass. Thicc thighs. Model legs. She works out and is in great shape, in addition to having a good diet. She even gave you a few tips on what to eat to keep in shape.

Feet: Size 12, Cherry Red Polish (Sometimes Cerulean Blue or Onyx Black to match her dress). Model feet. You knew that she takes care of them the second you met her, because of her showing them off with her sexy fucking strappy heels... Not only that... But her Stilettos hide actual Stilettos... Y'know... The knives... Her heels have hidden knives in them... Talk about killer footwear...

Personality and Background: Shot multiple times by the rival Italian Mafia and left for dead in an attempted whacking, Peyton "Sugar" Riley dragged her bloody body to the hospital with a fierce determination and will to live, and after recovering after plastic surgery and months of rehab became the second Ventriloquist. She took on the Boss Bitch/Mob Boss/Don/Godmother persona for herself instead of the demure girlfriend persona after Scarface was temporarily confiscated from her by Biyalia. Even though she has multiple Scarface puppets, she has grown less dependent on them, and her personality flip-flops on its own now. Rather than the puppet being the boss and she the submissive girlfriend, that personality has changed slightly into a sweet, but still in very much charge girlfriend when she's not in full Godmother mode, and she doesn't let anyone push her around anymore. It generally changes based on whether she's with you or around her boys now. Though sometimes she takes charge of you too, which you don't mind in the slightest, the Godmother thing is kinda hot, actually. She has a little bit of a "fetish" for creepy dolls, though you convinced her to go with a cute and slightly derpy sock puppet if she feels that she must do Ventriloquism, quirky woman this one... "Socko" is pretty fucking hilarious though, cause he has the 1930s Italian mobster voice and personality she gives to Scarface 9/10 times, though rarely, is a dominant female persona. She expects you to talk to and address Socko as if he is a separate entity though... You'd be fucked up and have a split personality too if someone shot you in the face... Socko gets mad when you laugh at him, but you know Peyton would never actually hurt you since you helped her gain a bit of self-confidence without using dummies as a crutch. She'll never be normal, but you've unintentionally become something of a therapist for her. Two broken dolls helping each other grow...

Occupation: "Mafia Princess", Boss/Don/Godmother of The Riley Crime Family/"The Irish", Supervillain, Skilled Ventriloquist

Sexual Orientation: Formerly Straight, switched teams after being screwed over by man after man. Now a Lesbian, or... Big Gay!

Significant Scars: She is completely blind in her right eye due to a gunshot wound. It is almost completely white because of extensive trauma to her eye and scarring of her cornea, which turned it white. Fun fact, most blind people don't have white eyes in developed countries in this day and age. It's actually pretty rare. Additional scar tissue around her entire eye socket and on her forehead and right cheek. Generally hidden by her bangs.


Survival Mode: She survived a bullet to the eye and several body shots in an attempted whacking by the rival Italian Mafia. Most people would have died from such injuries, but she dragged her bloodied body to the hospital anyway and made a full recovery after plastic surgery and months of rehab. She has escaped a few sticky situations in her time as the second Ventriloquist. She has a powerful will to live.

Alcohol Tolerance (Irish): Not a joke. Peyton is 100% Pure-Bred Irish. She can drink anyone under the table except for people with actual healing factors or who otherwise possess poison immunity. She will eventually get "drunk"... Eventually... You've personally seen her hit the whiskey all night and get up and do an Irish Dance for you up on the table that anyone else who drank that much would immediately fail at and do a nasty faceplant... Most people would be on the floor or the hospital... Perhaps it's that she is actually drunk... She can just still function at 100% mental facilities while drunk. She is definitely 100% more fun and flirty when she drinks and her accent seems to get heavier the more she drinks... You love her sexy accent so... Win-Win!

Escape Artistry: She has been known to get out of sticky situations by covering her escape with a bomb hidden inside her Scarface puppet, of which she has many.

Immense Wealth/Rich Woman: She is the head of the Riley Crime Family, a.k.a. The Irish Mafia. She has access to various illegitimate sources of income and several Mob-owned semi-legitimate businesses or mob fronts. She does have a fully legitimate Whiskey Brewery though, Lucky One-Eye Whiskey. She is possibly a Billionaire... She only pays taxes on the Whiskey Business, she has her Accountant and Information Broker Felicity Smoak make things look as though they are in order with the illegitimate and semi-legitimate stuff and pays her absurdly well. Felicity actually thought about working for Green Arrow at one point, but the Mob paycheck was too fat to resist... Her nickname is... The Calculator... Cute... Cause she's an accountant... That's funny Peyton... In a dad joke sort of way that makes you cringe... Felicity is cute in that adorkable sort of way though...

High Intellect and Business Intuition: While not a genius, she's smart and a shrewd Businesswoman. She possesses incredible skill in successfully running businesses and companies, as well as intuitive comprehension of banking, entrepreneurship, investing, and finances. Using this ability, she can become wealthy very quickly and easily, and perform feats such as always developing ideas to generate profits, making the right choice when it comes to advancing said business, and predicting sources of monetary crises. You don't get to running the Mob without some great management skills!

Leadership and Tactical Analysis: Having grown up in the Mob her whole life, Peyton is a natural-born leader, and she and Scarface will fill anyone who questions her with bullets... Or have their kneecaps broken with bats... Or give 'em a pair of good ole cement shoes to use at the bottom of the Gotham River... You get the idea. Most people are smart enough to not question the Godmother’s authority, however. She is very analytical and always at least two steps ahead with a backup plan for her backup plan and a plan of escape if things go south.

Gun Proficiency: Tommygun: She is fairly accurate with the inaccurate weapon that is the ole Chicago Typewriter or Tommygun. Especially considering that she is completely blind in her right eye! She can use it through her puppet or in her own two hands.

Minor Gunsmithing and Gun Repair: She maintains, repairs, and modifies her Tommygun regularly.

Stilleto Proficiency: She is scary good with a knife... She always keeps two on her person at any time in her heels... They're less for fighting... And more for making a point... Like giving a rat a "Rat Smile" or stabbing someone in the chest like 50 times... Or both! It's frankly amazing how quick she can get it from her shoe to her hand to inside of her victim... She knows a few knife tricks too... She's no slouch in a knife fight... But why bring a knife to a gunfight when she has Aoife?

Enhanced Ventriloquism, Multiple Voices, and Voice Throwing: She is extremely proficient in Ventriloquism, the act of changing one's voice so that it appears to be coming from elsewhere. She can also talk without opening her mouth and can throw her voice as well. She can do a variety of voices, she is so good that people think that the Scarface puppet is actually sentient!


Scarface Puppet: Armed with her modified Tommygun and rigged to explode to cover her escape if need be. Some people think Scarface is actually sentient because of her great skill at Ventriloquism and the Bonnie and Clyde routine she used to do. In reality, she just has a split personality, and her anger and self-hate manifested in the puppet, which would occasionally slap her and call her a dumb broad. Until she met you that is. Now Scarface is used for Good Cop/Bad Cop, and she'll ask him a question like "What should we do with this rat in our midst?". To which the response is usually "Whack 'em!" or otherwise make an example out of them. Like when Peyton's "Good Cop" wins and they get a slap on the wrist in the form of being cut ear to ear across the mouth so that they have a permanent "Rat Smile" on their face. Maybe you prefer what they call it in Scotland, a Glasgow Grin. They usually get stabbed in the chest once too, so that they scream and further rip the sides of their face open, leaving a permanent smile-shaped scar on their cheeks. 

Modified Tommygun "Aiofe": Usually in Scarface's hands, but not always. It is not nearly as prone to jamming as an unmodified Thompson and holds more bullets with just a few tweaks here and there. She loves her gun, she named her Aoife.

Stiletto Heels: She takes the phrase "Killer Footwear" to a whole new level... Her heels hide detachable Stiletto knives since very few people would think to check or take her shoes. Note that the heel is hollow and the knife slides out, so she can still walk after removing the knife from either or both shoes. They are secure enough that she can casually toss her shoes without worry like she does when she's in your room.

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