Friday, January 1, 2021

Bio: Leah Reinhouser a.k.a. Azrael, The Archangel of Death

 Aleia "Leah" Margot von Reinhouser a.k.a. Azrael, The Archangel of Death

Aliases: Death, The Grim Hottie, The Reaper, The Archangel of Death, The Pale Rider, The Grim Ripper 

Hair: Blonde, Neck Length, Emo Bangs covering one eye, the back is nothing special and she usually has her hood up anyway. Her Bob is cute when she does have her hood down though.

Eyes: Blue... Behind them... She's... Kind of cool and fun-loving? Not what you'd expect from the Grim fuckin' Reaper that's for sure!

Height: 6'3

Figure: Definitely a D-Cup, Hourglass.

Feet: Size 15, Cerulean Blue Nails. She has really sexy feet despite their size.

Non-Foot Tattoos: She has a Tramp Stamp that says Reaper in the Metallica font. After the incident with Demonica's "tattoo" and you getting one to make her feel better... Leah updated hers to say "Pussy Reaper" and got a tattoo of a sexy hooded grim reaper chick licking her lips... She seems to be modeled on that one particular foot fetish pornstar whose name escapes you at the moment, but she's one of your favorites...

Personality and Background: You met Leah by accident while training with Circe, she and Satan were dueling it out over your soul... Long story... Leah is pretty chill and fun-loving and shares all of your hobbies and interests. She can be a bit devious at times and enjoys teasing you. She's just a little bit of a hood rat, she's very informal in her way of speaking most of the time and uses a fair bit of slang. Due to circumstances, she has chosen you to be her eternal wife... Not a bad deal really... She's somewhat of a multidimensional being due to her job as Archangel of Death, as she reaps across multiple dimensions, though her home dimension is one called the Metalverse. She does have a supernatural horse with white fur... But the horse is kind of a ceremonial thing rather than a practical mode of transport. Guitar Intuition: She's a Goddess on the bass guitar, The Grim Ripper if you will. Allegedly she offers a challenge to people who want to try and win their soul back if they feel they died unfairly. They simply have to best or match her on Through the Fire and Flames on Expert on Guitar Hero III.

Age: 28 (Has been the Archangel of Death for 10 and the Reaper for 16, Technically just the first 6 until she got promoted, but you get the idea.)

Occupation: So... She's the Grim Reaper. Apparently, she's the Apprentice of the original skeleton Reaper. More accurately... She's the Archangel of Death... See below. Bass Guitar Player, you later found out she's the Grim Ripper, the Bassist for Demonica's Metal band, Soul Kiss.

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian. Like you, she also has a pretty strong foot fetish for women's feet.

General Attire, Reaper Mode, and Archangel Mode: She wears a black hooded cloak with pretty normal black clothes and flats underneath. She is never seen without her Scythe. When reaping she is often seen in a metal full-face skull mask with a built-in vocoder for that extra bit of oomph to her look so to speak. When at full power (Archangel Mode) she has glowing blue Angel wings made of strands of ethereal light on her back, they look to be made of pure light rather than any material substance and her face becomes a black void in her hood.


Leah shows a wide variety of supernatural powers, especially soul and death based powers and despite being 28 she's Absolutely Immortal (She has completely transcended death and cannot be killed or erased by any means as she is the literal embodiment of death itself, only a truly Omnipotent being such as The Supreme Being could unwrite her from existence, but seeing as She has no reason to as death is kind of important to the balance of the universe...). Obviously, her body is fully Self-Sustaining and she does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. She can travel effortlessly between dimensions and Heaven/Hell. Her preferred showy method of travel is Pyroportation, teleporting via ghostly blue flames. In order to do her job, she's actually... Omnipresent... Since she represents the very concept of Death itself. You don't know how that works exactly... Everywhere yet nowhere... And how can she exist before she was born... She always seems to know where you are at the very least. She probably is always keeping an eye on you, because she loves you. She also knows your full past and all of your potential futures. She assures you that she and Demonica are there for you for all eternity in all of them, since both of them exist in all timelines because of their Omnipresence and know all the futures. She also possesses Absolute Intangibility, completely at will or automatically when needed she is simultaneously both intangible and tangible, being able to attack or make physical contact with her targets while her targets cannot touch or attack her, even when she's making physical contact. She could walk through someone's sword like a ghost, push it out of the way, and then kill the person on the other end. She can turn it on and off. You two very much touch each other... Repeatedly... Wink wink. 

Anyway, she's a former human... This is why you can have sex with an Archangel like her and remember it, unlike with Demonica. Leah was not born an Angel, so she's not technically a Divine Being even though she is. She is an Angel in terms of powers and dominion, but because she's an ascended human and wasn't born an Angel, she does not trigger the Divine Rule. Wording and loopholes, that sort of thing. "A child of man shall not lie with a child of God." or something. Leah is very much the child of two human schmucks (Possibly Metas, but definitely not Angels or anything) and received Angelic powers later so... You say Grim Reaper, but really she's more Azrael than Charon, so really she's the Archangel of Death more than she's just the Ferryman. Like if she wills it she could make any normal person drop dead on the spot, with a thought or by saying or whispering to them... "Die...". Her Death's Whisper is her favorite way to do it, barring only deities really. She has so many methods of Death Inducement. You have the favorite of the Fates, the severing of one's life thread. She also has a cute Hello Kitty diary that she can write names in to write the story of the soul written inside's demise... It works on everyone except truly Omnipotent beings and those with otherwise Eternal Souls or those who have transcended life and death. She was trusted with this power and only has ever used it once. To orchestrate the events leading up to Hitler's death at the end of World War II in most timelines. (Remember that she is Omnipresent and exists at all points in time, in all possible timelines, in all dimensions even before her birth.) It is a form of Death Manipulation and Probability Manipulation that works by shifting probability in a domino effect. It is reserved only for those who deserve death and there's an unspoken rule about using on deities and those important to the cosmic balance of the universe. Only Leah/Azrael can use it.

The Kiss of Death: Where she kisses someone and they rot from the inside as every cell in their body dies at once via her Rot Inducement powers (Her absolute favorite way to use this power). Also called the Facemelter or Death's Decay.
She also possesses an ability called Death Countdown (Death Manipulation, a form of Probability Manipulation): In which she uses her supernatural power to cause a chain of events that lead to a person's death, Final Destination style.
You've heard of Death's List? An ability called Deathly Omniscience: She knows everything related to death. "In death, all truth is revealed."
Her ultimate ability is something called The Absolute Death: A power bestowed directly by The Supreme Being, this ability will completely erase the target from existence. It does not work on truly Omnipotent beings like The Supreme Being and other Absolute Immortals (Like Leah herself and her Best Frenemy Demonica) or those possessing an Eternal Soul. It also doesn't work on Flawlessly Indestructible Divine Beasts like the Leviathan. It bypasses godhood, immortality, and invulnerability and kills the body, destroys the soul, and obliterates all possible past and future timelines. Individuals killed by this method can not be resurrected by any normal means. Only The Supreme Being could rewrite them back into existence. This power is only to be used with express permission from The Supreme Being Herself so unless God puts a hit on you... It is a Primordial Light Incantation "In the name of The Supreme Being, I Azrael, Archangel of Death commands you. Die." She also has the associated strength, speed, durability, etc. one would expect an Archangel to have. In fact, as the actual Embodiment of the very Concept of Death itself... Her abilities may be Absolute so that no being destined to die can outrun, fight off, or otherwise escape her. Not that they could get around her Omnipresence anyway. In a way, it's strangely comforting in a morbid sort of way. To quote one of her associates, Death of the Endless, on the Omnipresence of Death... (There are several reapers... I don't wanna know how they divvy things up...) "I'm there for old and young, innocent and guilty, those who die together and those who die alone. I'm in cars and boats and planes; in hospitals and forests and abbatoirs. For some folks, death is a release, and for others, death is an abomination, a terrible thing. But in the end, I'm there for all of them."

Absolute Fear Inducement: As the Embodiment of the very Concept of Death, she can put the fear of it into anyone except a truly Omnipotent being and extremely powerful Nigh-Omnipotent beings like Demonica, but even people like the Scarecrow who is physically incapable of feeling fear will feel it if Leah wills it. Sometimes she's scary just by virtue of what she is. The whole literally untouchable murder ghost thing (Her Absolute Intangibility) is pretty terrifying in and of itself, you can't touch her, but she can touch you...
Omniligualism: She can speak and understand any language when necessary, but Azrael is not known for conversation...
Scythe Proficiency/Enhanced Scythemanship: Naturally, she has incredible Scythe Proficiency. For those foolish enough to fight her. Proficiency is a huge misnomer, her skill with a scythe is literally unmatched by anyone mortal or immortal in any realm except for her mentor, the original skeleton Grim Reaper, who she can fight to a stalemate.
After becoming Azrael, all of her Doppelgangers fused into one Leah, and she became an Omniversal Singularity, like all other Archangels. There is only one Leah and she is Leah in every timeline. Basically, she has no Doppelgangers. Leah is Leah. Kinda like The Supreme Being, there's just the one, hopefully, this makes sense.

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