Friday, January 1, 2021

Bio: Luciel "Demonica" Morningstar a.k.a. The Devil

Luciel "Demonica" Lucia Morningstar a.k.a. The Devil

True Name: Luciel (Literally "Light of God") Morningstar. She has generally forsaken this name and only The Supreme Being and a few others call her by this name really.

Aliases: She gives the alias Demonica Lucifer to people she's meeting for the first time. I guess it's more intimidating than Morningstar or something... Lady Satan, Monica, Luci, Sister Luciel (When she cosplays as a nun to piss off you know who after She Divinely slut-shamed her with an ironic tattoo.)

Hair: Red (Her hair turns Radiant Blonde and literally radiates light in her true form, with her roots staying Red, but also radiating light), Shoulder Length, Bun, or Updo. Always something classy and sophisticated looking. (It grows to ass-length and she lets it down when in her true form.)

Eyes: Unique, Red Iris, Black Sclera. Behind them... *Shivers* You try to avoid looking her in the eye... I mean she is literally evil incarnate... Right? But... After really getting to know her... Maybe that's just her public persona... (In her true form her scleras are the normal white and she has the most beautiful Blue Eyes. You feel like you just want to spill all of your heart's desires to her...) She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses normally, which matches so well with the sexy business look she usually rocks...

Height: 5'10 (Generally she is this height, she can infinitely change her size, any aspect of her physical appearance, actually.)

Figure: DD-Cup, Hourglass. Fat ass, perfect legs. She's just like... Literally the definitions of both perfect and sexy.

Feet: Size 10, Blood Red Toenails, but she can change it at will to be Radiant Glittering Gold that shines brighter than any star in the universe that will blind anyone with its radiance except for Celestials, the already dead souls, or those bound to her, like yourself. Her most Divine-looking nail color is when her toenails each look like a separate mini-universe and are so beautiful and awe-inspiring that you could just get lost in them... There is no polish on her nails, she can change them at will because she is a Divine Being. Because her heritage is Divine on top of Divine... Her feet are literal perfection. You chose your mistress well. As a side note, they're warm, almost hot to the touch, but that actually feels really nice when you touch them or they touch you in various places... Her whole body is warm actually. In her true form, the smell of her feet brings instant euphoria and absolute delight. She wears a toe ring of the purest, radiant gold with a "gemstone" that contains an entire mini-universe. It is a Divine Object of infinite weight, it can not be removed by a non-Celestial being, not that they could even carry it... If she placed it on your chest, it would be like an unworthy person pinned by Mjolnir... An immovable object...

Non-Foot "Tattoos": She has a tramp stamp with "Chastity" emblazoned in a serious biblical style font in golden "ink". Magically etched on by The Supreme Being after Demonica lost her virginity to you. Even Demonica is not powerful enough to remove or alter it in any way and she's literally the second strongest being in the entire Multiverse...

Personality and Background: Your grandmother sold your soul to her long before you were even thought of... You met her when she came to claim it. She is... Smooth and charming... She has a somewhat archaic way of speaking and a refined British accent. She's kinda like... Evil Mary Poppins. She's sneaky for sure, but after spending a lot of your time with her you've come to the realization that she's not so bad, but her title and position mean that a certain public demeanor is required to keep order. In private she's actually delightful to be around and talk to, you even confide deeply in each other on occasion. You came to an agreement with her... To be her maid for eternity... Not a bad deal really... She's somewhat of a multidimensional being due to Hell being its own dimension that funnels souls from multiple different dimensions, though her "home" dimension is one called the Metalverse as that's where her sister likes to hang out. She's probably Omnipresent, but you aren't entirely sure. When she's not ruling Hell, she's usually there or indulging in various hobbies in your dimension. She is the daughter of the original being called the Devil or Satan, Lucifer Morningstar, and the granddaughter of The Supreme Being. She is a Fallen Archangel that carries herself as an Archdemon. It comes with the territory of her title. Well... She's more like a Fallen Transcendent Angel. That describes her power level and status more accurately. All naturally born female Angels (So not a former human such as Leah/Azrael) have a "blessing", the Curse of Chastity. The inside of their lady parts look like a shark's mouth and are lined with rows of serrated teeth and thorns like a rose on the inside to discourage relations and encourage them to be chaste... However... Genuine love renders them as harmless as if they weren't even there. After the binding ritual where you acknowledged her as your Goddess, you are safely able to have sex with her due to your unique feelings for her as her worshipper/maid/best friend though due to still having a human mind until you eventually die and become a full-fledged Succubus, you cannot comprehend sex with a Celestial being, so you never remember it. You play Racketball with her on Thursdays. She is the lead singer of a metal band in her spare time, disguised as a human. Adorably she secretly enjoys eating ice cream out of the tub when she thinks you aren't watching... Funnily enough, you can keep frozen shit in Hell, haha.

Age: Several thousands of years. She never gives specifics, but Leah believes she at least predates Mesopotamia. She's probably been around about as long as humanity itself.

Occupation: The actual, literal Devil after taking over from her father Lucifer. Despite her title, she is a being of pure Divinity, just one fallen from grace. She is not a Demon, despite her extremely on the nose name. She is also the District Manager of the Hell Branch of Big Belly Burger. In her free time, she's also Lucia Morningstar, the Lead Singer of her Metal band, Soul Kiss. She also knows how to play the guitar expertly as well and often does both.

Sexual Orientation: As a Divine Being, Demonica is attracted to souls, not genders... She just so happens to fancy yours is all... In your "Biblical" headcanon though... She's a big ole lesbian! The Devil is... Big Gay!

General Attire and Cosplays: She usually wears a bright red cocktail dress and open-toed heels, contrasting her pale skin nicely... Especially her red nails... More recently she has been wearing a sharp suit or other sexy office-type attire with a jacket, blouse, skirt, and stockings with regular heels. You get the idea. Business Devil is best Devil... So hot... She also started doing nun cosplays all of the time both in her normal "Demon" form and in her true Angelic form whenever you do sexy stuff with her, just to piss off a certain relative who Divinely slut-shamed her. Her family can be quite petty...


Demonica shows a wide variety of supernatural powers. Looking into the hearts and minds of others seems to be her favorite. After all, her father really enjoys drawing out people's true desires, which she can do to an extent, though not as well as he can. She can also do some unique things like the Whisper of Madness. She essentially whispers something into her target's ear and the song they hate the most will be magically stuck in their head until they're driven mad and commit suicide. She can also create an ethereal tail ending in a spade shape that's completely prehensile. She sometimes uses it to assist in playing with you. She's Ultipotent: Omnipotence without Omniscience. (She has Absolute Intelligence, but does not know everything.) She's the second most powerful being in existence, second only to The Supreme Being (Being the daughter of Lucifer and the granddaughter of The Supreme Being, this is to be expected). She just sees no reason to change the world, as it suits her just fine the way it is. She is Absolutely Immortal and Absolutely Invulnerable and has full Erasure Immunity, not even The Supreme Being can unwrite her, but She can easily outsmart and overpower her because She actually is Omniscient. In theory, if she could be hurt or destroyed Absolute Regeneration would kick in and heal or blip her back into reality. Obviously, her body is fully Self-Sustaining and she does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. She has Absolute Condition, she has the associated strength, speed, etc. that you expect a Lordess of Hell and Pure-Blooded Fallen Transcendent Angel such as herself to have, especially considering her lineage. Her preferred showy method of travel is Pyroportation, teleporting via hellish black flames. 

She possesses Absolute Charm and Beauty, her family has been described as the most beautiful of all Angels. Because you are bound to her and chose her as your Goddess, you can safely look at her true form without your eyes burning out or something, and words literally cannot describe how beautiful she actually is. Though she suppresses these so that her subjects have free will around her. You're slowly getting used to seeing her in her true form. She also has a Sanitized Metabolism and Pleasant Scent, as a pure Divine Being, she always smells neutral or pleasant. She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet. When she forgets to suppress her Divine Scent, they are the most amazing and pleasant smell in the universe! 

Dark Divinity: Interestingly, even though she is a Fallen Transcendent Angel, she is filled with Dark Mana, though she can still wield Light Mana just as easily, Fallen Angels can uniquely use Dark Mana to cast Light spells due to Divine Heritage. On the rare occasions that she needs to use enough power that her wings manifest, they manifest as pure blue, almost white strands of ethereal light like an Angel's, Demons have bat-like wings. Her wings are so brilliantly blue in fact, that they almost look white. Her father is called the Lightbringer so... Makes sense... She can also manifest decorative bird-like wings in pure white and pure black-feathered varieties. Because she comes from the direct lineage of The Supreme Being, being born as a type of Angel that transcends even the Archangels, she is an Omniversal Singularity, there is only one Demonica and she is Demonica in every timeline. Basically, she has no Doppelgangers. Demonica is Demonica. Kinda like The Supreme Being, there's just the one, hopefully, this makes sense. She's also Omnipresent, so she always knows what's up and what you're up to since she exists in every timeline and dimension at all points in time. She isn't actively watching everyone, just you, because she loves you and occasionally checks in with her other followers, but she's always aware of what's going on and what will go down, even if she isn't "watching". She has Flawless Clairvoyance, she can see the future perfectly and is never wrong, but her feelings for you can distract her and cause her to lose track of the current constantly shifting "true" timeline. This should not happen, but feelings such as this are so new to her that she does not know how to properly process them yet... Awww... True Love is her weakness! Such an adorable Devil weakness! Wait... She can read my mind... Oh, I'm so boned! Prepare the cutest possible puppy dog face to use on her and hope that it diffuses her!

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