Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: Elana Prime

Princess Xozalla Elana Marie Vi Korll a.k.a. Elana Prime

Aliases: Princess Bee, The Blue-Haired THOT, The Blunette, The Star Sapphire Princess (When her ring assumes direct control and she gets even hornier... Scary right?), Fat Girl, Geek Princess, Gamer Princess, The Fetish Princess, The Stoner Princess, Pervy Princess

Notes: This Elana is the "Main" Elana from the "True" Timeline. (Also consider this an update of the Chapter 1 bio which is now closer to another version of Elana below, Proto-Prime) She is politically married to eight Princesses of eight different alien races. Due to the political nature of her marriages and the polygamous nature of Biyalian culture she also has various girlfriends. She is a pure-blooded Biyalian and Queen Zazzala's second daughter. Most other Elanas branch from this Elana except for the Prodigal Daughter, who can also be thought of as the "Real" Elana, and Proto-Prime is kind of an anomaly at this point and was the original protagonist until a massive dimensional upset occurred. Both "Human Elanas": Harem Queen and The Influencer are also separate. While they have different parents they are still doppelgangers of Elana. Elana's doppelgangers are a mix of parallel versions of herself created by her choices (Sometimes her branches branch. Like Rebel becoming the Smiling Demon and then Smiling Demon branching yet again into Demon Queen of Japan and Archdemon for example), her future self exactly 25 years to the nanosecond into the future, the massive dimensional upset that split Prime and Proto-Prime, and versions of her from DC's existing other Earths like for example her Earth 66 doppelganger Elenor (60's Batman TV Show Universe), her only male doppelganger Ethan from Earth 11 (Genderflipped), and doppelgangers like her Human selves who come from some other DC Earth where Biyalia was much less aggressive in capturing and converting people and most of the OCs are human instead of Biyalian. Generally but not always as with Prodigal Daughter, being named Xozalla means that an Elana branches from Prime. Prime, her offshoots, and pretty much every Elana except the Human versions have access to "Bio-Pollen" Pheromones. They however rarely use them because, while extremely potent and allowing the user to make people highly susceptible to suggestions they really only work on people attracted to women and require her to be really sweaty. Future Elana's Hypno-Pollen is an exception. See her bio for more info. All versions of Elana use some degree of male sex slang in regards to orgasm at times, that's just how her personality is, being ladylike is optional. She openly says things like: "What's up my girl dudes?". She also takes Feminism pretty seriously, she says things like "Woman up!", "Ovary up!", "Egg up!", "Don't be a cock about it/You're not gonna cock out on me are you?". Really think about it, which type of genitalia is actually the more fragile of the two? Betty White says it best, "Why do people say grow some balls? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding!" Elana Prime was created when a massive Dimensional upset caused some of the timelines to start bleeding into each other, splitting her off from Proto-Prime and setting her down a different path while fundamentally rewriting her history, making her Zazzala's true daughter by blood instead of a random human girl that was abducted, converted, and adopted by Zazzala. As a result, she and Proto-Prime have some shared history and she has most of Proto Prime's memories such as creating the S.B.F.F.s (Super Best Friends Forever!) and being the Tank Commander during the assault on the "Fake" Queen Bee in the Middle East in their Biyalia. A good rule of thumb to determine if a chapter stars Prime or Proto-Prime is does she call Zazzala mom? (Prime) Or sis/big sis? (Proto-Prime). Her hair color (Aqua VS Blonde and later Black) is also a good measuring stick.

Timeline: 2020

Hair: Dyed Aqua, mid-back length, usually has her hair down with the frequent rocking of the space buns, a neat bun or updo is usually mandatory for Royal affairs and she refuses to ever put it in a beehive because "It's not 1966 anymore..." so Zazzala makes her wear an image inducer crown to change the color to its natural brown. She uses Healthy Glow Neon Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable blue hair can light up a room with a cool electric blue glow on command via Bioluminescence.

Compound Eyes: Honey Yellow

Height: 5'5

Figure: C-Cup, hourglass. She is extremely toned from her intense dedication to Yoga, her Martial Arts training, and workouts combined with her Biyalian metabolism all keep her body hot. However... Her diet could be considered... Unhealthy... So even though she appears to be in great shape... Lurking just below the surface she's a bit doughy... This combined with her eating habits (She can down half a large pizza by herself) Has earned her the nickname "Fat Girl" from Powergirl. Which the Masochist in her secretly loves... Even if there's no malice behind it and she means it with love. Her wings shine in brilliant iridescent rainbow colors due to a special vitamin pill with small amounts of edible dye taken over the years.

Feet: Size 8, generally sticks with a Honey Yellow/Onyx Black Alternating Pattern on her left foot and a Rainbow Pedicure on her right foot. Her Royal Footwear is striped Black/Yellow stockings, and Black/Yellow high heeled knee-high boots to match with her Royal Bodysuit. Though she wears a variety of footwear to match her outfit. She wears her 8 wedding rings for her political wives on her toes. The stone on each one has a symbol etched in so she can tell whose is whose. They are as follows. A butterfly, an ant, a microchip, a piranha, a dragonfly, pincers, a wasp, and a dragon. She wears an anklet with a charm that says "I 💓 Feet". She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her right foot.

Personality and Background: This version of Elana is always goofy, geeky, and fun-loving while simultaneously being extraordinarily lazy. She was sent to live with a human foster family at the age of 2 and reclaimed and reconverted at 21. She is currently in her late 20's. Phoebe would continue to babysit her, watch over her, and protect her when she could while she lived with the Strikers, on a secret mission from Zazzala, disguised as the human babysitter "Amy". But she still had to do everything with her feet as her octopus arms were only disguised with Image Inducers and you can see where this is going... Unfortunately "Amy" couldn't be around to protect her from Mike 24/7 but she was always there for Elana at her lowest moments. Elana has a highly notable "Maid Fetish". Both for wearing sexy French Maid outfits and making other women wear them. This applies to all versions of her. Every version of Elana also has some notable kinks... You know... In addition to her MASSIVE foot fetish for female feet, thanks for waking and feeding that beast, Phoebe... Sure she was born with it cause her brain wires are crossed but Phoebe is the reason her fetish is so strong. You can't have feet that sexy and rub them all over a girl her whole life and expect her not to have a massive foot fetish... Masochism is probably the biggest and she is definitely a Sub. She is extremely into being tied up or handcuffed. She has a strict no shoes in her room policy. All versions of Elana have this rule. She and all alternate versions of herself never bothered to get a Driver's License, fun fact. Her IQ is 150, a trait she most likely inherited from her mother. All offshoots of Prime have an IQ of at least 150. Elana has enough pride as a lesbian that she tends to hulk out like Neil Degrasse Tyson watching Gravity over things like... For example, how almost every single lesbian character in anime pre-Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid gets treated like shit instead of an actual human being like all of the straight characters. It is one of her biggest pet peeves and applies to every version of her. Every version of Elana can recognize a woman by her feet alone. Say for example you get a dozen women Elana knows and cloak their bodies from the ankle up. She could accurately tell you who each girl was based on her feet alone. Even if they have no distinctive tattoos or cute moles and switched up their pedicure. She can also accurately tell women apart while blindfolded based on their natural foot smell, taste, or touch alone assuming no other variables. Prime, Future, and Nurse Badness can even tell women apart from a great distance by sensing their feet's aura with her Foot Control power as every woman's Foot Aura is as unique as a fingerprint. They all have a different "feel", "color", or "energy". She is a member of the Star Sapphires. Nurse Naughty enhanced her vagina to feel more pleasure, have more stamina, and have better orgasms, that sort of thing. In the future, it will also make the birth of Ellen go super smoothly. While it is a literal goddess vagina the rest of her body does tire eventually, something she learned after she met Velvet... She also has a genie named Shahirah pledged to her. The way she does her makeup and carries herself is always just ever so slightly slutty... But... That's how she likes it... She just likes to feel pretty and desired, even though some see her as shallow and conceited she's anything but! Some people also think of her as just dumb and pretty, even though she is literally a genius-level IQ. A party trick ability of hers is to open a beer-type bottle by placing it between her legs and giving a quick little squeeze and twist, putting those Kegel exercises to good use. With her panties still on ya perves! Too bad for the boys, she's Big Gay!

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: So, Ms. Vi Korll came to me of her own volition because she simply wanted to watch me work and volunteered as a guinea pig because, oh boy... Is there a lot to unpack... I am told all of her doppelgangers on the other Earths in the multiverse and from alternate timelines share all of these fetishes. I guess our little Elana is the same no matter where you go. First and foremost, she has it bad for women's feet... The Foot Fetish is strong with this one... Paraphilia, Partialism, Podophilia to be perfectly precise! Look at me go! She admitted to being borderline unable to function some days... Especially if multiple women are barefoot around her at the same time. She has to bite her hand hard enough to draw blood to keep herself under control sometimes, otherwise, her Star Sapphire Ring might take over... The Star Sapphire Princess makes Elana's normal libido and personality look like a saintly nun by comparison... For the first 19 years of her life, she had, in her own words "A gorgeous model of babysitter molest her with her feet 24/7, being the sole reason the beast her fetish has grown into was awakened and continuously fed to become what it is..." Closely linked to her foot fetish is her Olfactophilia, she just loves the smell of feet! Scented with lotion, fresh from the shower, or even fresh from the gym. Human, Biyalian, or other, clean or sweaty, she loves the smell. She has mild Tricophilia, she has a little bit of a thing for hair. She loves when women have long, straight, soft, and silky hair. She loves touching it and running her fingers through it. It's not necessarily 100% sexual, it could just be a texture thing. She doesn't have a color preference but she is slightly biased towards fun non-natural colors like blue and pink. She also really enjoys brushing and braiding other women's hair... For her sanity and health, nobody tell her about the Tangled VR Scenario Preset in the VR Deck... Disney Rapunzel would break her brain with all of her fetishes combined... Cute bare feet... Long silky hair... Bondage with said hair... Her poor brain would just short circuit with pleasure... It would explain why she's so in love with her own hair as well... Though to be fair the blue is super cute and works for her so well. Her next fetish is her maid fetish that goes both ways, it doesn't matter who dresses up as a sexy maid, she absolutely loves them. Although she seems to favor dressing up herself, pointing towards her Submissive tendencies, and because I have personally witnessed her put on a maid uniform and park her face under my feet nice and cozy to be used as a human footstool... Going to add a little Forniphilia in as well... A couple of times she even asked me to smack her ass for being "A naughty maid". She's super into it... She's a Masochist too... Her bondage story is pretty interesting... She was in high school at a Christmas Party when she was in the 9th grade, long story short, all of the boys were out for the day for various reasons, common cold, hunting trip, whatever. Anyway, half of the day goes by super uneventfully... Well her Secret Santa was a cute rich girl that she had a slight crush on that she got a necklace for, and this girl meanwhile got her a dog toy in exchange, which is pretty insulting when you consider that she didn't own a dog... But other than that, boring day... Until Gym class... She decided to double dutch only to literally get tripped up after about 7 jumps... Her crush at the time, Julia, noticed and proceeded to tie her up with the jump rope and drag her back to the classroom! 3 hours later, it was lunchtime and Elana said, "Ha! Now you have to untie me!" Instead, Julia asks her what kind of pizza she likes, sits on her lap, and feeds Elana her favorite kind of pizza, Hawaiian... She became even more of a Sub and developed a Bondage Fetish overnight... This became a "tradition" every year until she graduated, even after Julia switched schools between 10th and 11th grade. Now, she can't get enough of dominant women with rope and handcuffs. She's really into being choked as well too. What else can I say about this kinky and lovable Princess? Oh! Ahegao faces make her weak in the knees... Lewd tongue gestures in general actually. She particularly likes when women wear glasses as well. Especially cute, black, thick-rimmed, square glasses... Like mine... Huh... Maybe I shouldn't wear them during sessions with her...

Clothing: Her bodysuit can look like anything so when she's hanging out it's normal clothing. She generally only wears the striped bodysuit for Royal functions but if she's feeling extraordinarily lazy... She sometimes wears her favorite hoodie over top, a hot pink pullover that says "THOT" on the chest in bold black letters, gotta own that shit y'know? Elana is so bold she even has another pink one that says "SLUT" in bold black letters in Punk graffiti font because she's takin' that shit back! She has a Rainbow one that says "I 💓 Feet" that Allison had made to tease her, but she ended up loving it and completely owning her fetish, ironically becoming closer than ever with Allison because of the hoodie. An "Ahegao" hoodie is another personal favorite of hers. She also loves a green hoodie with a weed leaf on the front as the background that says "Professional Weed Whacker" in flaming letters. She does do a lot of smoking and a lot of... Self-love after so... Another is a pink hoodie with letters in silver glitter that says "Boss Princess" with a crown background. Naturally, her Pride hoodie, a Rainbow hoodie with a pink interlocked double Venus symbol is also a mainstay in her collection of favorites. Another variation of her Pride hoodie is another Rainbow one that says "The Big Gay!". Another Rainbow Hoodie variant says "Turbo Lesbian!". Note that she can wear a hoodie and be comfortable when it's like 80 degrees F... So she wears them all the time basically. She owns quite the collection of Rainbow skirts, stockings, leggings, etc. of any conceivable type of women's clothing and several with lesbian-specific logos on them... Men still hit on her even when she's blatantly showing off how not interested in men she is...

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Biyalian Empire. Princess of the Hymenopteran Empire. In the interest of her protection and with the eventual cloning of her older sister Elana no longer has military titles or duties that place her outside of the Hive much. However, she is still the Ambassador and head of PR. Gotta keep that "Evil Empire" vibe under control.

Religion: Primarily Agnostic, contemplating Satanism after meeting the woman herself very briefly the first time she met her Doppelgangers. The Witch Queen version of herself really talks up Demonica... And since it's her other self vouching for it... While this stuff obviously exists Elana still struggles to put her faith blindly into any religion, even knowing Heaven and Hell exist. To be fair, she's never really gotten the chance to spend time with Demonica like her Doppelganger has.

Romantic Interests: Princess Luna of the Nymphalidaens (Wife), Princess Anabelle of the Formicindians (Wife), Princess X7 of the Automatons (Wife), Princess Sashi of the Serrasalmidaens (Wife), Princess Sarah of the Forficuldaens (Wife), Princess Amelia of the Libellulidaens (Wife), Princess Ziyaya of the Vespidarians (Wife), and Grand Celestial Dragon Empress Lei-Feng of the Celestial Dragons (Wife). Many girlfriends, most notably Powergirl! (One of the perks of dating Powergirl is that the Flash lost a bet to her and has to be her Gopher whenever he's not busy with y'know... Flash stuff. It's pretty cool to get food from around the world and things like that.) She's also fucking a couple of her Martial Arts instructors, Velvet and Cleo. Rachael also has a special place in her heart as a girlfriend/dominatrix in her life...

Tattoo: A Bee wearing a little crown

Ink: She has Rosie the Riveter on her right bicep (She is a Sex-Positive Feminist, but she's the chill kind. She's about equality, not superiority, although coincidentally Biyalia is a historically female-dominated society.) and a green Chinese style dragon with three heads, tail starting on her abdomen, and the central head ending with her Vagina forming the inside of its mouth, that had to be painful to get... She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her right foot.

Significant Scars: Formerly many, many abuse and surgical scars on her back and shoulders. These were healed by Nurse Naughty in exchange for the high price of... Pictures of her wearing cute cosplays doing various poses... Considering Ally usually asks people to sign their soul away, so to speak, it was weird that this was all she wanted... It's surprisingly benign for her... This was so significant it created a Dimensional Ripple effect similar to the original Dimensional Bleeding Incident that separated Proto-Prime from everyone else and created Elana Prime. This Ripple Effect healed these specific scars on all of Prime's offshoots, which is normally outside of Ally's scope of power.
Self-harm scars on her wrists. She did not ask Ally to heal these as a reminder to never forget where she came from and where she is now. All of her offshoots have these scars. Even her Future Self, who has a powerful Healing Factor. She still has them because as far as her subconscious is concerned, they're a part of her body. So it keeps them constantly shapeshifted and visible because they are as much a part of her body as anything else. She still remembers the blade slicing through her flesh...

Special Skills

Foot Massage Goddess: Extensive knowledge of Reflexology or the art and mastery of foot massage. She has learned from Nurse Naughty how to use her Foot Control power to absolutely master foot massages.

Nymphalidaen Body Arts: She learned Nail Art from Luna. She also learned how to masterfully massage any part of the body from her.

Enhanced Flexibility and Balance: She has done Yoga 3 times a week consistently for years (Also to keep in shape and creep on hot women in Yoga pants) She completely mastered yoga after training with the Yoga Master and developed beyond human Flexibility and Balance. She can effortlessly bend her body as if she was a triple-jointed contortionist. She has learned how to use sensory input from her antennae to be more aware of her spatial position and as a result has well beyond human but not like... Spider-Man levels of balance.

Foot Control: Connection: She has the meta-human power to control female feet, due to a unique mutation in her brain and antennae. It is a weird combination of Psychic, Telekinetic, Aura, and Body Manipulation powers... Its power and scope are increased by Elana's particular affinity towards a pair of feet and her level of lust can boost her power's strength immensely (Lust Empowerment), even extending her web of influence to the entire lower body or more. She has an incredibly interwoven connection to the aura surrounding women's feet, it's like a part of her. It is so strong that she could walk by a hot girl at the mall and completely feel up, smell, lick and suck on her feet without her even noticing, and to Elana, it would feel as if she was actually down there worshipping and she would know exactly how they feel, smell, and taste.

Foot Control: Psi-Vampire (Tantric Metabolization Subtype), Aura Reading, and Aura Absorption: Foot Aura: She can literally feed off of her love of feet. Well, technically the aura feet give off. It does not harm the girls she feeds from in any way, unlike most Psi-Vampires. This energizes Elana and can end up making her horny. But that may be a side effect of needing to stick her face into sexy feet to feed on them. She could in theory feed by touching feet with her hands but, the process wouldn't be as efficient because she wouldn't be as turned on and her power is fueled by her fetish. She only needs to feed after using her power excessively, feeling run down and burned out. She suffers no ill effects from not feeding, only positive benefits from feeding. She can also sense the unique aura each girl's feet give off.

Foot Control: Puppetry (Combination of Telekinesis and Subliminal Mind Control. Limited to feet only): Elana's antennae give off potent psychic signals. Willpower plays a part, but most women crumble easily, and establishing a connection beforehand by touching foreheads or antennae (Preferable) boosts the connection significantly. With this power, she can literally physically control the feet of others with her mind or give them a masterful foot massage without laying a finger on their feet. It's essentially limited Telekinesis. She can also make women move their feet with their own minds. A more sinister application of this power is using this ability to cause a mild ankle strain so that a woman might ask the nearest reflexology master to help ease their pain and give her an excuse to rub her feet... Oh, and her power does work on males too, this is relevant because if some guys decided to attack her she could literally break all of their ankles with her mind.

Foot Control: Sweat Manipulation (Limited to feet only): A sub-category of Body Manipulation, Body Fluid Manipulation, Elana can on her command induce someone's feet to sweat ranging from a little bit to drenched... Biyalian sweat smells like honey but Elana loves sweaty human feet too. She really likes the smell of feet so...

Foot Control: Nail Color Manipulation (Limited to feet only): A subform of Color Manipulation and Nail Manipulation or possibly even an extremely limited form of Matter Manipulation. Extremely self-explanatory. Elana can change someone's toenail color at will. Even polishing unpolished toes, and going as far as adding glitter or rhinestones. She can essentially give free instant pedicures. She can even make nails grow slightly.

Foot Control: Telekinetic Speed (Her own feet and legs only): She can enhance her own speed by using her power to move her own legs and feet faster when she runs, giving her low-level Super Speed, able to at least break Mach 1. As she does not have any enhanced stamina or endurance though, she can only run at super speed for a few minutes before needing to rest. Her suit and forcefield tech protect her from air friction.

Magician's Intuition: She learned Stage Magic from Zatanna a.k.a. The G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All-Time) of Stage Magic. Funnily enough, it was when she was originally captured by the Justice League and formed the S.B.F.F.s (Super Best Friends Forever).

Master Tactician/"Chessmaster": Genius strategist and military commander.

Body Language Analysis: Having the mute Trish as an Milf-in-Law gave Elana the ability to pick up on subtle nonverbal cues. She can detect when people are lying on occasion, pick up on small details others may have missed, and developed a degree of non-powered Empathy, she vibes pretty hard with Trish.

Hand to Hand Combat Proficiency: She learned "Viper Style" (Alien martial art similar to Capoeira) fighting techniques and submission holds as well as how to fight with and throw knives from Cleo and Kickboxing from Velvet. She learned the Biyalian Martial Art of the Sting Dive. A technique focused on high speed hovering flight around your opponent and kicks such as hovering bicycle kicks.

Silent Walking: She learned how to walk completely silently, even in high heels, from her friends in Phantom Claw. She's not necessarily stealthy but boy is she good at fucking with people using this power...

Accelerated Learning: Via a wish from her genie, Elana was granted the ability to master skills at an accelerated rate.

Bondage Intuition: She learned many ways to tie up or otherwise restrain someone in sexy ways from Rachael. She always keeps fancy silk ropes nanocompressed on her person at all times. She learned this while dating her after the Mutant escape incident...

Animal Manipulation: Honeybees/"Queen Bee": Her antennae give off signals that allow her to control Earth Honeybees with her mind.


Nymphalidaen Party Necklace: Her necklace is also one of those smaller vape batteries, however, it does not originate from Earth but is, in fact, compatible with Earth cartridges, she uses it for both the psychedelic drug from her wife Luna's home planet called Nectar and for weed. Apparently, it never needs to be charged either. It looks like a bee and lights up in rainbow colors while in use. It's a seriously cool little gadget.

Infinicharge Plasma Lighter: Infinite charge plasma lighter for when she needs to light a bong or a blunt, etc. She smokes a lot of weed with Luna and Danus... The Nymphalidaens seriously invented these 100% efficient batteries and refined weed-smoking gadgets just so that they could get stoned without being inconvenienced... It's beautiful... It's also beefy enough to double as a Stun Gun.

Star Sapphire Power Ring: Via a wish from her genie, Elana was granted a Star Sapphire Ring and Power Battery/Lantern without actually having to join the Corps. As a result, she has all of the abilities of a Star Sapphire and her power grows with her feelings of Love/Lust. She is however highly untrained.

Automation Hyper-Cooling Lubricant: A gift from her wife X7, this lube is generally used so that Elana can receive footjobs at superhuman speeds from girls like X7 or the Kryptonian lesbian she got to know very well Ver Van-Za without receiving friction burns. Super handy! It also causes a pleasant tingling sensation where applied. She continued using it even after gaining super durability in 2045 because the cooling sensation combined with the pleasant tingling just feels good... Velvet's lube from Elana's alternate future timeline daughter Ellen is really nice too though.

Automaton Enhanced Phone and Datapad: Automaton Princess X7 personally upgraded Elana's phone and datapad to Automata's levels of technology. Here are some key features.
100% efficient batteries, they never need charging. They emit a sanitizing field so they always stay clean. The wormhole function (Datapad only): Any girl video chatting on the other side can break the laws of physics and use the screen as a portal to stick their feet through regardless of distance or physics. Think of that Ah! My Goddess scene with Urd sticking her feet through the TV screen. Limitless storage for her porn. The new camera is insane. She has crystal clear HD photo quality even at the frankly ridiculous levels of zoom the little thing is capable of. Candid foot photos have never been easier! Her devices are keyed in to her DNA signature, which means only she or those with permission can use them and she literally cannot lose them, they will teleport to her. They have Automata level processing speeds and are connected to their knowledge database. There's also thought-to-text and a feature where they will automatically jot down any thoughts that she may want to write down or are bugging her. They're also connected to Automata's Network so she'll never lose service no matter where in the universe she is. They're also indestructible and have (She has never heard of this number before and X7 was going through the numbers faster than her ears can pick up so she doesn't know what she actually said.)-bit encryption. Even a 12th Level Technopath like X7 couldn't hack them and she rebuilt the things!

Royal Stinger Gauntlet: A black and yellow wrist-mounted crossbow that fires bee stingers coated in a special poison. If they miss they explode into a poisonous cloud. After 10 minutes it causes dizziness. A fever after 30 minutes and after 3 hours causes death. It can nanocompress for storage and stealth.

Honeycomb Hex Gauntlet: Simply a black and yellow gauntlet with a hexagon-shaped chamber that houses genetically-modified super Honeybees to be used for attacks with her Queen Bee power. It can house and feed these genetically-modified super bees for months, they simply eat sugar or can be released to drink nectar from flowers. Basically, they have sharper stingers and more lethal venom. They make honey just like normal Honeybees and can sense when Elana feels threatened by smelling the subtle distress pheromones of their Queen Bee.

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