Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: Future Elana

High Empress Xozalla Elana Marie Vi Korll a.k.a. Future Elana

Aliases: True Elana Prime, Queen Elana, The MILF/MYLF, The High Empress of Hymenoptera, The Goddess, Chimera Blanc, Shiro, Snow White, The White Witch (By anti-Hymenopteran groups who believe that Hymenopterans went extinct for a good reason), White Rabbit, The Energizer Sex Bunny, Homo Cougarus (By Ellen as a playful jab at both her sexuality and her tendency to be attracted to younger women and thus, this is Ellen's "Scientific Name" for her mom's "species". Honestly, she absolutely loves the nickname though, and owns that shit!), Megatron (By Prime for obvious reasons), Yasss Queen! (When under the effects of Pink Kryptonite, she turns into a flaming homosexual stereotype... Her personality becomes that of a stereotypically flamboyant gay man as portrayed by Hollywood, but she also becomes a super Lipstick Lesbian and becomes extra dolled up with shapeshifting. Pink Kryptonite somehow turns her gayer and makes her super gay, haha.)

Notes: Exactly 25 years to the nanosecond into her future, Elana Prime is crowned Queen of the Biyalian Empire after years of studying. She has a teenaged daughter named Ellen, the result of artificial insemination at her mother's request. She is technically still married to the eight alien Princesses. She can be considered the future version of Elana Prime. However, some details may be slightly different when she gets here as Prime makes choices. Future Elana is not always acutely aware of the changes made by Prime. Sometimes her memory takes a while to update, and she usually notices something off well before it does. Due to Elana Prime's wishes distorting the timeline, to save her relationship with Ellen, Elana wishes herself into a pure-blooded Hymenopteran. However, it wasn't an instant magic change, rather a 6-month retroactive change involving tons of painful medical procedures and the timeline sliding to 2045. The results were worth it though as being Hymenopteran has numerous perks, some people even worship them as deities... As a result of this when she goes out in public, she will sometimes disguise herself. She and Prime have a system now to help prevent more screw-ups. A few decades down the line X7 gives everyone, all of Elana's friends, family, and loved ones immortal techno-organic bodies 100% identical in form and function to their old ones, Velvet still has her incredible libido for example.

Timeline: 2045

Hair: Silver (Natural, NOT Gray. Has a certain otherwordly shine to it), Mid-back Length, Straight, Updo for Royal affairs. She also wears the crown for Royal affairs.

Compound Eyes: Cloudy White (A trait of Pure-blooded Hymenopterans)

Height: 6'0

Figure: Cup Size: Secret! Shhh! A few days after splicing in Kara's DNA, her boobs blew up to her size and her body copied the chest and back musculature required to support them. Hourglass. She also has Powergirl's perfect athletic build and harder than steel denser Kryptonian musculature. Guess she's a... Super MILF! Due to her Hymenopteran DNA, her build will stay perfect. She got killer legs from Zatanna's DNA. She's also in the habit of shapeshifting her ass to be fatter, she does it so much that her mind considers it her new normal and her base form reflects it. The thing about Martian physiology is it reflects the state of mind. Elana subconsciously wanted a fatter ass and it stayed that way as a result. This is what she thought happened at first anyway... See, in 25 years she was so distracted by the boobs that she failed to notice Powergirl's fat ass. So this is actually just her DNA being dominant again. Her wings shine in brilliant iridescent rainbow colors due to a special vitamin pill with small amounts of edible dye taken over the years when she was younger.

Feet: Size 12. Base Pearl White, Gold Tips. Long Toes. (Velvet's DNA manifested here, thankfully only in a relatively minor way, being half the size of hers. Another side effect is they are extremely soft now, not that they weren't before. Poor Ellen sweats around her feet. She tries not to tease her too much.) Most often is in her Royal Footwear, striped White/Gold stockings, and White/Gold high heeled knee-high boots to match with Royal Bodysuit and Robes, as well as the cape. She wears her 8 wedding rings for her political wives on her toes. The stone on each one has a symbol etched in so she can tell whose is whose. They are as follows. A butterfly, an ant, a microchip, a piranha, a dragonfly, pincers, a wasp, and a dragon. She wears an anklet with a charm that says "I 💓 Feet". She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her right foot.

Personality and Background: Elana has matured... Slightly with age... Other than that, her personality is nearly identical. March Hare DNA has made her overall thought processes sexier and pushed her libido to supernatural levels... She is a member of the Star Sapphires, possibly the most powerful one in the universe... Her raw power of Love anyway, she's still untrained. Nurse Naughty enhanced her vagina to feel more pleasure, have more stamina, and have better orgasms, that sort of thing. It helped the birth of Ellen go super smoothly. She has a genie named Shahirah pledged to her. As the High Empress, she has a different cute girl dressed as a secretary visit her every day on her lunch break to tease her with her feet and ultimately give her a footjob, just because she can. Funnily enough, these women are eager to earn the Empress' favor and there's a waiting list. A party trick ability of hers is to open a beer-type bottle by placing it between her legs and giving a quick little squeeze and twist, putting those Kegel exercises to good use. With her panties still on ya perves! Too bad for the boys, she's Big Gay! She has taken up knitting so that she has an age-appropriate hobby to keep her super sex drive under control and channel some of that energy. She's good too! She can make sweaters, scarves, and... Socks... She loves taking measurements for socks! She can make regular socks and toe socks that fit perfectly and are super comfy. People even pay her, but she also takes feet as payment, taking an equal number of hours to worship them as it took her to knit whatever they asked for as her payment.

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: I began psychoanalyzing Ms. Vi Korll 6 months ago when her mother called me with great concern about her daughter's sudden DNA splicing procedures out of the blue. Ms. Vi Korll was rambling nonsense about how her younger self wrecked the timeline with wishes from a literal genie of the lamp, people plotting to kill Ellen for her pure Biyalian DNA even though she's Hymenopteran, and claiming that she no longer had a real connection with her daughter anymore because of changes to the timeline. I want to believe her... My gut tells me she's not crazy... But my brain tells me that she has clear signs of Psychosis, possibly induced by the stress of recently being crowned Queen and later High Empress. She also has some PTSD from the procedures and often wakes up screaming. By making herself Hymenopteran she ascended from Queen of Biyalia to High Empress of Hymenoptera by genetic right, tripling her power and tripling the size of the target on her back... So she spliced in Kryptonian and Martian DNA to protect herself, becoming immune to most conventional methods of assassination... Everything she's done up until this point has been something any sane person in her position with her means would do... My concern begins with all of the splicing after that... She hasn't spliced in anything too crazy like Doomsday cells or anything. Plus, she values her beauty far too much and is already invincible anyway... I first started to notice a shift in her personality shortly after she spliced in March Hare DNA. This is likely due to a massive increase in overall sex hormone production and unique March Hare hormones amplifying her libido even further. March Hares get the sudden urge to fuck 40 times a week! Sometimes even 40 times a day! By all accounts, she was a pretty sexual creature before, but now everything related to sex in her brain has increased in power exponentially. All of her turn-ons, fetishes, and kinks have a much more significant impact on her decision-making than they did previously and her inhibitions are virtually non-existent anymore. She has developed a habit of humping and grinding on women she finds attractive... She doesn't even realize she's doing it most of the time and she even does it to women she just met. But no one would dare question High Empress' quirks. She is a known oddball to her entire empire, everyone knows that their beloved leader is a bit eccentric... It should be noted that she has two modes, normal functioning and "Energizer Sex Bunny" (Her words) mode in which her body releases hormones that drastically slow down stamina burn and prevent the release of fatigue toxins while also releasing hormones that ramp up her sexual drive immensely and make her extremely horny. Even the slightest hint of a whiff of an attractive woman's foot can immediately set her off and send her into a "Foot Fuck Frenzy". That is me being literal, she has "attacked" me several times before and we conducted the session as normal while she humped one of my feet and licked and sucked on the other... I've had stranger patients at Arkham... This girl... Is just really horny most of the time. I'm not concerned about her being horny, that's healthy and as an Empress, she's entitled to act upon that as she sees fit. I just hope she'll stop splicing before she splices in something dangerous that she regrets... I actually rather enjoy my sessions with her. Pam even helps me with her "Sex Therapy" sometimes because Elana would kill me with sex if I don't take a break. I never said I was ethical and she is polygamous, gorgeous, and really horny all of the time... Which brings me to the Predator Entity... Elana's Star Sapphire Ring is host to the Emotional Embodiment of all Love in the Universe. At times this Predator Entity possesses her body and often forms extra limbs out of hard light and has a "Love Aura" that increases the feelings of Love of those around her. I would describe her personality as sexually aggressive, emotionally obsessive, and truly paranoid someone will take her Loves away. I notice some aspects of her personality bleed into Elana's... She doesn't speak, only communicating through sounds of Love which can be... Awkward... And her Love is far too powerful to safely hook up the mind-reading tech to her to communicate so sexy moans it is... She is... Interesting when she comes out during sessions... While her true form is a Dragonoid creature, her extra hard light limbs often manifest as soft, extremely versatile tentacles... She enjoys binding myself, Pam, and any female she can reach before masterfully ravishing us. She is literally a creature of pure Love and Lust. Just being around her aura is like no Love you've ever felt before. She usually only awakens for a few hours at a time, but one time she was loose in the Hive for 3 days...

Shapeshifted Personas

Alter Ego Creation, Disguise Mastery, and Vocal Replication: Elana is quite a talented actress... Really becoming her Personas when she wears them. Her voice is always appropriate for her disguise, it's uncanny how well she can do anyone's voice, even if she's only heard them once. She can also make any combination of voices.

Ellie: General age 9 - 12. Blonde, Pigtails, Blue Eyes. While she appears like an adorable, innocent little girl on the outside... On the inside, she's still very much an adult in mind, libido, and despite her body, full sexual function. She generally acts like a child to fool others into believing she's an actual child.

Lana: General age 15 - 17. Black hair, Emo Bangs, Red Eyes (Explained as contacts). Goth. When Elana wants to go out and party, her teen Goth disguise is her go-to. She plays up to her looks and acts all "Sure... Whatever..." emo girl.

Stacy: General age 21 - 26. Blunette, Space Buns, Honey Yellow Eyes. When Elana just wants to wear her Pride wear in public without drawing a huge crowd she becomes Stacy who is always the life of any Pride event she attends. Stacy is also the High Empress' super thirsty cousin so that's why she's always hanging out with and macking on her Harem.

That's all of them... For now...

Clothing: Ellen got her a pink pullover hoodie with Supergirl's logo and the word "Supermom" written on the back for mother's day. It is absolutely her new favorite hoodie, even among the collection Elana Prime amassed. Other favorites are hoodies like a yellow one with a caution sign that says "Warning: Cougar Territory" and a green one that says "L.M.Y.L.F." or Lesbian Mother You'd Like to Fuck. She still has a huge collection of Rainbow stuff that she will wear in private. She believes that the High Empress can be as publically gay as she wants... But she feels that it is her sacred duty to sport Hymenopteran colors in support of her empire.

Rank and Occupation: High Empress of Hymenoptera. Oversees the Triumvirate, the leaders of Biyalia, Vespidaria, and Formicindia. Tirazzala became Queen Bee when Elana became High Empress, though Zazzala has heavy involvement as her Advisor, she actually handles most of Biyalia's logistics due to her literal Century of experience as Queen Bee. Vespidaria and Formicindia also shifted to a mother-daughter system although Elana usually ends up talking Empire stuff with her in-laws more than her wives.

Religion: As High Empress, she is publically Korllite. Previous notes about Prime still apply.

Romantic Interests: The Political Wives (See Elana Prime's Entry), Alexandrie Manon Dupont (Personal Chef, Ex-Wife/Friend-with-Benefits... It's complicated... Still has Other Mom status with Ellen), Rebecca "Becky" Jameson (Queensguard Captain, Longtime Girlfriend, Other Mom status to Ellen), All 4 Division Heads (Karen "Daisy" White, Phoebe Blackwell, and Sakura "Leslie" Haruyama all raised Ellen as if she was their own daughter... All of them getting really close with Ellen and Elana in the process. The roots for these relationships were laid by Prime well before Ellen was even thought of. Even dating on and off. However, Ellen was the catalyst for the really deep relationships they now enjoy, although really it was only a matter of time... Especially Phoebe... Elana crushed on her since she was old enough to start feeling sexy feelings... Longtime Girlfriends. Auntie/Other Mom status to Ellen. Antoinette "Toni" Stark... One night she showed up at her place drunk... And got her drunk... And things happened... Relationship Status: ???), All of Prime's Girlfriends, Side Bitches, and Friends with Benefits.

Tattoo: A Bee wearing a larger crown

Ink: She has Rosie the Riveter on her right bicep (She is a Sex-Positive Feminist, but she's the chill kind. She's about equality, not superiority, although coincidentally Biyalia is a historically female-dominated society.), a green Chinese style dragon with three heads, tail starting on her abdomen, and the central head ending with her Vagina forming the inside of its mouth, that had to be painful to get... She also has Alix tattooed on her wrist. She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her right foot. Technically her healing factor "ate" her tattoos but the subconscious impression they left on Elana was so strong that her brain still considers them as part of her body and thus subconsciously shapeshifts the tattoos to not only look exactly as her ink tattoos did but making them more vibrant than ever forever. It's a similar situation to her butt. So essentially her "tattoos" are still there. Leslie wrote up a 50 page paper on how truly fascinating this is.

Special Skills

Superhuman Body: She has the Racial Traits of Martians and Kryptonians including the latter's famous Photonucleic Effect in their cells and dense, harder than steel musculature... She has the same level of strength, speed, durability, etc. of both races so even if she's depowered with Green Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation she's still as strong, fast, and durable as a Martian and still possesses their version of heat vision, in addition to possessing their incredible Healing Factor... Her Healing Factor and Martian resistance to radiation also means that she will not get Kryptonite Poisoning. She possesses all of the powers of a Kryptonian under a yellow or blue sun such as various vision modes like X-Ray, Red heat vision, freeze breath, and the Bio-Electric Aura that grants them their incredible Invulnerability and ability to lift large objects without breaking them. A pleasant side-effect is that it also prevents dirt and grime from sticking to her. She also possesses all of the powers of a Martian such as shapeshifting, phase shifting, density shifting, invisibility, and their vast array of mental abilities, to name a few. She could even shapeshift gills if she needed to adapt to an aquatic environment, but as a Kryptonian as long as she has Solar Radiation energy in her cells she doesn't need to breathe. You all know what Martian Shapeshifting can do, right? She also has the inherent genetic magical prowess of a Homo Magi. Her body is strong and durable enough to allow her to both Thunderclap and Earthquake Stomp. She has to be especially careful with the clap cause if she claps too hard it lights everything around her in a one-mile radius on fire... Because science, air compression creating heat and all that jazz. Very dangerous! Do not use around people other than your opponent!

Kryptonian Physiology: She has all of the powers of a Kryptonian under a yellow or blue sun including things like Accelerated Perception and Superhuman Reflexes. So, a laundry list of powers. Red Solar Radiation depowers her and something like a Red Solar Radiation Beam Cannon would 100% depower and injure her, causing burns. Martian Healing Factor would kick in however and even while depowered she still has Martian base stats. Martian DNA gives her incredible resistance to the radiation effects of Green Kryptonite and it only "depowers" her to her Martian base stats and does not give her the associated Kryptonite Poisoning... Meaning it barely makes a dent in her overall power level and just knocks out a few abilities that are more or less covered by her Martian genetics. She's already gay, so Pink Kryptonite has no effect on her. She's already a 6 on the Kinsey Scale, she can't get any gayer... Right? The only other common type is Red so... What random shit it will do to her is unknown as with any Kryptonian. She later found out that Pink Kryptonite just makes her super gay instead of regular gay, see Aliases. She is not weak to magic because of the Homo Magi DNA making it harmless to her, possibly even beneficial. The reason that her powers did not go haywire when the Photonucleic Effect first started up in her cells is that she was born on a planet with a yellow sun and didn't have to suddenly adjust to the increase. So while her vision doesn't flicker between normal and X-Ray randomly, she does need to learn to adjust to her new powers and learn how to use each one individually. Though her Accelerated Learning power allows her to master each skill in a few hours or days, depending on the complexity and how bad she wants it. Things like suppressing and controlling her strength take longer. For objects anyway, it takes some getting used to in order to not break shit. With people, it takes a lot for her to want to hurt someone anyway, so mentally it is super easy for her to hold back, even during her most passionate moments of love or anger... She controls it just fine. She has never hurt someone unintentionally with her strength and never will.

Martian Physiology: She has all of the powers and base stats of a Martian. So, a laundry list of powers. She does not have the crippling psychological fear of fire almost all Martians inherently possess due to not being born a Martian. Even though Martian DNA was spliced in and the Guardians of the Universe implanted the fear of fire on a genetic level... It just has no effect on her cause she wasn't born with that DNA. She has been set on fire before, she just said "Toasty". Because she is not truly and fully a Martian, she does not become a Burning Martian when set on fire.

Self-Sustenance (Conditional): As long as her cells are charged with yellow or blue solar energy, she does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. Though naturally, she still does these things out of habit, not need. She definitely still wakes up next to her various lovers.

Foot Massage Goddess: Extensive knowledge of Reflexology or the art and mastery of foot massage. She has learned from Nurse Naughty how to use her Foot Control power to absolutely master foot massages.

Nymphalidaen Body Arts: She learned Nail Art from Luna. She also learned how to masterfully massage any part of the body from her.

Supernatural/Superhuman/Absolute Flexibility (Absolute via Shapeshifting) and Supernatural/Superhuman Balance: She has done Yoga 3 times a week consistently for years (At this point mostly to creep on hot women in Yoga pants) She completely mastered yoga after training with the Yoga Master. Due to Viperion DNA, she can effortlessly bend her body in any conceivable way as if she had multiple joints. Similar to Ragdoll, the only limitation being the long bones in her body without shapeshifting. People would think she is boneless with how she can contort her body and squeeze into and through things with her shapeshifting. She can effortlessly stand on one finger. She also received Enhanced Base Strength, Speed, and Agility, though these are moot points due to her Kryptonian and Martian DNA.

Enhanced Nigh-Insatiable Libido: Due to March Hare DNA, Elana can finally go all 12 rounds with her. (Please note that 12 is just the best sports reference I could think of and Velvet can actually go much longer than that.) March Hares get the sudden urge to fuck 40 times a week! Sometimes even 40 times a day! Essentially Elana has an enhanced rabbit-like horniness about 95% of the time and levels of sexual stamina worthy of Greek Myth. As a side effect, Elana's foot fetish is even stronger now which she didn't think was even possible. Anything that makes her horny now has a more pronounced effect due to new hormones in her body so all of her fetishes and kinks are stronger now too and new ones may have awakened... Sometimes just a hint of a whiff of a pretty foot is enough to activate "Energizer Sex Bunny" mode. Not always, but Elana is definitely a much more sexual creature now...

Peak Human Intelligence: Via Hymenopteran genetic perfection and a high base IQ. She is always learning.

Martian Healing Factor (Type VI or Ultimate Regeneration): Because the cells and telomere lengths are constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, users do not age, can recover any damaged body parts, and sustenance requirements are drastically reduced, to the point where the user attains a form of immortality. Even the separation and destruction of the head is pointless, as the user can simply regenerate an entire head or body, repairing any and all brain and nerve cells to perfect working order, keeping the user's mind intact. Users are effectively immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. They are immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to their unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts. Aside from complete recovery, the ability is also adaptively intelligent, meaning it will not multiply harmful cells such as tumors, but instead repair the sick cells to their original, optimal healthy forms. Also, the user does not require to turn twisted limbs in the right orientation manually for regeneration to occur. Even if something is jammed into the body, it will not prevent regeneration as it can simply shift the obstacle to make the recovery complete. If the user gains the ability after birth, then the ability can also heal any and all birth defects such as heredity illnesses and unformed limbs. The user's regeneration is so powerful, that their blood may be laced with healing properties as a side effect, allowing them to heal others via transfusions. She can regenerate from a single strand of DNA. As long as she's not completely vaporized she can regenerate.

Psychic Shield: Due to her Healing Factor, she is immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to their unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts.

Foot Control: Connection: She has the meta-human power to control female feet, due to a unique mutation in her brain and antennae. Her connection is even stronger after becoming Hymenopteran. It is a weird combination of Psychic, Telekinetic, Aura, and Body Manipulation powers... Its power and scope are increased by Elana's particular affinity towards a pair of feet and her level of lust can boost her power's strength immensely (Lust Empowerment), even extending her web of influence to the entire lower body or more. She has an incredibly interwoven connection to the aura surrounding women's feet, it's like a part of her. It is so strong that she could walk by a hot girl at the mall and completely feel up, smell, lick and suck on her feet without her even noticing, and to Elana, it would feel as if she was actually down there worshipping and she would know exactly how they feel, smell, and taste.

Foot Control: Psi-Vampire (Tantric Metabolization Subtype), Aura Reading, and Aura Absorption: Foot Aura: She can literally feed off of her love of feet. Well, technically the aura feet give off. It does not harm the girls she feeds from in any way, unlike most Psi-Vampires. This energizes Elana and can end up making her horny. But that may be a side effect of needing to stick her face into sexy feet to feed on their energy. She could, in theory, feed by touching feet with her hands but, the process wouldn't be as efficient because she wouldn't be as turned on and her power is fueled by her fetish. She only needs to feed after using her power excessively, feeling run down and burned out. She suffers no ill effects from not feeding, only positive benefits from feeding. She can also sense the unique aura each girl's feet give off.

Foot Control: Puppetry (Combination of Telekinesis and Subliminal Mind Control. Limited to feet only): Elana's antennae give off potent psychic signals. Willpower plays a part, but most women crumble easily, and establishing a connection beforehand by touching foreheads or antennae (Preferable) boosts the connection significantly. With this power, she can literally physically control the feet of others with her mind or give them a masterful foot massage without laying a finger on their feet. It's essentially limited Telekinesis. She can also make women move their feet with their own minds. A more sinister application of this power is using this ability to cause a mild ankle strain so that a woman might ask the nearest reflexology master to help ease their pain and give her an excuse to rub her feet... Oh, and her power does work on males too, this is relevant because if some guys decided to attack her she could literally break all of their ankles with her mind. Since getting Martian powers she has full telekinesis but her control of women's feet remains especially strong.

Foot Control: Sweat Manipulation (Limited to feet only): A sub-category of Body Manipulation, Body Fluid Manipulation, Elana can on her command induce someone's feet to sweat ranging from a little bit to drenched... Biyalian sweat smells like honey but Elana loves sweaty human feet too. She really likes the smell of feet so...

Foot Control: Nail Color Manipulation (Limited to feet only): A subform of Color Manipulation and Nail Manipulation or possibly even an extremely limited form of Matter Manipulation. Extremely self-explanatory. Elana can change someone's toenail color at will. Even polishing unpolished toes, and going as far as adding glitter or rhinestones. She can essentially give free instant pedicures. She can even make nails grow slightly.

Foot Control: Telekinetic Speed (Her own feet and legs only): She can enhance her own speed by using her power to move her own legs and feet faster when she runs, giving her low-level Super Speed, able to at least break Mach 1. After becoming Kryptonian she has little need for this sub-application of her powers.

Foot Control: Body Manipulation: Growth (Limited to feet only): Elana can make other's feet and toes grow with a thought. This ability is usually used as a prank. If a girlfriend is bitchy she might end up with boats for a couple of hours. She also uses it to make girl's feet grow out of their shoes to film for her personal porn collection... She discovered this fetish after an incident with Velvet's DNA gave her a few sizes while she was wearing slippers and she discovered she was really into it. She always returns the girl's feet to normal after filming and never grows them more than a few sizes, nothing too ridiculous, WNBA sizes max.

Foot Control: Body Manipulation: Sensitivity (Limited to feet only): She can make other's feet more sensitive to pleasure, making her have magic fingers as far as foot massages are concerned. She can also make them softer.

Magician's Intuition: She learned Stage Magic from Zatanna a.k.a. The G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All-Time) of Stage Magic.

Magic (Incantation: Backwards English): She also learned Zatanna's other famous magic. Due to spliced Homo Magi DNA from the woman herself, Elana is a natural at the magic arts. She frequently trains with Zatanna, though it's mostly just an excuse so she can feel up Zatanna's legendary legs and feet afterward. Even in her late 40's, she is still bangin! She just doesn't age apparently. There are limits to her magic though, not mana or anything like that, but she does have to absolutely nail the pronunciation, or else the spell will fail.

Master Tactician/"Chessmaster": Genius strategist and military commander.

Body Language Analysis: Having the mute Trish as an Milf-in-Law gave Elana the ability to pick up on subtle nonverbal cues. She can detect when people are lying on occasion, pick up on small details others may have missed, and developed a degree of non-powered Empathy, she vibes pretty hard with Trish. Mind reading helps this ability immensely.

Leadership Intuition: She leads an astronomically powerful Empire that was formerly three separate empires as High Empress.

Advanced Hand to Hand Combat Proficiency: She learned "Viper Style" (Alien martial art similar to Capoeira) fighting techniques and submission holds as well as how to fight with and throw knives from Cleo and Kickboxing from Velvet. She learned the Biyalian Martial Art of the Sting Dive. A technique focused on high speed hovering flight around your opponent and kicks such as hovering bicycle kicks. She holds back her incredible strength when training and sparring with "Squishies". As an extra precaution, she wears Inhibitor tech on her limbs when sparring and training so she doesn't accidentally kill someone or break equipment at the Gym.

Enhanced Thermoreception/Body Heat Sense: Due to Viperion DNA, Elana can sense the body heat of others at will. She now has "Freckles", small barely visible black dots on her face containing the heat-sensing organs.

Retractractable Fangs/Venomous Bite: Due to Viperion DNA, Elana possesses retractable fangs that can inject a potent Aphrodisiac venom.

Organic Webbing Generation: Elana has Spinneret Glands at the base of her spine. Her body secretes oils that render her immune to sticking to her own webs but she can make both sticky and dry silk... Due to the high potential for unwanted mutations Elana specifically had Nurse Naughty splice in Rachael's DNA so that only the Spinneret Glands manifested and she didn't like... Grow 6 extra legs by mistake. Ally also tweaked them to not get explosively backed up if they aren't released a few times a day (Elana has to go like a week without webbing before an explosive accident might occur) and increased her silk production without the need of a special diet.

Minor Silk Weaving: She can weave rope from her silk. Sticky or non-sticky.

Bondage Intuition: She learned many ways to tie up or otherwise restrain someone in sexy ways from Rachael. Her skill has only grown over the years. With her spinneret glands, she always has material on hand to make rope with.

Accelerated Learning: Via a wish from her genie, Elana was granted the ability to master skills at an accelerated rate.

Age Empowerment: As she is Biologically Immortal, she will only get stronger as she accrues life experience, hones her powers, and absorbs Solar Radiation. Eventually, she will overpower her Kryptonite weakness and become totally immune to the glowing rock after many decades of absorbing Solar Radiation. Kryptonian cells get more efficient at absorbing Solar Radiation over time. She is always working on her backward pronunciation and practicing her spells as well, some take many years to truly master. She always training in her Kryptonian, Martian, and Hymenopteran powers too.

Enhanced Stealth: With no training other than how to walk silently, now even easier with density shifting, Elana can be a total ghost when she needs to be. Between her silent movement, invisibility, phasing, and completely silent telekinetic flight and the ability to instantly mentally disable most targets to sleep or forget the past few seconds... Those who don't have psychic abilities themselves or immense willpower anyway. In theory, she'd make a phenomenal stealth agent if she didn't have more important things to do but it's a series of abilities she has so...

Political and Negotiation Intuition: Skilled Politician and Diplomat

Animal Manipulation: Honeybees/"Queen Bee": Her antennae give off signals that allow her to control Earth Honeybees with her mind.

Hymenopteran Perks

Please note that her spliced-in DNA may grant her greater abilities than what is shown here, these are just the base perks. Hymenopteran DNA is highly adaptable and thus DNA from other species can be seamlessly spliced in, granting any associated racial abilities.

Enhanced Health: Immune to disease (Outclassed by Martian Contaminant Immunity, making her body immune to the effects of all foreign substances. Special hyper-concentrated mixes of stuff like alcohol or certain party drugs can allow her to feel those effects.)

Enhanced Beauty: She has a natural, almost otherworldly beauty. She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Makeup or not. Even if she just woke up. She is always graceful and ridiculously photogenic.

Regeneration: Up to fully regrowing lost limbs. It is extremely slow though. (Outclassed by Martian Healing Factor)

Aura Sense: Life Force: Hymenopterans have a 'sixth sense' that allows them to sense another being's life force. This power also detects changes in one's own aura.

Mind Reading

Mind Control: Via Bio-Pollen Puppet Pheromones. If it even touches the skin it starts to sap willpower and if it's inhaled then it puts the inhaler completely under the user's control in mind and body.

Telekinesis: Due to her mutation Elana's telekinesis is terrifyingly potent. In testing, she was able to dust a diamond. She still only feels a special connection to feet though it's even stronger now.

Spliced DNA Donors

As stated above Hymenopteran DNA is highly adaptable and can take on the traits of any other DNA it encounters. This means full access to the abilities of the donor species. Sometimes traits from the host donor specifically manifest like... Build for example... These extra abilities would be too numerous to list above.

Karen Starr/Kara Zor-L (Kryptonian)

Zatanna Zatara (Homo Magi)

M'gann M'orzz (White Martian)

Cleo (Viperion)

Velvet (March Hare)

Rachael Lane (Human/Spider Mutant)


Nymphalidaen Party Necklace: Her necklace is also one of those smaller vape batteries, however, it does not originate from Earth but is, in fact, compatible with Earth cartridges, she uses it for both the psychedelic drug from her wife Luna's home planet called Nectar and for weed. Apparently, it never needs to be charged either. It looks like a bee and lights up in rainbow colors while in use. It's a seriously cool little gadget. It takes some probably lethal to people without healing factors levels of concentrations to get her high but she does have specially mixed cartridges of both Nectar and weed cause even the High Empress needs to de-stress from time to time. Surprisingly, Luna and Danus can handle the special "Regenerator" mixes... Those women are major Stoners, haha!

Infinicharge Plasma Lighter: Infinite charge plasma lighter for when she needs to light a bong or a blunt, etc. She smokes a lot of weed with Luna and Danus... The Nymphalidaens seriously invented these 100% efficient batteries and refined weed-smoking gadgets just so that they could get stoned without being inconvenienced... It's beautiful... It's also beefy enough to double as a Stun Gun.

Star Sapphire Power Ring: Via a wish from her genie, Elana was granted a Star Sapphire Ring and Power Battery/Lantern without actually having to join the Corps. As a result, she has all of the abilities of a Star Sapphire and her power grows with her feelings of Love/Lust. She is however highly untrained. Her ring contains the Emotional Embodiment of Love itself, the Predator Entity. She was attracted to Elana's great pure Love for her daughter and her great pure Lust for women in general. Seemingly on random conditions (Her level of Love required for the Predator Entity to take over her body varies greatly) the Predator Entity can take over Elana's body. It can also take over if it senses her life in danger. While in control she has cosmic level Star Sapphire powers and the knowledge to use them and full control over every aspect of Love. Her ring also never needs recharging due to the Predator Entity within it functioning as an infinite power source... As long as the concept of Love exists in the multiverse that is.

Lubes: Her March Hare libido means that she burns through lube like crazy! She still uses X7's special hyper-cooling lube because it's just amazing stuff overall but the Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. Nymphomaniac Lube Velvet buys from alternate timeline Ellen is also really nice too... Little Demon Alchemist has some crazy shit for sure...

Automaton Enhanced Phone and Datapad: Automaton Princess X7 personally upgraded Elana's phone and datapad to Automata's levels of technology. Here are some key features.
100% efficient batteries, they never need charging. They emit a sanitizing field so they always stay clean. The wormhole function (Datapad only): Any girl video chatting on the other side can break the laws of physics and use the screen as a portal to stick their feet through regardless of distance or physics. Think of that Ah! My Goddess scene with Urd sticking her feet through the TV screen. Limitless storage for her porn. The new camera is insane. She has crystal clear HD photo quality even at the frankly ridiculous levels of zoom the little thing is capable of. Candid foot photos have never been easier! Her devices are keyed in to her DNA signature, which means only she or those with permission can use them and she literally cannot lose them, they will teleport to her. They have Automata level processing speeds and are connected to their knowledge database. There's also thought-to-text and a feature where they will automatically jot down any thoughts that she may want to write down or are bugging her. They're also connected to Automata's Network so she'll never lose service no matter where in the universe she is. They're also indestructible and have (She has never heard of this number before and X7 was going through the numbers faster than her ears can pick up so she doesn't know what she actually said.)-bit encryption. Even a 12th Level Technopath like X7 couldn't hack them and she rebuilt the things!

Blue Solar Radiation Grenades: These grenades emit Blue Solar Radiation that hypercharges her Kryptonian abilities to even more godlike levels. Her base stats become nigh-absolute, literally godly. Blue Solar Radiation gives ALL Kryptonians regardless of gender a massive boost in power and is not like... Instantly lethal to men or something utterly stupid like that. That wouldn't even make sense! It is however very dangerous to "Squishies" like people without insane durability or Kryptonian Physiology. WARNING! Not to be used within 1 mile of "Squishies" without protective suits or shield bubble tech, or else they will get an instantaneous lethal sunburn and skin cancer combo. Do not look directly at it without proper eye protection or super durability. These are essentially temporary artificial miniature blue stars. Because they're so dangerous they are considered both a tool and a weapon.

Royal Stinger Gauntlet: A black and yellow wrist-mounted crossbow that fires bee stingers coated in a special poison. If they miss they explode into a poisonous cloud. After 10 minutes it causes dizziness. A fever after 30 minutes and after 3 hours causes death. It can nanocompress for storage and stealth.

Honeycomb Hex Gauntlet: Simply a black and yellow gauntlet with a hexagon-shaped chamber that houses genetically-modified super Honeybees to be used for attacks with her Queen Bee power. It can house and feed these genetically-modified super bees for months, they simply eat sugar or can be released to drink nectar from flowers. Basically, they have sharper stingers and more lethal venom. They make honey just like normal Honeybees and can sense when Elana feels threatened by smelling the subtle distress pheromones of their Queen Bee.

Pets and Servants

"Ms. Smith": Bioscience created what is essentially a Ditto from Pokemon. She has blonde hair with purple-pink streaks, pale skin, and beady black eyes she hides behind sunglasses. Her hands and feet are partially purple. She wears a suit and acts as a sort of silent shadow so that people think the High Empress has a bodyguard. She hasn't quite figured out how to make attractive toes yet, so while she is hella cute she has some ugly toes, unfortunately. She does make sure they're always nicely pedicured though and that her fingernails match. Elana still happily sucks on her toes even if they are weird looking, she just tries not to think about it too much. Just such a huge shame such a damned cutie has such ugly toes... But as someone with an insane libido, the High Empress does really enjoy that Smith is more of a thing than a person so when she just needs female feet to hump and grind on because her body is craving feet and she is just so horny and desperate for female feet, any female feet, regardless of what they look like, even kind of ugly ones... Smith is an excellent "Fuckpig", like a toy that you give to a dog to hump. She does not speak and has very limited intelligence, but understands instructions very well. Actually, that's not entirely true... Smith is much smarter than you'd expect a blob to be... Elana taught her how to write and text, personally teaching her the English language in just a few weeks. This is impressive considering that's like teaching a dog to use a cell phone to communicate. Being a mind reader helped immensely when Elana was teaching her how to use a phone to communicate and now Elana speaks Blob fluently. Smith can't speak at all, but she can moan cutely when her toes are being sucked, though she primarily communicates through gestures and texting. Being used as a sex toy doesn't bother Ms. Smith and she enjoys having her feet given so much attention. Very slowly her toes are getting cuter as the months go on as she learns how to look more human with tips from Elana, a shapeshifter herself... Eventually, she learned how to make modelesque feet. Maybe in the future, she'll become some kind of foot goddess...

The Footjob Girls: Elana has a different cute girl dressed as a sexy maid visit her every day on her lunch break to tease her with her feet and ultimately give her a footjob. They're selected from a list of legions of attractive women eager to serve their High Empress and earn brownie points with her.

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