Monday, August 21, 2017

Tetra Predecessor Bios

Accessing Biyalian War Archives...

File Found, War Bots.

Opening Files...

Combat Robot Atlas

Place of Creation: Beezar City, Capital of Planet Korll

Commissioned by: Queen Vexsha I

Operational Period: Circa 1800 CE - 1944 CE (Heavily Damaged during the Second World War. Decommissioned shortly after. Rebuilt by Eva for personal use at some point.)

Number of Confirmed Kills: 145,279 Humanoids, 12,782 Vehicles, 2,095 Structures

Design Structure: Humanoid Upper Half, Treads for a lower half

Height: 15 Feet

Weight: 70 Tons

Materials/Durability: Atlas is made of the strongest metal alloy that could have been created on Korll at the time. It is immune to bullets and resists explosions to an extent. It can take a beating but is not invincible. It was in fact destroyed by the Russian War Witch Unit. Specifically, Baba Yaga, Permafrost, Grizzly, Termite I, and Moonmoth I with a combination of Witchfire, Ice Magic, brute strength, explosive pitfalls, and an extreme heat invisible heat "flamethrower". The Allies also nuked it with their spare nuke similar in design to the Fat Man (Nicknamed "The Demon Core") for good measure, it truly went down in a blaze of glory. Much like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the area was only considered dangerously radioactive for a few days at best. When Princess Zazzala became Queen Bee at the end of the war she smartly chose to make Allies of Russia. They are inseparable Allies to this day.

Weaponry: Two Miniguns (Biyalia was still using gunpowder-based ballistic weapons at the time), two heavy artillery pieces, and two Rocket Launchers. Atlas was also capable of engaging in hand to hand combat and could also send infantry flying with a single swipe of its arms. It also had a sword it could wield.

Top speed: 180 Mph (Once momentum was built up, the top flight speed of a Biyalian is 200 mph)

Max Load Capacity: Atlas could lift a maximum of 5 tons

Characteristics: Atlas had the most basic of AI programming. Destroy Enemies of Biyalia, Protect Allies. It was capable of basic speech: Affirmative, Acknowledged, Suppressing Enemy, etc. Its voice was deep and synthesized. Atlas was painted black and yellow, and its optics would glow red. The upper half was muscular and bulky looking, and its face looked like a human skull.

Purpose: War, Security

Combat Androids Beta and Gamma a.k.a. The Twins

Place of Creation: The Hive (Underneath Gotham), Capital of Biyalia, Planet Earth

Commissioned by: Queen Zazzala I

Operational Period: 1960 CE - 2015 CE (*Decommissioned after Tetra was about 80% completed, the Twins were also slowly upgraded as Biyalian Technology Improved)

*They are still online but now primarily do security work, they tend to make people uncomfortable so they guard less populated areas

Major Kills: Emperor and Empress of the Reach Empire plus all of their bodyguards (1975), an entire US Military Strike Team including: Several squads of armored infantry, 4 tanks, 6 attack helicopters and two jets (1988), over a dozen superpowered members of the Justice League International (2005)

Design Structure: Humanoid Female but still distinctly robotic, they have humanoid faces that don't move

Height: 8 feet

Weight: 250 lbs

Materials/Durability: The Twins are made of ultra-strong but relatively lightweight materials, they also possess energy forcefields. It would take a nuclear bomb or several to destroy them to the point of non-functionality, and that was back in the day, they're basically indestructible now. They are unhackable, EMP-proof, and waterproof.

Weaponry: The Twins each possess a blade hidden in each forearm, these blades can be energized with plasma to increase their cutting power and prevent bloody kills, in addition, plasma vulcans are also hidden in each forearm, in their shoulders are hidden rocket pods which fire heat-seeking missiles. They are capable of using optical camouflage. They have several riot control weapons such as tear gas grenade launchers, Taser darts, and a sonic device that encourages dispersal through an extremely irritating, high-pitched warbling sound specifically designed to cause fear and anxiety, making people want to get away from the noise.

Top Speed: Capable of sustained flight at Mach 10

Max Load Capacity: Can lift 50 Tons Each

Characteristics: One is painted Black and the other Yellow. They possess advanced AI and are capable of adapting to situations on the fly and are exceptional at working together using synchronized AI. Their optics glow blue in security mode while non-lethal weapons are armed, after three verbal warnings to leave a restricted area or to disperse (To anyone still around after gas is released or sonics activated, with Tasers reserved for only the most stubborn people who still resist) their optics glow red as lethal weapons are armed and deadly force is authorized. Direct attacks on them also instantly authorize lethal force. Usually, riot weapons are enough to discourage most people. Their voices are human-sounding but have that slight metallic ring to them.

Purpose: Assassination, Security, Riot Control, Policing

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