Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Reader's Guide Bio: The Influencer

Ivanna Maxine Briggs-Lord "Vanna Briggs" a.k.a. The Influencer

Aliases: Madame President, Black Venus, Maxine/Maxi Lord, Vanna Briggs

Notes: This version of Elana is one completely unrelated to Queen Bee and is on a different Earth (Unnamed Earth, but this is NOT the Arrowverse, despite her mom). She is the estranged illegitimate daughter of not one, but two supervillains. Maxwell Lord and Emily Briggs a.k.a. Looker (CW Arrowverse version). Why is she estranged? Well her father is an evil megalomaniac and her mother is a flaming racist and White Supremacist so... She was raised by a foster family in Gotham called the Strikers before moving to Central City with her sister Allison. She received a "Catalyst Pill" from her father's company in the mail which awakened her dormant Meta abilities. She used her powers to become a famous "Social Media Guru", yeah right, let's call it like it is. She was a softcore pornstar and used her powers to get famous people to let her worship their feet on camera while wearing a sexy French Maid outfit and calling herself The Influencer. Her legions of loyal fans in The Beehive, men and women alike following their Influencer Queen Bee. Though she also refers to them simply as her Squad. She sells tons of Merch, her bestseller being her branded socks. She sometimes works out in these socks and mails them out to lucky fans on occasion. Her logo is an adorable brain wearing headphones, obviously a little sinister, but people are sheep when a hot girl is involved... She wasn't alone though, through a sheer stroke of luck, she hired someone from Craigslist to be her "Tech guy". The person who handles the computer side of social media. It turns out that Karen possesses the Metahuman ability of Omnifabrication: The ability to build or upgrade anything out of any materials in a short amount of time, though she despises subpar craftsmanship. So she is sometimes held up by materials when she doesn't need to be and she possesses a psychic link to technology that allows her to understand it on a base level. Anyway, it later turns out that Karen was also a super hacker due to her connection with technology, however, she is limited by her math deficiency. Karen still possesses a Superhuman IQ rivaling Lex Luthor and Batman. In late 2020 due to ALS Karen transferred her consciousness into a Techno-Organic body gaining superhuman base stats and Technopathy. She also started going by her middle name Daisy. Please see her proper bio for a more thorough explanation of her powers and her limitations, such as her High-Functioning Autism. Though Ivanna loves her bestie and wouldn't have it any other way! Ivanna remains The Influencer until a Hate Crime leaves her face scarred and she becomes Black Venus to take her revenge on scum. She stays The Influencer up until 2034 when she briefly went on hiatus to run for President. She starts publically going by Maxine Lord and runs for President under the United Lesbian Party. After winning, she returns to being The Influencer, while also still being President and Black Venus. Her stream with the most views is one that was filmed shortly after she was sworn into office. She dressed like she normally does for streams in her full Influencer getup, a maid outfit, and rainbow twintails. Just to prove her power and influence, and how untouchable she is... She had this to say... "This is your new Commander in Chief wearing a sexy French Maid outfit bitches! Commence your memes! I dare you! They make me stronger! Mwahaha!" She then proceeded to worship Kim Yo-Jong's feet on stream from a secret location. Her approval rating went up! Queen Bee's support from the shadows, her powers, and the fact that a large majority of her voters are her fans, she is truly untouchable as far as job security for her Presidential job goes. At one point The Influencer accidentally created White Knight when she tried to whammy a special guest just a bit too hard. They used to butt heads because of White Knight's no-kill policy, but over the years she learned to look the other way. They're really close now though. Ivanna's wife Cleo is her partner Black Mamba when she's out as Black Venus.

Timelines: 2020, 2033 and 2034

Hair: Dyed Bright Rainbow, All of the Colors. She is out and proud! (Natural Blonde), mid-back length, usually has her hair down (The Influencer). She uses Healthy Glow Neon Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable rainbow hair can light up a room with a multicolored glow on command via Bioluminescence.
"Blonde" (Wears an Image Inducer hair clip in public. She just loved being a Rainbownette so much even though it would be easier the other way around and save on hair dye, she wants Rainbow to be her "real" hair. Maxine Lord the Blonde President is 100% a fabricated Politically Palatable Public Persona anyway), mid-back length, Updo (Maxine Lord)

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'5

Figure: D-Cup. Hourglass. She is extremely toned from her intense dedication to Yoga and her sparring. She doesn't really work out because of her enhanced strength and superspeed... However... She gets a ton of cardio because she sells her used socks, stockings, and running shoes. However... Her diet could be considered... Unhealthy... So even though she appears to be in great shape... Lurking just below the surface she's a bit doughy...

Feet: Size 8, Various Over-the-top Themed Pedicures with a preference for Rainbow. All of the toe and foot bling possible. Her favorite being an anklet with a charm that says "I 💓 Feet". She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her right foot. She has her logo tattooed on her left foot, an adorable brain wearing headphones. Mostly a flip-flop kinda gal. When she's Maxine, out in public she puts away the anklet and rings and wears dark Nylons to hide her fun pedicures and tattoos so that she appears that much more professional.

Personality and Background: Becoming The Influencer awakened something in Ivanna... She completely embraced all of her fetishes and became even more fun, weird, and bubbly. After getting her powers, hearing the word "no" can cause a quiet fury to burn inside her. She likes to be subtle with her powers for the cameras, but repeated refusals can cause something of a goddess complex to awaken in her and her suggestions will turn into commands that she will sweetly bark at her special guest stars and get more "aggressive" with her insistence until they do her bidding. Though this rarely happens as her subtle subconscious pushes are usually enough, very few people have such resistance to her powers. After a particularly... Interesting result of her powers one time she decided to get a Doctorate Degree in Psychology to better use her powers in more subtle ways and she began to enjoy manipulating people... To an extent anyway... She genuinely loves her Model/Foot Model girlfriend Kate, for example... She just needed a little push before she became receptive to Ivanna's natural charms. She had to break down the celebrity barrier with her powers first. Manipulating her for all those sexy foot photos when they first met really turned Ivanna on... The control she had over Kate... She's really manipulative, but weirdly, also extremely sweet and genuine with her affection. After the initial Whammies she didn't really use her powers on Kate all that much... Except, for example, once in a while planting a thought in her head that she wants to surprise Ivanna with a footjob and she would think it was her own idea. Harmless influence. Once she started running for office her public persona became more... Professional... But in private... The Influencer was only 10% an act... She has an IQ of 250, a trait she most likely inherited from her father and honed through years of studying Psychology. The way she does her makeup and carries herself is always just ever so slightly slutty... But... That's how she likes it... She just likes to feel pretty and desired, even though some see her as shallow and conceited she's anything but! Some people also think of her as just dumb and pretty even though she is literally a genius-level IQ. In her most famous video "To Everyone Who Thinks I'm a Dumb THOT... This is My Ph.D." Where she shows her degree on camera and says "This is my Doctorate Degree in Psychology. It's Doctor Ivanna to you bitches!" She lived in an apartment in Central City, California (Home of the Flash!) with her sister Allison (They're like blood sisters though, she's known Allison since they were kids and they grew up together. They're extremely close, even if they bicker at times. Allison stood up for Elana/Ivanna when her alcoholic father tried to beat her for being the "step-kid". They have been besties ever since) before using her Influencer money to move to a nicer place. After meeting Gwen Stacy and subsequently dating her she became a huge Taylor Swift fan after Gwen got her into it. In 2033 a junkie who had something against beauty slashed her across her nose and cheeks. Instead of having her arrested or draining her life force, Ivanna enslaved her with her Element and made her into her maid, naming her Crystal and taking the homeless addict in. Ivanna has a Doctorate in Psychology and even she can't figure out why Crystal hates the concept of beauty itself... Not only does Ivanna make Crystal clean her house, but she also makes her rub her feet. Through brilliant Operant Conditioning tactics, Ivanna gave Crystal a foot fetish by making her spray special moisturizer on her feet and licking it off. It's flavorless so that her brain would get used to the taste of feet, had a calming effect to ease her anxiety, had some aphrodisiacs in it to make her a little horny, and finally, Ivanna has control of Crystal's Binaural Earbuds and set them to a tone that stimulated Crystal's body to secrete small amounts of Dopamine... She had a foot fetish in less than 5 minutes. The more she became addicted to her powers, the more she started to become a little bit of a Sociopath... She genuinely loves her girls, but also literally gets off a little on manipulating and controlling people... And the monster she becomes as Black Venus is terrifying... A party trick ability of hers is to open a beer-type bottle by placing it between her legs and giving a quick little squeeze and twist, putting those Kegel exercises to good use. With her panties still on ya perves! Too bad for the boys, she's Big Gay!

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: Ms. Briggs-Lord's wife Cleo came to me with great concern over the emergence of a persona within her known as Black Venus... "The Influencer's" core personality can be described as a mix of Theatrical and Vivacious Histrionic Personality Disorder. I believe she actually has fairly low self-esteem and craves love and praise from the people she surrounds herself with to feel validated and loved. She displays a few Sociopath tendencies and is quite manipulative, but overall she seems pretty well adjusted. Definitely a huge Control Freak though. I really don't understand how or why she compartmentalizes her personality... Black Venus... Scares me... And I used to run with some real violent Psychopaths myself but... Black Venus actually belongs in Arkham... But as a fellow Psychologist herself, Ms. Briggs-Lord... Sorry... Dr. Briggs-Lord is notoriously hard to get an accurate feel for... I hope and pray Black Venus is a 100% fictional constructed personality to dissociate herself from violence and cruelty and not parts of her personality normally repressed being unlocked... Diagnosing Vanna Briggs/The Influencer, President Maxi Lord, and Black Venus is like talking to three completely different women... I just told Cleo to keep an eye on her wife and try to keep her from fully immersing herself in Black Venus...

Occupation: Social Media Influencer/Softcore Lesbian Pornstar (The Influencer)
President of the United States (Maxine Lord)
Costumed Vigilante (Black Venus)

Religion: Southern Baptist (Non-Practicing)

Romantic Interests: Cleo Masters (Contortionist, Model, Personal Yoga instructor, Public Wife), Karen "Daisy" White (Her tech girl and partner, Best Friend and Ride or Die, Friend with Benefits, Daisy holds a truly special place in Ivanna's heart), Tara Myers (Best friend's big sister, CCPD Detective, Ex-Ex-Girlfriend/Secret Girlfriend), Rebecca "Becky" Jameson (Foot Model, Secret Girlfriend), Catherine "Kate" Newman (Professional Model, Secret Girlfriend), Perdita of Vlatava (Queen of Vlatava, Basically Ivanna is Perdita's favorite unofficial Royal Foot Servant. Perdita swings by all of the time! No one quite worships her feet with the same passion Ivanna does. After she turned 18 a year later I suppose you could consider a pseudo-Friend with Benefits. She did start giving Ivanna footjobs as a reward after she turned 18, but they aren't dating. They are very close though and are good friends), Samira "Sam" Knight (Vigilante she accidentally created, Friend with Benefits), Priscilla Matthews (Reporter, Friend with Benefits), Velvet O'Hara (Model, Personal Kickboxing Instructor, Secret Girlfriend), Gwendolyne "Gwen" Maxine Stacy (Superhero from another dimension, Punk Rocker, Secret Girlfriend), Tirazzala Vi Korll (Princess of Biyalia, Her Vice President of the United States, Secret Girlfriend), Kim Yo-Jong (Supreme Leader of North Korea, Extremely Secret Girlfriend)
Please Note: Secret means from the public not, from each other, the girls are chill though. This list also reflects as of 2034, though she met most of these girls in 2020, even Yo-Jong. MJ is a later addition.
2033 Onward Changes: Gwen Stacy: Gwen got the Venom Symbiote, becoming Gwenom. Venom has bled slightly into her core personality, she has much more of a punk style now and has become much more dominant and sexually aggressive... Even... Predatory... She also eats Kale chips like they're going out of style. Apparently, the Symbiote loves the cellulose and happily feeds on that. Venom is so completely bonded to her that she can use the crazy Symbiote tongue in her human form without morphing into her costume... Gwen is one of Ivanna's favorite sexual partners by far now... She thought Spider-Gwen was the Amazing one... Gwenom is... Ultimate... Gwen can be on the wall or ceiling perfectly camouflaged at any time... Just waiting to pounce on her and make out or eat her out with that crazy tongue as soon as she's alone... Because she used to be a ballerina, she has the balance and flexibility to be hiding virtually anywhere, especially when you add in her camouflage ability. Ivanna of course finds it so hot on so many levels that her lover has the flexibility and balance of a ballerina and could be stalking her, ready to pounce on her at any time and ravish her. Strong toes are a must in Ballet. Gwen definitely has strong and flexible toes... That's for sure! Ivanna would know... Gwen has given her many footjobs over the years...
Mary Jane "MJ" Watson: Gwenom came with some baggage when she returned from her dimension with the Venom Symbiote in the form of MJarnage... Her bandmate with a bone to pick with her for rejecting her romantic advances... MJ is more like an angry Romantic Rival... At first anyway... Until Gwen, not Ivanna, convinces her to share her love with herself and Ivanna. Gwen even taught her the Symbiote tongue in human form trick and she uses it well. She also quite enjoys Ivanna's foot massages and worship, which is what really sold her on the open relationship. The only Whammy Ivanna hit her with was suppressing some of that crazy murder energy... She already had a monster crush on Gwen and Ivanna is quite a looker, so she was open-minded about dating both her and Gwen.

Ink: She has Rosie the Riveter on her right bicep (She is a Sex-Positive Feminist, but she's the chill kind. She's about equality, not superiority.) She has "Loud and Proud!" tattooed in cursive Rainbow letters underneath a Rainbow heart containing a pink interlocked double Venus symbol on her right foot. She has her logo tattooed on her left foot, an adorable brain wearing headphones.

Significant Scars: After over a decade of being The Influencer, in 2033 a crazed junkie slashed her across the nose with a switchblade in a Hate Crime, because she thought she was "Too vain and pretty for her own good" (It could have also been because she is an extremely famous Out Lesbian, but the psycho bitch that cut her was muttering something about her vanity.) Leaving behind a long scar across her cheeks and nose. After it happened she made a non-monetized video addressing her fans and spinning the story as a Hate Crime on a proud and out lesbian, garnering massive support from both her fans and during her run for President the next year.

Special Skills

Foot Massage Mistress: Extensive knowledge of Reflexology or the art and mastery of foot massage.

Enhanced Flexibility and Balance: She has done Yoga 3 times a week consistently for years. (Also to try and keep in shape and creep on hot women in Yoga pants). She completely mastered yoga after training with Cleo and developed beyond human Flexibility and Balance. She can effortlessly bend her body as if she was a triple-jointed contortionist. Her Element gives her a sort of "6th" sense, making her more aware of her spatial position and as a result has well beyond human but not like... Spider-Man levels of balance.

Psychology Intuition: After the incident that created White Knight she decided to get a Doctorate Degree in Psychology. While not a Psychologist by trade... She knows her shit. She knows how people think... And how to get people to do what she wants, especially when combined with her other powers. In fact, her knowledge of Psychology actually allows her to use her powers at even greater levels than she ever thought possible. She is a master of manipulating the subconscious with or without her powers... (It took her 10 years to reach this level of mastery, she got her Doctorate degree in 2030. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology. Dr. Briggs-Lord is a licensed Psychologist.)

Low-Level Mind Reading: She can read what a target is currently thinking.

Command/Obedience Inducement/"The Queen's Geass": She can command other beings by giving them orders to do her bidding no matter what the victim thinks or feels! It utterly dominates their mind and makes them submit to her will, removing their free will and sentience until she says otherwise. Only those of utterly Indominatable Willpower like Green Lanterns are impervious to this power. Though a little bit of Psychological and Physical torture can break even the most unbreakable will... Given time... Her only limitation is that using this power takes intense focus and causes her a nasty nosebleed... Element nose bleeds are freaky! She has to drain someone dry of blood if she uses this ability just to cover the Element loss... She loses a lot of nose blood to use this power... It is generally for emergency use when there's no time to weave intricate commands... (Only after getting her degree, only with intense willpower of her own, and only when someone has done something unforgivable, unpardonable, or abhorrent to someone she loves... I would hate to be the person she takes revenge on with this...)

Psychic Persuasion and Pushing/Subliminal Messaging: Her powers work by influencing the Frontal Lobe and Neocortex using Theta Waves. Enhanced by vocal commands, Persuasion works by exploiting and promoting people's underlying desires and inhibitions and pushing the subconscious desires of the target. Making her voice sexier seems to amplify this power greatly, pushing it into Hypnotic territory, making people much more receptive to her power for some reason... The Music Mistress of Earth 11 (Genderflipped Music Meister) taught her how to sing and rhyme as another way to use this power to great effect, giving her the power of a Siren Song. They met when she starred on Ivanna's show as part of a mutually beneficial deal to each gain more followers. The Music Mistress does Social Media stuff where she sings and she can sing without hypnotizing people. Ivanna has an incredibly strong Southern Drawl to her natural voice, but she generally hides it unless her temper flares, she's insanely drunk, or she deliberately needs to sound as sexy as possible, such as in her Black Venus persona or when she's molding Crystal. Enhanced Charisma: Her natural charm and charisma are extremely high, almost to the point of being supernatural, and help this power immensely. To the point where any mental suggestion she plants related to feet succeeds 100% of the time. Everything else is hit or miss. Pushing/Subliminal Messaging allows her to implant thoughts, memories, and emotions into the minds of others to manipulate them, with the added effect of making the target think these thoughts were their own. She cannot remove implanted thoughts, so she has to be mindful. People with extraordinarily high IQs are highly resistant or immune to her vocal persuasion power and those acutely aware of their own minds may notice implanted thoughts are not their own and realize something is up, rendering them highly resistant or immune. Her incredible knowledge of Psychology allows her to circumvent this limitation. Given enough time she can influence practically anyone, no matter how smart or self-aware they may be, for Ivanna is a Subliminal Chessmaster.  (Advanced usage only after getting her degree)

Personality Alteration/Subconscious Reprogramming: Using her knowledge of Psychology and her powers... A subliminal command placed strategically here and there... Over time it can slowly tweak someone's personality to exactly how she wants it. It is extremely easy to modify. Basically, she can freely mold someone's personality to however she likes given enough time... She could, for example, tweak someone's fashion preferences and lock up certain parts of their brain to make them dumber, making them a dumb blonde bimbo. By tweaking the language center of the brain, she could make them slowly gain a Valley Girl accent as well. She's never done this to anyone, but she easily could... Her highschool bully is lucky that she moved to Central City and has better things to do! (Only after getting her degree)

Psychic Trigger: Something that can induce a trance in a previously reprogrammed individual. It can be anything from a code phrase to a simple snap of the fingers. Allows for easy modification of programs. Triggers can also awaken sleeper commands, such as personality tweaks that were installed, but not turned on, on purpose, and even commands like "Don't move till I say otherwise." (Only after getting her degree)

Alter Ego Creation: Her master knowledge of Psychology allows her to flawlessly compartmentalize her mind into different personas and switch between them at will.
Ivanna Briggs-Lord/The Influencer: Fun, weird, bubbly, sexual, hella pervy, and slightly manipulative. This is Ivanna's real personality, the one slightly exaggerated for the cameras.
Maxine Lord/Madame President: A Politically Palatable Public Persona, Maxine Lord is Ivanna's face while in public and is a strong, confident individual. All of the weirdness and perviness is suppressed as is much of her sexuality, her horniness more specifically. She is a publicly out lesbian after all. She has a disguise created by combining Image Inducer tech with a professional makeup artist so that she can go on dates as someone else with her secret girlfriends in peace without being harassed by paparazzi.
Black Venus: Black Venus is the ruthless vigilante Ivanna becomes when she puts on the mask and wig. She hunts down men who have hurt women in some way. She is dark, cold, sadistic, and sexual. Sometimes she carves up the worst of the worst Misogynist criminals with her knives before draining them. Her expert Anatomical Intuition allows her to keep them alive while causing maximum pain, the "Facial Peel Special" and "Peeled Banana Split" are for the worst of the worst rapists and pedophiles. She primarily targets rapists, domestic abusers, and pedophiles anyway. She sometimes even injects a small amount of Element to keep her victims alive for longer for maximum torture time. Well, she also jails women too and does beat them up if need be, but she is far less brutal and sadistic with female Misogynist criminals.

Metahuman Body: A viscous metallic silver liquid called Element courses through her veins instead of blood. Contaminant Immunity: It kills diseases and forces all foreign substances out of the body. From bullets to drugs to alcohol, in addition to slowing her aging while also granting her the below abilities. Daisy created a special type of super-concentrated alcohol that temporarily tricks her blood and allows her to get drunk though.

Enhanced Strength: Requires testing but, she can pick up a full-grown man in one outstretched arm and snap his neck and she can punch holes through concrete with her bare fist. In theory, since her mother has been observed doing these things. Her body is durable enough to match her strength.

Superspeed: She is not a Speedster, but she can move fast enough that she's mistaken for a gust of wind and moves as a blur.

Enhanced Durability: Not willing to test this, but gunshots from small arms seem to have minimal effect on her (According to her alternate self, The Harem Queen), and apparently one time Black Lightning impaled her mom on a steel beam and she's fine so... Her skin is only slightly tougher than a normal human's, but her insides are much more durable due to her special blood. The Perdi tried for over 30 years to assassinate Looker... They say she is almost impossible to truly injure... Her daughter Ivanna is just as tough.

"Element": The most potent ability she received from her mother, Element is a viscous metallic silver liquid that also serves as her blood. Life Force Absorption: Channeled through the fingernails, it can be used to form tendrils and suck the life force out of others, adding it to her own life. Looker for example is 47 but looks the same age as her daughter. Element automatically closes small wounds and provides a slight healing factor, though larger injuries require siphoned life force and she cannot heal scars this way. It can also be used to infect others, granting them enhanced speed and strength and a limited degree of durability (Because of their enhanced strength) while putting them under her control. Pain Inducement: She can use the Element in the veins of her slaves to cause intense full-body pain on command. Internal Bodily Cleansing: Element scrubs out the veins and removes all traces and effects of foreign substances, except for Element itself of course. The cleansing effect is so thorough that drug addicts will not experience the effects of withdrawal. Psychic Link and Empathy: She has an intimate psychic connection with each of her Element Slaves. It more or less acts like a GPS and she can also emotionally vibe with her girls, like an Emotion Sharing kind of thing. It is not always on and can be turned on and off at will. Sight Sharing: She can see through the eyes of her Element Slaves at any time from any distance.

Retractable Element Claws: She can coat her fingernails in Element and morph and harden it into deadly 2 inch long razor-sharp claws.

Enhanced Combat: Expert Hand to Hand Combatant: Trained in Capoeira and Kickboxing. Master Knife Fighter. It should be noted that she trains to fight, but she doesn't actually work out, so she's still a little doughy. Her enhanced strength and speed also give her an edge in real fights, but she holds back against "Squishies" while sparring. As Black Venus, she is brutal and ruthless, using her speed and knives over fighting skill most of the time, the "Achilles Special" is a pretty effective immobilizing opening move, can't run away with no tendons. Her dynamic killing move when necessary to end a fight quickly is a quick whoosh throat slash using her superspeed and claws or knives. They're sharp enough to cut right through the dense tissue and cartilage of the larynx. It makes a huge bloody mess and is utterly horrific to watch as the victim gasps for air and drowns in their own blood. (She got serious with Capoeira and Knife Fighting after the "Crystal Dragon Incident" in 2033, trained for years in Kickboxing prior.)

Knife and Throwing Knife Proficiency: As Black Venus, she is a master knife fighter and thrower. She never misses because of her special Element Infused Knives that she can freely control with her mind.

MO and Vigilante Costume

She chose the name Black Venus after the way she and her partner leave bodies. Black Mamba bites them, incapacitating them with a powerful aphrodisiac, while she sucks the life out of them through their heart. They usually die with a boner because of the "mighty little blue pill" effect from her venom causing Priapism (A phenomenon called angel lust or death erection) if they're male and the name came to her. (Black Venus)

Designed and built by Daisy, her suit is a black Kevlar-Polymer weave which she adorned with red accents. She wears a pink wig and a black lead-lined domino mask to protect her identity, even from those pesky X-Rays. The mask is longer than your typical mask and goes further down her face to hide her highly distinguishing scar. She has a voice changer on the belt which is usually set to a deeper monotone voice but can also be set to make her sound like a porn star. Depending on her mood at the time. (Black Venus)


Element-Infused Knives: Forged specially by Daisy, these hybrid combat-throwing knives are to specification "Obnoxiously sharp" and are made of a Depleted Promethium alloy and Ivanna's own Element. While they can't be used to inject Element, the small amounts of it in the metal allow Ivanna to freely control the knives with her mind. If she throws one... She never misses... Her suit has holsters for half a dozen of these knives, but she keeps more on her boots and gauntlets giving her a grand total of 12... (Black Venus)

Whammy Phone: Daisy upgraded her phone to channel her powers and to be capable of overriding nearby screens. Whoever reads whatever she types and "flings" at a nearby screen is compelled to do whatever it says. The effect only lasts a few minutes, but it's irresistible. Daisy continuously upgrades her phone to way beyond what's on the market, so she never needs a new one. It has incomprehensibly advanced biometric security. The camera is insane. Crystal clear HD photo quality even at the frankly ridiculous levels of zoom the little thing is capable of. Candid foot photos have never been easier! Finally, it has a special magnet specifically tuned to her blood's unique makeup that will home in on her if she ever loses it.

Binaural Sound-Cancelling Earbuds: Created by Daisy, these earbuds are used to help control people without resorting to more direct Meta-human methods... Once inserted, they expand to completely fill the ear canal and stretch all the way to the eardrum. Binaural Implants would be a more accurate term. Though Daisy can easily remove them... With Ivanna's access code from her Whammy Phone which these are connected to. Despite their deep nature, they have tech inside that completely protects the user's hearing from any loud sounds, generated by the earbuds or otherwise. Features: They can allow the user to have a full range or absolutely no hearing, completely at Ivanna's control. They function as receivers. Ivanna can talk into her phone and the user will hear her voice inside their own consciousness, but also as a whisper in their ear at the same time. It increases the effectiveness of her Persuasion power immensely, especially when combined with the relaxation beats and the sexy voice. Binaural Beats specially mixed by Ivanna can have a variety of effects on the user. From entering a relaxed, almost meditative state where they're just a bit more... Pliable... To a full trance, replicating the effects of a Psychic Trigger. To "Digital Drugs", which are sounds that cause the body to release chemicals like Serotonin, Endorphins, or Dopamine, for example. It can literally get you high as fuck. Crystal wears these, the "Digital Drug" function is her reward for being a good girl. Especially considering she's a former junkie and is literally unable to get high normally because of Ivanna's Element running through her veins constantly destroying harmful foreign substances. This is a particularly powerful incentive. She sometimes loans her out to Kate, Tara, Becky, Samira, Priscilla, Perdita, Velvet, Gwen, MJ, or Yo-Jong with a temporary code sent to their phone that can activate Crystal's "Digital Drugs" as much as they want until the code expires, usually several hours after being sent. She who controls the code controls a perfectly obedient Maid... As long as she's kept happy and isn't kept hanging too long... Usually, just a few seconds every few hours, and occasional "breaks" for a couple minutes. As long as she's happy you'll be happy with her. Especially since biometric digital locks prevent Crystal from activating it herself. Ivanna makes bank selling her Binaural Beats as part of her Influencer Merch.

Multimedia Lenses: Created by Daisy, these lenses basically function as screens in the form of contact lenses. They can sync with the earbuds to play the audio. These are used by Crystal for... Reinforcement purposes... After getting a foot fetish these were Crystal's reward to enjoy feet up close. Ivanna has these set to play multiscreen (4 Videos at once, one per quadrant) videos of girls with sexy feet showing them off to the camera just so that Crystal's brain gets massively overstimulated by feet and her fetish runs that much deeper...

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