Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Reader’s Guide Bio: The Clone Princess

Princess Xozalla Melanie Vi Korll a.k.a. The Clone Princess
Nicknames: Lanie, Nellie, Mel

Aliases: Mysterious Princess X, The Olfactophile, Not-Mileena, The Ceiling Stalker

Notes: Remember how Elana Prime approached Ally asking her to heal her ugly abuse and surgical scars on her back as she did successfully in many timelines? In this timeline, however… Instead of asking for cute cosplay blackmail photos of Elana in provocative positions… In exchange for healing her scars, Ally would make Elana into her own daughter, quite literally remolding her into her own image down to the DNA, remaking Xozalla Vi Korll into Aphrodite Monroe, truly making her into her own daughter... Mutating, tweaking, and enhancing her DNA until she became a true, full-fledged Healing Goddess and proper Sister of Healing, while simultaneously reweaving, stitching, and snipping at her threads of fate to separate her from Prime. Retroactively making “Elana” dead for the past 5 years by repairing and remolding the corpse of a young woman who died in an accident to look exactly like Elana once did. This version of Elana is an imperfect clone created from a degraded DNA sample from Elana Prime’s hairbrush by a grieving Zazzala who had just lost her last daughter, or so she thought anyway... The gaps were filled in with predatory animal DNA so that she was less likely to die again, rather than Zazzala using her DNA to make a mostly accurate clone. This gave her a giant murder maw that she hides with a tight bandana over her face and some predatory instincts that mostly just makes her a pervert more than a hunter... So a predator of a different kind... When she fell out of the cloning pod in a 20something-year-old body as a totally blank slate, she was raised by Zazzala, completely doted on, and raised as a Royal. Despite the statistical impossibility due to the different environment that she was raised in, she somehow turned out almost exactly like Elana used to be, just much hornier and pervier.

Timeline: 2020

Hair: Dyed Lavender Purple, mid-back length, her hair can be down, or in an updo, or spacebuns. Depends really. She uses Healthy Glow Neon Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable purple hair can light up a room with a soft purple glow on command via Bioluminescence.

Eyes: Honey Yellow

Height: 5'5

Figure: C-Cup. Hourglass. In great shape because of her hunting and stalking for pretty feet. Climbing on walls and ceilings with her claws and strength is like extreme rock climbing, both vertical and the much harder overhang/roof climbing cause she's always supporting her weight and fighting gravity while dug into the ceiling. Her core, arms, legs, fingers, toes, and back are extremely strong! She’s not much of a junk food and sweets girl because of the fangs as well. She doesn't have very many flat, chewing teeth. She has a few molars in the back, but not enough. She's not a cannibal, she enjoys huge cheeseburgers though, in moderation. Rare of course and without that damned rabbit food shit on top ruining it. Just bread, meat, and cheese. Her diet is mostly meat, eggs, and stuff like fruit and vegetables run through a blender into a smoothie. She also does not have a belly button, being a clone and all. Because she was not technically born, but created by a machine via Ectogenesis. Though you could easily add one in for her with your powers. Maybe in time.

Feet: Size 8, Dark Purple and Onyx Black Polish with Gold Glitter mixed in, one color per foot, and Gold Rhinestone Trim along her cuticles. Many ornate toe rings and anklets. Her absolute favorite is an anklet with a charm that says "I 💓 Feet". She often wears ornate jeweled barefoot sandals. Transparent Crystal Glitter Fingernails with Diamond trim around her cuticles, elegant and regal, not quite claws or Stiletto style nails, but definitely on the longer side with a rounded square shape, if that makes sense. They are actually completely transparent and remind one of see-through wings like a fairy... She wears a lot of rings on her fingers too...

Personality and Background: An imperfect clone of your old self created from degraded DNA from your hairbrush with gaps filled in with predatory animal DNA. She covers her mouth with a tight, form-fitting bandana, always a different design, because she has a mouth full of large, sharp teeth. Some of which are visible when her mouth is closed. Not all of them, she very much has human lips, and some teeth in her cheek area are always visible. Zazzala reasoned that her daughter was less likely to “die” again if she could better defend herself. She emerged from the cloning pod in a 20something-year-old body, but as a totally blank slate that Zazzala personally groomed, cherished, and doted on. Somehow, she turned out more or less just like you, but more aggressive and horny due to the predatory animal DNA and is a Lil’ more prim and proper in public, she was raised as a Royal after all. If not for her stronger libido and urges, she might have even been able to keep her fetishes under control, but they run wild! After Zazzala eventually discovers your true identity, although your clone remains the Crown Princess, she sees how Zazzala looks at her differently now... As only a cheap imitation... A mother will always love the daughter that she carried for 9 months and pushed out of her womb more than a clone made from secondhand material... The poor girl must be devastated that her entire world is a lie and she's always the second choice. It completely breaks your heart, so you became her friend and try to do things with her and tell Zazzala to love her like she loves you because it's not right to pick favorites and it's clearly hurting poor Melanie... You are both her daughter! You are fairly close with your clone and often braid each other's hair as a way of bonding. A party trick ability of hers is to open a beer-type bottle by placing it between her legs and giving a quick little squeeze and twist, putting those Kegel exercises to good use. With her panties still on ya perves! Too bad for the boys, she's Big Gay!

H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: Queen Zazzala came to me with a top-secret request... Make sure her cloned daughter has a healthy Psyche. Comparing with my old notes... The only difference seems to be extreme Olfactophilia attached to her foot fetish, she just loves sweaty female feet and goes crazy around the scent! Human, Biyalian, etc., it doesn't matter to her whether they smell like sweat, honey, soap, lotion, etc. She is also more aggressive and will “attack” women to get at their feet, often stalking them from the ceiling, tying them up, and shredding their shoes to get at her prizes. Even if most of them weren't into it, which is not the case, she has Royal Immunity to do whatever she pleases. She has bought more "Apology Shoes" than she can count! Thankfully, the Queen has started paying for my destroyed shoes! It was actually starting to get rather irritating... She even made Princess Melanie personally hand paint a pair of flats black and red card suite-themed like my favorite Harley Quinn pair she destroyed. I try not to flip out on patients, but she made me scream at her and threaten her with the big hammer! If she ever destroys this new pair that she gifted me, I am going to whap her in the face with it! But, I think all of the pain-staking work she did on them combined with the hammer threat makes her remember to simply take an extra few seconds to remove them before going to town on my feet. We have since bonded over it since she saw how I squealed when she gifted me the replacement Harley Quinn-themed flats. She is lovable... She even offered to pay for all of the shoes of mine that she destroyed in the past... And she started bringing me chocolates at the beginning of each session, not flowers because she knows that would upset Pamela... I think she might be falling for me and Pamela... I mean... If it's ok with Pam... I'm not against the idea of an open relationship...

Age: 5 (Chronologically, biologically she is in her 20s)

Clothing: She wears tons of jewelry, and really dresses like a princess. She is very over the top with her royal look and bling. All of her jewelry nanocompresses to her skin when she puts on the Stalking Suit so that it doesn't jingle when she moves.

She wears tons of different tight, form-fitting Bandanas around her mouth, always an elegant and regal design or something fun like on the nose shark or vampire teeth or a black one with a gold bee with a crown that says Princess Bee above in gold letters, for example. Though plain black with a gold hexagonal lattice is the most common. Her other favorite is one with cute female lips where her lips are, in various different colors of lipstick and background colors.

She also has a Stalking Suit that only leaves her fingertips and toes exposed so that she can climb along the ceiling and has a pattern that blends into the ceiling pattern. She wears a Balaclava-type thing over her face with her bandana underneath, she is never without that. She could go with active optical camo, but since this is just a hobby, she thought it unnecessary, since she was already "ninja" enough as is, haha.

Rank and Occupation: Princess of Biyalian Empire

Religion: Korllite

Romantic Interests: Harleen "Harley Quinn" Frances Quinzel (Psychiatrist and Psychologist, Her therapist, Monster Crush. She fell for Harley after being forced by her Queen mother to make a custom pair of Harley Quinn-themed flats for her after she shredded Harley's old pair with her teeth to get at her sexy feet. Her adorable reaction to receiving the hand-painted 2.0 pair and threatening to beat her up if she did it again made her fall for Harley hard, even though she's with Poison Ivy... Plus, Harley is an insanely flexible Gymnast and Hellcat in the bedroom... If only she wouldn't do that kind of obnoxious, grating, over-the-top bubbly Brooklyn accent at random... It's kind of annoying and she does it on purpose, that's not her real accent by any stretch...), Pamela "Poison Ivy" Lillian Isley (Botanist, Monster crush. Originally a Romantic Rival more than a Romantic Interest, she fell for Ivy simply because Ivy tied her up with vines as punishment for stepping on a flower by mistake, pure bliss was not the look Ivy expected on her face and she agreed to take up gardening to plant more plants, just for her. For her, Lanie won't even eat a salad... Not that she even has enough of the right kind of teeth to chew plant matter anyway... Who knew the fangs would actually help her get a girlfriend! Two, actually... The three women have quite an interesting love triangle/open relationship.)

Tattoo: A bee wearing a little crown


Enhanced Bite, Elastic Jaws, Sharp Teeth, and Prehensile Tongue: While closed, her mouth is relatively human-looking, she very much has human lips, and some teeth in her cheek area are always visible. To further describe her teeth, she has a few incisor teeth in the front between her canines, her canines look like classic vampire teeth, 4 long canines, with the relatively flat, but sharp incisor teeth in the center between them. Behind those in the normal human location, more medium-sized sharp teeth and a mix of a few molars, but not enough to chew much of anything effectively, and carnassial teeth for shearing meat. Finally, a second outer row of large, sharp teeth from her cheeks to the back of her skull, always visible, even when her mouth is closed. More or less like Mortal Kombat X Mileena. Her mouth does open much wider than a normal person’s though, and when open, you can see her many fangs. It also unhinges at the lower jaw like a snake’s and she has a long, dexterous tongue. She loves to lick beautiful women's feet and wrap her tongue around and between their toes. She is quite sensitive about her teeth, most people only see a "hideous" monster... But you've seen her cry about it, tears streaming down her face... Even with her murder maw, you only see a lonely crying girl who just needs a hug... She's your sister after all!

Sedative Saliva: When the pheromones don't work or aren't working quickly enough, girls quickly calm down once she starts licking their feet and sucking on their toes and her saliva starts absorbing into their skin... When she's horny she slobbers and drools like a waterfall, so it's an extremely fast-acting mild sedative. She can turn it on or off so girls aren't falling asleep on her, and her sedative-laced saliva has a pink tint to it.

Retractable Claws, Pincer Grip, Wall Crawling, and Ceiling Cling: She uses her claws almost exclusively to tear up footwear and get at her prize inside or dig into the walls and ceilings to silently stalk her “prey”. She can easily crawl on virtually any surface that she can dig into. Her claws are nearly indestructible and form a coating over her polish when her nails extend into claws and sharpen so that her expensive mani-pedi is not damaged. She still uses Little Demon Alchemist Super Strengthening Polish though, just in case. She might be rich, but she can't spend all of her time in the nail salon...

Predatory Instincts: All 5 of her senses are like that of a predatory animal, she can hear the elevated heartbeat of a liar, for example. Like most people who tell her that her mouth doesn't freak them out... Her instincts manifest rather strangely as her enhanced sense of smell is particularly in tune with pheromones and especially the smell of women's feet... Her fetish is arguably stronger than the woman she was cloned from... To think someone could out horny Nurse Badness! Frequently, her eyes cross and go complete derp or roll into her head as she really gets into the scent or taste of feet, being so turned on that her lady parts dribble... The smell of feet can lead to her using her fangs to tear up a woman's footwear to get at the source of the smell while high off of the scent like an animal in Sexual Heat... Socks and stockings almost always get shredded too. While her teeth are very sharp and deadly, they won't actually break skin if she doesn't bite and use real pressure... So while they may be hesitant... She can still get tons of foot action from women! The only reason she ties them up is that so many women would scream and run away when they would see her mouth, so she quickly became an ambush predator... Most women are actually really into the murder-mouthed Princess sucking on their feet with her fanged mouth once they realize she's completely harmless... She is extraordinarily stealthy as she stalks and tracks her "prey", while also being charming to lure them into a sense of security if she goes for the direct approach with her mouth covered. She's kind of a creeper, but she's harmless. She just wants to fulfill her foot fetish and scent fetish.

Enhanced Athleticism: Enhanced Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Endurance, Flexibility, Balance, Dexterity, Reflexes, and Leaping: She is basically a super predator. She would dominate at the Olympics in every event!

Hyper-Enhanced Sense of Smell and Enhanced Taste: She is especially attuned to the scent of women’s feet and something in it drives her completely bananas and turns her into a horny beast and immediately puts her in a sort of Sexual Heat mode. She also really enjoys the taste of women’s foot sweat and again something in it also gives her a high. She is such an adorable pervert! You can’t help but love your little sister! She can also smell lies, fear, and especially arousal.

Peak Human Stealth: She can silently creep along the ceiling when stalking without being detected, additionally her Stalking Suit is ceiling pattern camo and covers 95% of her body except for her fingers and toes. Even though people rarely look up anyway, that's ninja 101. Tanuki Gakure no Jutsu for the win! She can also walk totally silently, even in heels. Though she only tends to creep while in her Stalking Suit.

Bondage Intuition: Her predatory instincts also make her particularly adept at tying up her “prey” and she's had a lot of practice in her short life, being only about 5 years old technically speaking, cause she's a clone. She knows dozens of ways to restrain someone so that they ain't going anywhere any time soon, pretty much no normal civilian without military training or a meta with superhuman strength can escape her rope tying skills.

Wrestling and Submission Hold Intuition and Strong Grip: Princess Melanie taught herself the best ways to wrestle someone into submission and tie them up. Wrapping her legs around her opponent's neck, upper body, or legs Luchador style and using her momentum is a common takedown method. She's also nearly impossible to escape if she gets you in a submission hold, her holds and grip strength make her almost impossible to escape. A leg wrap to pin her target's arms while she wraps her arms around their ankles and has her way with their feet is one method. Though tying the girl up so that she can worship some sexy feet in a comfortable position is much more common.


Bondage Ropes: She always keeps fancy silk ropes nanocompressed on her person at all times, they are soft silk on the outside, but titanium-reinforced inside. Additionally, she wipes her honey sweat on the rope until it's soaked to get her pheromones on it and make the bound girl more relaxed and into it. These are usually used on girls who want to be tied up willingly. But she also uses them on girls after wrestling them into submission after a pounce attack.

Rappel Winch: She carries a silent winch-type device to slowly drop down from the ceiling onto her “prey” to snare them or pounce on them. She also carries gear to anchor it to the ceiling, though she doesn't need rope to climb.

Capture Net: Pretty self-explanatory. She uses this to bag particularly large or superhumanly strong girls that would be difficult to wrestle into submission. She's not part-spider, so she doesn't have access to sticky and strong spider silk. This heavy-duty net is launched from her Royal Gauntlet. She also soaks the net in her honey sweat pheromones to aid in the capture of the strongest unwilling women. Knockout darts are taking it too far in her book. She does have some standards... She's part animal, she likes to dominate her prey through physical strength with minimal "cheating", law of the wild and all.

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