Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bio: Stormfront and Dr. Frankenstein

Wilhelmina "Willie" Ilsa Mengele a.k.a. Stormfront

Aliases: The Nazi Lightning Witch, The Thunder Goddess Thora, The Superwoman, Willie Lightning (Vlog Handle)

Hair: Blonde, Ass length, Straight. Her head is shaved on the right side.

Eyes: Blue (Her irises glow purple when using her powers). Behind them... This one is complex, to say the least... She was an awful trash-tier human being at first, just the worst! But over time... With a bit of work... She could become a decent person! Making a Nazi less of a Nazi isn't much of an accomplishment... But you got her to the point where she's fuckable, so that's a start. She's okay around most other races now.

Height: 6'6 (She's still dwarfed by you, but she's a tall bitch... Taller than most of your other girlfriends by a landslide though!)

Figure: E-Cup. Hourglass... Perfect fat ass... Perfect thicc thighs... In perfect athletic shape without being too muscular... She looks like she was hand-carved from marble... She's a freaking Amazon goddess... Real Peak Human Beauty... But never tell her that... It's a bad idea to feed into her superiority complex... So when she gets too uppity, you knock her down a peg by pointing out the small gap in her front two teeth, which she has always seen as an imperfection. It can't be fixed by conventional means because of her durability. You just don't tell her that it's admittedly pretty cute. You could easily fix her tooth gap with your powers... But she honestly needs something that she views as an imperfection to keep her in check, at first anyway... She does become a better person over time. Seriously though, when she smiles it is so adorable... She can be so cute... Especially when you point out how cute her gapped smile is and she gets flustered and blushes, covering her mouth and muttering to herself softly in German.

Feet: US Women's Size 18 (13 inches long). Pearly White Polish, on each big toe, is a Dark Purple Lightning Bolt. She has some model-worthy feet for sure! There's no hiding that from her, she knows that she has nice feet and she knows that you love them... And pretty feet in general... She does do foot vids too and knows that her feet can easily control you. She has a purple lightning bolt tattooed on the top of each foot in addition to "Boss Bitch" on her left foot and "Superwoman" on her right. She can also electrify her feet in just the right way so that you feel pure, electric, sexual pleasure in your nerves, in your skin, in every cell in your body. Superspeed electric footjobs are just... Mind-meltingly amazing! She gets better and better the longer she dates you too!

Personality and Background: She is Eva's daughter, a Nazi Supersoldier, and the picture of Aryan perfection (In Eva's own words). She is Biyalian... But not Biyalian... Her genes were modified, so she still has decelerated aging, but no Biyalian physical characteristics. She looks totally human. The project was started by Eva immediately after the random success of Bea in the late '60s, Wilhelmina was born in 1970. Eva experimented on herself, her unborn daughter, and later child as she was growing up with a combination of gene editing, hormones, chemicals, and drugs to create a Nazi superwoman with permanent powers and a super body. I wanna know who fucked the hot, creepy lady in the gas mask or who she jacked off in a dark basement for their DNA and how... Legitimately curious! Stormfront is named after The Boys character. She hates that they cast a Jewish actress to portray the character on the show, but even she has to admit that she did an amazing job and she loves the character that she's so similar to. The name is just too perfect for a literal Nazi whose mom is literally from Nazi Germany and raised her on literal Nazi ideology. Also, the name comes from a literal Neo-Nazi hate forum... Combine that with electrical powers and she has the perfect callsign to encapsulate her. She is a vlogger who is cute for the cameras, masterfully putting on a sassy, funny, Woke Feminist persona that the people eat the fuck up. Her fans are called the Stormchasers. She is actually, secretly a murder-happy, flaming racist. Her slurs are somewhat... Dated... She has an adorable, saccharine-sweet Southern American accent in public and in vlogs and whatnot... But uses her native, heavy German accent in private. Ride of the Valkyries is her theme. She's an American Superhero with only Nazi hints like her name and earrings, to the public she's a reincarnated thunder goddess. That's her "official" backstory... That's kinda hot... You would totally play into it if it wasn't such a bad idea to feed her ego and superiority complex... You do RP though after you two start fucking... We've transitioned to Willie's personality after you worked on her for months and she started to become a better person. She is extremely rough and dominant during sex. Seriously, sometimes it's like a superpowered brawl of slapping, choking, being thrown across the room, and wrestling slams leading up to flying sex. The room gets heavily damaged every time. You don't ever have sex outside of the Hive because you might accidentally destroy Mt. Everest or something... Keeping the construction industry in business! They reinforce everything more and more each time and it still gets broken... She likes to physically guide you and "remind" you to eat her out by forcing your head to her vagina. She's quite strong... Even though you are physically stronger, you allow yourself to be dominated by her. She also likes to shock you... Often... You're someone she can abuse without breaking... However, she lets you call her your fuckpig during sex. Honestly, looking like she does, she can call you whatever the fuck she wants to... It's an... Interesting relationship... Electrical footjobs are always fun. Skill and super speed on top of Electrical Nerve Stimulation for insane pleasure levels. She Storms your Front so skillfully anyway! Total nutter butter! Drooling just thinking about it... She almost always awakens Nymph or M-Desu. You both love it and thoroughly enjoy it. When she smokes with Guru she usually lights for the both of you by arcing plasma from the end of her finger, it's super convenient. Crystal Dragon can soak rolling paper in her super THC for you and Willie can just smoke regular weed as normal and get high for like... 5 Minutes, so Crystal hooks her up too. Oh, and Electric make-outs too. Those are sexy and tingly, like licking a sexy battery... She's like a cactus, tough and thorny on the outside, but with a soft gooey center once you work on her enough.

"Superhero" Costume: Purple tactical fiber suit. SS Lightning Bolt earrings, a symbol of Nazi high command. True, she has one lightning bolt per ear and she has the electric theme going... But she has two ears... Eagle Belt Buckle, did you know that eagles have long been a symbol of Fascism and the power and authority of the state dating all the way back to the Roman Empire? Especially when they are holding something in their talons... Hmm... Willie's is just a plain eagle but... It's obvious what it represents...

SS Uniform: Black tactical fiber suit, red accents. This is her obvious Nazi Commander armor, complete with evil red glowing eyes gas mask. She has a giant red SS double lightning bolt on her chest. Her armor was directly inspired by Earth X's Overgirl. They're probably best friends...

The Stormchaser Platinum Tier Members

Stormfront's hot, but also Nazi quote on quote squad, her besties, and groupies. I think there are like 6 of them... Only the Platinum Tier members know Stormfront's true motives and agenda, everyone else thinks she's just some sassy, funny, Woke, Feminist Influencer. They are former Neo-Nazis, mostly just Social Media Trolls, and Hate Forum Moderators. Those types of Neo-Nazis. They never beat up or killed anyone, but would yell slurs in public and vandalize shops owned by non-white races. Generally being trash-tier human beings and all that. They are all total Sheeple that follow Willie in everything that she does, so when she starts to become more tolerant and accepting... So did they... They are just normal Biyalian women. Nothing special, but they are all mega hotties, and dumb THOTs are kinda hot sometimes... They are basically kinda dumb, rich with parents' money Sorority girls... Dumb as in Sheeple, they are all average IQ. They all dress similar to Willie and are all smokin' hot blue-eyed blondes in their 20s, so I mean... They are fun to play with and all have gorgeous feet and are more than willing to offer them to you... Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, they could be worse. They could be Nazis again... They are all pretty cool chicks now.

Michelle: Pyromaniac, formerly burned down places owned by non-whites when they weren't home. She reasoned that financial losses were more hurtful in the long run than setting people on fire... Miraculously has no burns or scars from it. These days she just smokes a lot of weed and plays with her lighter when she hangs out with you and your multicultural Animal Army friends.

Lauren: Sex-addict, extremely kinky, and open-minded. These days she will fuck anyone who is attractive, regardless of race. Her grandmother was the result of Hitler's Lebensborn Aryan breeding program.

Zo: Goth girl. She has always just gone with the flow. Formerly, that meant being a Nazi. Now, she just follows Willie, cause to her, it's just whatever... She's cool with everyone.

Hannah: The Genki girl. She is so cheery that it's actually creepy, she almost reaches Stepford Smiler level... She is a major hugger! Hard to imagine that she used to be a Nazi, now she hugs everyone!

Molly: The other Woke Feminist Influencer. Her fake personality has become her real one and she actually truly believes in helping people and women's rights, all women's rights, not just white women. She no longer mods hate forums and instead mods anti-hate forums these days.

Emma: Great Hera... She's the most paradoxical and confusing Stormchaser Platinum... See, she is the sweetest thing and only joined cause she wanted friends so desperately... The paradox comes in because yes, she has Aryan features... But she was born blind... So, the Nazis would have considered her a "Cripple", a "Useless eater", and a "Life unworthy of living..." because of her severe disability, but because of her looks, she was allowed a special exception to join despite being unfit. I guess even Nazis can be inclusive sometimes... It just doesn't make sense, a blind racist... Since racism is a 100% learned behavior, she picked it up later in life. She was actually terrible at picking targets, since using someone's voice is such a horribly inaccurate method of determining race, and she is wrong in her guesses a lot more than she isn't. Like that time a black police officer infiltrated the KKK in the '70s by using phonecalls. Anyway, she adamantly refused your offer to heal her eyes. She fears that sight would only make her a worse person and more likely to slip back into Nazi ways and is horrified and sickened that she was a literally blind follower and said such horrible things when she had no right to judge others as less than herself. She just wants to be a pure soul who sees people for who they are, not what they look like. These days she donates to charity. Personally, you think she was just a lonely girl who got in with the wrong crowd because her disability made it hard to make friends and she was just desperate... Now she has the whole Animal Army and her reformed former friends backing her up. She is actually super into having her feet pampered and worshipped because her sense of touch is so much better than the other girls'. She's probably your favorite Stormchaser Platinum. It should be noted that she has totally normal, albeit defective blue eyes. White or gray eyes are actually pretty rare in the blind in developed countries in this day and age.

Rank and Occupation: Nazi SS Officer (Formerly), "Superhero", Vlogger, Sex-Positive Feminist, and Women's Rights Activist. Eventually, she started to genuinely believe the stuff she was saying in blogs after meeting you and hanging out with you, a lifelong Sex-Positive Feminist and general fan of Women's Rights. You've just never been vocal about the latter and kept your head down until becoming Nurse Badness, though you choose to help humanity through healing rather than advocacy. Plenty of others are fighting the good fight, y'know?

Sexual Orientation: Tough... She fell for you and has a bit of a foot fetish for women's feet after hanging with you and all of the lovely women in the Animal Army for a few weeks... So... After long enough she becomes... Fanfare, please... Big Gay!


Bio-Electrokinesis and Electrical Immunity: Her body generates purple electricity. In nature, purple lightning means a huge and potentially destructive thunderstorm is coming... A storm front... Because her body is constantly generating low-level bio-electricity, Willie is completely immune to electrocution and all of the indirect and direct negative effects of electricity. In addition to basic shit like generating electricity, she can shoot purple lightning from her hands, feet, fingers, toes, eyes, mouth, Hell... She is skilled enough to shoot lightning from each individual finger accurately like a sniper rifle, even from her mouth or lady parts. Lightning shooting vagina, haha. Rapists beware! She can discharge pretty much indefinitely, but it can negatively impact her nervous system with extended use. Her irises glow the same color as her lightning when she uses her powers. She has touch-based powers too, even for sexy use... She is also so skilled in the use of her power that she can make music because plasma makes the air around it heat up and vibrate, so by adjusting the frequency of the vibrations by adjusting the intensity and frequency of her discharges... Music! Note that overuse of her powers can temporarily make her aggressive because of mild damage to her nervous system if she outpaces her Healing Factor. Sometimes violent aggression, sometimes sexual aggression where she shocks you aggressively and dominates you during sex...

Chain Lightning: When Stormfront lets her lightning loose at max power it arcs around wildly and branches from target to target several times. Her record chain kill is 52...

Lightning Ball/"Thunderball": She can create Ball Lightning, this Will-O-Wisp-like projectile can teleport short distances and move in weird, random ways before striking its target.

Lightning Beam Vision, Blindness Inducement, and Permanent Paralysis Inducement: She can shoot electricity from her eyes... She can do a few things with this from burning out her target's retinas and rendering them permanently blind to frying nerves or even parts of the brain to permanently cripple her target. She has a lot of Anatomical Intuition because of her mother, you pick up things here and there... So she can cripple someone's eyes, arms, legs, or any other motor nerves with only electricity...

Electrical Short-Term Memory Wipe: By precisely targeting parts of the brain with a controlled, precise jolt of electricity, she can erase roughly the last hour of someone's memory. Effectiveness varies from person to person.

Plasma Generation/Ionization: She can not control or manipulate plasma, but she can create it and attack with it to burn things.

Nerve Stimulation Empowerment: Willie can enhance her physical attributes by using electricity to stimulate her nerves to accomplish a variety of things like increasing her Strength, Speed, and Reflexes exponentially to even higher superhuman levels. A Super Saiyan power-up for all of her already high base stats or a Raiden Mode. Her irises glow purple when powered up. She hasn't been able to speed up her thoughts and access bullet-time, she's just not smart enough to actually take advantage of faster neural impulses, but her body does become stronger and faster. Still a power-up. She's smart, but you need to be a mega genius to take advantage of the sped-up neural impulses.

Aquatic Breathing (Via Electrolysis): She can effectively breathe underwater by using electrolysis to separate and combine the breathable O2 from the H2O molecules.

Electrical Inhibition Release: By stimulating the part of the brain that controls inhibitions, she can make people let loose for a few minutes until their neurons slow back down. While "charged up", they often fall victim to their most primal desires and vices and it generally brings out the worst in them. Their ID/Shoulder Devil becomes fully unleashed! Some people even act like little more than impulse-driven beasts, and often it hypercharges their libido. Total chaos! Requires direct skin-to-skin contact of her fingers or toes to the sides of the head and does not generally work on those who have Electrical Immunity.

Heart Stopping and Restarting: She can jolt someone to stop or restart their heart. If her own heart unnaturally stops, her body will automatically jolt it back to life with electricity due to chemicals and hormones released.

Electromagnetism: She has almost no control, just on/off, but she can magnetize metal objects. If they are made of Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, or an alloy with enough of one or more of these metals that is. Such as steel.

Electrical Healing: She can heal herself by electrically stimulating her cells. This is of course limited in what it can do.

Electroreception: She can sense the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings due to activity from their nerves and muscles. She can also sense the EM Fields generated by electrical devices.

Accelerated Metabolism: She heals slightly faster than normal and is in amazing shape all the time. It also takes a lot to impair her with drugs or alcohol.

Partially Sanitized Metabolism: The only manifestation of Biyalian DNA, her sweat smells like honey. The official story is that because she's a Thunder Goddess, of course, she smells sweet!

Disease Immunity: She is immune to diseases and health ailments, but not drugs and alcohol. It takes a lot to get past her metabolism... But she can... Eventually, get drunk... But it's never a fun time for her... The alternative is Dragon Piss... The Crystal Dragon's special brand of Dragonfruit flavored alcohol. Homemade and extremely strong! Much easier to get than Godwine from Dionysus... The parties get too epic and you get locked into a week-long affair... You know how it is with the God of Partying! Crystal is so much more generous and takes hugs as payment from friends.

Poison Resistance: Chlorine: The first time she tried breathing underwater with Electrolysis, she nearly died from the poisonous chlorine gas generated as a byproduct from the salt in the water. She repeated this in the ocean for decades until she built up enough of a tolerance that it no longer negatively affected her.

High-Speed Flight: She can easily break the sound barrier and travel at low Mach speeds. She is much faster than any current jet, traveling well over Mach 5 into hypersonic territory. The sonic boom and purple lightning are kind of her grand entrance calling card.

Superhuman Condition: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Stamina, Endurance, Durability, and Reflexes: All of her base stats are near Kryptonian! She even has a similar dense musculature. However, she is still susceptible to sufficiently powerful attacks and sufficiently sharp weapons, though it takes a lot to physically injure her. Her IQ is well above average due to her mother's genes, gene manipulation, and advanced training from a young age, but it's nothing special or superhuman.

Enhanced Combat, Enhanced Violence, Electrokinetic Combat, and One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Basic Hand to Hand Combat: She overwhelms her opponents with her incredible strength and speed and every hit shocks like a stun gun on steroids. Additionally, she's able to fry people from a distance. She has no particular skill at combat or formal training, and just brute forces her way through combat, snapping limbs and breaking bones. She is not necessarily good at fighting but makes up for it in sheer brutality and mercilessness. She prefers to torture her opponent first before slowly crushing their windpipe and looking them in the eyes... She likes to watch the light go out... She also likes snapping necks... She's definitely a bit of a Sociopath... Her brutality, raw power, blinding speed, and lightning make her a One Woman Army capable of tearing through entire armies with ease. She's been fighting a lot less after you started dating cause she takes all of her issues out on the unkillable you... And since you can shapeshift she's slowly been working through her shit... And no one gets hurt. For you, pain is an on-off thing as easy as flipping a switch... All you gotta do is act like it hurts. Over time there are fewer and fewer of her twisted role-play sessions. Work in progress...

Eva Mengele a.k.a. Dr. Frankenstein

Aliases: The Butcher, The Baker, The Monster Maker, The Nazi Angel of Death 2.0

Hair: Blonde, Shoulder-Length, Bun

Compound Eyes: Unknown, because she always wears a gas mask, but 100% sure they're blue because of her daughter and her ideology... Apparently, she was badly burned when her prototype supersoldier "serum" quite literally blew up in her face. You later peeked with X-Ray vision... The burn scars aren't even that bad... She is admittedly still pretty hot, Willie definitely gets her looks from her. Both of her eyes glow purple in their entirety and give off faint purple electrical arcs when she uses her Psi powers at max level. Her veins glow purple as well when using her abilities at the max.

Height: 6'0

Figure: D-Cup, Hourglass. I mean... The mad scientist look works for her... She can rock a labcoat and make it look sexy with her figure...

Feet: Size 12, Plain White Polish... She even painted Swastikas on her big toes... Even for a Nazi... That's extreme... She wears open-toed flats in the Medical Labs... What? Why?! She might actually have a screw loose! That's not even a fetish thing... As an actual nurse, you have to point out that her lack of non-slip shoes is very unprofessional and unsafe in the Medical Labs... Not to mention having that much exposed skin is a bad idea when things spill or drop... You would never wish harm on someone else, but also wouldn't be broken up if she slipped and busted her ass. Admittedly... She does have sexy feet though, much like her daughter.

Personality and Background: So... Eva is an original, from World War II Nazi Germany, Nazi Party, old school Nazi! She was around 15 years old when Hitler shot himself in his bunker in '45, but she was scooped up by Biyalia at the end of the war and converted, slowing her aging. Despite her young age, she learned a lot from her father Josef before he abandoned her and went into hiding for his War Crimes at Auschwitz. So not only is she a literal Nazi... She has daddy issues on top of that... Eva fancies herself as a medical professional despite no formal training, certifications, or licenses. To you, this is downright offensive that she considers herself to be even remotely like you, but you must admit that the training she picked up from her father practicing his grotesque, disturbing, and brutal methods did make her into a skilled surgeon. She has a habit of whistling (When you X-Rayed her to peek under her mask, you discovered that she has a small gap in her teeth) or humming during her experiments and takes great pleasure in her sadistic medical experiments. On multiple occasions, she has expressed how she misses "The good old days" doing twisted medical experiments with her father during the Second World War. In the late '60s, she began work on a supersoldier "serum" after seeing the random success of Bea. The first batch literally blew up in her face and scarred it with chemical and thermal burns from the reaction. While it gave her some mild butterface (It's really not so bad as to warrant wearing a gas mask all of the time) it also gave her some enhanced stats and superpowers. She obviously perfected it later, but used her unborn daughter as a guinea pig instead and tweaked it as she grew up. Eva is seriously a trash-tier human being! If you can even call her that... And she has the audacity to call others human garbage! Truly, she is a relic of the past that should have stayed there, but the universe had other plans. She says "Ze" instead of "the" because of her accent most of the time. Whenever she is infuriated, usually by you. She starts shouting curse words and slurs in German. Which inherently sounds angry anyway, haha. On the opposite end of the spectrum, she will purposefully make her accent heavier, but also more sultry whenever she wants you to comply with her whims, and sometimes you even fall for the sexy accent... Even though you know she's manipulating you... Especially when combined with waving her feet in your face and wiggling her toes, but not actually letting you touch them until much later, after you started dating her daughter who swore up and down by your foot massages and worship. Then she realized that actually letting an "Abomination" touch her feet was a much better way to control you. But she makes you clean her feet off later cause she doesn't want your "Mongrel" saliva sitting on her skin. You read her mind though, she's actually really into it, even if she won't admit it directly. She is totally into having someone under her feet. She actually loves your massages, foot worship, and spa treatments. You even give her pedicures... Though you refuse to paint the Swastikas on, she's on her own with those.

Rank and Occupation: Nazi SS Medical Officer, Head of "Experimental Surgery". Zazzala just shoved her into a dark corner of Medical and she's more or less free to do as she pleases with criminals who have earned the death penalty, but only the worst offenders. Still... What a way to go... Death via Dr. Frankenstein...


When the original supersoldier formula exploded in her face and burned it, Eva found that she was faster, stronger, etc., and had developed Telekinesis.

Enhanced Strength, Speed, Stamina, and Endurance. Minor Durability to handle her strength: She's faster, stronger, etc., and a bit tougher than a normal human cause her body can handle her increased strength, her muscles and bones are more durable than a human's, but she's not bulletproof or anything... She's well above a Peak Human, but not inherently superhuman.

Peak Human Intelligence: Eva creates monsters and she is good at it, she is ahead of the curve in genetics, virology, genome engineering, chemistry, pharmacology, etc. She makes her own new drugs, serums, gene treatments, etc. She is a genius that could really help people... If she wasn't a Nazi POS that is... She's insanely smart but only uses her knowledge to harm people in the long run. For example... She created a serum that adds years to your life... By taking the bone marrow from child cancer patients... And this was pre-Hive back in the 1930s! The way she did it was by sawing open their legs with a chainsaw and scraping, drilling, or vacuuming out what she needed... The things that this woman has done to the human body over the years...

Telekinesis: Powerful, but crude like a chainsaw rather than fine like a scalpel. She can crush tanks with her mind. She is more of a crusher and ripper than a flinger. She can explode heads, but she has to do it from the outside in, rather than the water balloon effect. So it's more like imploding heads. The finest control she has displayed thus far is completely flaying someone alive in one move. She is more likely to twist a limb off than do anything precisely.

Repulsion Field/"Off! Bubble": Eva can make an omnidirectional shield bubble around herself that simultaneously Force Pushes everything away from her in all directions. It requires great concentration from her.

Patchwork Being/Frankensteinian Monster Creation & Surgical Intuition: She doesn't like touching "undesirables", so she wears distinctive white gloves when performing her experiments on patients of certain races. When her victims survive, they are patchwork monstrosities. Though she is a highly skilled surgeon when she does legitimate medical work, which is rare. It could be said that Eva creates BOWs (Biological OMG WTF?! Yeah, Nurse Badness put an Acronym in the Acronym. What are you gonna do about it?!) If you've ever seen Tusk... Eva does that... Her lab is filled with twisted body horrors... For "science", read: Insanity.

Anatomical Intuition: Eva knows the human body quite well through her years of dissecting and experimenting on them...

Chemistry Intuition, Drug Intuition, Pharmacology Intuition, Biochemistry Intuition, Gene Splicing, Virology Intuition, Medicine Creation, and Monstrification: Werewolf: In her quest to make Aryan superhumans, she experimented with dozens of supersoldier "serums" of varying effectiveness using different drugs, chemicals, and gene modifying viruses. The term serum is just for simplicity's sake, the gene treatments are what give the permanent effects and powers, while the drugs and chemicals act like more of a catalyst to get things started. Her only real successes are her daughters Stormfront, and Bouncing Betty, but the Werwolf Formula (Like Werewolf, but pronounced Vervolf) is a reasonably effective second choice for a lot less work and fairly similar effectiveness to create superior soldiers for combat. They can still use guns and wear armor, but have razor-sharp fangs and claws and possess enhanced strength, speed, senses, etc, etc. You all know what a werewolf is! They are triggered by some unknown effect from a full moon but have no weaknesses to speak of, except being unable to wear gas masks with their wolf maws. It's like trying to muzzle a rabid dog once they transform. They are not immortal, but are hard as Hell to kill and soak up small to medium-sized arms fire like sponges, heal quickly, and can still wear human body armor. They actually don't grow much when they transform, their muscles and bones get harder and denser, not necessarily bigger. So they are relatively small depending on their human base, but are some of them jacked-ass werewolves with frames that put powerlifters to shame? Yes! Perfect? No. Effective? Yes. Even though they become more aggressive, they retain most of their human intelligence while transformed. The changes to the skull shape do put some pressure on the frontal lobe and make them a bit dumber and more aggressive, however.

Apathy and Enhanced Violence/Cruelty/Barbarity: Eva is a cold individual with zero moral qualms about harming others and she is incredibly good at it. She actually enjoys it. She is not necessarily good at fighting but makes up for it in sheer brutality and mercilessness. She can also really torture and disable someone in a fight with her Telekinesis by twisting or crushing their limbs.

Medical/Lab Weaponry Proficiency: She is really good with using things like Syringes, Scalpels, Bonesaws, even Sutures, and other improbable weaponry. She doesn't have to be a skilled fighter when she can fling a syringe filled with who knows what with incredible accuracy or fly at high speed to catch someone with it off-guard and paralyze them with the chemicals inside, for example.


Eva's Gas Mask: The prototype supersoldier formula literally blew up in her face and scarred it with chemical and thermal burns from the reaction. It gave her some mild butterface, but it's really not so bad as to warrant wearing a gas mask all of the time. It has an AR HUD giving her various information about the world around her with Scanner Vision as well as Night Vision, X-Ray, and Thermal Vision. It is a modern gas mask with a WWII Nazi flair. It also has a voice changer built-in. It's a miracle that she gets anything done with that gas mask on, let alone surgery... They obscure a good portion of your vision... Though hers is tricked out, so maybe it has some hidden cameras to fill in blind spots?

Medical Weaponry: Eva uses everything from scalpels to syringes filled with Mystery Nazi Drug X to knock people out or create monsters... But she is also a diabolical mad chemist... One of her most devious creations is a gas grenade that releases her custom blend of anesthetics, muscle relaxers, and mutagen primer virus to knock out, stun, and prep for experimentation all in one...

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