Saturday, April 14, 2018

Codex: Royal Family Pheromones (Bio-Pollen)

Bio-Pollen: The females of the Biyalian Royal family naturally and passively produce pheromones laced with Bio-Pollen 24/7. These are most concentrated in areas with a lot of sweat glands. The effect of these simply makes anyone who smells them more comfortable around the producer. It also makes them much more willing to oblige requests asked of them. They have the additional effect of making people attracted to the source, pheromones coming from the feet will eventually create foot fetishes. The effects are temporary at first, but prolonged exposure will make the effects permanent. They do not work on the Royal Family members themselves.

Hypno-Pollen: Hypno-Pollen is the scary big sister of Bio-Pollen. Hypno-Pollen occurs when Bio-Pollen levels in the pheromones hit such great saturation levels that the pheromones become a highly visible shimmering yellow cloud. Just touching the pollen begins to sap the willpower of the affected and inhaling it puts them under the complete control of the pheromone's owner in both body and mind. Making them a 100% loyal slave who will do anything asked of them within their power. To reach this level of Pollen saturation a Biyalian Woman has to be sauna levels of sweaty and a conscious will to control others. Queen Zazzala is a notable exception in that she can freely produce Hypno-Pollen. Hymenopterans can also freely use Hypno-Pollen, although only two exist as of 2045.

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