Thursday, May 28, 2020

Codex: The Hymenopteran Coalition

Core Forces

RTS Command Console: The HMS Dreadnought has a special holographic display system. It allows the user to give commands and coordinates to real troops, much like in an RTS game. It functions as a map of the battlefield with units represented for both sides with distances. Princess Xozalla of Biyalia is an exceptionally skilled user of this system, being an avid strategy gamer in her spare time. She is in the Top 100 Starcraft players in the world, Top 10 if you exclude South Korean Starcraft players. That is a different league entirely! She is actually Number One in the Alien League under the Username: The_Blunette_Princess_Bee, having a huge advantage due to being raised human, but she's an alien so...

The militaries of Biyalia, Vespidaria, and Formicindia have combined, essentially tripling their power overnight. As of right now, Hymenoptera has three Juggernaught Class Battleships between them, used as flagships, each with a unique primary armament. They are as follows.

Biyalia: HMS Dreadnought. Primary Armament: "Ragnarok". This is a Marathon Class Fusion Cannon upscaled to an almost absurd extent. Named for its 26.6-mile range, this laser and particle amplifier combo atomizes everything it touches, leaving only scorched holes in the ground behind. It can easily punch a hole through other Juggernaught Class ships, taking them down in one shot no matter where it hits.

Vespidaria: HMS Jupiter. Primary Armament: Graviton Cannon. This weapon uses sub-atomic particles called Gravitons to increase gravimetric forces in the localized area of whatever this laser touches. Imagine crumpling a soda can, and that's what happens to whatever this laser touches. Structures collapse under their own weight, vehicles are turned into twisted metal balls and living creatures... Let's just say it's difficult to clean up afterward after they're turned into bloody meatballs...

Formicindia: HMS Black Queen. Primary Armament: "Rain of Hell". An acid produced from their own bodies and taken to a lab to be made thousands of times more corrosive. It is sprayed from extreme pressure nozzles all over the ship to essentially rain down acid on their opponents. It has a deceptively long range. On its own, Formic acid will just irritate whatever body part it touches... But the superacid they engineered in the lab is a clear liquid that will eat away until nothing is left, upon contact with a surface. It is an Absolute Acid that will eat away at anything except for one material, see below. They made Xenomorph Blood but scarier, it is so strong that it cannot be neutralized by a base. The aftermath of the use of this weapon results in puddles of goo that are a brownish color. The ones that used to be living things anyway. Metal just kinda melts into mercury-like metallic goo. The only material resistant to this acid and that it can be safely stored in is special ceramics only the Formicindians know how to make. They distribute coating kits to protect their allies and of course, they have it built into their armor and vehicles.

With flagships out of the way we now move onto special assets. These range from exceptionally skilled soldiers, to metahumans, to specialized vehicles.

The Scarlet Sniper: Anastasia Velikanova is an exceptionally skilled sniper, despite her relatively young age. While it's true she's just one woman, she fires a bolt-action 50 cal like it's a semi-automatic while retaining pinpoint accuracy so... She's like one of those Hero units in an RTS game. See her bio for more information. Such as her continuously improving gun...

The 50 Foot Woman: Her name is self-explanatory. Ariel Archer is our very own 50's B-Movie monster, literally. In addition to using her sheer size, strength, and durability to smash things she was also given a giant plasma minigun, it's special in that addition to being her size was upgraded by Automaton Princess X7 to have "Quantum-refreshing energy cells" or in laymen's terms, unlimited ammo. The sounds it makes as it destabilizes plasma fields and divides them into beams in the targeting matrix strike dread into the hearts of her enemies. It is so powerful that it shreds battleship armor as easily as it shreds people and punches through forcefields... She also carries a collapsable plasma scythe. See her bio for more information.

Ghost Fog Tanks: Formicindians are masters of chemistry. These mobile artillery pieces launch a completely invisible gas that can penetrate air filtration systems like gas masks and air filters in vehicles and buildings. It causes bleeding from the nose, mouth, and eyes, and violent coughing often resulting in blood. It works by breaking down capillaries, veins, arteries, and causing eventual death by massive internal bleeding. It also causes blistering in areas that tend to get moist like the armpits and genitals. Making it all the more terrifying is that these shells are completely silent until they burst and it's too late and the shells themselves are optically camouflaged. The tanks also come equipped with optical camo and run silently, hovering via magnetism over any terrain including water, not even islands are safe. Formicindians don't wage war often but when they do fight they like to end conflicts quickly through sheer terror, as is reflected in their military weaponry.

Coalition Assets

This is where we'll overview vehicles, soldiers, and WMDs on loan to Hymenoptera through its allies.

The Archangel of Judgement: A WMD on loan from Automata. Using their so advanced, it's indistinguishable from magic tech (Almighty Science) this weapon takes the form of what you'd assume an angel looks like. A mysterious hooded figure with a face made of pure shadows and wings that are strands of pure blue light. Anyway upon deployment this thing teleports in and slows time to crawl and even sucks the very sound out of existence as it waves its hand and wipes everything from existence in a flash of light before teleporting back out. It sounds cool as shit but I hope we don't have to use it... It's basically a Thanos Snap, but it kills 100% of life within its radius instead of 50%...

Journey Bombers: On loan from the Nymphalidaens, these bombers drop gas bombs filled with a vaporized form of potent Nectar. The same stuff Nymphalidaens smoke but in a much more concentrated form that no sane person would smoke. Anyway once exposed, the targets will begin tripping next-level balls. Nymphalidaens don't like to hurt other creatures... However, if the enemy ends up hurting themselves and their allies while tripping balls... Well... That's on them, not the Butterflies. The pilots fly while totally stoned or tripping on Nectar and the bombs explode in perfect synchronization with the Dubstep tracks that they blast while flying via hyper-advanced timing computers.

The Amphibians: Despite their rather humble name, the Amphibians are highly trained squads of Serrasalmidaen Special Forces who are very much not Amphibians but they can breathe on land and underwater so... They are uniquely trained to fight underwater and on land and specialize in stealth tactics and infiltration. They are badasses. They're like... Frogmen except they're Piranhas.

Sandworm Tanks: On loan from the Forficuldaens, former construction vehicles were retrofitted to be used in war. These segmented tanks dig using a series of drills and plasma cutters. Each segment hides a different weapon. It works well with their surprise hit and run style.

Blue Dart Fighters: On loan from the Libellulidaens, these VTOL fighters are the fastest in this galaxy. They're not heavy on weaponry but they can outmaneuver pretty much anything and have unmatched mobility and handling. Their pilots wear specially designed G-Dampener suits to combat extreme G-Forces as well as G-Diffusors that allow them to defy physics and stop or turn on a dime. Even at high Mach.

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