Thursday, September 29, 2016

The War Witch Unit: Anastasia "Ana" Velikanova a.k.a. The Scarlet Sniper

Note: Most of the information, namely her appearance was sent to Elana's datapad from the database. Everything else is just her personal observations

Full Name: Anastasia “Ana” Sokolova Velikanova

Nicknames: Ana, Asya, Stasia, Staci, Tazia. She really likes her nicknames, but usually, she's just Ana. Even though her full first name is so pretty...

Aliases: Snowbear, The White Reaper, The Snow Reaper, The North Wind (Because she is silent and can invisibly kill people from miles away silently... Like a deadly wind... Her enemies never know where her fire comes from...), Short Stuff (By Steel Czarina), Snow Ghost (She is a master scout, recon, and intelligence gathering agent), The Snow Stalker

Hair: Blonde, shoulder-length. Bob when not geared up. (She keeps it short for this reason) She was wearing a Spetsnaz Crimson Beret in her photo. Apparently, that's the minimum qualification to get into the War Witch Unit...

Compound Eyes: Blue… You’ve yet to see them in person though… But anyone on the receiving end of her scope… Let’s just say you don’t want her looking your way through her Scarlet Ski Goggles… She probably has murder in her eyes and the "I'm serious" bob... Looking at her picture she's got the bob, but she looks sweet. In the field though... Watch out enemies of Russia...

Height: An Amazonian 6’10 (Actually... Wonder Woman is only 6'0... She is an inch taller than the world's tallest model who funny enough is also Russian. She has normal body proportions, it is not medically gigantism, she is just exceptionally tall.)

Figure: F-Cup, Hourglass… Probably very fit. Can’t exactly tell through her winter gear but she has to be in great shape, her gun is fucking massive... Kinda like her boobs… Damn… Those things must make it hard to lie prone so she can do her job... They really grow em big on the farms in Russia… She definitely has the well-developed back and chest muscles underneath to support those things... She has an equally fat ass, even through her suit you can tell it is nice... Naturally, she has legs for miles too...

Feet: US Women's Size 21 (14 inches long). Looks fine on someone her height. You have yet to see her feet outside of her combat boots. Russian girls are usually pretty hot from head to toe though… Guessing white polish since it seems to be her favorite color. Gut feeling says she has gorgeous model feet! Gut was right, soon after having this thought, her mom showed you a picture of her making a cute sassy pouty face with her arms wrapped around her knees showing off her new toe ring... So she just happened to have a nice picture of her daughter that clearly shows off her feet... Those long toes... Yum... You definitely didn't have Go scan the picture while cloaked and send it to your phone and datapad... You could also just take some pictures yourself or y'know, ask, and even though you know she's actually a marshmallow outside of combat she's still pretty intimidating... According to her Aunt, her mom's twin sister who used to be the Scarlet Sniper before Ana, her Commanding Officer actually has a huge foot fetish so this shouldn't be anything out of the ordinary for her. You kinda wanna meet this Baba Yaga...

Personality and Background: She’s Russian and… Well, she’s an enigma… But for someone who’s seen as much combat as her, her bio says she’s always a pleasure to work with… Whether that’s good or bad is yet to be decided… Her bio says that she is 35 years old. She has a heavy Russian accent and occasionally speaks in semi-broken English. She is a Crimson Beret-wearing member of an All-Female Spetsnaz Unit that's been around since WWII called the War Witches. She is the sole sniper in a group of several other badass women with particular skills, equipment, or abilities. Maybe she became the sniper cause she's actually just shy lol. Her story is interesting, her mother was actually captured and converted during WWII in the earliest days of the Hive... At some point, she snuck out and had Ana with a Russian man. Ana was actually born 100% Human, but her mother's altered Biyalian genetics may be the reason why Ana is so strong and tough... Or it's just because she's a goddamn Russian woman! She comes from a long line of tall, strong women. Anyway, Ana spent most of her life as a human, before being converted recently. She is an active member of both the War Witches and Phantom Claw, having dual citizenship, Biyalia, and Russia. The Queen was very lenient on her mother for escaping to start a family, being a mother herself. Ana is a farm girl through and through, she went through college on a basketball scholarship before being recruited into the Russian military after some officers watched one of her last games and saw how much of a beast she was on the court, seeing soldier potential in her. She got a lot of fouls for unnecessary aggression. No clue what her actual degree was in. According to her mom, Ana is actually quite shy and awkward most of the time when she's outside of her serious mode for combat. So most of the time she's pretty awkward, haha. She sometimes does an American accent as a joke and it is terrible and hilarious because of how awkward and awful it is. Always a good laugh. She keeps a very fluffy white chicken as a pet, which she has named Comrade Bugbear. It’s a “Siberian Tundra Chicken” they’re very hardy, apparently the “Toughest Chickens in the world” and they... "Eat tree"? Must be a typo... They don't eat whole ass trees... That would be ludicrous even for Russia... Right? It must mean they eat tree bark or something... Right? Why is this in her file? Emotional Support Animal maybe? She eats the eggs, growing up on a farm, it does make sense she wouldn't waste them. It also states that she can sometimes be heard humming an old Russian folk song from WWII.

Age: 35

Rank and Occupation: Zazzala described her as simply "Our Russian Agent" or "The Russian Operative". Her actual rank in the Hive is unknown. The Hell is that supposed to mean? She's associated with Phantom Claw, the Hive's Assassin Guild, she might even be as high ranked as Vice-Captain. She is also still a Sharpshotting Specialist and Crimson Beret-wearing member of the All-Female Spetsnaz Special Unit: War Witch. She also still finds time to play basketball in her free time, being on a team at the Community Center.

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (Quite literally the Big Gay, she's a big ole lesbian, literally.)

Casual Attire: Apparently when she isn't in her battle gear she wears white tennis shoes or sometimes even white flip-flops *Heavy Breathing Intensifies*, white sweatpants, a white hoodie, and carries her chicken around while making no attempt to hide her heavy Russian accent... Combine this with her height, boobs, and Modelesque looks... And yeah... She does not blend in very well... Hence why social stealth was not listed under her stealth capabilities. She cannot hide in plain sight to save her life.
Peak Human Beauty: Her mom showed you a photo of her. She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed.

Notable Abilities

Peak Human Condition: Ana is at the Peak of Human Condition through her years of growing up doing manual labor-type farm work, further honing her body training for and playing college basketball, and bringing it to its peak training in the Spetsnaz. This includes things like her mind as she can do the necessary firing calculations on the fly and memorize terrain to quickly spot movement, even while humming her favorite Russian ballad. Below are her especially exceptional categories.

Peak Human Eyesight and Accuracy: Not to say that she never misses but… A Biyalian’s superb eyesight on top of her years in the Spetsnaz as a Sniper… She’s a legend, to say the least… Seeing as she can get a nearly semi-auto firing rate from a bolt-action rifle while maintaining pinpoint accuracy speaks for itself... Not to mention the insane recoil this beast has and she shoulders it like a champ! Even more impressive to get such tight shot groupings with her upgraded semi-auto rifle...

Peak Human (Possibly even low-Enhanced) Strength, Dexterity, and Precision: She can wield an Experimental Russian Anti-Material Rifle designed to be used by 2 to 3 grown men while lying down with a bipod from a standing or crouching position and can fire it quickly and accurately. She carries at least two, 50-pound ammo bags on every mission.

Peak Human - Superhuman Stamina, Endurance (Superhuman Stamina and Endurance only for as long as her implants run, which have built-in safety shutoffs), and Durability: She can carry that massive cannon around for hours without tiring or slowing and fire it repeatedly with no damage to her shoulder from recoil other than some soreness at the end of the day, which quickly dissipates if she runs her secondary heart. She carries at least two, 50-pound ammo bags on every mission. Sometimes she's doing recon and camping out in the field for days at a time. Her implants allow her to have Superhuman Stamina and Endurance and her Subdermal Armor makes her extremely durable and nigh-unbreakable.

Peak Human Balance and Flexibility: Despite her size, she does Yoga and Ballet regularly and her balance and flexibility are at peak levels.

Enhanced Lung Capacity: She has such great control of her lungs that she can perfectly hum a song in between holding her breath for shots without breaking the rhythm and even matching her shots to the song she's humming! She can hold her breath for over an hour with her Cybernetically Enhanced Lungs, longer if she breathes in some 100% pure Oxygen through a respirator before an underwater mission, though her mask as a rebreather built into it, so she can dive for 7+ hours.

Basketball Intuition: Her height, athletic prowess, highly trained physique, and accuracy make her a beast on the basketball court. She also played basketball professionally in college. She is aggressive, a dunking machine, and can shoot insane long-range 3-pointers because of her accuracy.

Cold Resistance: She is 100% Purebred Russian, cold means nothing to her. That is not a joke... Her body displays no ill effects at sub-zero temperatures for prolonged amounts of time even without proper protection. Her suit is also designed for sub-zero temperatures and she is so acclimated to it that she can wear her arctic gear in any climate, even warm or hot ones with no ill effects.

Alcohol Tolerance (Russian): She is 100% Purebred Russian. She can drink virtually anyone in the Hive under the table except someone with a legitimate healing factor or some kind of poison immunity. You've seen her down massive amounts of Vodka with percentages of alcohol in the upper 80's without seemingly feeling the effects. She is also 6'10 so... Yeah... It's possible that she does, in fact, get drunk, but retains the ability to operate with 100% mental faculties and do things like drive or shoot, essentially being an enhanced version of being functionally drunk. Honey especially can punch through her extreme tolerance, though she still remains functional. While she doesn't ever appear drunk, alcohol definitely makes her more fun, open, flirty, and chatty.

Military Intuition and Special Ops Master: Highly trained soldier and Special Ops Commando. Ana is a Spetsnaz Crimson Beret with further specialized War Witch Training.

Weapon Proficiency: Sniper Rifle and All Heavy Weapons: Ana is a master sniper and is highly skilled with most large projectile weapons. The girl likes her big guns. For example, she is also highly skilled with Miniguns, Heavy Machine Guns, and Large Explosive Launchers of various types. Including a few designed to be mounted on vehicles.

Weapon Proficiency: Knives and Throwing Knives: Ana is a master knife fighter skilled with the use of specialized knives. She also deadly accurate at throwing them. Often scoring throat shots or eye shots. When she has a bunch of tiny knives she's a master at Speed Throwing them in rapid succession while maintaining incredible accuracy.

Enhanced Stealth: Despite being a Russian Giantess, this woman is a ghost in the field. Her Thermo-Optic Camo suit makes her basically a ghost and she trained in stealth tactics for years in the Spetsnaz. Her boots have noise-dampening soles so that she can walk silently, even while carrying her massive completely silent gun. It's not that she can't walk silently, she's been trained. But due to her size and the size of her weapon, she thought it best to have these boots specially made. Gremlin made a sound-absorbing device for her that clips to her belt to eliminate the loud droning noise that her wings make when she flies. It gives her a huge tactical advantage to be able to fly quickly from spot to spot without making noise. Most members of Phantom Claw are under 5'6 and 130 lbs, so she really sticks out... It's not that Phantom Claw is mostly ninjas or something but... It's... Mostly ninjas... I'm not saying they're all Asian cause they all wear masks so I don't actually know but... They're pretty much all more petite people. It should be noted that her social stealth is non-existent, she sticks out too much to blend into a crowd.

Enhanced Assassination: Needless to say... As long as she can get a target in her sights... They're dead.

Peak Human Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat: Even though she's primarily a ranged fighter, she has full Spetsnaz Systema Training for CQC. In addition to being physically big, she is an absolute unit! It must be terrifying to fight her hand to hand... Her strength, durability, and reach give her the edge.

Flinching Immunity/Super Armor: Ana is such a brick shithouse and has that Subdermal Armor so... She doesn't react when punched, kicked, shot, stabbed, etc... Like an unflinching machine through intense training, but she will dodge when necessary, she doesn't have a death wish. She knows when to tank and when to dodge.

Gear and Weapons

Scarlet Sniper Gear: Wearing all Arctic Camo (Even her ammo bags are white) including a Balaclava (Military Ski Mask, it covers her mouth. It has a built-in gas filter and underwater rebreather), Ski Goggles with Red Lenses (Multiple vision mode settings like Night Vision for example), and an Arctic Camo Ghillie Suit (The non “furry/foliage/feathery” looking type, hers also comes with a cape to help hide her wings which can tend to be shiny at times). The hood on it helps with insulation as well as helping to break up her body outline while not cloaked. It is bulletproof, even against other Snipers, and has an active thermo-optic camouflage to blend her with the background and mask her thermal signature. It has been modified to accommodate her bust size, she's just too big to bind and literally needs some extra breathing room, so her chest armor is shaped to fit her. Not actual size, but enough extra space that she can comfortably breathe, but you could say she has boob armor. Cause the bulletproof fabric used to cover the parts of her body that need to bend isn't always protective enough... Her boots have noise-dampening soles so that she can walk silently, even while carrying her massive gun. She is so used to wearing winter gear that she can wear it in normal and even hot climates with no ill effects. Phantom Claw does not have one singular uniform though most dress like Ninjas or MGS Foxhound commandos. Ana's stark white gear and red ski goggles stick out, in addition to her height. However... Anyone can be a "Blade in the shadows" and join Phantom Claw as long as they have the skills to kill. Though in her case she's more of a "Bullet in the shadows".

Experimental Modified Super-Silenced Bolt-Action Anti-Material Sniper Rifle with a Thermal Vision Range-Finding Scope nicknamed "Chudovische" or "The Beast": Sometimes called the "Circus Cannon" for its comical size. This gun fires bullets of the 50 caliber variety. What makes it special is that it can magnetically charge the bullets so that they cancel out the resonance field of a forcefield by matching the frequency… In English, her bullets can pass through forcefields like paper mache as if they weren’t even there. Depending on her mission she also has High Explosive Anti-Tank (Armor-Piercing) bullets for it as it is technically an Anti-Material Rifle… She has a bipod for it, but she can wield the thing standing up like it weighs nothing… It weighs 30 lbs and is designed to be used lying prone with a bipod by a small team... That damned Elephant Hunting Rifle is where it’s at! Seriously it’s a goddamned cannon! It is so powerful it can disable any vehicle, including modern tanks with a single shot to the engine block or fuel tanks with the Mini-HEAT AP bullets (Literally miniaturized tank rounds) or HEIAP (High Explosive Incendiary Armor Piercing) Bullets which are similar, but also incendiary, often lighting gasoline-filled tanks on fire or making them explode on the spot and although she always scores headshots on people, the thing explodes whatever body part the bullet hits into red paste. The regular 50 cal bullets blow off limbs I mean, they just hit with that much force. It punches train-sized holes (Exaggeration but the wound is much bigger than the bullet itself.) on a torso shot, making it a One-Shot Kill beast no matter where it hits. This beast was designed by none other than resident War Witch tech genius Gremlin. The silencer on it is a true engineering marvel as it can completely silence her shots. Not even a thwip like the movies, no sound at all, it is a sound-absorbing device, not a sound suppressor. Sheer terror... She normally has a Predator-style Thermal Range-Finding Scope, but it also has an X-Ray mode because her rifle has such raw penetration power she can still headshot people easily even through thick walls. The scope also has a Weak Point Scanner that will highlight the engine block, fuel tank, or any structural weak points or design flaws in vehicles. All of her bullets have Depleted Promethium tips, making them insanely good at piercing even the thickest modern tank armor and personnel body armor. She has an Artic Camo Ghillie covering for it, she plans to have Gremlin just paint it white whenever she decides to finally upgrade it... Fascinatingly, since the tips of the bullets are indestructible and can be reused, after killing or destroying their target they teleport directly back to Gremlin's Armory so that the indestructible AP tips can't be used against the War Witches. To be fair, they do shred and destroy gun barrels not also made of Depleted Promethium, which normal people can't smith... Just a precaution...

The Chudovische "Boombear" Upgrade: Everything great about her old cannon... Now semi-automatic flavored without losing any accuracy and in Arctic Camo White to match her gear... Cartridge magazines mean that she gets ten shots before she has to reload! All previous features included, semi-automatic with magazines is the only difference. 100% upgrade because Gremlin's loading mechanism never jams, which is the main reason why Ana did not upgrade till the end of 2020... She prefers the reliability and easy jam clearing of bolt-action, but her new gun proved itself astronomically better once she started using it. She quickly adjusted to the heavier weight with extra training and practice. The new gun is 40 pounds with a fully-loaded magazine, the bullets are pretty heavy after all... But the destructive power and speed are well worth it! All with the same truly silent, Complete Sound Absorbing Super-Silencer and Predator Scope... Boombear is just Chudovische with the loading mechanism swapped out, it's the same gun she's had for years.

She also carries a standard Biylian laser pistol as a sidearm along with an SMG, smoke grenades, etc. Her "Oh shit, spotted!" kit of non-silent weapons, though their use is exceedingly rare.

Ballistic Knife and NRS 2 Gun-Knife: She carries a knife with a spring-loaded blade that can shoot out up to 20 feet at 40 mph. She's well known for her deadly accurate throat shots using the ballistic function of this weapon as well as using it as a thrown knife. The ballistic function is generally used as an unexpected "Gotcha bitch!" surprise attack in a knife fight. Her other knife also has a "Gotcha bitch!" function in the form of a single-shot gun hidden in the handle with a range of about 82 feet that fires a standard pistol round, it's a special One-Shot Kill bullet designed to fragment and spread out on impact in addition to being laced with Curare. Figures, even the sniper's knives are guns or somehow a shooty thing, haha!

Gremlin Implants

Gremlin tech is unhackable and EMP-proof.

Secondary Heart: She has a smaller artificial heart strong enough to be used as a full replacement if necessary, it is always running at low power so it can transition seamlessly if need be. By running it simultaneously with her organic one she can boost her Stamina and Endurance by having two hearts pumping. It also makes her workouts insanely efficient because she can be more intense for longer while also nourishing her body with blood more quickly and can slightly accelerate her healing when injured.

Bionic Lungs: Highly efficient lungs engineered with both lab-grown organic and artificial tissue fibers. Ana's Cybernetically Augmented Lungs are approximately 50% more efficient than a Peak Human's Lung Capacity.

Neuro-Spinal Implant: An implant inside her spine at the base of her neck allows her to massively increase the speed at which her neurons fire, boosting her reflexes and allowing her to accelerate her perception of time. Basically, she can activate Bullet Time. Especially in combination with her other implants like the Adrenal Stim-Booster and Secondary Heart.

Adrenal Stim-Booster: An implant grafted to her adrenal gland allows her to work it much harder for much longer.

Subdermal Depleted Promethium Nanoweave Armor: She has bullet and stab-proof armor implanted in a super-thin layer just beneath her skin. There is also a super-thin tightly woven lattice on her bones that still allows for in and out, but increases their durability exponentially without adding too much weight. In the event that she needs surgery, nanomachines are used to squeeze between the gaps in the weave and fix whatever needs fixing before making their way back out when the task is completed. Every Legacy War Witch is offered immortality through nanomachines, but after seeing how fucked up Staraya Gvardiya is they decline... The survivability upgrades are very nice though, they appreciate those.

Depleted Promethium Reinforced Joints: Her joints are reinforced with Cybernetics. Useful for everything from working out to absorbing the recoil from firing her monstrous rifle.

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