Thursday, September 29, 2016

Codex: Universal Translator

The Universal Translator

No cute nickname here, this actually isn't one of ours, it was invented by the Universe Council as a way to help promote peace across the known universe, especially the Milky Way. This small cell phone-like device automatically translates any language to one the user can understand. It actually makes conversations feel natural, to the point where you don't even realize you're speaking different languages. Only one is needed for anyone in the effective range but multiple devices in sync help translation accuracy. It may also assign a regional dialect or accent as an approximation to help the user understand differences in alien languages. You can thank me for that little modification. - Karen. Anyway, it also works on all Earth Languages as well and has two modes, the default spoken mode and a mode that holographically projects subtitles. It pulls from a database that is regularly updated by all sentient species of the known universe.

Note: With recent talks of a merger between Biyalia, Vespidaria and Formicindia now is a good time to talk about the languages they speak. For settling on three different planets their level of Mutual Intelligibility is staggering. They can understand each other almost perfectly, with only slang throwing a wrench into the system. They all share the same root language of Hymenopteran so this is understandable though somewhat unheard of.

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