Thursday, August 11, 2016

Princess Bee: Princess and Queen Bios


Princess Annabelle "Annie Ant" Vi Formica

Hair: Black, shoulder-length or so, in a loose bun. It's kinda formal but also not formal

Compound Eyes: Blue. Behind them... Nothing too out of the ordinary here. She's probably the most normal of the marriage candidates... Y'know... To hide the fact that she's a bit of a Sadist... She bites... But it's kinky so...

Height: 5'10

Figure: About a DD cup. She's got an hourglass figure. Fat ass.

Feet: Size 10, Shiny Onyx Black Polish

Personality and Background: Annabelle is a real sweetheart, she's very practical and down to earth in her way of speaking and acting. Though she can act kinky when she wants to. As a whole, her species tend to be biters, rawr. Ok... So Zazzala basically said where they come from is kind of like... The West Virginia of our Galaxy Sector... Our less refined cousins... Annabelle is by no means dumb, she's just less... Regal. So to speak... Speaking of speaking, Anabelle and her mother have a bit of a light Southern accent... For some reason... Are we gonna meet British aliens next?! Like seriously! This is ridiculous! I do like it though. She's technically your cousin, due to Biyalia and Formicindia both descending from Hymenoptera and the Royal Families sharing blood, but that was thousands of years ago... It's like how all humans are technically related.

Age: 26 (Aging comparable to a Biyalian)

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Formicindian Empire, Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Abilities: Ant Manipulation: So Annie can telepathically control ants... She carries around pods of various ants... She's like the goddamn Witch Doctor from Diablo III with the jars of spiders... Anyway, she carries Bullet Ants for attack/self-defense as they have one of the most painful stings in the world. Crazy Ants to short out electronics in case she needs to. She also carries Carpenter Ants to build small things for her and transport stuff like her purse... I mean hey... They're her ants. She can also control any ants she comes across. One time she was chilling by the pool and you watched a small army of red and black ants team up to form a red heart with black text underneath on her feet that said "I see you staring Ellie." Then the letters reformed to "Get over here already." and the ants then formed arrows pointing at her feet. She's cheeky.

Queen Lasia "Auntie Ant" Vi Formica

Hair: Black, upper back length, in a bun. Not a super neat bun but a little neater than Anabelle's

Compound Eyes: Blue. Behind them... She seems like a sweet potential mother-in-law... But maybe she's spoiling you a bit much

Height: 5'10

Figure: This must be said... She gets M.I.L.F. Status... She's probably just about an E-Cup and definitely has the hourglass going on... Fat ass.

Feet: Size 10, Shiny Onyx Black Polish

Personality and Background: Auntie Ant is... Well, she's nice... Kinda like your best friend's mom that always trying to feed you... She gets irritated at the nickname you gave her, but you think it's starting to grow on her and she's realized it's a sign of affection. She likes to cook. See the above note of her always trying to feed you.

Age: *35 (Chronologically she's in her 40's but from a biological standpoint she's not even quite middle-aged yet, barely looks into her 30's. She could pass as an older sister to Anabelle, 35 is a number you pulled out of my ass. She ages like we Biyalians... Kinda like when you found out Bea was 60something)

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Formicindian Empire, Mother-in-law


Princess X-7/X7 "Genevieve" of Automata

Hair: Aqua, Shoulder Length, Bob style

Eyes: They look like human eyes, save for her Orange irises. Behind them... X7 is sweet and trying her hardest to be a "real girl" for you.

Height: 5'6

Figure: A modest C-Cup, but she can change this at-will, Hourglass.

Feet: Size 8, Light Pink Polish. As a perfect organism naturally her feet reflect this... They are aesthetically perfect in every way and so indescribably soft and cute. Literally perfect beauty. Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from hacking to cooking to building complex technology, this girl is good with her feet! As a bonus, she also has flawless robotic coordination and flow to her motions. With downloaded professional knowledge and skill combined with her robotic flow and precision, her footjobs are divine! Literal footjob machine mmm... Not only that but she can also do it at hyperspeed while still maintaining that incredible technique... She's the go-to gal if you want to cum hard... That's for sure. She even has special hyper-cooling lube she uses on you so that you don't get friction burns and the like...

Personality and Background: She generally is pretty cold and monotone, but she is slowly getting better as she observes and downloads new information. Her favorite types of music are Dubstep, Synth, Techno, and Electronica. She also likes EDM. Her favorite band by far is Daft Punk. She does not have a belly button because she was not born, she was made. Interestingly, she "dreams" in Binary when she goes into low-power mode to update and run diagnostics, or "sleep", she "dreams" in 1's and 0's.

Age: Indeterminate. Unlike, for example, a Terminator, her organic parts do not age. She has the appearance of a Young Woman in her Early 20's. The Automatons are so advanced that she could very well be thousands of years old...

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Automaton Empire, Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian


Transcendent Techno-Organic Physiology: She is Techno-Organic in nature, she's all organic where it counts. Her mechanical parts are unhackable, electrical overload, water, and EMP Proof. She can freely modify her entire appearance at will. 

Sanitized Metabolism and Pleasant Scent: She always smells neutral or pleasant. She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet. 

Absolute Condition: She has Absolute Condition, she is basically a Machine Goddess. Her body is flawless in every sense of the word and she is nigh-omnipotent, able to warp reality at her whim with hyper-advanced technology built into her body. 

Biological Immortality and Auxilary Organs: Her tech is constantly self-repairing her organic parts and she has redundant double organ systems. Mechanical copies of all of her vital organ systems that will never wear out and cannot be hacked, not that they even have an off mode, to begin with.

Self-Sustenance: Obviously, her body is fully Self-Sustaining and she does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. 

Contaminant Immunity: X7 is immune to diseases, poisons, drugs, radiation, etc.

Technology Augmentation: She can upgrade any piece of technology she touches with a techno-organic upgrade virus (A type of Nanites more accurately) if she chooses to do so. Excessive use of this power taxes her system as the mass has to come from her internal Fabricators. It's relatively harmless to her, just making her very uncomfortable and causing her to cough up small amounts of bodily fluids as her system goes into repair mode. 

Almighty Science/Advanced Tech: She possesses reality-warping powers as her technology is so advanced that it's indistinguishable from magic, making her a nigh-omnipotent Machine Goddess more than a Princess...

12th Level Intellect/Absolute Intellect: Her intellectual faculties transcend virtually all other sentient beings in their universe. Said faculties include her mental capacity and concentration, mental calculation and computation, cognition and competence, wit and ingenuity, memory capacity, mental perception, mental focus, thought processing, learning capacity, deductive reasoning, visualization, analyzation, composure, instinct, awareness, knowledge, creativity, intuition, mentality, etc. This power differs from Omniscience in that she has, essentially, a limitless IQ and intellectual capacity, and still has to learn rather than have an innate knowledge of everything. This is the greatest, most supreme level of intellect a being can attain. She also has all of the associated intelligence-based sub-powers sans psionic. Things like Omnifabrication, which allows her to build anything, instantly, with limited materials, even if it defies physics and logic. 

Supercomputer Brain: Her brain is partially organic and partially cybernetic. This both allows her brain to function as and process at the speeds of an actual supercomputer. She is connected to Automata and wirelessly networks to the processing power of her Jupiter Brain home planet. Because even with their godly technology, you cant fit precision reality-warping tech into a unit as small as X7 and have it function at full power, even with nano-compression, so she streams her processing power from Automata via shared computing. Her OS/Soul is stored in Automata's database and it is basically her god. The connection cannot be hacked and she always has a connection anywhere in the universe, an Infini-G Dataplan. Just one example is Accelerated Perception ("Bullet Time"). 

Technopathy: She can also directly interface with, download, upload, and hack tech with just her mind. She just "understands" tech and can "speak" with it. For example, she knows what a text says without looking at the phone as just one tiny example. But in all honesty, she can make even the most advanced alien AI into her bitch if she wanted to, a wave of her hand and she'd have Brainiac and his whole armada under her control.

Encyclopedic Knowledge and Internal Archive: She has an encyclopedic knowledge of the known universe and has the literal entirety of the Automaton Database archived in her head... 

Multitasking and Parallel Processing: She can also Multitask and Parallel Process like no other. She can talk to you while texting with her brain while doing research on the web while writing a novel while solving 3 math formulas, and pi as an example. You even try to catch her off guard with dumb riddles... Like Earth 66 Riddler "Sparrow with a machine gun" level WTF riddles. 

Omnilingualism and Panmanesia: She speaks every recorded language in the database and never forgets anything. Ever. 

Psychic Immunity, Perfect Psychic Shield, and Psychic Feedback: Her unique brain grants her full Psychic Immunity, Perfect Psychic Shield, and causes Psychic Feedback. 

Lie Detection and Illusion Awareness: She's also a perfect lie detector and her cyber brain cuts through any and all illusions. 

Instant Learning: Like Taskmaster's ability, but 1000 times more versatile, she just understands things instantly.

Probability Computation: By using algorithms and predictive models she can predict the future with 99.97% accuracy.

These are just a few examples of what her super brain can do. 

Absolute Combat: Her Machine Goddess body, vast knowledge, and flawless robotic precision made her a literal god-tier fighter, she knows every martial ever created and has completely mastered it.

Queen Prota of Automata

Hair: N/A, but she has this wicked looking headpiece

Eyes: Kinda look like... Light bulbs?

Height: Around 12 feet maybe? She's usually sitting, her servos don't work so well these days.

Figure: N/A, I mean she's kind of a female form robot... But... Well, she's an ancient model...

Feet: N/A (She's not a fun gynoid like her daughter, she's an old clockwork steampunk kinda thing powered by a mysterious gemstone)

Personality and Background: PERSONALITY DOES NOT COMPUTE! Think robot in a 50's B-Movie... However... Flat... Her "personality" is she is, however, very wise and has accrued much life experience. She has been the ruler of the Automaton Empire for Millenia and was Queen at the time the Hymenopterans were all but wiped out.

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Automaton Empire, Mother-in-law


Princess Luna Moonbeam-Rainbow De Nymph

Alias: The Stoner Princess, Pothead Princess

Hair: Blonde with Dyed Green Tips, Ass Length, Straight, but partially braided with loose white girl dreadlocks on the left side. She has a colorful and trippy kinda bandana with tech that makes the rainbow colors move. Honestly, it's cute, she can rock white girl dreads!

Compound Eyes: Green... Behind them... She is a typical Valley Girl pretty much... But... You feel there's something more to her... She is much smarter than she lets on...

Height: 6'0

Figure: F-cup... Perky as shit. Seriously, what are they feeding these girls... She must have the back and chest muscles to support them, cause they don't seem to bother her at all. She's definitely an hourglass... Fat ass. Model legs. In great shape from doing Yoga or something...

Feet: Size 12, Sparkly Cerulean Blue Polish... She has really nice feet... She should be a model... They're fucking gorgeous.

Personality and Background: She's a typical girly girl Valley Girl type, accent and all, but she also likes to get very handsy with you... Not that you mind... Of all the candidates she's the biggest tease... And it would be extremely easy to cash in on your fetish with her as well. She tends to speak quite slowly cause she's usually pretty stoned. Despite this, she's deceptively smart. Her IQ is well above average, she built and wired the vape necklace and plasma lighter herself. The accent and drugs throw people off. Luna is exceptionally talented at Nail Art and is amazing at many different types of massages, she has a degree of Anatomical Intuition as she really understands how the muscles work... Her species has 4 arms with 4 "dominant" equally dexterous and coordinated hands so... It makes sense! They are a very open culture, they wear little more than tasteful, slightly more modest bikinis and sandals. Their planet is warm and they are unbothered by the cold and the heat in general. They run slightly hot core body temperatures anyway, so they're not showing off skin without reason... Her warm hands make massages from her that much better anyway... Seriously amazing massages! Mmmm... Peak Human Beauty: Luna is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Makeup or not. Even if she just woke up. It's a species trait. She is opposed to violence unless it's absolutely necessary to defend herself or her loved ones.

Age: 27 (Aging comparable to a Biyalian)

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Nymphalidaen Empire, Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Gadgets: Nymphalidaen Party Necklace: Her necklace is also one of those smaller vape batteries, however, it does not originate from Earth but is, in fact, compatible with Earth cartridges, she uses it for both the psychedelic drug from her home planet called Nectar and for weed. Apparently, it never needs to be charged either. It looks like a butterfly and lights up in rainbow colors while in use. It's a seriously cool little gadget. It has a preheat mode, variable voltage control, timer mode, and it tells time cause it doesn't need a battery display. The vapors from Nectar produce rainbow-colored smoke.

Infinicharge Plasma Lighter: Infinite charge plasma lighter for when she needs to light a bong or a blunt, etc. She smokes a lot of weed... The Nymphalidaens seriously invented these 100% efficient batteries and refined weed-smoking gadgets just so that they could get stoned without being inconvenienced... It's beautiful... It's also beefy enough to double as a Stun Gun.

Luna's Incredible Edibles: Luna's homemade edibles, she likes to make marshmallow treats with Fruit Loops. Never eat more than 1/8th of one at a time... They are... Potent...

Queen Danus Harmony-Serenity De Nymph

Alias: The Butterfly Queen

Hair: Blonde, Ass length, Straight

Compound Eyes: Green... Behind them... Sometimes you don't like the way she looks at you... It feels rapey... Even if she is sooooo fucking hot... She's... Genuinely sweet though, like she could really be a real second mom to you!

Height: 6'0

Figure: Ok... Is Super M.I.L.F. Status a thing? FF-Cup? Perky as shit. At this point... I don't even know... Probably only Powergirl and Becky are bigger... She must have the back and chest muscles to support them, cause they don't seem to bother her at all. But um... Luna's mom is the hottest... She must've been that kid in school... But uh... Hourglass, check... Fat ass, check. Model legs, check. And she's in fantastic shape! She does Yoga or something...

Feet: Size 12, Sparkly Dark Purple Polish... She has really nice feet... She should be a model... They're fucking gorgeous. Her feet and toes are incredibly strong and dexterous... She gives the most amazing footjobs... Though she calls them "Sexual Massages". Best mother-in-law ever! Danus shows off her sexy ass feet whenever possible. Either by living in cute flip-flops... Or by walking around in nothing but toe rings and anklets... They're special jewelry though... They project a thin forcefield that hugs her skin and keeps her feet clean, protected, and pretty... So she can essentially walk around "barefoot"... While she can still feel through the forcefields so she can "feel her feet on the earth" or something... She turns them off when you do stuff with her feet so that she can really feel it. She has vibrant tattoos of flowers and butterflies on the tops of her feet.

Non-Foot Tattoos: She has some fairies tattooed on her stomach.

Personality and Background: She's a stereotypical Barefoot Hippie Yoga Mom into that New Age stuff... She has a Valley Girl accent and smokes a ton of weed. Despite this, she is deceptively smart. Her IQ is well above average, she built and wired the vape necklace and plasma lighter herself. The accent and drugs throw people off. They are a very open culture, they wear little more than tasteful, slightly more modest bikinis and sandals, though Danus goes "barefoot" cause of that special forcefield tech, the evil tease... Their planet is warm and they are unbothered by the cold and the heat in general. They run slightly hot core body temperatures anyway, so they're not showing off skin without reason... It feels amazing when her 4 warm equally dexterous and coordinated hands grope you or her warm feet give you a footjob... Mmmm... Sometimes she massages your face with her gorgeous feet because it "Realigns the chakras" or some shit... Actually, she has massaged your whole body with her feet before... Your whole body... Every part... With her feet... It's some of your best material to work with when you need to relieve some stress... She can realign your shit any time! She's just so flexible... It's so hot... She's so hot... She's also veeeeeery handsy when you're around... You swear she's trying to seduce you and steal you from Luna... She's fun though, she's a good time. Though you need to take a cold shower... Or just jump in an ice chest after dealing with her and even still you still feel the need to... Relieve some tension... She's such a tease! Although come to think she'd probably do it for you... Oh, and in her species mother-daughter-fiancĂ©e three-ways are commonplace... She's very self-aware... She knows that she's hot! Why else would she wear a shirt that says Le M.Y.L.F. or Lesbian Mother You'd Like to Fuck? Seriously... Self-aware M.I.L.F... The universe is evil... Eventually (Read: Quickly) you gave in to her advances, you do have a sexual relationship with her. Her people are very open people and this is quite common. Luna is all for it. She's thrilled that her mom finally found a woman she likes who will treat her right and it just so happens to be you, she doesn't mind sharing you. Her planet is a super chill planet of Hippies and Stoners and love is free, and that's awesome. Even their religion is basically just "Be cool to each other." She is opposed to violence unless it's absolutely necessary to defend herself or her loved ones.
Peak Human Beauty: If it wasn't obvious... Danus is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Makeup or not. Even if she just woke up. Even at her age, she's youthful like her daughter. It's a species trait. Grandma De Nymph is over 250 years old and... Looks like Danus, but with Gray hair... She couldn't necessarily pass for a sister, but if anything she's at most a mom and certainly does not look like a typical grandmother. Their species have a similar lifespan to Biyalians, but they age especially gracefully. Grandma Butterfly cuts your hair from time to time. She gives off major mellow old hippie vibes and in this instance, G.I.L.F. applies, or GiGi.

Age: 26? (I know that isn't right, Luna is 27, but she seriously looks like a sister to her rather than a mother... A very... Attractive sister... Aging similar to Biyalians, so she's probably way older than she looks...)

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Nymphalidaen Empire, M.I.L.F., M.I.L.F.-in-law... I mean Mother-in-law... With benefits...

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (Luna's dad was a one-off. She likes women, she just wanted to try the other sex once and it wasn't for her. Luna's mom is Big Gay, haha.)

Gadgets: Nymphalidaen Party Necklace: Her necklace is also one of those smaller vape batteries, however, it does not originate from Earth but is, in fact, compatible with Earth cartridges, she uses it for both the psychedelic drug from her home planet called Nectar and for weed. Apparently, it never needs to be charged either. It looks like a butterfly and lights up in rainbow colors while in use. It's a seriously cool little gadget. It has a preheat mode, variable voltage control, timer mode, and it tells time cause it doesn't need a battery display. The vapors from Nectar produce rainbow-colored smoke.

Infinicharge Plasma Lighter: Infinite charge plasma lighter for when she needs to light a bong or a blunt, etc. She smokes a lot of weed... The Nymphalidaens seriously invented these 100% efficient batteries and refined weed-smoking gadgets just so that they could get stoned without being inconvenienced... It's beautiful... It's also beefy enough to double as a Stun Gun.

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