Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bio: Belladonna "Bella" Crane a.k.a. Night Fright

Name: Doctor Belladonna "Bella" Marie Crane

Alias: Scarecrow II Night Fright

Age: 28 (In 2030)

Hair: Black, shoulder-length. Even though she's in her 20's she keeps her hair in twin tails. In her civilian garb, she has it in a bun for her job.

Eyes: Pitch Black... Like a Demon... Behind them... Madness! But also... You can feel a deeper connection with her... So maybe still madness actually... She's not totally gone though, she does hold down a day job. It should be noted that she also wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses when teaching at Gotham State University.

Height: 6'2

Figure: C-Cup. Hourglass figure. Thin and lanky. Not a huge, but still pretty juicy booty. Model legs... In Peak Human shape from her martial arts training without being too muscular.

Feet: Size 12, Slender. Long Toes. Halloween-themed French Pedicure, her toes are painted to look like Candy Corns and are on the longer side... Yummy, hehe. Her feet are gorgeous, she could model them if she wanted.

Personality and Background: She has what can only be described as a "loud" personality. In addition to generally talking loudly, sometimes, she just starts yelling her words. She might possibly be at least partially deaf, her mother, the Scream Queen's powers are sonic-based screams. Her sense of humor can be described as inappropriate and in most ways just plain wrong. At her core though she seems like she could be a fun girl once you get to know her. Due to their names being so similar, comparisons to Bella Swan from Twilight instantly send her flying into a rage at being compared to such a shitty, bland, woodenpoorly acted character. She generally keeps a Goth style as a "civilian", however at work opts for lighter makeup while still keeping a Goth feel, just a little more clean and professional looking. Her favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas followed by Corpse Bride followed by the 90s Addams Family movies. She sleeps with an adorable smiling vampire Candy Corn plushie with Candy Corns as fangs. She is the daughter of the Scarecrow and Scream Queen. She is half-Scream Demon, granting her numerous abilities.

Professor Crane: When teaching at Gotham State University she shifts into a sort of alternate persona... Rather, she just dials back the crazy and becomes a lot more professional, calm, cool, collected, etc. She has a no-nonsense type of personality. She can be the cool teacher, but she does not put up with shenanigans, tardiness, or sleeping in her class. As a teacher she doesn't have much of a sense of humor and if any it's maybe a sarcastic quip or two occasionally. She can also be really dark... But, she never actually aims to intentionally frighten her students.

Note: Bella is 90% deaf in both of her ears, due to an unfortunate accident when she was about 6 years old and her mother was scolding her... Her anger got the best of her and she accidentally blasted young Bella with a sonic screech at point-blank range, rupturing her eardrums and completely destroying most of the inner workings of her daughter's ears. Her eardrums healed, but the damage to her inner ear was done. She vowed to never raise her voice at her daughter again... Horrified at what she had done, Scream Queen immediately gave up her life of crime to be with her now disabled daughter. They are surprisingly extremely close and Bella does not hold any animosity or anger towards her mother. Bella is simply exceptionally skilled at reading lips, even being able to read through thin cloth masks, and can hear a few ranges of sounds. It's more a feeling the vibrations in her ears and guessing the words based on the patterns. She can "listen" to music if she's read the lyrics.  As a result of this, she is more or less immune to most sonic-based attacks. She beats her mother in sparring matches to keep her skills sharp 9 times out of 10 since Scream Queen's main form of offense is woefully ineffective against her daughter. When teaching, her classroom has some visual aids to help her better communicate with her students and her students can use computers to interface with the projector to give answers or send them so that they show up directly on her tablet. She makes it work. It should be noted that she miraculously does not have any form of speech impediment. You didn't even realize she was deaf until she told you.

Occupation: Supervillain in Gotham, AP Chemistry Professor at Gotham State University

Sexual Orientation: Belladonna Crane/Night Fright is an openly gay woman. Her students know this and all of her supervillain allies know this. Her students love her and most of Gotham's rogues are pretty chill and open-minded. It could be said that Bella is... Big Gay!


Costume and Gear: She usually wears a burlap Scarecrowesque gas mask and mostly dresses in rags. She dresses similarly to how her father did as the Scarecrow, but she added a black hood and cloak. The suit is bulletproof. She uses a scythe as her main weapon, in addition to the Fear Gas bombs obviously. She has hidden syringes in the fingertips of her gloves filled with Fear Toxin that can be popped or even shot out on command. An idea she got from her father and the stories he told of his battles with Batman this one particularly crazy night in Arkham Asylum. She also has a device that can summon and increase the aggression of nearby Blackbirds, Ravens, and Crows, making them attack her enemies on sight using a mix of bird pheromones and chemicals. She also carries two heavily modified machine pistols and various "Trick" bullets from Armor Piercing to Kryptonite.

Street Clothing: Most of the time when she isn't Night Fright, Bella is either at Gotham State University or traveling to and from it. She generally dresses like a proper professor, wearing a skirt, blouse and jacket, and high heels more often than flats. Her stockings... Well, she does usually like to add a little bit of flair... She usually wears black stockings of higher-end quality which have some kind of pattern woven in, such as roses or spiderwebs. She keeps her hair in a neat bun and opts for lighter, more professional-looking makeup, but still keeping a little of that Goth flair, maybe adding something like spider earrings. She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses.

Casual: On her off days, when she isn't Night Fright and when she isn't Dr. Crane. When she's just plain old vanilla Bella, she just likes to be comfortable. Often opting for sweatpants and a hoodie. She doesn't bother doing much with her hair, usually just letting it down or putting it in a loose ponytail or twintails. If she bothers to put on makeup she opts for a Goth style.

Crimes and Parole

List of Felonies: Domestic Terrorism, Kidnapping, Torture (Psychological), Human Experimentation, Assault, Arson, First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, Third Degree Murder, Grand Larceny, Disturbing the Peace (Allegedly her Halloween parties are Legendary! Instead of committing themed crimes on Halloween she throws huge costume parties in which supervillains often gather), and... Jay Walking.

Rehabilitation and Reintegration: She went through Arkham and was "Successfully Rehabilitated" and cleared of all charges, getting a job as an AP Chemistry Professor at Gotham State University as the only stipulation of her parole... Gotham, ladies, and gentlemen. Ironically her class spots filled up instantly when people found out the freaking Scarecrow's daughter was teaching AP Chem at Gotham U... To be fair, she's a lot more well-behaved these days than she was pre-Arkham... She's actually an excellent chemistry teacher... For example, she can give real-life examples of how people were set on fire with chemicals and give all of the nitty-gritty details about what burning human smells like... To encourage her students to be safe of course. The students love their weird dark teacher.

Notable Abilities


Enhanced Intelligence (High-Functioning Insanity): Much like her father the Scarecrow, she possesses a genius-level intellect far beyond most normal geniuses, but not inherently superhuman, and a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Psychology... She also has a Master's in Mechanical Engineering. However... She's also batshit crazy... Sort of... Though she is very unhinged, most likely repeated exposure to Fear Toxin altering her brain chemistry and the trauma of having her eardrums explode at such a young age, it has not diminished her intelligence at all. If anything it made her mind even more dangerous.

Psychological Manipulation, Personality Manipulation, and Fetish and Phobia Creation: She learned much about the darker points of Psychology and the use of Psychological Warfare, Mind Manipulation, and Scare Tactics from her father in addition to having a Ph.D. in it. With Fear Toxin she can freely mold someone's mind like putty while they're that frightened. Combined with her deep knowledge of Psychology she can make someone utterly submit to her, worship her, or mold them into whatever she wants them to be... Sometimes they break from fear-induced insanity before she can finish. Though, it's rare. The Crane Method has a 95% success rate. Bella is so good that she can give people specific fears or even flip it into a fetish. She can also make people just partially insane, like a more permanent psychotic break. A great example is how she turned Blythe Adams, the primary girl who bullied her in high school from a Preppy, straight as an arrow, law-abiding Ivy League Alumna into... Daymare... A super Gothic, super gay costumed whackadoo with a list of crimes nearly as long as Bella's own. And remember how she treated Bella in high school? Well, now she worships Bella and willingly allows herself to be chained up in Bella's basement until needed, she was Bella's Basement Bitch. Though nowadays Bella's mother keeps her as a loyal live-in maid. Bella's also good at subtle manipulation. For example, she knows puppy dog eyes have no effect on you so when she wants to sway your opinion on something she makes Ahegao faces instead cause she knows it makes you weak...

Chemistry Expertise: She has a Ph.D. in Chemistry and masterful knowledge of how to combine chemicals. She has also learned various recipes from her father and other Gotham rogues.

Mechanical Intuition and Enhanced Inventing: She has expert Mechanical Engineering knowledge and can build whatever she puts her mind to, within the reasons of materials, technology, and the laws of physics, but she's quite the gadgeteer. Her father is a great tinkerer too after all. She also has a Master's in Mechanical Engineering.

Twisted Mind: Her warped mind is nigh-impossible and dangerous to read (Her inner mindscape is a death trap). It is impossible and even more dangerous to try and comprehend. She is immune to all psychic-based attacks, mental, and dream-based powers, granting her a form of Psychic Shield/Immunity. Attempts at mind control will at best, not work and at worst, backfire, causing intense pain or even death depending on how invasive the attempt was (For direct mind control, indirect mind control like subliminal suggestion and persuasion just don't work, she's too smart and too insane).

Dr. H. Quinzel's Psychoanalysis Notes: As a Psychologist herself, Dr. Crane is tough to diagnose accurately due to her deep understanding of Psychology. She often plays games with her Psychiatrists and Psychologists at Arkham. As one of the few Psychiatrists (Not to toot my own horn, but I double majored, I'm a licensed Psychologist as well) that she's willing to truthfully talk to cause "This bitch gets it!" I have surmised that Bella is a High-Functioning Sociopath with Psychopathic tendencies. I believe that she is capable of genuine empathy and can form real relationships with a select few people she's close to. She displays intense sexual arousal when she sees true fear in someone's eyes. She was able to engineer crude Fear Toxin with chemicals from the broom closet at Arkham... She was found mounting and humping a female Orderly while she asked her to describe the fear to her. Bella was swiftly banned from accessing the supply closet after this incident. Which angered her and caused an incident where 6 Orderlies were shanked with her X-23 implants before she was finally subdued... Tranqs don't work on her, so it took a while to physically restrain her, even with a Meta-inhibitor collar on she's still a highly-skilled martial artist. She was eventually led back to her cell by her vagina when Poison Ivy was used to subdue her with Pheromones and sex appeal. Pam is a whiz like that, anyone attracted to women just melts for her... It was so much easier than trying to get a straight jacket on her after restraining her. Anyway, you could say Bella has a bit of a fear fetish since she can't feel it herself due to Fear Toxin exposure over the years rendering her immune. It is unknown what made her so unhinged... My best guess is a nasty combination of being bullied in High School for being tall, lanky, Goth, smart/"nerdy", deaf, and a lesbian. The poor girl had it really rough... Some kind of PTSD from losing her hearing so violently at such a young age mentally scarring her, her mother never correcting her again after that incident, and Fear Toxin exposure altering her brain chemistry. Until one day she just snapped, using this bizarre and dangerous behavior as a coping mechanism. Her father had an abusive religious great-grandmother, but all accounts point to no signs of domestic abuse towards his own daughter. Drug Treatment ineffective due to her Chemical Resistance. Responds well to group therapy with other children of supervillains and supervillains. Responds especially well to group therapy with the attractive females of the group. She's formed a sort of posse with patients M. Mathis (Dollhouse) and P. Riley (The Ventriloquist). Ms. Riley is harmless and just makes cute sock puppets, but Dr. Crane needs to be closely watched around Ms. Mathis at all times. Ms. Mathis is a known schemer, instigator, and manipulator. Her background as a serial killer, until she was caught and brought here to Arkham, means she might cause a relapse in Dr. Crane's more sadistic and violent tendencies if left unsupervised.


Biological Immortality: Even a half-Scream Demon does not age beyond her 20's.

High-Speed Flight: She inherited the ability to fly at high speed from her mother, easily keeping up with a Speedster out of his prime like Jay Garrick. (Just over Mach 1).

Limited Shapeshifting: Like her mother, she possesses some limited shapeshifting abilities, being able to morph with her hood to turn her face into a giant maw. She only uses this ability to launch her highest level of sonic screams.

Contaminant Immunity: As a half-Scream Demon she is Immune to Diseases, Health Ailments, and Drugs.

Poison Immunity: She possesses immunity to all strains of Fear Toxin (Acquired Immunity through years of exposure) and most toxins in general. Alcohol still has a normal effect on her, in that she can still get drunk. She can never actually die from alcohol poisoning though.

Fear Immunity: Due to repeated exposure to Fear Toxin Bella is literally unable to feel any sort of fear, terror, or even intense anxiety. That part of her brain was fried by the Fear Toxin. A side effect of this is that now gets off from other people's fear. Often looking them in the eyes and asking them to describe it to her in detail and touching their lips so that she really catches every word...

Sonic/Ballistic Scream: Bella does have the ability to use a powerful sonic scream like her mother... However... Due to the childhood trauma that caused her deafness being her mother's own sonic scream, Bella very rarely uses this ability. She will only use it in life-threatening situations and/or when under extreme emotional duress. Dr. Harleen Quinzel later helped her get over this childhood trauma and as a result, she has a powerful sonic scream and the unstable mind to use it at the higher power levels on a living being... Bella's max output was measured at 303 DB, just under the Krakatoa eruption. She actually has incredibly fine control over her output for a variety of effects. The highest level requires her to morph her face into a giant maw like her mom used to do to scare people in combat when using her powers, but her deafness allows her to reach insane levels before she needs to morph her head into a maw. It also has the effect of increasing the fear and anxiety of those who hear it.
Notable Levels: 130 - 140 DB: Pain Inducement. Her target can feel their eardrum start to flex and the physical vibrations in their body.
150 - 160 DB: Nose starts to tingle, vision blurs, difficulty swallowing, and breathing. Start of internal organ damage.
165 DB: Bleeding from the ears, high likelihood of permanent hearing loss, ruptured eardrums.
180 - 194 DB: Death Inducement: Usually the lungs literally pop like balloons from air pressure, but at this level, any number of organ systems can fail in various ways from sonic damage, death can be anything from heart attack to stroke to embolism to drowning depending on which organs start to bleed first. 194 DB is the limit of sound in air, the air pressure created by her scream at this point onwards is so intense that the low-pressure zones become a perfect vacuum, and her attack transitions from soundwaves to shockwaves and she starts to create Razor Wind able to rip flesh from bone in an instant and sheer off limbs effortlessly or shatter concrete and punch through metal.
300+ DB: "The Bass Cannon": Bella's own name for it woefully undersells it. This directed sonic attack hits with the force of an atomic bomb! It melts or ignites anything it touches due to heat generation from the air compression generated. Have you ever seen melted concrete before?


Weaponized Limbs/Hidden Arsenal/Blade Retraction: Inspired by X-23, Bella grafted 6-inch Depleted Promethium blades to the bones in her forearms and feet. Two pop out between the knuckles on each of her hands and one between her big and second toe on each foot. She has a healing factor because of her Demonic heritage, but they do hurt every single time she pops them out. It's a small price to pay for always having a blade on hand... Or foot... She's used to the pain now and can pop them without flinching...

Enhanced Beauty: She has a natural, almost otherworldly beauty about her. She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed. She is so ridiculously photogenic all of the time it's kinda scary... Arguably scarier than her Night Fright mask...

Sonic Resistance/Immunity and Selective Invulnerability (Sound and Vibration): Bella is near-completely deaf. She can comfortably tank Sonic Screams up to 180 DB in her normal form before starting to feel pain, but at that point, you start to transition from sound and vibration to air pressure and shockwaves which is outside of her selective invulnerability. Her entire body also has incredible resistance to the effects of soundwaves and vibrations that would kill a normal person as a result of her half-Scream Demon physiology and a catalyzing incident at a young age activating her dormant genes prematurely (Hybrids usually manifest abilities and changes in their teenage years), however, the damage was already done to her ears. She has full Sonic Immunity when her head is shifted into its giant maw form. She has some level of Demonic durability due to her half-Scream Demon heritage, so the pain she feels from strong sonic attacks may be psychological... She also has incredible resistance to air friction.

Protected Senses: Bella is near-completely deaf. As a result, she is immune to that type of sensory overload. When her head is shifted into its giant maw form she is also immune to being blinded or overloaded with smells. While flying with her head shifted she navigates using soundwaves and doing advanced calculations based on the vibrations from the reverberations like a form of echolocation without actually being able to hear.

Vertigo Immunity: Bella's inner ears are completely destroyed. Ever since that incident she has never felt dizziness, nausea, or lightheadedness ever again.

Scythe Proficiency/Enhanced Scythemanship and Firearm Proficiency: She is extremely skilled in the use of a scythe, being able to wield the heavy, poorly balanced weapon with incredible dexterity and skill, accurately and precisely slicing her foes to ribbons without being hindered by the weapon's great weight. She has some knowledge of the use of firearms and is actually a really good shot.

Enhanced Combat Proficiency: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant. While she doesn't often use hand-to-hand combat as she prefers the scythe to fight. If forced or disarmed she has become a master of both the Crane school of Kung Fu and Drunken Boxing, as taught to her by her father. She also knows regular boxing and kickboxing. The blades hidden in her wrists and feet are a nice edge in a fight as well.

Fear Inducement: Via Fear Toxin and Scare Tactics learned from her father.

Peak Human Balance and Flexibility: Despite extensive inner ear damage, Bella has extraordinary balance and her lanky frame affords her great flexibility, effortlessly bending her body like a contortionist.

Peak Human Reflexes: Her martial arts training has honed her reflexes to the peak of human potential. However, her deafness renders her very vulnerable to sneak attacks from behind. It should be noted however that she can somewhat sense changes in air pressure from behind and can potentially smell someone before they can sneak up on her. If she can see it coming she can catch an arrow mid-flight.

Peak Human Agility: She is like an Olympic Level Gymnast and Acrobat. Effortlessly dodging attacks with her lanky frame.

Superhuman Speed: She can fly at just over Mach 1. She can also hover low along the ground at high speed or orbit around an opponent during a fight. She can also use her flight to augment her ground speed.

Peak Human/Enhanced Strength, Dexterity, and Precision: Bella effortlessly swings her large and heavy scythe around with great speed, dexterity, and precision as if it weighed nothing at all... She also usually punches or kicks a hole through sandbags when practicing Martial Arts more than she would care to admit... Even brand new ones. She can even push into Enhanced territory when she's pissed enough or with enough Adrenaline. She's deceptively strong for someone so lanky. This is most likely because she's half-Scream Demon and while not as strong as her mother is stronger than most humans.

Enhanced Stamina: Her immunity to poison includes fatigue toxins. She's very slow to tire.

Enhanced Lung Capacity: In theory, she can hold her breath for as long as she can scream which is a really... Really... Really... Long time. Though she rarely needs to use her power for that long. She breathes at the same rate a normal human would.

Minor Enhanced Senses: Being deaf since the age of 6 has sharpened Bella's other 4 senses past what most humans are capable of. She has excellent night vision for a human and excellent vision overall. She's actually a pretty good shot, but her firearm of choice is not known for its accuracy. Her sense of smell is above average and she can pick up on things like fear, naturally, arousal, and even lies, but she's not a bloodhound. Her sense of taste is enhanced. Her sense of touch is enhanced to the point that she can look someone in the eyes and put her fingers on their lips and understand every word perfectly clearly. She often uses this to have people she dosed with Fear Toxin describe the fear to her in great detail since she can't feel it herself anymore. She can also sense acute changes in air pressure to an extent.

Bio provided by His Divine Shadow

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