Friday, October 21, 2016

Bio: Gillian Smythe a.k.a. Nightingale

Real Name: Gillian "Jill" Angela Smythe

Alias: Nightingale

Nicknames: The Irish Succubus

Age: 23 (In 2030)

Hair: Dark purple. Her hair is mid-length and stops a little above her shoulder

Eyes: Soft blue...  They seem to have a hypnotic effect, making you feel relaxed if you stare at them too long.

Height: 5' 6"

Figure: C-Cup "Hourglass figure"

Feet: Size 8 1/2. Her toes are painted with dark purple polish though she tends to wear boots a lot so you don't see them that often.

Personality/Background: Gillian is the daughter of Manchester Black and Siobahn Smythe (a.k.a. Silver Banshee). She was raised by her mother though she spent some time in foster care. It sort of gives her a rebellious personality against authority figures. Like her mother, her powers manifested at 18 and she used them to her advantage eventually adopting the criminal alias Nightingale. Gillian tends to have a pretty cool composure. She doesn't smile much and the first impression she gives is that she has a serious no-nonsense type of personality. In actuality, she has a dry/sarcastic sense of humor that becomes apparent if you get to know her.  While she is generally nonchalant, there are moments where she can display a more fiery side to her personality. Usually, this happens when she finds something she is particularly passionate about. She's a bit of an expert on Irish Lore and Mythology, she could write a freakin book about it!

As Nightingale, Gillian tends to be more flirtatious than in her everyday life. Jill is fully aware that she is attractive and has no problems using it to her advantage.  In her day job as a bartender, Jill isn't above turning on the charm to score some tips. As Nightingale though she turns it way up being playful and teasing. Her flirting helps to make it easier for her victims to succumb to her powers

Gillian speaks with a bit of an Irish accent. She's actually quite good at vocal impressions and can mimic  American and British accents quite convincingly but the natural state of her voice has an Irish tint to it.

Occupation: Bartender. Gillian is a co-owner of the Emerald Siren, an Irish pub on the lower east side of Manhattan which she bartends and sings at. As Nightingale, Gillian is involved in a range of criminal activities mostly theft and robbery.  There are some more serious crimes on her list such as assault but she tends to stop short of murder. Her criminal activities these days tend to be more for the thrill/excitement of it rather than for financial gain though she did use the money she acquired from an earlier bank robbery to purchase the Bar she owns.

Costume: Gillian usually dresses in a Goth style but as Nightingale, it is more prominent; There is sort of a shift from Pastel Goth to Goth. Jill usually wears quite a bit of black clothing but she is not opposed to wearing white as well (often a T-shirt underneath a light jacket). When she transforms into Nightingale, white tends to disappear from her clothing as they shift to darker shades and any shade lighter than Dark blue isn't a part of her color scheme.  To hide her identity, dark circles appear around Gillian's eyes sort of like Dark Makeup. Dark Lines also appear on her cheeks accentuating her jawbones making her face resemble a skull slightly.

Sexual Orientation: Gillian is an openly Bisexual Woman (A dead center 3 on the Kinsey Scale, she likes men and women equally)

Powers and Abilities

Nightingale has similar powers to her mother Silver Banshee but they vary a bit. They include:

Sonic/Ballistic Scream/Death Wail: Nightingale has a powerful scream of Supernatural origin which is capable of shattering solid matter. She generally does not go any higher than the 130 - 140 DB Pain Inducement range (Generally no lasting damage) on living beings... Maybe up to the 165 DB wombo combo of popped eardrums, bleeding ears, and permanent hearing loss range as when she gets pissed enough as she can be rather... Well frankly terrifying when angered... However... If someone were to truly incur her wrath... Her scream can reach such levels that death can occur from any number of internal organ failures... But oh no... Jill doesn't half-ass things... If someone were to for example hurt a family member she would crank the volume right up to 11, or rather 194+ DB, the limit of sound in air in which the air pressure she generates is so intense her scream stops being sound and the low-pressure zones become a perfect vacuum and her attack transitions from soundwaves to destructive shockwaves and starts to create a self-explanatory Razor Wind effect. Any living thing hit by this would theoretically have its skin violently ripped from its bones and most likely have several limbs lopped off in the process. At this level and up (Upper limit unknown) she can shatter concrete and punch holes through metal.

Sonic Immunity/Protected Senses: Hearing: Nightingale's Banshee powers are inherently Supernatural in nature. As such, she suffers no ill effects from all sonic attacks including her own wail, and is completely immune to all sonic-based attacks and she cannot have her sense of hearing overloaded, being completely immune to sensory overload from her ears. A neat bonus is that she can listen to loud music without damaging her hearing at all. She particularly likes Celtic Metal AT MAX VOLUME! It always sounds like she's ready to lead a bloody revolution against the British at any given time! Haha. Especially given that she can sing along in Irish while headbanging as she's fluent in it. Irish not headbanging but she's "fluent" in that "language" too, haha!

Energy Resistance: Nightingale can withstand most energy attacks including concussive force to an extent.

Alcohol Tolerance (Irish): Not a joke. Jill's half-Irish. She can drink anyone under the table except for her mom and people with actual healing factors or who otherwise possess poison immunity. She will eventually get "drunk"... Eventually... You've personally seen her hit the whiskey all night and get up and do an Irish Dance for you up on the table that anyone else who drank that much would immediately fail at and do a nasty faceplant... Most people would be on the floor or the hospital... Perhaps it's that she is actually drunk... She can just still function at 100% mental facilities while drunk. She is definitely 100% more fun and flirty when she drinks and her accent seems to get heavier the more she drinks... You love her sexy accent so... Win-Win! It is possibly a legitimate superpower that comes along with the Banshee curse, but there are too many variables to be sure.

Enhanced Strength and Speed: She is far stronger and moves much faster than a normal human but not to inherently superhuman levels.

Sonoportation/Sonokinetic Teleportation: Nightingale can teleport herself via sound waves to other locations.

Life Force Absorption: Like her mother, Nightingale can siphon an opponent's life force energy through touch. It has to be on an intimate level though i.e. through a kiss. It's enough to make her target feel drained and tired but not enough to do any lasting harm to them. It doesn't reduce their lifespan or anything and just makes Jill generally feel good and can accelerate her healing when injured.

Hypnotic Voice: In addition to that, Nightingale can use her voice to hypnotize opponents, putting them into a deep trance.

Weakness Sense: She also has limited psychic abilities, being able to discern people's weaknesses by learning their names.

Encyclopedic Knowledge (Irish Lore and Mythology Only): Jill is a walking Encyclopedia Celtica, any question you have on Irish lore and mythology? Jill knows it. Her mother always drilled into her the importance of her heritage. After learning a bit from her, you now refer to her mother as The Morrigan when discussing her with Jill... Cause she kind of is a scary war goddess... The Phantom Queen... It's not an insult, she finds it endearing that you're both scared and a little turned on by her intensity.

Basic Hand to Hand Combatant: Jill took self-defense classes. She can hold her own in a street fight and occasionally has to break up bar fights. The most effective tactic she's discovered is picking the offending patron up by their shirt in one outstretched arm. It generally frightens people, often men twice her size when this lil' lady picks them up with one outstretched arm. If that fails, a quick "Banshee Face" along with a "Boo!" is actually enough to set almost anyone straight when combined with the enhanced strength feat. She has two regular patrons that she finds extremely entertaining so she never breaks up their fights. These two men show up almost every day, get drunk, one will push the other and they'll get up and get into fighting stances... Circling the same spot for up to 5 hours! Just daring the other guy to throw the first punch. She has started taking bets as to which brother throws the first punch and ends the standoff... Circle off... It is hilarious to watch and just so unbelievably Irish...

(Gillian created by KingsSideCastle)

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