Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bio: The Vespidarian Royal Family

Queen Ziraylia Vi Vespa a.k.a. The Queen Wasp

Hair: Black, goes down to her ass. Usually just lets it flow naturally, but will sometimes style it in different ways such as fancy updos.

Compound Eyes: Amber. Behind them... She's sweet and loving... Ever your amazing Aunt Z. (Well she's technically your mother-in-law and your aunt because she's your mom's distant cousin because Biyalia and Vespidaria were once both Hymenoptera and the Royal families share blood but you've always just called her Aunt Z.)

Height: 5'10

Figure: Thin and lithe, hourglass. About a D-Cup. Fat ass. Modelesque legs.

Feet: Size 9, Onyx Black/Emerald Green Alternating Polish. They're gorgeous. She could model them if she wanted to.

Personality and Background: She's actually really sweet, like really sweet. She dotes on you constantly, treating you like her own daughter despite you being her niece/daughter-in-law (It's very complicated). She is a wise and benevolent leader. She has led the Vespidarian Empire to great prosperity in her decades as Queen Wasp.

Age: She's around Zazzala's age so it's a total fuckin mystery! She looks like she could pass for Ziyaya's sister though. Now that you know how old your mom is... Aunt Z was born around WWII... It's just interesting is all.

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Vespidarian Empire, The best mother-in-law/Auntie combo ever!

Special Abilities: Peak Human Intellect; Enhanced Flight Speed (Like all Vespidarians, whose speed is greater than most Biyalians)

Princess Ziyaya Vi Vespa

Nicknames: Yaya, Zi

Alias: The Gamer Princess (Though you like to flex on her with your RTS game skills since she does not possess the same strategic brilliance you do... She's good at most genres though and she's the only wife you have that owns a freaking game console... So the two of you click exceptionally well. Even if you are more of a Gamer Princess than her cause she can't do strategy as well, but who's counting how accurate nicknames are? She's your Gamer Princess and Diablo III wifey and Mega-grinding Partner. It's a normal thing for the two of you to be blasting Speed Metal while tearing through a Greater Rift at insanely high Torment levels pulling all-nighters just grinding. Or playing Monster Hunter World as a duo with your Palico pals, all gadgets unlocked and maxed out, of course, you a Heavy Bowgunner and she a Hunting Horner. She also enjoys backseat gaming when you play XCOM II (One of your proudest platinums in your 100+ cause sheesh! Watching her suck is hilarious though, not gonna lie.) She loves a riveting game of Gun Chess too, but she'd rather watch you crush it than crash and burn it herself. Again, not a strategy gamer but still your partner.)

Hair: Black with Emerald Green streaks, Mid-back length. Her hair is down, but also kinda teased up, it's really voluminous if that makes sense.

Compound Eyes: Amber. Behind them... She gives off self-confidence, which is sexy.

Height: 5'9

Figure: Thin and lithe, hourglass. About a C-Cup. Fat ass. Modelesque legs.

Feet: Size 9, Onyx Black on one foot and Emerald Green on the other. They're gorgeous. She could model them if she wanted to.

Personality and Background: Ziyaya has a very... Strong presence... She's not exactly domineering, but she can really take charge, which you don't mind all that much... She has an aura of coolness about her. She is Princess of the Vespidarian Empire. She's technically your cousin, due to Biyalia and Vespidaria both descending from Hymenoptera and the Royal Families sharing blood but that was thousands of years ago... It's like how all humans are technically related. Like you, she is an avid gamer girl. So... The Elephant in the room... Yaya was created by your wish with Genie that reunited the Empires Three into New Hymenoptera to keep balance in the universe and so that Ziraylia had an heir... Even though Yaya was kinda spawned into existence from thin air and everyone's memories adjusted accordingly... You can't help but still adore her anyway! And you are so glad that she exists to be your gaming partner and bombshell wife with model feet (Seriously, Peak Beauty, head to toe!) and a very open and kinky mind. The wish was an all-around win! Except for your grumpy Future self getting her panties in a wad over it... She has a Yaya in the future too... Just sayin'!

Age: 28

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Vespidarian Empire, Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (She is almost as Big Gay as you... Almost...)

Special Abilities: Like all Vespidarians, she possesses an Enhanced Flight Speed greater than most Biyalians.

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