Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Bio: Anna a.k.a. Angel Witch

Anna von Reinhouser

Aliases: The Chaos Witch, The Scarlet Witch

Hair: Silver (Formerly Natural Blonde), Ass-length, Straight

Eyes: Purple. (Formerly Blue) This is due to her magic saturation. She is much more in control of it than you, so the effect on her eyes is more subtle. Behind them... To compare to her sister she's a lot like Leah except more aloof with emotions. She seems like she'll be a good magic teacher though. She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses.

Height: 5'7

Figure: C-Cup. Hourglass.

Feet: Size 9, Onyx Black Polish, some Blood Red Arcane Runes on each of her toes, each with a different effect to boost her power. Has tons of enchanted anklets, toe rings, and some runic tattoos that both look cool and serve some magical purpose to boost her power... The reason she is barefoot is for maximum connection to the Earth, as shoes would partially block her magical connection. The connection is actually stronger if she wears barefoot sandals cause they act as a conduit or something. Especially sexy, ornate jeweled ones with enchanted gemstones. Total win! She looks so hot in them!

Personality and Background: She reminds you of Leah a lot... She's a lot more aloof with her emotions, but she seems like a sweet girl. She'll even hide inside her wings when embarrassed. She seems to be somewhat of a nerd for magic, she's very knowledgeable and owns tons of arcane books. She says stuff like "A Witch does not make mistakes, she makes unexpected possibilities." And of course, every single time you're late for training, she quotes Gandalf but subs out Wizard for Witch. "A Witch is never late, nor is she early, she arrives precisely when she means to." Anna is actually a fucking turbo geek and is adorkably awkward! Maybe that's why you have a lil crush brewing on her... She is actually a huge LOTR and D and D nerd. She is Leah and Lexi's younger sister by about a year. She comes from a dimension called the Metalverse.

Age: 27

Occupation: Member of a group of supervillains called the Z Team with the callsign Angel Witch

General Attire: She wears loose black robes and goes barefoot, possibly keeping her feet clean and protected with magic.


Organic Wing Manifestation, High-Speed Flight, and Chaos Inducement: Her actual Meta-gene manifestation is the big black bird wings on her back, allowing her High-Speed Flight, though they grew as she did, so she couldn't even fly properly until age 17! But she could glide short distances at 15. That and the ability to make objects break if she concentrates hard enough. 

Black Witchcraft/Black Magic/The Dark Arts/Maleficium and Chaos Magic: Feeling completely weak and screwed by the genetic lottery, Anna began studying the Dark Arts and nurturing her tiny seed of Chaos Magic throughout her teen years... Lexi got the power to control freaking sub-atomic particles and copy and absorb other powers and in Leah's case her destiny or some shit, even before becoming the new Grim Reaper and later the new Archangel of Death, she could teleport and make non-living objects decay, and crumble from an extremely young age, while Anna could simply fly and break small objects with her mind... The equivalent of a freaking spoon bender compared to her sisters! So she spent years studying Dark Magic and her natural Chaos Magic to keep up with her sisters. As a result, she is an extremely powerful sorceress capable of reality-warping feats. Her power comes from her knowledge and years of training, her magic is honed to a surgical edge through skill and willpower. Her chaos magic grows in power with chaotic emotions... She when she feels too much anxiety, fear, or anger... Random Alice in Wonderland levels of batshit crazytown could become the new reality of the entire freaking planet! So, she meditates a lot and drinks a lot of herbal tea, for everyone else's sake. She smokes a lot of "Witch Weed" too, like Gandalf. She's even got her favorite wooden Witchweed pipe like Gandalf's. It's not magical weed, just regular Marijuana strains with Lord of the Rings-ass names like Mt. Doom's Fire, Sauron's Rage, Winking Wizard, You Shall Pass! (This pipe), etc. She likes those "Biblical" strains too, The Burning Bush, Vision on the Mountaintop, Parting of the Red Sea, Exodus, etc. Smoking does make her magic stronger, as her magic flows more efficiently and her emotions are easier to control because she just feels good. Naturally, she has more than one wooden Gandalf pipe and a big ole witch hat she wears when smoking. She also has an ornate wooden staff for use at parties, if someone is an asshole, she'll teleport them out and stand in the doorway yelling "You shall not pass!" She's so much fun when she smokes!

Magical Item

Dice of the Chaos Theory: Depending on how they land, they can double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, or even sextuple the power, but also potentially the mana cost of her spells by 200, 300, 400, 500, or 600%. Using these she can get anything from a spell that's 6 times stronger and costs the same to cast to a spell that hits the same, but costs 600% more to cast. She can use D20s... But they are too chaotic and unreliable compared to D6s... And she's a freaking Chaos Witch!

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