Monday, May 18, 2020

Bio: Lexi

Alexis "Lexi" Henrietta von Reinhouser

Hair: Blonde, shoulder-length, ponytail

Eyes: Blue... Behind them... Oh, she cray cray... But she's kinda fun... When she's fun-crazy and not murdery-crazy that is...

Height: 6'3

Figure: Definitely D-Cup, Hourglass.

Feet: Size 15, Onyx Black Polish. She has really sexy feet despite their size.

Personality and Background: Lexi has a bit of a short temper and is somewhat of a sadist. She is... A bit unhinged... Y'know... Few screws loose... She uses her powers without care of the consequences and often for personal gain. She especially enjoys fucking with people in the most horrible and offensive ways she can think of. She is Leah's younger by a few seconds twin sister. She comes from a dimension called the Metalverse.

Age: 28

Occupation: She's the leader of a group of supervillains called the Z Team.

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian. Like you, she also has a pretty strong foot fetish for women's feet.


Sub-Atomic Manipulation: Lexi has the ability to control matter at a sub-atomic level, but she is not very creative or good at controlling it, you need to be a Nuclear Physicist to master powers like hers and she has an extremely average IQ and got a D- in Physics. Dr. Manhattan, she is not! It is still an extremely powerful ability though.

Power Replication/"Copycat": She can also copy the powers of any meta-human she has extended physical contact with, so she has amassed a wide variety of powers. Copy, not steal, though they feel drained and tired after she copies their power/s. There are some limitations to this though. She can generally only absorb powers that stem from metahuman abilities and she cannot copy Divine or Demonic power and can't generally copy magic, though she can replicate some of its effects with her other powers. She also has the ability to share these copied powers with others, though she's more the hoarding type.

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