Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bio: Ariel Archer: The 50 Foot Woman

Ariel Archer a.k.a. The 50 Foot Woman

Aliases: Big Red (The one time she dyed her hair actually red, her teammates made all of the jokes...), The Gentle Giantess, Fun Sized

Hair: Strawberry Blonde, Shoulder-length, Bob

Eyes: Brown. Behind them... She seems genuinely sweet.

Height: 70'0 (The 50 Foot Woman is just a cute codename referencing the 50's B-Movie. She's actually 70 feet tall, not 50.)

Figure: E-Cup (Proportionally. The letter you're looking for does not exist lol). Hourglass. Has a nice fat ass too. She's in amazing athletic shape, looking like an Olympic Athlete, but she isn't too muscular, just really toned. She works out in nature, punching mountains and lifting Redwoods, going for her morning jog in the Sahara or Antarctica where she has lots of open space to run at a full sprint, or even free-diving in the Marina Trench with special goggles so that she can see. She regularly spars with Colossal Squids and Killer Whales, they always start the fights and she never seriously injures them.

Feet: Approximately US Women's Size 231 if you must know... Does it even matter at this fucking point? (For reference that's about 7 feet long and 2 feet, 7 inches wide. Easily able to completely cover a normal-sized human. Proportionately they'd be a Size... 21 US Women's. She had big feet even before becoming a giantess. The label inside her footwear says B.F.F. on the size "tag" for Big Fucking Footwear.) She has long toes. Cerulean Blue with White Tips. She has very sexy feet though... So at least they're pretty to look at. Like gorgeous model feet. Her "Boots" are actually a special stretchy nano-material created by Shanna, her resident tech girl in her dimension that fits her feet perfectly and isn't too snug. It works like normal hard-soled footwear and can be retracted at will or removed like normal boots. It can also become flip-flops, strappy sandals, ballet flats, running shoes, anklets, and toe rings. No matter the form, it's designed to evenly support her massive weight. Her whole suit can be any kind of clothing she wants actually and freely retracts on her command.

Personality and Background: Ariel is the definition of a gentle giantess, soft-spoken, but her voice is deep for a woman. She doesn't seem like she'd hurt a fly. She will kill in a war scenario, her superhero team in her dimension was sanctioned by the military. She seems really sweet and possibly physically affectionate despite her size... She's sensitive about her size and will get pissed if someone makes fun of it. She's actually really into Yoga and Ballet. She controls her strength well and often would save people by protecting them in her cupped hands. One time a dam burst and she used her own body as a floodgate. Another time she put out a massive fire by blowing it out like a candle. She comes from a dimension called the Metalverse. She was born a normal size even though she was already 7'1 by age 13. Pretty much as soon as puberty hit, her mother's latent alien-modified genes kicked in and she rapidly blew up to her current height and had her current physique by age 16. Her mother Nancy, the original 50 Foot Woman was a human woman who had her genes altered by aliens, passing them on to Ariel.

Age: 27

Rank and Occupation: Formerly a superheroine with a group called Team Gadget before settling in your dimension as a Special Reserve Unit for the Biyalian Military.


One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat: She's highly skilled at Boxing, Kickboxing, and Wrestling. It's difficult to place her at a combat level due to very few people being able to fight her in a fair one-on-one fight due to her size. Most people are literal ankle biters to her. Technically she can also just crush shit with basically any part of her body if she really wanted to... The only time she steps on people is when it's sexual, like when her fans request it. She doesn't even charge, but people often give her tips for her services anyway, so she started doing sexy poses while "trampling" her fans and taking selfies to send to them later. Many people, yourself included love that shit, especially the sassy personality for the sessions. Who doesn't want to be stepped on by a sexy barefoot gentle giantess with model feet and sent cute lewds later? Even though her boobs and butt would seriously make for deadly weapons in combat, haha... She regularly fights giant sea creatures that pick fights with her during her Deep Sea workouts, though she never seriously injures them. She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease though.

Large Size, Giantess Physiology (Superhuman Type), and Environmental Adaption: Her massive size is a superpower in and of itself. Coming with the territory of her size she has extreme levels of Superhuman Strength, Endurance, Stamina, and Durability. She can move tectonic plates with a lot of strain and nukes don't scratch her. Enhanced Speed, Agility, and Reflexes: She's surprisingly swift for her size. Clocking at over 400 mph once she builds up momentum. Superhuman Leap: She can take off into a crazy Hulk-like rocket jump, sailing for miles on a single leap. She's leaped the Grand Canyon... Longways... She has insane Lung Capacity and power, blowing out wildfires like birthday candles or free diving in the Marina Trench for hours, not being bothered by the cold and pressure. She uses special goggles to see. In addition to Super Breath, she can also do Freeze Breath. It's just science, she massively increases the air pressure inside her chest cavity with her super strength, durability, and lungs, and when she breathes out, it rapidly begins to depressurize and it cools as it expands through the narrow opening of her lips until it freezes via the Joule-Thompson effect. TLDR gas cools when you force it through a small opening at high pressure. She's surprisingly graceful, possessing incredible Agility, Balance, Flexibility, Dexterity, and coordination when she moves. She does Ballet and Yoga... Collateral damage is not a word in her vocabulary. In her dimension, she was well-loved for being a powerhouse heroine without damaging the city too much. Any damage was never her fault like if she got tossed into a building and damaged it, no one would blame her cause who else is gonna wrestle the giant space lizard attacking the city? You? If there's no risk of collateral damage she can use an eardrum destroying Thunderclap or a literal Earthquake Stomp attack. She has to be especially careful with the clap cause if she claps too hard it lights everything around her in a one-mile radius on fire... Because science, air compression creating heat, and all that jazz. She can also do a more controlled Thunder Flick to direct a smaller amount of air in a more controlled way. Seriously, a proper thunderclap will kill everything in a one-mile radius around her. Megaton Punch, Megaton Kick, and Enhanced Throwing: Anything that isn't completely obliterated by her giant fists or feet on impact can be easily launched into space with a single punch or kick at full power. She can also easily toss even objects larger than herself into space or at an opponent. She is always careful to never accidentally step on someone and she can see faces and hear voices clearly. She has to make sure that she speaks softly as well because she has a built-in sonic scream by just talking too loudly. Her normal non-whisper volume voice can make people lose balance and start bleeding from the ears as if she was using a low-pitched sonic scream. It's so good that she's such a sweetheart and considerate of others...

Decelerated Aging and Enhanced Health: She ages far slower than a normal human, like the giants of yore. She also has an enhanced Immune System.

Enhanced Hearing and Smell: Her sense of hearing and smell are greater than a human's. She can detect lies by listening to the heartbeat and smell arousal or fear on someone.


"Kaiju XL" Beam Cannon: A giant plasma minigun, though it's closer to a full-sized rotary autocannon. It's special in that addition to being her size, it was upgraded by Automaton Princess X7 to have "Quantum-refreshing energy cells" or in laymen's terms unlimited ammo. The sounds it makes as it destabilizes plasma fields and divides them into beams in the targeting matrix strike dread into the hearts of her enemies. It is so powerful that it shreds battleship armor as easily as it shreds people and punches through forcefields... Blue plasma is high energy after all.

"The Harvester": Her melee weapon is a collapsable giant scythe with a stabilized plasma cutting blade, a metal one would get too caked with blood and gore and lose cutting power. She uses it exactly like a farming scythe, swinging it across the surface of the battlefield, cutting armies down like tall grass... It burns bright blue.

"Cyclops" Goggles: These goggles grant her Night Vision as well as Infrared/Thermal vision and contain a virtual HUD for use in battle to sync up with her Beam Cannon's targeting system to help her prioritize targets, increasing the accuracy of her gun. She also dives with these to see deep underwater.

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