Saturday, April 25, 2020

Bio: Alicia "Ally" Monroe a.k.a. Nurse Naughty

Alicia "Ally" Monroe a.k.a. Nurse Naughty

True Name: Panacea, Greek Goddess of Universal Health (Goddess of Therapeutic Drugs in the modern-day context)

Alias: The Goddess of Healing

Hair: Blonde, Shoulder-length, Wavy Bob or Neat Bun. Usually wearing an old school '50s Nurse Hat.

Eyes: Blue. Behind them... She seems nice at a glance, but maybe you should be cautious around her... Something sinister almost definitely lurks beneath the surface... She's not so bad once you get to know her though, just a bit rough around the edges.

Height: 5'8

Figure: C-Cup, Hourglass. Thicc Thighs. Perfect legs. Fat ass.

Feet: Size 9, White Toenails, her big toes have red medical crosses on them and her smaller toes have little red hearts on them. Her fingernails are white and have red EKG pulses on them. She really keeps the theme going. There is no paint on her nails, they are just the color that they are at her will because she is a Goddess and can freely manipulate it. Because she's a Goddess, her feet are just flawless... Mmmm... Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from performing complex medical procedures to cooking to complex massage techniques using her feet, this girl is good with her feet! She might also secretly be the Goddess of footjobs... Whether it's her innate understanding of the body or just thousands of years of practice and being besties with Aphrodite or a combination of both... She sends you to Mount Olympus with her footjobs. A metaphor for how mind-blowing it is. Seriously her footjobs are divine! Quite literally. Considering she can also manipulate your sex hormones, stimulate your nerves in just the right way, and literally cause your body the maximum amount of pleasure possible. You can't actually describe the orgasm with words other than the most divine orgasm of your life... Oh, she can control that too... Make it last longer... Make it more intense... Seriously, she's the Goddess of footjobs! Unofficial title.

Personality and Background: Alicia's personality is a bit of a paradox. On the surface, she seems nice, but she also gives off a bit of an evil vibe... She dresses like a bit of a cross between a 1950's nurse and a sexy cosplay nurse, it just... Works for her. Clad in all white and wearing her kind of ugly white non-slip nurse shoes on her white stocking-clad feet, complete with the iconic nurse hat. She's not an actual nurse, she has no medical licenses or training. She's much older than she looks, if you guessed she was in her 20s, you'd be dead wrong, but to be fair that's how she physically appears. Apparently, she was a field nurse during WWII. She didn't have any medical training, but her powers were useful both in healing injured soldiers and Hitler's less-than-ethical medical experiments... She comes from a dimension called the Metalverse, but as a Goddess, she's a multidimensional being and she's kind of Omnipresent so... So what is a Greek Goddess of Healing doing on Earth conning people for her healing magic? She was so tired of her sister Aceso getting all of the recognition as "The Goddess of Healing". This annoyed her but didn't change her formerly loving and empathetic personality. However the fact that modern medicine killed humanity's faith in her... Once Penicillin was discovered and people stopped believing in her, it broke her and she started to become the woman she is today... The Amazons are the only ones who still worship her... Occasionally... This caused her to grow angry and bitter over time. This was her fuck you to humanity. She has great respect for fellow Greek Goddesses Athena and Hera, Artemis is her best friend and she has a bit of a friends with benefits thing with Aphrodite, but then again pretty much all of the Greek Gods and Goddesses that aren't married and some that are, are fucking Aphrodite according to Ally. I mean it is literally the concept she embodies, not slut-shaming at all. Anyway, she pretty much thinks basically all of the other Greek Goddesses are petty bitches, especially her sisters Aceso, Iaso, Hygieia, and Aegle. Though she begrudgingly runs a small shared religion called the Sisters of Healing Church with the Asclepiades, also known as herself, all of her sisters and their mother Epione, who she does respect and admire. She and her sisters are quintuplets. There might be like... Three Greek Goddesses, she's just neutral towards. Ally might also be a long-forgotten Hymenopteran Healing Goddess. A fun fact about her is one night on a drunken dare from Dionysus she might have sort of created dozens of the nastiest of the nasty monsters from Greek and non-Greek Mythology... From the Hydra to the Scylla to the Cockatrice to the Basilisk and possibly the Nemean Lion... Or was it the Chimera? She was really drunk on Godwine... (Drunkeness is a voluntary thing for the gods usually, but Godwine always gets them drunk.) If a nasty mythological creature exists and you think to yourself... What sick fuck thought this unholy abomination into existence... It was probably her. Who else would come up with something like Petrifying Venom? Her power to heal cancer, in particular, allowed her to amass a ton of power, wealth, and influence in the Metalverse. In theory, she could completely eradicate all cancer in the world and probably the universe in the blink of an eye with just a thought. She was saving this for when humanity needed it most, but that was before she broke... No force in the universe could ever get her to be that selfless now... She will heal cancer on a case-to-case basis for a very high price. Usually not even money, she just wants to see what people are willing to give her and just how far people are willing to go to be healed, it's a twisted game to her that really amuses her. Since moving into the Hive she's been... Nicer...ish... Oh, and she has a foot fetish for women's feet... A teeny-tiny one... An appreciation for the beauty of female feet more accurately. She pretended to be a legit Podiatrist for years and developed an appreciation that way. She shared her literally godly knowledge and insights into foot anatomy with you and you became something of a Goddess of foot massages, haha. She actually has a native Greek accent, but she uses an American accent because it fits the look of her shell better. (If you're coming here from the Animal Army Timeline she's technically Elana's mother, but their relationship is pretty much the same, though they're closer and Elana has become her new pupil Nurse Badness. They do still do sexy stuff because while Ally is genetically Elana's mother in that arc because of her DNA controlling powers, she didn't give birth to her, and relationships between deities don't mean the same thing as they do to humans so it's Porno Step-Mom rules. But, since the public thinks Elana is Ally's actual daughter in that timeline... The fun stuff generally stays in private, so really nothing changed.)

Age: 102 Years in her current Incarnation (She physically appears to be in her 20's) She came to Earth in this form in 1918 to help combat the Spanish Flu Pandemic. Existentially though, she's as old as the concept of healing itself probably and has visited Earth many times in the past in different incarnations.

Rank and Occupation: If anything her occupation would be con-woman. In her dimension she would charge people for her miracle healing powers, even making them sign away everything. She also worked with a group of supervillains called The Z Team for a while as their healer. Greek Goddess of Universal Health (Goddess of Therapeutic Drugs in the modern-day context). Current Vice-Head of the Medical Division of R and D.

Skills and Abilities

Note that all of the following body powers, that while usually more effective with touch, can be used with a mere thought. Also, note that while she is Omnipresent, her soul must be in her shell to use most of her powers and they only affect the current dimension her shell is in. I.E. she needs her physical body to use most of her powers, but she can form one around her soul at any time.

Ability Mastery and Age Empowerment: Panacea's powers are much more developed than the other Aspects of Healing. While her sisters have specialties, they are generally much less advanced in their prowess with their powers as Panacea is. This is because she was willing to break a few eggs along the way, unlike her sisters. She has honed and evolved her abilities over the millennia and truly mastered them, even creating new powers by combining her powers in creative ways. She is always growing stronger with time.

Divine Healing/Healing Hands, Soothing Hands, and Limited Soul Interaction: She has the ability to heal anything and everything with a healing light her body can emit from anywhere. Though she primarily channels it through her hands. Cuts, burns, broken bones, cancer, etc. Even addictions like smoking can be cured as her healing extends to mental healing. She is so good that she can perfectly mend damaged psyches, even the most broken people. She can also make her hands warm or cold to soothe or numb pain. While she is an absolute master of the body, she cannot restore a soul that has moved on. One must be alive, even if by only a thread for her healing powers to work. She can however force a soul to return to the body by using her other powers to restart the heart for example. She can bring the dead back to life within reason. Her soul form allows her to physically interact with other souls, but only in the same plane of existence as her. So she could, for example, shed her shell around her arm and grab someone's soul and force it back into their healed body, but only if they haven't moved on, the afterlife is strictly out of her jurisdiction by the Law of Hades. After they move on, the ball is in his court... If this step is skipped or the soul has moved on, what returns is a Revenant. She once tried it on someone who was beyond saving, they had been badly burned and dead for hours, and most importantly had moved on. She was able to restore the body with her other powers, but when she healed the body and jolted the heart without a soul... The corpse arose screaming as a Revenant and the father shot it in the head with a shotgun. Technically she can bring corpses to life, but it is never pretty!

Biological Manipulation, Cell Manipulation, and Mental Manipulation (Via Biology): She has complete control over the human body and its cells. Just as she can effortlessly heal cancer, she can just as easily give it... She can also cure and give mental illnesses, her control is so thorough that she can even give and take away Phobias and Fetishes. She's threatened to flip your fetish into a phobia on multiple occasions... Maybe it was empty... Maybe it wasn't, but the thought of actually being scared of feet makes you physically ill. It's best just not to piss her off... Basically, if she wanted to she could rewrite someone's entire personality, she can flip sexual orientations just like that. Another thing she loves to threaten you with... You were always ridiculously nice to her until you quickly started to grow on her and she was nice to you... Even starting to like you, sigh of relief. She has the ability to turn organs on or off at will (Such as the brain to induce sleep or heart to induce death) and can even shut a person's senses on or off. A method of torture she developed involves overstimulating the thalamus, causing her target to believe they are in indescribable pain, after a few days their heart gives out, but due to Ally's healing powers she can make this go on indefinitely. She can also activate, deactivate, and boost healing factors.
Necrosis Inducement: With a single touch or even just a thought, she can cause some or all cells in the body to rapidly undergo necrosis, causing her target to rapidly rot in seconds. She can start the process from anywhere in the body.
Biological Explosion: Exactly what it sounds like, she can cause every cell in the body to explode at once. Imagine a human-shaped water balloon filled with blood...

Body Manipulation, DNA Manipulation, and Biochemistry Manipulation: Ally can freely control the human body as she sees fit... She can age or de-age people to the absolute extremes of the spectrum... Aging them to dust or de-aging them back to a sperm cell. She can freely mold a person's body like clay. She can freely change a person's gender by manipulating their DNA and body chemistry/hormones and using her "claywork" to touch up their face and body shape if needed. She can create supersoldiers by stimulating growth hormones and upgrading muscular systems, etc. She was highly valued in WWII. If feeling malevolent she can cause a Biological Overload, causing rapid grotesque and painful deformative mutations in the target. She can also activate, deactivate, and boost meta powers. She can even use her DNA Manipulation powers to rewrite genes to be Meta genes and then activate them. So she can give anyone powers, but what they get is random unless she specifically rewrote for example Kryptonian DNA, then her target would manifest Kryptonian powers with the appropriate solar radiation, but also Kryptonian weaknesses like weakness to Kryptonite. She can also give animal-like characteristics like prehensile tails, functional wings, claws, cat-like ears. Actually, she can fully transform people into hybrids... You know Cheetah? Think like 2.5 on the Anthro Scale. She can then simulate animal-based Meta powers by giving upgrades to enhance their strength, speed, agility, reflexes, etc., and giving them enhanced animal senses. She can create animal Metas with ease. She can upgrade bodies freely, making them more efficient, or durable, or strong, or fast, you get the idea. Internal Bodily Cleansing: She can cleanse others of bodily impurities with a mere touch or even a thought, removing anything that does not belong such as poison, drugs, radiation, etc. Her control also extends to making people sweat, salivate, feel horny, or orgasm on the spot to give just a few examples of the full control she wields over the human body, these are just examples.

Absolute Anatomical Intuition: As a Goddess of Healing she can completely and absolutely understand a person's body through touch. Pleasurable spots, structural weak points, any applicable powers, diseases, etc.

Pressure Point Intuition: She has a masterful knowledge of pressure points and how to use them, perfected over thousands of years.

Perfect Combatant/One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant. She uses a mix of Pressure Point Intuition and Anatomical Intuition to systematically and rapidly disable her opponent's body until they're a potato or "noodle person". Her godly speed and reflexes combined with her Omnipresent Meta-Teleportation make her a virtually unmatched fighter, able to take out virtually any opponent except maybe Ares, the god of war, and combat himself (In a fair, one on one, no powers sparring match. She can beat him by cheating. Being Omnipresent she can take advantage of being everywhere yet nowhere to have the ability of Ultimate Intangibility where can hit others, but they can't hit her. Or she can attack from every angle, dimension, and timeline at once with an Omnipresential Attack) Taking out her opponents with pure knowledge, skill, and precision. She is a highly technical fighter. A more malicious application of her Absolute Anatomical Intuition is using her godly strength and speed to for example use her finger to precisely shatter the three bones in a human arm - The humerus, the radius, and the ulna. Shattering them in such a way that the bone shards will protrude into the nerves, causing intense pain... Shattering them in such a way that no doctor will be able to repair them... The arm will, therefore, dangle from their shoulder like a dead fish for the rest of their life unless healed by extremely potent healing powers... Which are generally only held by Divine Beings and thus extremely rare to come by. It would take someone hurting someone close to her for her to reach that level of maliciousness. She also knows ancient Greek Pankration techniques. She rarely, if ever spars with non-gods (Or people with godlike stats and abilities.) She can easily hold back her strength, but it's just too boring for her. Some very confident mortals have tried and failed to beat her in a fight. She is a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease.

Dance Intuition: Her movements are just so graceful and flow so well that she's a supernaturally good dancer too.

Type VIII Regeneration (Absolute/Quantum Regeneration): The user can heal from anything completely, even if there is absolutely nothing remaining of the body. Critical injuries will be healed in a matter of seconds. Complete destruction results in complete restoration. Even wounds that are irreversible in nature will heal just like normal wounds. All forms of cellular injuries and disease infection will be healed at metaphysical levels, rewritten all damage to a mere dream. Because the cells and telomere lengths will not shorten in any way, they do not age and all forms of sustenance intake required are utterly removed. User is immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. The regeneration will extend to one's mental, emotional, spiritual, and temporal existence as much as their physical state, rendering all damage to the mind, soul, and timeline to be restored to its perfect working state, and blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts. Even if the user is completely annihilated from all aspects of their existence, i.e, if something completely erases the user from the past, present, and future on a conceptual/metaphysical, the user would still come back without fail. The user may even reappear at a different spatial position upon regeneration, evading any potential jamming into the body. Also, the power cannot be removed, nullified, erased, or affected otherwise, rendering it perfect and absolute.

Healing Blood: Her regeneration is so powerful that her blood is a highly potent healing agent on its own. One small vial can add a year of life, completely heal someone in critical condition, and send cancer into remission for months. A Panacea if you will. She is a universal donor and her blood cannot be categorized into a type. Also, it glows. All Healing Deities possess blood like this, it is different from her True Panacea.

Sister of Healing Specialty: True Panacea: The True Panacea is Ally's specialty. It is a milky white substance that she can excrete through her skin or spit out that heals all ailments of the body and mind instantly and extends life by years. It even works on incurable and rare ailments, if anything is wrong with you a single drop of this will cure you. It is a literal Panacea or cure-all. Ally, unfortunately being the person she is and feeling so betrayed by humanity... Charges 5 Million USD for a single drop of the stuff and there are usually strings attached...

Eternal Soul: Her soul is Absolutely Immortal and cannot be destroyed in any way apart from being written out of existence by a truly Omnipotent being, and The Supreme Being is not in the habit of carelessly wiping out other deities, the balance of the universe and all that. Usually, only Creator Deities have Eternal Souls. The Greek Pantheon has a nasty habit of killing each other so she obtained hers via an Absolute Contract with Lucifer Morningstar sealed with a drop of The Supreme Being's own blood (Or more accurately essence) on the condition that she ultimately harm humanity under the guise of doing good just to stick it to The Supreme Being who just so happens to be one of Lucifer's parents that he's not too fond of... Usually, his father, but The Supreme Being has a habit of switching genders at a whim and is currently female and has been for quite some time actually, it's just not well-known. In fact, Lucifer was so laid back and just wants to see his parent hurt so bad that he doesn't even care how long she fulfills her end, she still gets to keep the soul even if she decides to play nice and help humanity again someday. Her soul also allows her unrestricted access across dimensions as she can just form a new shell at any time. In addition to her being Omnipresent... She's everywhere, nowhere, at all points in time across all possible realities. Actually, this chick is hella paranoid... If she's everywhere and nowhere at all points in time in all possible alternate timelines she is actually untouchable unless The Supreme Being had beef with her and wanted to destroy her which She doesn't so...

Goddess Body: Her Divine Vessel (Her body is essentially a flesh golem her soul formed around itself.) houses her soul. Obviously, her body is fully Self-Sustaining and she does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. In addition to being able to freely modify her appearance at will, her body is nigh-indestructible, combined with her extreme regenerative abilities. She also possesses appropriately godly levels of strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, etc. But she is not as strong as Kratos, the literal God of Strength, but is much stronger than any known Meta or Alien or as fast as Hermes, the Messenger God, and God of Speed, but she can actually run circles around the Flash, so I mean... She's up there. She is a Goddess... Probably things like balance and flexibility as well. What you would call Absolute Condition I guess. Technically she has Absolute Intelligence by being a Goddess and especially because she's Omnipresent, existing everywhere at all points in time in all possible alternate timelines so... She just knows things... She was at all the important moments in history and she's seen all the possible futures so she has Xeno-Accelerated Probability, she knows what people are gonna do because she has seen all the possible choices they might make and knows which path they will take in that timeline, but it's not generally her place to tell. She gives hints that won't affect the timeline though. Like "You will meet someone super hot soon, she's a Nympho" type hints. She is 100% accurate because "you" as you exist are the "you" in your own timeline if that makes sense. A "you" that made a different choice is a different "you" most of the time, with Ally stitching together the little differences to keep the timelines neat and tidy. But because she's not a knowledge deity like Athena she doesn't have the associated Absolute Wisdom and Universal Encyclopedic Knowlege that makes Athena Nigh-Omniscient. She does possess limited Omniscience, Bodily Omniscience, knowing anything and everything about the human body, and healing it. (Including Aliens). Absolute Beauty, she possesses a Divine Beauty and her Vessel produces pheromones... Though she keeps both reigned in, in the interest of free will. She also possesses a Sanitized Metabolism, meaning she always has a Pleasant Scent. She smells neutral, clean, or even... Yummy... If you catch my drift... Damned pheromones... All fluids that come from her body have a neutral or better smell to them. Did you mention she just... Tastes good? She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet at minimum, but usually smell like roses or something along those lines.

True Omnipresence: As the Goddess of an Aspect of the very Concept of Healing... She is actually everywhere... And nowhere... At all points in time... In all possible alternate timelines... All at once. She is seen when she wants to be seen. She's not spying on everyone all the time or anything. It's more that she can freely appear in any place, in any dimension, in any reality alternate or true, at any point in the past, present, or future or combination thereof. Even before her existence. Wrap your head around that. She will probably meet most of Elana's Doppelgangers at some point as she finds Prime to be particularly interesting... As listed above she also knows the past and all possible futures and alternate timelines. She saw Penicillin and didn't want to believe it... Cause she knew it would ruin her and her sisters and destroy humanity's faith in them.

Minor Body/Timeline Synchronization: A combination of her Body Manipulation and Omnipresence. Ally can pull someone into a pocket dimension so she can work undisturbed as this does require a bit of finesse. Basically, she can make changes to someone's body and/or mind and it will affect versions of them across multiple timelines, but only similar enough versions. Using Elana as an example because she's one of the only characters with unique Doppelgangers. Say Ally pulls the Smiling Archdemon that's dating Harley's Twin Granddaughters Dee Dee and gives her an upgrade to her body and then puts her back into her timeline. The Smiling Archdemons dating Kara, Jill, and Bella respectively will all retroactively have the body upgrade. Meanwhile, say... The Demon Queen of Japan will be completely unaffected because at one point the Smiling Demons differentiated and Chronally Desynchronized, becoming separate enough entities. Ally's shadow meddling is also responsible for Prime's many minor sub-timelines having synchronized love interests, skills, and things like the upgrades X7 made to her phone and datapad, Genie, and by extension her Star Sapphire ring. She can make it so they do... Or don't remember the changes... She can also further differentiate Doppelgangers from one another just as easily as she can synchronize them.

Temporal Stasis: She can freely stop time at will while being able to freely move around. She can pull others into her "Time Outs". It lasts until she shuts it off.

Omniversal Singularity: Because she is a Greek Goddess, she is an Omniversal Singularity, there is only one Ally and she is Ally in every timeline. Basically, she has no Doppelgangers. Ally is Ally. Kinda like The Supreme Being, there's just the one, hopefully, this makes sense.

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