Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bio: Go

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Content Located: Notes on Combat Gynoid Mark V

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Combat Gynoid type Penta a.k.a. Go

Aliases: Number 5, The Battle Maid, The Shoguness' Shadow

Synthetic Hair (Indistinguishable from normal hair, it looks and feels the same): Black, Shoulder length, Twintails (Bangs)

Optical Sensors: Amber Brown. Red whenever her master is in danger. The "Terminate" mode indicator. Note that they are still Biyalian Compound Style, only they have a much wider range of Spectra they can see. Terminator-style Scanner Vision equipped.

Model's Height: 5'6

Chassis: [CLASSIFIED] Alloy. [DECLASSIFIED: Depleted Promethium] Alloy. Virtually indestructible. Has thicker plating around the Micro-Fusion Core than the Tetra model after a fatal design flaw that could lead to a nasty plasma explosion and EMP combo was discovered. In addition, the Core is shielded with extra containment forcefields that are independently powered. The chest can also be used as storage for Weapons. The unit is covered in synthetic skin, it feels like a normal person's skin, it is even warm to the touch, and contains pleasure sensors... She does have a hole with sensors between her legs... Note: Only the unit's Endoskeleton is indestructible. The skin can be burned off with extreme temperatures, although it is bulletproof. Just for Elana her boobs are about F-cups, got a fat little ass too, very squeezable. She also has thighs that would make 2B jealous. She's both a bodyguard and someone for Elana to have fun with.

Feet: Just for Elana, these were heavily focused on... They are aesthetically perfect in my opinion, and I don't even have a foot fetish. They are based on elements of the feet of the top foot models in the world. Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible. Her toe servos were designed to be extremely dexterous... She can perform fine motor actions with them, such as doing Calligraphy... Or Origami... I'll leave what else she can do with them up to your imagination... Just kidding! Footjobs, duh! She has flawless robotic coordination and flow to her motions. With downloaded professional knowledge and skill combined with her robotic flow and precision, her footjobs are divine! Literal footjob machine mmm... Not only that but she can also do it at hyperspeed while still maintaining that incredible technique... She's the go-to bot if you want to cum hard... That's for sure... What? I needed to test some hyper-cooling lube anyway... I'm gay... Who doesn't like footjobs? Stats: Shoe size 9, lets Elana decide on her choice of Polish color usually Onyx Black or Dark Purple. Her toes are long, but each one gets progressively shorter from big toe to pinkie... Basically her feet were made specifically for sexual tasks... You're welcome, Elana. Though I suppose she could also use guns and swords with them if need be...

Disposition and Unit History: The unit is, as Elana would most likely put it, half Super Cute Robot Maid Waifu, and half Terminatrix. She does not speak much. However... When the AI starts displaying emotional responses to verbal abuse from a drunk mistress... It's a sign of advanced intellectual depth and capabilities... You know that it- That she is advanced enough that you've created true artificial life... Go is extremely loyal, caring, and empathetic. She was programmed with basic protection instincts, but most of her personality was learned from interacting with Elana whom she admires greatly. Elana also taught her to play Go, the Japanese strategy board game that is. Due to Elana's preferences, she looks like a young Asian woman dressed in a sexy maid outfit. She also has a casual outfit consisting of vaguely "maidy" basketball shorts and a maid design T-shirt. Still cute as fuck though! Ahem... Sorry... She is also mostly comprised of Tetra's parts, upgraded and enhanced, as some of the materials are extremely rare metals and elements from Korll. (In the Prime Timeline, Tetra willingly gave up her "life" by allowing her parts to be used and upgraded to construct her "daughter" Go in late 2020.)

Rank and Occupation: Elana's Bodyguard/Executive Protection Agent. Go is actually an excellent candidate for an Executive Protection Agent for several reasons. Her small size makes her unassuming, the Maid that blends right in for someone of Elana's high status.  She doesn't draw attention or look like a typical "bodyguard". Most people assume that bodyguard = huge muscular man in a suit with dark shades and an earpiece. Go is a Lil' lady dressed to be Elana's Maid. A woman walking with a female celebrity tends to be less likely to look imposing, out of place, or draw attention and are generally assumed to be just a friend or Personal Assistant, which is exactly how Elana wants it. As her Executive Protection Agent, if she detects a threat, the preferred course of action is usually to scoop Elana up bridal style and whoosh her to safety at superhuman, but still safe, subsonic speeds preferable to fighting or tasing someone. That is if she can't defuse a potential threat before it becomes a threat in the first place...

Gender/Sexuality: Nani?! The robot has a section for this too? Go, as she prefers to be called, is a she, NOT an it! No, honey, you can't... That would be biased and compromise the data... Fine... Just this one time... Go here! She/her, hanging out with the Princess has made me enjoy the touch and company of women I guess... Apparently, my emotional intelligence makes me considered a real girl so to speak, thanks Daisy!

Unit Features

Superhuman Combat, One Woman Army, and Army Annihilation: Expert Hand to Hand Combatant: She has downloaded knowledge of and has mastered every known Martial Art in the world. She can also switch modes by rerouting power to her arms or legs, such as rerouting power to legs in "Shoot Style" where she makes herself a little more bottom-heavy by redistributing nanites and then focusing on kicks, for example. With her superhuman strength, speed, durability, and reflexes she's nigh unstoppable. Combine this with her weaponry and tech and Go can tear through entire armies with ease. She shows off, like superhero landing in the middle of a group and spinning on one hand while firing an SMG with the other.

Emergency Medical Database (Instilled Knowledge and Anatomical Intuition): She has a Database containing vast quantities of all known Human and Biyalian Anatomical Knowledge so that she can patch up Elana in an emergency. This is assuming the unlikely event that she fails to protect her and she gets seriously hurt. The Anatomical Database also makes her an extremely efficient fighter and assassin... She can disassemble bodies as efficiently as she patches them up!

"Terminator Kit": Night Vision, Infrared Vision, Ultraviolet Vision, X-Ray Vision, Optical Zoom, Scanner Vision, Heads Up Display, Highlighting, Killer Point Vision/Weak Point Sense, AI Assistant, Database Access, and Auto-Targeting: Go's Optics can see in Night Vision, Infrared/Thermal, X-Ray, and Ultraviolet modes. In addition to this, they have a Telescopic Zoom function and a Scanner that can give her basic information on the world around her. Say she tags a tank, the scanner would tell her its armaments, any weak points, top speed, current speed, make, model, distance, fuel, etc. as well as Threat Level Calculations. It also functions as a Target Tracker using AR Pins with distance numbers and the Thermal and X-Ray vision modes as overlay options to Highlight and Track targets like a video game HUD. It can also Highlight and Lock-On to Weak Points as it is synced with all of her weapons systems. Basically, it's like the Terminator's HUD...

Mode Switching: Go has several different modes. From Attack to Defense and a few very specific modes.

Personal Assistant Mode: She assists Elana with anything and everything she asks, usually just footjobs to ease stress but she cooks too and will pick up food orders from around the world, Gelato from Italy for example.

Dance Machine Protocols: She's obviously a fan of the Robot, but she has a whole Earth, Wind, and Fire routine! She's amazing at parties!

Execution Mode: Self-Explanatory. See "Dracarys" entry in the weapons section.

Pedi-Bot Mode/Spa Protocols: For some reason, this one aggravates Princess Elana... Jealousy? Where to start... Go has 1000s of hours of downloaded Reflexology and Pedicure knowledge, her hands can heat up and vibrate like an electric massager, and she's robotically precise. Additionally, she can fill her torso with a modified Medi-Gel called Pedi-Gel that can change viscosity from liquid to gel to solid and everything in between on command. It makes feet unbelievably soft and silky, the micro-exfoliator bubbler really puts in work. It's also pleasantly warm and tingly, massages your feet, and perfectly paints and dries your nails! Somehow it makes your toes stronger and more flexible too... She also has built-in UV lights if she did it the old-fashioned way... Which she's good at too!

Strength Load (Superhuman Strength): Tough call... She keeps breaking the sensors... Which were designed to test industrial machinery... She's been observed lifting Skyscrapers and Aircraft Carriers with ease. To address possible Kryptonian Threats, her servos have been super-reinforced, and with nano-scaling, we were able to fit bigger and stronger tech that would normally be the size of a building into her limbs... We then did this several thousand times... As a result, they are now several billion times stronger... Can she split a moon in half? Probably. We don't want to fuck up the tides so...

Top Speed (Superhuman Speed): Can travel several miles in mere seconds... Well above Mach 50. 10 miles per second is "slow" cruising speed to her... However, with Kryptonians as a possible threat, I worked with robotics to develop Fusion Ion-Booster Afterburners and G-Diffusors to stop instantaneously. In theory, Penta can keep pace with Supergirl or perhaps even the Flash! So her actual top speed is several times the speed of light. In hover mode and at general subsonic speeds she flies using silent Mag-Lev tech. She can easily dodge lasers and other attacks that move at literal lightspeed!

Durability and Repair Nanites (Superhuman Durability and Regenerative Durability): The energy equivalent of 100,000 Tsar Bombas was dropped on her... Properly contained of course. Her endoskeleton was unscathed... We then tried an experimental Neutron Bomb... The equivalent energy of 2 Million Tsar Bombas (Note that these things can theoretically destroy planets if not properly contained) Nothing... If anyone ever managed to successfully damage her, she would "bleed" a white superconductive fluid, and then auto-repair nanites would get to work immediately.

Reflexes (Superhuman Reflexes): She has superhuman reflexes, she can easily dodge lightspeed attacks.

Electrical Damage Immunity: Immune to short-circuiting, overloading, and EMPs. She is also unhackable and waterproof.

Body Storage: Her chest cavity can hold several weapons. Her preferred weapon is an SMG, however, a pistol and collapsible Assault Rifle can also be housed, as well as explosives. But... Due to how easily she can snap bones and tear people in half they're hardly needed. Good thing she's on our side!

High-Speed Flight: As noted, she can fly at insane, logic-defying speeds.

Hidden Arsenal: Unit possesses a Kryptonite blade hidden in each forearm, these blades can be energized with plasma to increase their cutting power and prevent bloody kills, in addition, plasma vulcans are also hidden in each forearm, also hidden in each forearm are Banshee plasma throwers. Fuel tanks are nanocompressed to a nearly microscopic level so that she can hold thousands of them for absolutely huge ammo capacity. The name comes from the horrific screeching noise they make as the air rapidly ionizes. It's a sound all enemies of Biyalia dread and it often hurts the morale of the enemy. The psychological terror alone is almost as effective as the weapons themselves. If Elana wants Go to burn someone alive, she simply has to point at them and say "Dracarys". She also has "Ghost Wire" plasma whips hidden in her wrists, TLDR, they are atom-splittingly sharp, and Go knows how to make human Sushi with them... Basically, Lightsaber whips! In her shoulders are hidden mini-missile pods that rapid-fire hypersonic heat-seeking missiles, multiple types of warheads available from EMP to Napalm, and her chest houses a Red Solar Radiation Unibeam Cannon. Yes, proprietary Stark Industries RT Node Technology, Stark is still on payroll after all.

Thermo-Optical Camouflage: She is capable of using thermo-optical camouflage to hide her heat signature and using cameras and light-bending tech to seamlessly blend in with her surroundings, vanishing from sight.

Utility: Unit also possesses a few extra tools such as buffing pads, blowtorches, power tools, etc. This also includes Medi-Gel, a Nano-Bio-Stimulation Medical Gel that promotes cell division and repair, it can staunch bleeding and soothe burns, it also acts as a painkiller, antiseptic, and sealant.


Go's design was created through a joint effort of all 4 of the Hive's scientific departments. The breakdown of our contributions is as follows.

Facilities: Micro-ARC Reactor Core. This Micro-Fusion Core is designed so that if it ever fails or gets critically damaged it will just turn off like a lightbulb and the reaction sustaining the plasma just goes cold and fizzles out. See the note below for additional info.

Bio-Science: Tissue.

Robotics: Endoskeleton, Servos.

Advanced Systems: Propulsion, Programming.

Her ARC Reactor Core is based on Stark's designs and was created through a joint effort between Robotics, Advanced Systems, and Facilities. Stark designed and built it, Phoebe figured out how to safely boost power output and incorporated the failsafe, and Karen improved efficiency.

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