Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shinotokei Family Bios

Civilian Side

Suzune Rin Shinotokei

Hair: Black with 3 Dyed Purple Streaks, Shoulder Length, Short Ponytail or Bob

Compound Eyes: Amber Brown... Behind them... She seems quite strict... No nonsense... But also... Very sweet... Call it tough love if you will.

Height: 5'5

Figure: Oh mama! For a middle-aged woman, she looks great! Maybe C-Cups and an hourglass figure... She's quite fit as well...

Feet: Thankfully she always wears sandals. Size 8 with Onyx black polish. The Shinotokei Clan all seem to be blessed with beautiful modelesque feet... Suzune is no exception... Her feet are... Let's say "Lighter Fuel" material when you just aren't feeling it... Especially because she has that Asian MILF thing going for her...

Personality and Background: She's very strict... Almost kinda scary... But she gives off such major Ara Ara MILF vibes too that you just can't get enough of... She has been known to be quite sweet as well. She's invited you over for tea even though your mom kinda took over her country... She would have been 45 at the time of her conversion but she does not look it at all... Then again Asian women tend to not age as visibly as other races so... She looks maybe late 20's tops... She is the mother of Misaki and her sisters. Later after learning of her shinobi status you asked her why she chose a Chinese callsign... Even a serious and stoic woman such as her couldn't help but pick the name just cause it sounds cooler in Chinese than Japanese, haha! She has become so much more than your mother-in-law... She's like an actual mother to you, basically adopting you as her own daughter... You have a special connection with her that you just never felt with Zazzala... Not after what she put you through... Even if it led you right to Suzune... The woman who has become a mother and a mentor to you...

Rank and Occupation: She's something of the matriarch around here since the Clan Elder retired. She's also the teacher at a martial arts dojo... Explains why she's so fit for her age...

Ikumi Kaede Shinotokei

Hair: Black, Shoulder Length, has her hair tied at the top in a Pseudo-bun

Compound Eyes: Amber Brown... Behind them... She seems... Serious...

Height: 5'6

Figure: C-Cup. Hourglass. Very fit.

Feet: Also always wears sandals. Size 8 with shiny dark Purple polish. Like her mom and sisters could easily model her feet.

Personality and Background: Of all the sisters she's the most like her mother, quite serious. She is aloof and mysterious... She is by far the most "Stereotypical" ninja. She would have been 27 at the time of conversion. She is Misaki's elder sister. As a Miko, she has the strongest connection to the divine power of the Shinto Kami, she can perform blessings and rituals, such as your mystically empowered meditation boosting tattoo. Her ninja magic is also some of the strongest in the Clan, if not the strongest, due to her divine connection. She's sweeter than you initially thought, she calls you a freakin' weeb all of the time as a term of endearment. You can tell by her tone that she's just teasing.

Rank and Occupation: She works as a Shinto Shrine Maiden/Miko...

Hana Momo Shinotokei

Hair: Dyed Blonde (Naturally Black), Ass-length, French Braid. She uses Healthy Glow Hair Dye by Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. As a result, her adorable blonde hair can light up a room with a soft yellow glow on command via Bioluminescence. Though as a ninja... That is a big no no! Though she can use it like a flashbang to blind someone and escape... Good thing she mastered it and it doesn't randomly activate!

Compound Eyes: Amber Brown... Behind them... She seems nice... Especially compared to her mother and oldest sister... She's the most like Misaki.

Height: 5'4

Figure: B-Cup. Hourglass. Very fit.

Feet: Always wears sandals. Size 7, light pink polish. She has a four-point shuriken tattooed on the outside of each ankle. Modelesque feet, she used to make YouTube and BuzzTube videos when she was like 12 and her feet were even cute back then... Now that she's an adult and your wife... It's ok to fantasize about her as she is now giving you a footjob with those yummy little feet of hers... She's actually quite skilled at those... I mean... She can fire a bow and arrow with her toes from a handstand, so it's not surprising...

Personality and Background: She's always cheerful and upbeat. She is extremely empathetic, loving, and supportive, though she can be a playful tease at times. Like walking on her hands and wiggling her feet in your face. She would have been 19 at the time of conversion. She is Miasaki's little sister. Hana especially loves and is exceptionally skilled at the more gymnastics-like aspects of Shinobi training and is really good at unlocking the benefits of pressure points. She can non-lethally disable an opponent with her Pressure Point Intuition, but she prefers the healing aspects of it. She reminds you of Ty Lee from Avatar. She can make you orgasm instantly on the spot by poking you in just the right spot under your belly button... It is so not funny Hana! She's still not skilled enough to unblock your Throat Chakra, however. She can do so many things by poking you that it's not even funny. Though mostly she just uses it to fine-tune and realign your chakras and help you meditate cause she's sweet like that. She used to have a YouTube and BuzzTube channel called Dancing Ninja Star that eventually evolved into her making foot fetish videos while hiding her face with a Kitsune mask much like her sister's until her mom found out and made her take it down...

Rank and Occupation: She works at a tea shop as a waitress. It should have been obvious that she was a ninja sooner... She also makes the Dango there... Watching her work, in retrospect, it's so painfully obvious! She tosses the colorful spherical rice dough balls up in the air, throws a plate behind them, and throws the skewers like Bo Shuriken so that they impale three balls each and get embedded into the wooden plate behind them as she catches it on the other side!

Sexuality: Lesbian

Misaki Junko Shinotokei

Hair: Black, Shoulder Length, Bob

Compound Eyes: Amber Brown. Behind them... Well, you see a sweet and gentle girl...

Height: 5'6

Figure: B-Cup. Hourglass. Very fit.

Feet: Size 8, her nails are unpainted, but very clean and well cared for. Perhaps maybe even a clear coat? They have a certain shine to them. She has really cute feet. She could totally model them if she wanted. As her new boss, you might be able to convince her to paint her nails something sexy... Like Onyx Black... Update... She went for it immediately. She is so loyal... It would be so easy to abuse this power, but Misaki has been your friend for years and it would feel so wrong... Even if she tried to murder you in cold blood once in the past over a misunderstanding... Water under the bridge!

Personality and Background: Holy crap... She's so nice! Anyway, Misaki is also very polite. She is very traditional and practices Buddhism. She would have been 25 at the time of conversion. She has been your friend for years and is now your loyal Kunoichi servant, doing whatever you ask of her. Your only command to her? Speak freely. Before you were Princess and Subject... Now you're Shoguness and Kunoichi... So really... Nothing has changed... You sometimes ask her and her sisters to dress like maids, but that's just for fun! You dress like a maid too sometimes! Sometimes the whole Clan dresses up like maids! Having a personal Kunichi army is so awesome!

Rank and Occupation: Misaki cleans for a living, she doesn't dress like a maid sadly. Not for her paid job anyway...

Sexuality: Lesbian

Shinobi Side

Callsign: Shenlong

Mask: Dragon

Rank: Master Ninja

Weapon Specialty: All

Other: Leader of the Assassins

Callsign: Lady

Mask: Geisha

Rank: Elite Ninja

Weapon Specialty: Melee (Kusarigama, Ninjato, and Naginata especially)

Callsign: Kuroneko

Mask: Cat

Rank: Adept Ninja

Weapon Specialty: Non-Lethal (Hand to hand combat and blunt weapons especially, her favorite being tonfas)

Callsign: Kitsune

Mask: Fox

Rank: Elite Ninja

Weapon Specialty: Ranged (Bow and crossbow especially, also extremely skilled with guns, especially sniper rifles)

Clan Notes and Abilities

Clan Uniformity: The Shinotokei Clan primarily wears very dark blue (Not black) slightly weighted chainmail-kevlar woven clothing. They look like typical ninjas, but only cover their faces when out on missions. Around the village, they dress like typical rural Japanese citizens. They are all strict vegetarians and bathe frequently, as being smelled is a way of being detected, which is another reason they avoid meat. Most of them weigh under 132 pounds and are under 5'6. They sleep on their left sides to protect their hearts. The main creed of the Shinotokei Clan is to never have self-interests, only making decisions that benefit the Clan as a whole, and to always obey the orders of the Shogun without question. Thankfully the Shoguness is you and not some whackjob who would abuse the power of a loyal Kunoichi army... They are all devout followers of Mikkyo Buddhism.

High-Speed Telekinetic Flight: Biyalian wings are kind of reflective and really get in the way, in addition to making a loud droning noise while in use. All members have their wings voluntarily amputated and through intense study and mental discipline have unlocked the ability of Biyalian telekinetic flight, allowing them to fly quickly and silently if they need to.

Enhanced Stealth and Enhanced Assassination: All members are highly trained to be total ghosts and master assassins.

Weapon Proficiency: All clan members train with multiple shinobi weapon types. They can even use a simple grappling hook to bind an opponent and quickly end them with the hooked end, trip them and end them, or just whirlwind it like a makeshift kusarigama! A true shinobi can turn anything into a makeshift weapon.

Enhanced Accuracy and Enhanced Precision: Whether bow, blade, or rifle, clan members use their weapons with surgical precision.

Peak Human Body: Every member of the Shinotokei Clan is in top physical condition. They are strong, fast, flexible, etc., and have incredible Balance and senses. Even their feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of their feet and toes are incredible, from wielding weapons to accurately shooting a bow to cooking, these girls are good with their feet!

Peak Human Mind/Soul: They keep their minds zen and are devout Buddhists who also practice some Shintoism. This actually allows more experienced Shinobi to access a myriad of supernatural abilities...

Spiritual Meditation: By achieving spiritual enlightenment and synchronizing the body completely with the mind the clan can surpass their body's limitations to: Astral Project, Clear their Mind Completely to go freaking Ultra-Instinct, have fully Automatic-Reflexes at Absolute Reflex level, Suppress Pain, increase their core stats to give themselves Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, etc., access the Tranquil State of Mind to become a true Tranquil Combat master or even access Tranquil Fury, attacking with the relentless strength and fury of a madman and the precision of a surgeon. Among many other things. Misaki even breathed goddamn "Chi Fire" or some shit Naruto style in training one time and Hana was able to shoot lightning from her fingertips! They are seriously badass Kunoichi. So badass that there are no men at all in the Clan... All scared off by the intensity of the women...

Animal Manipulation (Via Training): Falcons, Eagles, and Hawks: The Clan has a few "Raptor Masters" who sadly do not train Velociraptors, but train various birds of prey to use as spies and scouts. See these birds are big and covered in dense feathers in which surveillance equipment can be easily hidden. No one would think twice if a bird landed in a tree behind them while they were having a clandestine meeting and no one would suspect it to have a camera and mic tucked in its feathers... They're the perfect spies.

Animal Manipulation (Via Training): Dogs: The Clan has highly trained and disciplined attack/guard dogs too. These canines are taught how to wield bladed weapons like knives and ninjatos in their jaws as well as sheathe them on a special jacket, they also know how to disinfect and bandage simple wounds and drop smoke bombs to escape or provide a covering smokescreen. Friggin ninja dogs?! They even have dog armor of various kinds from stealth to heavy assault! But mostly stealth with a bunch of pouches.

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