Friday, June 17, 2016

Bio: Hive Mutants

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Dr. Haruyama's Research Notes


Rachael Lane a.k.a. "Project Arachne"/"Ultraviolet Widow"

Alias: The Emissary of Hell: Spider-Girl!

Hair: Subject has jet black hair with a few bright red streaks, shoulder-length, her Bangs cover one set of her eyes, the "Emo Bangs". She has her hair up in pseudo-Twintails like what you'd see a J-Pop star rock. Each tail is braided on the ends into 4 points to make 8 total. The ends are dyed red too.

Eyes: Subject has crimson red eyes (Formerly blue). The entire eye appears to be solid red. She has 6 slightly smaller eyes on her forehead, 3 above each of her primary eyes. Eyes seem to have a kind of hypnotic effect.

Height: 5'3

Figure: Thin, B-Cup breasts. Hourglass. Athletic build. Modelesque legs, all of them.

Feet: All 8 of her feet are a size 9, nails painted Onyx Black (Generally keeps her toenails on the longer side, they come to a point. See note on claws below). However, it can vary per pair of feet. She has long, strong, and highly dexterous toes, to the point that she weaves with her feet. The things she weaves are intricate! Subject wears barefoot sandals. I myself do not have a foot fetish but her feet are very aesthetically pleasing to look at, some people just have nice feet. I'm 100% sure Elana would refer to them as "gorgeous"! And words along that vein. It should be noted that her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from wielding extra weapons to weaving faster to cooking more efficiently, this girl is good with all of her feet! Lovers both male and female have described her footjobs as... Legendary... She has a stylized Roman Numeral tattooed on the top of each of her feet from I - VIII going clockwise around her feet. Her soles are tattooed with a perfect circular web pattern starting at the center and reaching all corners of her soles. She also has webs tattooed on all of her toes and around her ankles. Later she decided on a uniform Gloss Light Pink pedicure with a Gloss Onyx Black strip with a line of white dots along her cuticles, they are filed to a perfect almond shape and the tips are painted Gloss Onyx Black. Again, I don't have a foot fetish, but her pedicure is still very aesthetically pleasing to look at. Must have been expensive, but this was after she started dating the Princess to be fair... Especially considering the matching manicure... It's still pretty bomb... Maybe I should get one like it...

Non-Foot Tattoos: She has a tramp stamp that says "Spider Queen" in a black and red Gothic font. She has spiderwebs tattooed on her shoulders forming a sort of "Shawl" of tattoos and a "Skirt" of web tattoos around her extra wide waist and hips. She has a large hourglass tattooed on her abdomen... It's only visible under Ultraviolet light... She also has a stylized skull-shaped white skull tattooed on her back, it looks more like the skull-shaped markings of Steatoda Nobilis (The Death's Head or False Widow) than a human skull. She has always loved spiders. Even long before her transformation, but the themed tattoos started after becoming the Ultraviolet Widow.

Personality and Background: Subject is formerly a Gothic young woman who worked as a cashier at Hot Topic. Subject enjoys teasing those she finds cute, especially foot fetishers. Arachne is the name of the project that created her and Ultraviolet Widow is her call sign in Phantom Claw. Alter Ego Creation: She seems to be able to compartmentalize her personality like a vigilante that is supposed to be two different people. Rachael, the sweet but sexually aggressive and dominant woman, and The Ultraviolet Widow, who is precise, cold, calculating, and efficient... Except when she's being theatrical, referring to herself as "The Emissary of Hell: Spider-Girl!".

Subject's Age: 27

Sexual Orientation: Subject is Gay. 6 on the Kinsey Scale.

Occupation: Test Subject (Formerly a Cashier at Hot Topic), Reserve Phantom Claw Special Operative

Mission Types: Infiltration, Information Gathering, Theft, Bounty Hunting, Assassination

Special Abilities

Subject displays the following abilities

Partial Spider Physiology: Subject has 8 eyes, fangs, venom glands, spinneret glands, and 8 human legs, among a few other spider quirks. Drugs affect her differently, for example, caffeine makes her drunk but LSD puts her in the zone and allows her to laser focus on whatever she's doing. She prefers to do LSD right before binge weaving, she has created some truly astonishing and beautiful pieces while "Ascended Weaving" as she calls it. She made a scarf for me, the pattern is so beautiful and perfectly symmetrical, even under a microscope, it's geometrically perfect!

Surface Adhesion (No known limits to the materials she can stick to)

Enhanced Body: Below are her strongest sub-categories.

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Flexibility

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Balance

Enhanced Dexterity

Enhanced Senses: Subject has Enhanced Hearing and Enhanced Eyesight (See mutational notes). She also has an enhanced sense of touch, allowing her to accurately determine the location of the slightest disturbance in her webs... Sometimes she lays down "tripwires" to get an idea of her targets' movements. You never know when she's daintily tightrope walking along her web lines or creeping on the ceiling above...

Enhanced Accuracy: Subject can capture swift-moving prey with a lasso/bolas/net at extremely long ranges on the first attempt and can hit targets with her darts with surgical accuracy.

Peak Human Durability: Her intense assassin training and Accelerated Metabolism (Faster healing) make this spider very difficult to squash.

Enhanced Stealth: She is completely silent when she walks, extremely quick and agile, can hide in and behind nearly anything, her petite frame, light weight, and flexibility allow her to easily hide in ventilation systems as well, she can stick to walls and ceilings, and she can turn invisible to both visible and infrared spectrums with her bodysuit which also masks her bio-electric field. Needless to say, she's amazing at infiltration and assassinations.

Enhanced Assassination: Subject can perform the art of assassination better than the average killer, she can dispatch her targets without so much as a struggle as long as they don't have poison immunity. But with her silk and enhanced stats, she can take down nearly anyone.

Danger Intuition/"Spider-Sense": Most likely a combination of factors. Be it her enhanced hearing, senses to changes in air pressure, Adrenaline, reflexes, or some legitimate pre-cognitive ability... I can't say for certain...

Osculated Sway: In theory should only work on people attracted to women as these are animal sex pheromones... With her sheer magnetic allure, she sways just about anyone though, straight or gay, she has an almost Supernatural Charm and Beauty about her... She can "hypnotize" just about anyone.

Enhanced Combat Proficiency: Advanced Hand to Hand combat training. Her fighting style is unique and unpredictable using a unique Martial Art she created herself called Silk Style centered around silk traps and silk weapon usage combined with her agility. She's particularly skilled at using her silk in creative ways in combat and she prides herself on her ability to restrain, tie-up, cocoon, or suspend her opponent from the ceiling mid-battle. She's really into humiliation and domination during combat. She sometimes even strips her opponents mid-battle. About half of the male members of Phantom Claw refuse to train with her anymore after being pantsed or otherwise embarrassed by her.

Weapon Proficiency: Subject is extremely proficient with the Bolas, Lasso, Net, pretty much any type of restraining weapon, and Dart Launchers.

Silk Weaving: Subject can craft restraining weapons and other useful tools and items at incredible speeds. Sometimes using her hands and her many feet in unison to further increase her already incredible weaving speed. Her legs and feet are as dexterous, precise, and coordinated as arms and hands, she uses them all like her dominant hand, though she's actually ambidextrous... Sometimes Elana just watches her weave with her feet for hours... Foot fetish or not, it's incredible to watch.

Silk Combat: She is a master weaver and is extremely proficient at using lassos, bolas, nets, etc. in addition to knowing dozens of ways to tie someone up in a fight using her Silk Style. See the above note on combat.

Venom Combat: She can incorporate her venom into combat through her dart launchers and touch-based poison, as well as coating her claws in it. Combined with her agility and other powers, any touch, cut, or brush with a coated web is potentially lethal.

Web Trap Combat: She sometimes sets up tripwire traps of "razor wire webbing"... All she has to do is get a few people strategically tangled and pull on just the right web to slice her targets into mincemeat...

Bondage Intuition: She knows a frankly absurd number of ways to restrain someone in both practical and sexual ways. She has also mastered Shibari, the Japanese art of intricate rope bondage. You know the style, bondage where the ropes and knots form beautiful, artful, and intricate patterns. She would like me to add a note for the Princess... "Careful Elana... If you don't tie me up prior to mating with me, I might eat you afterward!" I believe she just means cunnilingus because she winked and made lewd mouth gestures as she said it... She's also been seen making leashes out of webbing for sexual purposes... No wonder the Princess likes her so much... 

Additional Equipment

Stealth Suit: An Active Thermo-Optical Camouflage Stealth Compression Bodysuit and mask. This custom-made suit uses cameras and light-bending tech to blend the user in with the background and functions just like organic camouflage used by for example an octopus. It also masks her bio-electric field, completely conceals her body heat, and completely masks her scent, which blocks her Pheromones but truly, completely, renders her invisible with tech. It's also a compression suit, able to strategically apply pressure to the body to minimize bleeding in the event of an injury. It can also release antibiotics and painkillers to the injured area. It can even dispense an adrenaline shot in emergencies. The mask and torso are slightly reinforced. Why not just make it bulletproof like the Scarlet Sniper's suit? To do that we'd have to remove some of the bio-electric signal blocking tech and scent elimination tech, reducing two key elements of her stealth. Making it bulletproof would also reduce her range of motion and to quote her directly... She'd rather be shot than lose flexibility. Due to her abilities like her danger sensing ability, reflexes, and agility... She can dodge gunfire anyway... And she's so stealthy she actually hasn't ever tripped a single alarm in her dozens of missions. Her speed, reflexes, and skill with silk weaponry mean she can also easily disarm a gun-wielding opponent or hit them with a paralysis dart with her insane accuracy and dexterity before they can even aim their gun. She really doesn't need a bulletproof suit. The boots have noise-dampening soles, even though she really doesn't need them. Her gloves and boots are made of special materials that allow for atomic interaction to allow her to stick to surfaces even with her hands and feet covered.

Bio-venom Dart Launchers: Nanocompressed to the Subject's skin are dart launchers that fire darts laced with her own venom. Due to nanocompression, she has a nigh-infinite supply of darts, and the tubing system that coats them gives her basically unlimited venom, as it's from the glands in her own body. It's also comfortable to wear due to nanocompression and it just looks like tattoos. She has stun darts and kill darts.

"Rigor Vita" and "Exorcist Poison": Venoms produced within her own body. Each venom is a different type of paralytic neurotoxin. It's either a stunner (Full body paralysis/"Freezing") or a killer (Causes all of the nerves to continuously fire all at once until they fully burn out, causing full-body spasms and an agonizing death over several minutes). She is completely immune to her own venom.

"Widow's Kiss Poison": Subject can secrete venom through her fingertips... This shit can drop an Elephant in seconds... All she has to do is get skin-to-skin contact... It is also extremely painful and you can visibly the victim's veins and arteries being destroyed through their skin... Death occurs within seconds, but she can also secrete an anti-venom through her skin. It's unknown if she can inject this poison through her fangs and she never uses it with her darts, only through touch. It is not always on and she can change the dosage at will to, for example, cause just enough pain to temporarily disable some Meta powers that require concentration, such as mental powers.

Organic Silk Weaponry: All of her bolas, nets, and lassos are made from her own silk and hand weaved by her. These weapons being made of silk makes them far more versatile than their synthetic counterparts. She can make them on the fly as she needs them and can make them sticky or non-sticky. She can even infuse them with the Rigor Vita venom for extra over...capture.

Spider-Drone "Leopardon": The Subject has a small, silent, flying mag-lev drone that can cloak that she can deploy from her suit. It can be used for recon, espionage, etc. But it also houses a piercing laser nicknamed "Sword Vigor" that can kill in One-Shot.

Mutational Notes

Organic Web Generation: Subject has Spinneret Glands at the base of her spine. Through intense exercises, she has incredible control of her spinneret muscles and can shoot webbing from her "butt" with incredible accuracy at surprising range, either just a web line or an entire net. Often surprise capturing an opponent. Her body secretes oils that render her immune to sticking to her own webs but she can make both sticky and dry silk. As a mutant, she has an absurd amount of silk production potential, to begin with, but she's on a special high protein diet and takes enzyme supplements to promote healthy amounts of web generation. She actually can get explosively backed up if she doesn't release a few times a day... One time I had to cut her and Elana out of the shower as she had gotten surprised when Elana crept up on her from behind and it caused a "Web Bomb" to go off, trapping both of them and gluing them to each other and the shower walls. The webbing was so dense that she couldn't cut herself free and the shower had washed some of her natural non-stick body oils off, trapping her. That was a very awkward phonecall... The shit I do for the Princess... The Subject can also spit webbing from under her tongue but she rarely uses it this way.

Extra Eyes: The entire eye appears to be solid red. She has 6 slightly smaller eyes on her forehead, 3 above each of her primary eyes. She has a 270-degree field of vision. Each of her eyes can telescopically zoom, making her an expert marksman. She also has Night Vision and Infrared Vision.

Aphrodisiac Bodily Fluids: Saliva: Subject's saliva contains a potent aphrodisiac.

Venomous Fangs: Subject's incisors have mutated into fangs that can inject two types of paralytic neurotoxin. It's either a stunner (Full body paralysis/"Freezing") or a killer (Causes all of the nerves to continuously fire all at once, causing full-body spasms and an agonizing death over several minutes)

Nail Manipulation: Subject can turn her finger or toenails into razor-sharp and approximately as hard as Titanium claws of variable lengths. Surprisingly she rarely uses these in combat, mainly using them as a defense against bladed weapons and to cut down webs. While her toenails appear sharp they are completely safe to touch and I dare say suck on... Knowing the Princess... Her sharp-looking toenails are completely aesthetic.

Extra Appendages: Legs: Subject has 8 human legs, the 6 additional legs all grow from her hip area alongside her original 2, her torso is otherwise as normal... Her extra legs total about 90 pounds, putting her at 180. However, her walk is not normal... She walks in a semi-crouched position, looking like a real spider when she walks. She is also completely silent when she walks.

Extra Appendages: Arms: Subject has 4 human arms, an additional pair of arms growing under her main pair. They're used for weaving more than anything. They are all highly dexterous, precise, and coordinated. She is fully ambidextrous.

Limb Regrowth: Subject's spider DNA manifests here, she can regrow lost arms or legs. She had an accident with a faulty door one time and lost a leg... I had a robotic prosthesis ready to go when I noticed that her leg had already started to grow back... To this day it's just as good as her original.

Pheromones: Subject can "hypnotize" those who are susceptible to her charms through a combination of pheromones, her natural charm, and her amazing looks. She can make straight girls and gay men putty in her hands as well so there may be more to this ability than meets the eye or it could be something else entirely.

Accelerated Metabolism: Subject heals very quickly. It's a sort of low-level Healing Factor. She heals in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. She is also basically immune to weight gain. She also has decelerated aging.

*Peak Human Beauty: She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed. Even with her mutations, many people find this former Hot Topic employee attractive. However... Some people are put off or even scared of her...


Catherine "Kate" Newman a.k.a. "The Great White"/"Project Megalodon"

Alias: Sister Kate (She is in a secretive club for gay sharks called "The Gark Society".)

Hair: Subject is a natural blonde, mid-back length, straight, occasionally wears her hair in a ponytail or bun.

Eyes: Subject has green eyes, a third eyelid covers her eyes when she goes into a rage, she is nearly blind when like this, but her eyes are protected.

Height: Subject is measured at 11'5 (Formerly 6'3). Permanently grew to 12' after discovering the first version of the Megalodon Serum had side effects.

Figure: Subject was a model before her abduction, I would say hourglass figure and E-Cup breasts, natural... They grew slightly with her transformation. She has a sizable posterior as well and as a model of course she's got the legs. Despite her immense strength, dense muscles, and daily strength training, she surprisingly has more of a swimmer build than a bodybuilder one, so she's very in shape and lean. It may have to do with mutations keeping her body as hydrodynamic as possible. She also somehow gets enough natural sunlight to maintain a slight tan year-round... Does she sneak to the tropical waters?

Feet: After using the Megalodon Serum her feet permanently grew from a US Women's Size 21 to a US Women's Size 33 (18 inches long). Still proportionate to her height. (Formerly Size 15) Subject prefers to wear white or gray nail polish, prefers her nails to be on the slightly longer side. Long webbed toes. She has a tattoo of a great white shark baring its teeth on the top of her left foot and "Great White Katie" written in black ink in a cursive font on top of her right foot written in the shape of a shark's silhouette. I myself do not have a foot fetish, but her feet are very aesthetically pleasing to look at, some people just have nice feet. She was a model before after all... I'm 100% sure Elana would refer to them as "gorgeous"! And words along that vein.

Personality and Background: Subject is formerly an Australian Model, she has a notably heavy Australian accent, but she doesn't use a lot of Australian slang, so she's very easy to understand. Megalodon is the name of the project of the project that created her and Great White is both a nickname (Even when she was a model this was her nickname cause she's tall, Australian, and White) and her callsign in Strike Force Lightning. Subject is very easily provoked to aggression... This is due to a mutation that enhanced her Adrenal System and can easily result in her flying into a blind rage. She escaped once and... Bit off her ex's reproductive parts and digested them... This was before she fully mutated and only her teeth had started to change. When not enraged, she is rather personable. I will file this under "Major Anger Issues". She really enjoys the socks that look like a shark eating your feet and the shark theme in general. She is good friends with a certain Dr. Grace Balin/Orca. Kate was a recurring character on the long-running Australian sitcom, "I Married a Dingo!" About a man who married a dingo and the insanity that ensues having a dingo for a wife... Kate played the hot next-door neighbor.

Subject's Age: 28

Sexual Orientation: Subject is Gay. 6 on the Kinsey Scale. She had a boyfriend years ago, but his cheating on her made her switch sides and she ended up liking it so much more. More power to her.

Occupation: Test Subject (Formerly Model), Reserve Strike Force Lightning Operative

Mission Types: Riot Control, Joint Special Forces Ops

Special Abilities

Subject displays the following abilities

Aquatic Breathing: Subject has large gills on the sides of her torso as well as smaller gills on her neck that allow her to breathe fresh, salt, or chlorinated water (Through months of training in the training pool to build chlorine tolerance she is now immune to its ill effects through Acquired Chlorine Immunity.)

Cold Resistance: Her body functions at 100% even in the icy depths.

Superhuman Body: Below are her strongest sub-categories.

Superhuman Strength: She's been witnessed throwing tanks with ease. While the Adrenal-Endorphin pumps are running she can throw two tanks. In "Beastmode" and underwater she could probably toss a Blue Whale a good few miles! Especially if her Neuro-Stimulation Implants are on.

Superhuman Durability, Pressure Resistance, Stamina, and Endurance: Between her Iron Hard muscles, bulletproof skin and tough yet flexible bones Kate's durability is through the roof. She has tanked Phoebe's Level 3 Railgun (Solid Osmium Ball Bearing Traveling at Mach 10!) directly to the stomach. It should be noted that she was tensing her stomach muscles at the time and this caused heavy bruising and made her throw up. The ball bearing was partially embedded into her abdomen but she was otherwise fine and healed in minutes. This kind of testing allowed us to develop electromagnetic "Punch" needles able to easily pierce Kate's tough skin for medical procedures and checkups, we had to go in under her eyes before which was not pleasant for anyone involved... She can survive crushing ocean pressures and her stamina is immense. She only sleeps about once a week for almost a full day sometimes but other times it's only about 12 hours. She is still "on guard" while sleeping. She can go months without eating. She can exert herself at near max for several hours on end before slowing down to only Enhanced levels of speed and strength. Very few opponents would last hours in a fight with her.

Enhanced Speed on Land, Superhuman Speed Underwater: On land, she can run at 80 mph. In the water, she can cruise at 325 mph for hours on end or burst to over 800 mph (Slightly over Mach 1. Let's just say when she sonic booms... Her opponent is usually fucked...) for several minutes at a time, longer when the Adrenal-Endorphin pumps are running. She also has the agility to change direction on a dime even while going at supersonic velocity. With the Neuro-Stimulation implants on, she can maintain Mach for hours. However, due to cavitation, it starts to cause bruising on her skin even with her crazy durability so she rarely goes Mach for more than a few minutes at a time. Advanced Systems is looking into a protective Wetsuit for her to allow her to go for hours. Update, the wetsuit has been fabricated and works phenomenally, with the added bonus of making Kate look like a surfer.

Enhanced Flexibility and Balance: Despite her great size, her mutant shark tendons, ligaments, and cartilage bones afford her much more flexibility than her appearance would suggest. She does Yoga every day and has great balance as well.

Animal Senses: Subject has a heightened sense of smell (That whole drop of blood thing...), eyesight (Including excellent Night Vision), and hearing. She can actually smell lies, fear, and arousal... She can hear heartbeats too, no sense trying to lie around her...

Underwater Senses: Subject has full use of all 5 senses underwater

Electroreception: She can sense the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings due to activity from their nerves and muscles.

Disease Immunity: She has an immune system like a bull shark, her liver even produces Squalamine. She just doesn't get sick, ever.

Superhuman Combat Proficiency/One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat Training. Boxing and Wrestling Proficiency. Some Strike Force Lightning CQC Training. Her enormous size and strength combined with her deadly jaws and surprising speed make her a formidable opponent on land or in the water. Combine this with her adrenaline pumps and neural implants and you have a One-Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease. She does not spar with "Squishy" opponents. While she can hold back her strength... She can't always hold back her bloodlust, especially if someone gets a bloody nose or something...

Additional Equipment

Note that the Subject's implants are completely Electrical Overload, Water, and EMP Proof, and Unhackable.

Adrenal-Endorphin Pumps/"Beastmode": Surgically implanted inside the subject's body are numerous devices that can both supply a massive boost to these chemicals at Kate's command, usually by shouting "Unleash Beastmode!" (But it can be activated with a thought.) and stimulate her glands to work overtime. They also function as supplementary transport and filtration systems to help her maintain hormonal equilibrium. They are refilled by her own glands and simply store extra and dispense it when needed. They actually hold a considerable amount but are very compact due to nanocompression tech. While the pumps are running and Adrenaline is surging through Kate's veins her Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reflexes are increased to their maximum possible capacity, allowing 100% Muscle Usage (As a Shark Mutant she usually uses 40 - 50%, while humans use 20 - 30%), and suppressing all pain. She can also use Strength Defiance to break her 100% limit and push into Enhanced Muscle Usage to use more than 100% of her strength, speed, etc. if the situation calls. While the Adrenaline surges through her veins her already heightened animal senses are sharpened to a bleeding edge. She has a 6th "Danger Sense" because the Adrenaline can give her a form of Accelerated Perception where time slows down in her mind. The pumps hold enough Adrenaline to maintain peak levels for up to 15 minutes before they shut down and let the glands rest and begin refilling the pumps, going into cooldown mode. The system can be overridden to run for a full hour in emergencies but since Kate only has a Minor Healing Factor and not a regenerative one she would eventually tire if she ran at max like that for that long regularly and could risk muscle damage, even though it would heal in a few hours. Kate's average run times are 5 - 8 minutes on average. Adrenaline can be addictive, Kate has shown remarkable restraint. This has a side effect of awakening her bloodlust and animal instincts or Primal Rage, causing her to become more or less feral for the duration the pumps are running. While natural Adrenaline and other sources such as pain can cause her to Shark the fuck out. The pumps always cause it due to the huge initial Adrenaline spike from all the pumps activating at once. That's why as soon as the Adrenaline pumps shut down, the Endorphin pumps kick in to calm her down. It has the side effect of making her extremely horny so battles can be... Interesting... She had Phoebe install an upgrade that she believes I'm unaware of that can stimulate her sexual hormones and recalibrate the tanks to fill with sex hormones instead for a massive boost to sexual arousal. Phoebe is one of my best friends so I let it slide. Kate deserves some fun in her life. An interesting side effect is that her third protective eyelid rolls over her eyes when she gets really turned on.

Neuro-Stimulation Implants: Implanted in the Subject's brain are devices that can electrically stimulate her nervous system with the voice command "Mako Mode" or with a thought to grant her the effects of Nerve Stimulation Empowerment. Enhancing her physical attributes. In theory, this should enhance her mental abilities too but so far Kate has only shown enhanced physical capabilities like strength, speed, and reflexes. The implants give her a large boost to her base stats and she can run them for hours before tiring. She does not display the higher, more Speedster-like abilities that Facilities Head Dr. Blackwell displays by using her bio-electricity to stimulate her nerves. However, Kate is not immune to electricity like Phoebe in addition to it not being a natural power of hers so she can't reach those insane levels. It's still a pretty substantial power boost for Kate though. They have a second mode that has the effect of making her whole body much more sensitive for intimate moments or casual relaxation. This system is a closed circuit and completely controlled by Kate's Brainwaves. It was designed by Karen... Sorry, it's Daisy now... By Daisy to be completely unhackable, even to Technopaths. She used her Omnifabrication power to build it and she doesn't know why it's unhackable, just that it is. Daisy is one of my best friends so I trust her on this and Kate trusts her too.

Megalodon Serum: Made from DNA extracted from Megalodon teeth this serum temporarily devolves DNA and causes the Subject to temporarily grow 5 times in size and strength while also increasing her baser animal instincts and bloodlust and sending her into a Primal Rage. The effects of the serum last for a few hours. Since it is made from Shark DNA it has no long-term effects on her health but it should be used sparingly because we don't have a lot of Megalodon DNA lying around and getting more is a huge pain... And it makes her extremely dangerous. Think Godzilla movie!!!

Anti-Cavitation Wetsuit: This special wetsuit allows the Subject to circumvent fluid dynamics and swim at her max speed for long periods of time without injuring herself from the cavitation bubbles.

Mutational Notes

Large Size: Subject is of enormous size and weight (1250 lbs, went up to 1500 after side effects of the Megalodon Serum were discovered)

Aquatic Adaptation: Subject has a Dorsal fin on her back and a fin on each forearm

Aquatic Adaptation: Aquatic Breathing: Subject has large gills on the sides of her torso

Aquatic Adaption: Webbed Appendages: Subject has webbed fingers and toes allowing her to maneuver through the water at insane speeds while maintaining excellent maneuverability.

Sharkwoman Skin: Subject has bulletproof skin. Even an RPG just caused some light bruising to her which healed within minutes. Her skin is very tough but still soft to the touch and is absurdly hydrodynamic. She has tanked an electromagnetically launched Osmium ball bearing to the chest at Mach 10 with heavy bruising but otherwise being fine. Even Railguns can't seriously hurt her, they cause her, as they say, "Only a flesh wound.' Her eyes are as durable as the rest of her, but they have the same sensitivity to pain human eyes have.

Sharkwoman Jaws: Enhanced Bite/Serrated Teeth/Tooth Regrowth: Subject has Razor-Sharp serrated teeth that grow back in indefinitely and she can bite with incredible force. Elastic Jaws: She can somewhat detach her lower jaw and slightly "Pop-out" her teeth to swallow/bite larger prey. Her mouth appears 100% human when closed.

Enhanced Digestion and Immune System: Subject can digest nearly anything, easily digesting bones and even dissolving metal in her stomach. Though she gets no nutrition from things like metal. Sharks are nigh immune to most diseases and cancer. She will not get sick from raw food and her body will destroy parasites.

Chemical Resistance/Immunity: Shark Repellant and Shark Repellant Bat-Spray: Both the spray used by our Batman (He is prepared for everything!) and the spray used by the Batman of Earth 66 (It's a long story how they met and ended up "fighting"... Don't worry he's completely fine. Only punching and Shark Repellant Bat-Spray were involved in this fight, 99% of the aggression by Batman after misreading the situation, having recently been attacked by a shark... Twice... They later ended up doing the Batusi together) have no effect on her other than mildly annoying her. Based on bodycam footage and using a digital sketching program to reveal his face through that thin mask. We have concluded that the Batman of Earth 66 has an uncanny resemblance to the late great Adam West as he appeared in the '60s, he even sounds the same! In light of this, we are nicknaming Earth 66 the "Westverse" to pay respect to a legend. Chemicals used by ocean researchers to repel sharks also have no effect on her. Apparently, all of these Shark Repellants don't work on Shark-Women haha!

Primal Rage: Subject may go into a frenzy upon smelling blood. It largely depends on her hunger, anger, and adrenaline levels. She will go into a frenzy 100% of the time while her Adrenal-Endorphin injectors are active and while on Megalodon Serum.

Endocrine System Mutation: Subject displays a phenomenal affinity to the effects of Adrenaline. Not only does it have extremely pronounced effects on her but her body can run on Adrenaline Surge mode for over an hour with no immediate or long-term ill-effects. She does not "crash" when the adrenaline wears off either.

Cardiovascular System Mutation: A large shark's heart usually beats between 8 - 12 beats per minute... Subject's heart can handle Adrenaline Overdrive for over an hour where it's beating 100's of times per minute... Her mutant shark-human hybrid heart can handle the insane whiplash in addition to helping power her crazy Stamina and Endurance. Her veins also show zero signs of damage despite constant massive Adrenaline Surges and extended periods of high heart rate and blood pressure.

Musculoskeletal System Mutation: Accelerated Muscle Development: Subject can develop her muscles through exercise in hours instead of days. Her muscles heal quickly and barely suffer from the effects of lactic acid buildup, if any at all. Her muscles are extremely dense but also "lean" and literally iron-hard, possibly harder. They are durable enough to withstand being used at 100%+ capacity with no lasting damage. Kate heals from the immediate damage of "Beastmode" in a matter of minutes and even in a weakened state her strength and speed remain well beyond human, just slightly diminished. Now her bones are interesting... They are cartilage but also far more durable than normal cartilage or even bone.

Nervous System Mutation: Subject's nervous system can handle running on overdrive for hours at a time with no immediate or lasting damage.

Accelerated Metabolism: Subject heals very quickly. It's a sort of low-level Healing Factor. She heals in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. She is also basically immune to weight gain. She also has decelerated aging.

*Peak Human Beauty: She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed. Even with her mutations, many people find this former model attractive. However... Some people are put off or even scared of her... Even though she's still mostly human-looking.


Fujiko Kurasawa a.k.a. "Cougar"

Hair: Subject has jet black hair, shoulder-length, often wears a bandanna to hide her ears when stalking her prey... Younger men... It should be noted that she has "Schrodinger's Cat Ears", she doesn't have human ears... But her hairstyle covers where they would be... Do you see where this is going?

Eyes: Subject has Yellow eyes, her pupils are slit-shaped like a Cat's

Height: 5'8

Figure: Hourglass, D-Cup breasts, and curvy hips. Very "MILF".

Feet: Size 9, Prefers "Vampy" Dark Red Polish

Personality and Background: Subject is formerly a Veterinarian, specializing in cats specifically. Subject is extremely sexually aggressive, as if in a constant state of heat... When not preying on young men or if you happen to be a woman she's very pleasant to be around and a real sweetheart. I sometimes throw my assistant Stephen to her when he pisses me off.

Subject's Age: 37 (Does not appear her actual age, maybe early 20's, looking more like her daughter's older sister rather than her mother, Asian women am I right?)

Sexual Orientation: Subject is Bisexual. 2 on the Kinsey Scale.

Occupation: Test Subject (Formerly Veterinarian)

Special Abilities

Subject displays the following abilities

Enhanced Body: Below are her strongest sub-categories.

Enhanced Balance

Enhanced Flexibility

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Stamina

Animal Senses: Subject has a heightened sense of hearing, sense of smell, and eyesight (Night Vision)

Stealthy and makes no sound when she walks

Primal Sexual Instincts: Subject is fully in tune with her inner animal and her Carnal Intuitions allow her to be a master of inducing sexual gratification. "Maneater" (Seduction Intuition): She possesses innate flawless seductive skills and overwhelming charming allure which she can use to easily and efficiently seduce, persuade, and manipulate anyone and everyone of either the same, opposite, or even entirely different species of sex. She possesses intuitive knowledge of how to make people feel sexual arousal, lust, bliss, joy, content, euphoria, orgasmic, pleasure, etc., and can always make anyone and themselves feel immense sexual satisfaction.

Hand to Hand combat training. Her agility and claws make her a ferocious fighter. However, she's too fuck-happy to use in open combat and too ravenous for seduction missions.

Mutational Notes

Subject has furry cat ears that grow from her hair, her human ears have completely disappeared. It should be noted that she has "Schrodinger's Cat Ears", she doesn't have human ears... But her hairstyle covers where they would be... Do you see where this is going?

Subject has a furry prehensile cat tail

Retractible Claws: Subject's fingernails hide razor-sharp claws underneath, her toenails can become like this as well but she usually doesn't do this because it's impractical

Insatiable Libido: Subject is in Heat most of the time

Accelerated Metabolism: Subject heals very quickly. It's a sort of low-level Healing Factor. She heals in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. She is also basically immune to weight gain. She also has decelerated aging.


Kiyoko Kurasawa a.k.a. "Kitty"

Hair: Subject has jet black hair, shoulder-length. Like her mother often wears a bandanna to hide her ears... But because she's a little embarrassed by them. It should be noted that she has "Schrodinger's Cat Ears", she doesn't have human ears... But her hairstyle covers where they would be... Do you see where this is going?

Eyes: Subject has Yellow eyes, her pupils are slit-shaped like a Cat's

Height: 5'6

Figure: Hourglass, C-Cup breasts

Feet: Size 9, Prefers Blue Polish

Personality and Background: Subject is formerly a Pet Groomer. Subject is a typical teenage girl. She sometimes goes into heat, but is bi-sexual so anyone nearby is prey...

Subject's Age: 19

Sexual Orientation: Subject is Bisexual. 4 on the Kinsey Scale.

Occupation: Test Subject (Formerly Pet Groomer)

Special Abilities

Subject displays the following abilities

Enhanced Body: Below are her strongest sub-categories.

Enhanced Balance

Enhanced Flexibility

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Stamina

Animal Senses: Subject has a heightened sense of hearing, sense of smell, and eyesight (Night Vision)

Stealthy and makes no sound when she walks

Hand to Hand combat training. Her agility and claws make her a ferocious fighter. However, she's too fuck-happy to use in open combat and too ravenous for seduction missions.

Mutational Notes

Subject has furry cat ears that grow from her hair, her human ears have completely disappeared. It should be noted that she has "Schrodinger's Cat Ears", she doesn't have human ears... But her hairstyle covers where they would be... Do you see where this is going?

Subject has a furry prehensile cat tail

Retractible Claws: Subject's fingernails hide razor-sharp claws underneath, her toenails can become like this as well but she usually doesn't do this because it's impractical

Insatiable Libido: Subject is occasionally in Heat

Accelerated Metabolism: Subject heals very quickly. It's a sort of low-level Healing Factor. She heals in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. She is also basically immune to weight gain. She also has decelerated aging.

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