Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bio: Tetra

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Content Located: Notes on Combat Android Mark IV

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"Ugggh... Karen bailed on me... Again! Phoebe claims she caught tentacle-itis and doesn't feel well... She's so full of shit. And Stark... Stark is passed out drunk... Again! Anyway, Leslie here to introduce Tetra and her features... By myself..."

Combat Gynoid type Tetra

Synthetic Hair (Indistinguishable from normal hair, it looks and feels the same): Pink, neck length, Bob

Optical Sensors: Green. Red whenever her master is in danger. The "Terminate" mode indicator. Note that they are still Biyalian Compound Style, only they have a much wider range of Spectra they can see. Scanner Vision enabled.

Model's Height: 5'6

Misc.: Unit's Auditory Sensors look like Headphones. Tetra loves being patted on the head when she does a good job. Tetra speaks in complete monotone 100% of the time and she always has a blank expression on her face.

Chassis: [CLASSIFIED] Alloy. [DECLASSIFIED: Depleted Promethium] Alloy. Virtually indestructible. Chest can also be used as storage for Weapons. Unit is covered in synthetic skin, it feels like a normal person's skin, it is even warm to the touch and contains pleasure sensors... She does have a hole with sensors between her legs... Tetra was created to be both a bodyguard of the Princess and... A... I can't believe I'm saying this... A Plaything... Note: Only the unit's Endoskeleton is indestructible. The skin can be burned off with extreme temperatures, although it is bulletproof. Move over Leslie! Hi guys! Elana here. Yeah... So this bitch is pretty stacked for a "Combat Gynoid", not only does she have a supermodel hourglass figure but her boobs are like... Probably F-Cups or something. And very... Squeezable... Hehe... Pretty decent butt too... Stop writing on my Datapad Elana! Get out of here!

Feet: Just for Elana, these were heavily focused on... They are aesthetically perfect in my opinion, and I don't even have a foot fetish. They are based on elements of the feet of the top foot models in the world. Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible. Her toe servos were designed to be extremely dexterous... She can perform fine motor actions with them, such as doing Calligraphy... Or Origami... I'll leave what else she can do with them up to your imagination... Stats: Shoe size 9, lets Elana decide on her choice of Polish color, usually Hot Pink. Her toes are long but each one gets progressively shorter from big toe to pinkie... Basically her feet were made specifically for sexual tasks... You're welcome, Elana. Though I suppose she could also use guns and swords with them if need be... Moving on.

Disposition and Unit History: The unit is- Elana jacking! Tetra is half Super Cute Robot Maid Waifu, and half Terminatrix- Elana Marie Striker! Ahem... Well, I guess that covers it... Very casually and unprofessionally I might add... As stated before Tetra was created to serve the Princess in numerous ways.

Rank and Occupation: Elana's Bodyguard

Unit Features

One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: With her superhuman strength, speed, durability, and reflexes she's nigh unstoppable. Tetra can tear through entire armies with ease.

Strength Load (Superhuman Strength): Tough call... She keeps breaking the sensors... Which were designed to test industrial machinery... She's been observed lifting Skyscrapers and Aircraft Carriers with ease.

Top Speed (Superhuman Speed): Can travel several miles in mere seconds... Well above Mach 47. 10 miles per second is cruising speed to her...

Durability (Superhuman Durability): The energy equivalent of 40,000 Hiroshimas was dropped on her... Properly contained of course. Her endoskeleton was unscathed... If anyone ever managed to successfully damage her, she would "bleed" a white conductive fluid.

Electrical Damage Immunity: Immune to short-circuiting, overloading, and EMPs. She is also unhackable and waterproof.

Body Storage: Her chest cavity can hold several weapons. Her preferred weapon is an SMG, however, a pistol and collapsible Assault Rifle can also be housed, as well as explosives. But... Due to how easily she can snap bones and tear people in half they're hardly needed. Good thing she's on our side!

High-Speed Flight: As noted she can fly at insane speeds.


Tetra's design was created through a joint effort of all 4 of the Hive's scientific departments. The breakdown of our contributions is as follows.

Facilities: Micro-Fusion Reactor Core. In theory, if it is damaged in the right, or rather the wrong way... Best case scenario, the core goes cold and fizzles out. If the containment fails, the core turns into a rocket projectile spraying hotter than sun core temperate plasma all over anyone or anything unfortunate enough to be close as it pinballs around wildly. If the fusion regulators fail and fusion goes unchecked it could release all of that energy all at once, at best vaporizing the room or a room-sized area and at worst turning the surrounding city block into a crater of molten rubble and bomb shadows of vaporized people, the surrounding area bleached by the intense light and UV Radiation. It will explode in a huge plasma fireball hotter than the core of the sun due to the insane internal pressure sustaining the reaction and the magnetic containment field will create a huge EMP as it escapes. No ionizing radiation though at least... Unless too many Tritium fusion sequences happen in the Deuterium fusion cycle... Then you would have a bit of radiation for a few moments. But statistically... That doesn't happen, too many things have to go perfectly wrong.

Bio-Science: Tissue.

Robotics: Endoskeleton, Servos.

Advanced Systems: Propulsion, Programming.

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