Friday, June 17, 2016

Ellen Striker Bio (Retconned Future Timeline)

Ellen Beatrice Striker

Hair: Blonde (Has some Red streaks), almost down to her ass, always has her hair in a French Braid

Compound Eyes: Honey Yellow

Height: 5'3

Figure: Still developing, but about a B-cup, has her mother's hips. You could call her a little pear. Well her hips fit with her body type so it doesn't look odd, she's still somewhat thin.

Feet: Size 7, Prefers Onyx Black Polish, occasionally switches to Honey Yellow but never both at once.

Personality and Background: Ellen is easily irritated and rather lazy. She also really doesn't give much of a fuck about anything. One could say she's like a Honey Badger or a Koala in a rainstorm. Ellen generally has a lighter Goth style, she likes dark purple lipstick and dark makeup. Ellen is 17 years old. She's definitely moody and hormonal... Ellen was born as the result of artificial insemination as her mother wanted no sexual contact with men but still wanted an heir to the throne, the donor is anonymous and was selected on genetic health alone. Ellen has an okay relationship with her mother, she's stubborn and butts heads with her sometimes but still has a much better relationship with her parent than her mother did with hers. Ellen is very close to the Guard Captain Rebecca.

Rank and Occupation: First Princess of Biyalia (No official responsibilities, her mother is still Ambassador and Tank Commander, well actually now she's Grand General of all forces but Ellen still has no responsibilities)

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, She's a 5 on the Kinsey Scale. Has a foot fetish for women's feet, but unlike her mother, she's somewhat ashamed of it... And even denies even having one in the first place... At first anyway...

Other: Ellen is named after Ellen Degeneres as she was an inspiration to Elana throughout her life, a shining example that yes, lesbians too can lead successful lives. Her middle name Beatrice comes from a pretty obvious place

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