Sunday, March 6, 2016

Failed Rebellion Arc Codex

Verifying Identity...

Identity Verified. Welcome Chief Surgeon Dr. Eva Mengele

Opening Files: Failed Rebellion changes, new technology, and test subject lab results...

Now loading...

Sonic Collar/Vocalizer: A device specifically created to allow the voiceless Elana to speak, The term collar is misleading, it's more of a choker. Unfortunately, the voice projected sounds very artificial and robotic, we're working on a fix. The Vocalizer now has two settings, the robotic one is used during combat as a scare tactic and the setting sounds very much like Elana's former voice that she uses when around friends and family. Also, it plays music.


Phantom Claw: Assassinations and Espionage, Led by Elana
Strike Force Lightning: Specializing in attacking behind enemy lines and Survivability they are generally air dropped, Led by Allison
The Black Knights: Biyalia's Elite Veteran Soldiers, Well versed in the use of Special Weapons and Tactics (They're the S.W.A.T. of the Royal Guard), Led by Beatrice. The most elite among them are called Queensguard, distinguished by the large crown emblem on their breastplates
Together these three divisions are known as Special Ops, only called together on very special occasions

"The Smiling Demon"

Identity: Former Princess Elana Striker

Known Abilities: Phenomenal Regeneration, can completely regenerate lost limbs and organs. It should be noted that anything lost grows back stronger than it was before. Can generate blades from her forearms (Length and shape vary) and 8 to 12 tentacles from her back (Although making more than 8 does cause her injury), the tentacles are extremely powerful, strong enough to smash concrete and scrap metals (Length and shape vary). She can telepathically communicate with her sister through touch. Elana's powers are constantly evolving, I believe her own biology has surpassed the nanites at this point. As such... I can never be truly sure what abilities she will display next. Just a few examples are: Growing wings when needed (More convenient to her as she can retract them and they don't get in her way.), armoring herself, creating shields, "Spike Launchers" for ranged attacks, and turning her tentacles into Maws to name a few... That last one disturbs even me... And I've seen and done some disturbing things... I fear she may soon turn to cannibalism of her foes... Who may or may not be dead when consumed... Her body also produces Fluoroantimonic Acid... The single most corrosive acid on the planet (It is 10 QUADRILLION times stronger than sulfuric acid). The only known substance it does not eat through is Teflon and it explodes violently when it contacts water. It should be noted that due to the subject's damaged larynx swallowing generally causes her extreme pain, as a result, she has adapted so that anything her tentacle maws consume will directly nourish her body. Due to training (Normal training and wearing weights in day to day activities) and a special diet from yours truly Elana can lift approximately 2 Tons or about 4,000 pounds with assistance from her tentacles and is constantly improving. Without weights, her top running speed is about 80 mph as well, Biyalian flight speed of 200 Mph still applies. This is due in part to her regenerative abilities, she does not have to hold back as she does not have to worry about *tearing. An extremely high pain tolerance also allows her to pass mental blocks that would hold her back. The regeneration also prevents the buildup of lactic acid in her muscles, she does sleep about once a week but I've never actually seen her become physically be tired.
*Small tears will still occur in her muscles, she can get stronger

Physical Characteristics: Dresses like a maid. Hair dyed purple, undercut. Wears a half-mask that covers her mouth but can be unzipped, the pattern on it is a big smile. It also conceals her identity. When not in "uniform" she dresses in an Emo style, her bangs cover her bionic eye at all times. Generally wears all black and black nail polish, except for her favorite bandana that she always wears around her neck, that's bright yellow with smiling teeth on it, she is NEVER seen without her bandana somewhere on her person.

Psychological: Broken Psyche (Death of multiple close friends and torture, Displays extreme Sadistic tendencies but only while engaged in combat, Masochist, Sexually Submissive, Foot Fetish, Homosexual, Incestuous, has a habit of smiling while playing with her victims. It should be noted that the subject displays some difficulty remembering things and this can occasionally cause her to have violent outbursts.

Thigh Tattoo: An Imp Demon with a huge smile on her face

Surgical Notes: Has a bionic left eye. Vocal Chords were removed, I had them for safekeeping but they were destroyed in a lab accident. Has a large vertical surgical scar on her neck. It is unknown why she is unable to regenerate them and her missing eye. Perhaps it doesn't work on any previous injuries? Wings were amputated by request of the subject herself, "They kept getting in the way". When I was conditioning her body I noticed that her tentacles are not filled with normal hemoglobin-based blood. They ooze out a corrosive viscous black... Substance... Like some kind of goo for lack of a better term.

Other: Each of her tentacles weighs between 80 - 100 lbs, depending on her diet and excess biomass. Her current total body weight fluctuates between 765 - 925 lbs when not geared up. She has evolved to be able to wield 8 tentacles simultaneously (Without injuring herself), formerly they used to tear through her skin every time she released them but now they retract into slits in her back. She got tribal tattoos around the slits.
It should also be noted that she doesn't use her mouth to eat or speak. As such her lips don't move when speaking because of the sound being produced from her Vocalizer, unless she's being considerate for people who read lips such as Night Fright or is in disguise, to keep up appearances.

"Project Omega"

Identity: Allison Striker

Known Abilities: Teleportation, Super Strength, Speed, Endurance and Durability. Also regenerates but not to the same extent as Elana, her durability alleviates this. Can telepathically communicate with her sister through touch.

Physical Characteristics: Wears a skintight catsuit type thing and high heeled thigh highs, wears a retractable helmet/visor that covers the top half of her face, also concealing her identity. Has blades grafted to the bones on her forearms, they are mostly retractable as part of the blade is visible on her arm when retracted. When extended they are about 6 feet long and made of a secret alloy that's virtually indestructible.

Psychological: Broken Psyche (Torture), Displays no emotion when killing, Sexually Dominant,
Incestuous, Bisexual?

Thigh Tattoo: Capitol Greek Omega Symbol

Surgical notes: Wings were amputated by the request of the subject herself, "I can teleport. They just get in the way."

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