Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bio: Becky Jameson (Canon Adult)

Full Name: Rebecca "Becky" Elena Esperanza Jameson

Aliases: Lil' Red, Iron Becky, The Vixen, Watermelon Boobs

Hair: Ass length. Red. Straight. Bangs cover one of her eyes, she technically has Emo Bangs and it is so hot! Keeps her hair in a bun when on duty, always has it down off-duty. Her hair is so pretty...

Compound Eyes: Green, like sparkling emeralds. Behind them... Becky is a true sweetheart while simultaneously being a true seductress... Also, her eyes are just so pretty... Not an actual superpower but she can definitely make you putty with just a cute look...

Height: 5'4

Figure: Hourglass, but... She's a bit... Top-heavy... Those boobs! They're just about as big as her head! H-Cup? At least she has the well-developed back and chest muscles underneath to support those things... You know what else most people don't think about? The dreaded boob sweat! It's a thing. She's what you'd call a shortstack, she has a dumptruck ass as well and thicc thighs. She's on the curvier side, but is in amazing shape, having an athletic figure without being too muscular.

Feet: Size 12, Watermelon-themed Pedicure, polished to a tantalizing shine... Becky has had size 12's since age 12... She has always had these gorgeous modelesque feet. Even when she looked young... She actually used to sell pictures and videos of her gorgeous adult feet, even as a child. She was just careful to never show anything other than her feet until she finally hit puberty in her 40's, now she does full-body pics and vids cause she's fully aware of how hot she is from head to toe... On the top of her feet, she has watermelon bunches and vines on her left foot and watermelon slices on her right foot... And surprisingly on her soles, she has two halves of a lotus blossom in black lineart. It is so cool and sexy! That had to be so fucking painful to get though... Unrelated to watermelons, but the surprise lotus blossom... Ooooh... It's just so unique, you've never seen anything like it...

Personality and Background: Becky's a sweetheart. She really likes watermelons, the theme, not the fruit funny enough. Moreso, she likes watermelon imagery. Like bras and panties, hoodies that are green on the outside a red on the inside, insanely cute pedicures, and tattoos. Those sorts of things. It's unknown if it's related to her gigantic boobs. A bit of a ditz sometimes sure, but she easily fills her mother Bea's shoes as the "hardass" Captain of the Queensguard. Her subordinates both respect and fear her (At times, she does not tolerate shenanigans. "Iron Becky's Drills" are legendary in the Queensguard and no one in their right mind wants to go through that Hell... They're borderline sadistic and specifically used as a punishment). She has a couple of nicknames in the Queensguard, some call her Iron Becky, yet others call her The Vixen... Cause she can be a hardass or the biggest temptress... Becky is not White despite her looks... Not fully anyway... Her family is part Hispanic somewhere not so far down the line... Considering her middle name it fits... And considering how fucking thicc this girl is it really fits! Plus, Esperanza is just such a sexy middle name in general. She was a really late bloomer and did not hit puberty until her early 40's. She will occasionally use an Image Inducer + to make herself look like she used to, to RP with you as the cute little girl with huge feet she used to be from time to time.

Rank and Occupation: Captain of the Queensguard. Her breastplate is specially made... Yes... Boob plate armor... But, how else would the woman breathe? Binding only works up to a point. A point Becky far exceeds with those massive mammaries... Her boob armor isn't even anywhere remotely close to her actual size, but enough extra space that she can comfortably breathe. Cause the bulletproof fabric used to cover the parts of her body that need to bend isn't always protective enough... Her armor proudly displays the Queensguard Crown Emblem on the breastplate.

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Tattoo: A bit of an oddity. It looks like an old suit of Knight's Armor, but this knight has a pet fox...


Peak Human Beauty: Becky is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Makeup or not. Even if she just woke up. Her incredible hotness might be the result of her mother's altered supersoldier genetics, while Becky is not a supersoldier herself her body is kind of perfect... Or she just has good genes, and there's nothing otherwordly about her, she's just really hot. She even be lookin' cute when she rolls out of the bed in the morning, so maybe it is something otherwordly... But probably not, Becky is just naturally graceful and photogenic I guess.

Peak Human Strength, Endurance, and Stamina: She has to have these. She effortlessly hefts her natural H-Cups around with little effort. She asks you for back massages, but it could just be because she enjoys your massages in general. She really doesn't seem burdened by her boobs at all. The weight anyway, they do frequently get in the way. Since you've felt her up good and seen her naked after you started dating, you can confirm that she has solidly developed back and chest muscles to heft those sweater puppies around.

Peak Human Balance: Her massive boobs and ass actually act as really good counterbalances. Becky is actually really good at Yoga and often practices with you.

Tough Boobs and Impact Absorption: She can use her boobs as a weapon without injuring them. They are soft, squeezable, and apparently durable blunt force melee weapons and shields. She also has had people punch and kick her directly in the boobs only for the attack to deflect off of or squish into the giant fatty shields she has growing on her chest, haha! She's even upped it to bats and pitching machines to see what happens, seeing similar results from her funbag airbags. Her super boobs make great blunt force impact absorbers! Maybe a bit of her mother's supersoldier DNA shows in how tough she is.

Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: Becky has had full Queensguard training and has Powerful Boobs, using a unique martial art utilizing her giant knockers. No really... She can use her boobs as fairly viable weapons in combat when the situation calls. Like this time she was surrounded by creeps at the bar and didn't have any weapons on her. They're so large and heavy that they make great weapons when flying into people's faces at high speed and knocking them out on impact from the force created of the sudden "Airbag" attack of her boobs slamming into their face, a Heavy Strike indeed. Or even just suffocating them until unconscious. She can also smack people with them or drop down onto people with them (The Becky Bomber?) and her chest bumps actually do damage and send people repelling off in the opposite direction. She has practiced this shit and created a martial art! This is some Keijo shit! She can fight normally, but her Oppai-jutsu was more interesting to describe. The flying boob missile, wrecking ball tits, and marshmallow hell attacks are just fun to watch. In all honesty, because of her short stature, her boobs make better weapons than her relatively short limbs in 9 out of 10 situations anyway, since most people are bigger than her.

Hypnotic Breasts (Enhanced via Focal Object in the form of a swirly necklace she bought at a gift shop. It has no inherent powers and is just a hunk of metal.) and Non-Powered Persuasion (Sex Appeal): Not an actual superpower, but horny people are stupid and will do almost anything she asks most the time with just a little cleavage or jiggle and a Lil' flirt to anyone who's attracted to women and who likes big boobs. She later bought a little black and white swirly necklace as a joke, but if she sways it along with her boobs and says some generic hypnotist mumbo jumbo, she can get weak-minded people to fall into a trance-like state of high suggestibility where they will do whatever she says. It works with her boobs alone, but having the necklace as a focal point helps. So, I guess it's technically a legitimate superpower... Her power is mostly used as a cute party trick.

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