Sunday, March 20, 2016

Division Head Bio: Karen "Daisy" White

Full Name: Dr. Karen Daisy White. With the increasing negative stereotypes associated with the name Karen... She started going by her middle name, especially after uploading her consciousness into a Techno-Organic replacement body. New Karen, new start, new name. So many people just assumed she was a racist because of her name, accent, and being a white woman from the south, even though that couldn't be further from the truth, Karen is the sweetest thing! But still, she goes by Daisy just to distance herself from all the racist Karens out there asking for the manager and ruining the name Karen for everyone else by being so toxic.

Aliases: Her nicknames around R and D are "Blueprint" and "The Tech-Witch of the South".

Hair: Red, ass-length, usually in a loose bun but frequently lets it down or does a cute braid or pigtails. Always something cute... Just to tease you...

Compound Eyes: Green. Behind them... Hard to pinpoint, but all in all she seems like a good person, you can just tell with some people. She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses, but this is likely out of habit or just for looks. Especially pointless after transferring her mind into the perfect Techno-Organic body. She is 100% exploiting your glasses fetish... The tease... She looks so good in them too...

Height: 5'5

Figure: E-Cup, Hourglass. Fat ass, thicc thighs, killer legs... Her Techno-Organic Body was based on Sex-Bot designs... She was pressed for time due to her disease and it was faster to upgrade pre-existing schematics rather than start from scratch. Formerly thin but curvy... It's paradoxical I know... She had C-Cups and like Leslie and the other Division Heads makes labcoats look sexy. Especially now! She has a perfect physique that's not too muscular and is just... Sexy... Peak Human Beauty for sure...

Feet: Around size 8, Orange polish... Karen originally built tech to put on her fingers to increase her efficiency while building... She decided... Fuck it! One day and put some on her toes too... While wearing the rings her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from sewing a costume to cooking to building complex technology, this girl is good with her feet! Since her Techno-Organic replacement body was based on Sex-Bot designs not only are her feet aesthetically perfect to look at and drool over now, so beautiful and sexy... Just perfect... Seriously... She also no longer needs the rings to be good with her feet. She is just inherently masterful at footjobs now. Not only that but she can also do it at hyperspeed while still maintaining that incredible technique... She's the go-to gal if you want to cum hard... That's for sure. She even has special hyper-cooling lube she uses on you so you don't get friction burns and the like...

Personality and Background: Karen's really sweet and flirty... She doesn't quite have an accent (It maybe slips from time to time though, most of the time actually, her preferred nickname for you being "Sugah Pie") but some of her mannerisms and wording choices point to her being from the Southern United States. She's in her 20's probably. Karen can be... Eccentric... If you didn't know any better you would also say that Karen might be just a little bit Autistic... Like High Functioning or Asperger's. She doesn't always maintain eye contact you've noticed and doesn't have many hobbies as far as you can tell... And when she does get to talking about something she's passionate about, no force on this earth will stop her... She tends to take things quite literally most of the time. She's bad with names and faces and slimy textures completely repulse her and make her wince and tense up. She's also a genius. Literally the smartest person you've ever met. It's almost scary how smart she is... If she wanted to she could take over and improve the efficiency of every branch of R and D or maybe even become the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All-Time) of Supervillains. Her only Academic weakness seems to be Mathematics... (Also pointing towards her being somewhere on the Autistic Spectrum) And she even built a hovering robotic drone (It's a floating ball) named "Bit" just to do calculations for her... She's actually so bad at math that she can't do basic times tables except for 2's, 5's, and 10's or long division at all. On the topic of robots, her other favorite is "Tunez", a floating robot speaker. She's also been known to click her pen excessively when something is stressing her. You have also personally witnessed one of her meltdowns on the rare occasions one of her inventions malfunctions... Curse words were used you weren't even aware existed and many things were thrown at the wall. Most people also wouldn't notice that Karen can be shy and awkward, they'd be too distracted by her sexiness. She feels really natural and comfortable around you but you've watched her fumble around new people and in big crowds, she sticks with one person, usually you. Now to any normal person that isn't as well versed as I in such things you'd think that Karen was a totally normal (If slightly eccentric and awkward) evil genius of a woman. Karen always wears fun socks, like the ones that look like sharks eating your feet for example. Karen is extremely close to Phoebe, who is like an older sister to her. Even though she won't admit it, Sakura is really close to her too. She and Stark can even nerd out about robotics and bounce ideas off each other and they've become "Work Drinking Buddies". Two people who drink together and talk shop. In late 2020 Karen was diagnosed with ALS. Rather than suffer through a slow, painful death withering away into a vegetable she decided to transfer her consciousness into a perfect Techno-Organic body that wouldn't betray her, becoming Daisy.

Additional Notes on Bit: While Bit's primary purpose is to do calculations it is also a 3D Printer so that Karen/Daisy can make prototypes of her inventions.

Age: 27 (Transferred her consciousness into the Techno-Organic body and aging halted at 27, though her new body is technically brand new)

Education: Ph.D. in Robotics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

Rank and Occupation: Head of the Advanced Systems Division of R and D. She is one of 4 Division Heads. R and D Division Heads are treasured by the Hive. She is ranked somewhere under a Branch Overseer, which is the acting Queen of a Biyalian Territory!

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian with a healthy appreciation for the beauty of women's feet. Not a fetish, but she knows that pretty feet are pretty, fetish or not, and she loves having her feet worshipped. (Well she's quite flirty... And she gets pretty handsy... And she makes eyes at you... Holy shit the Gaydar is beeping off the charts! It should've been obvious from the start... You're slipping...)


Mechanical Intuition: Robotics has been one of Karen's Autistic hyper-focuses since childhood. She's read every book and paper published on the subject and has an advanced understanding of robotics and engineering. Even becoming a literal Doctor of Robotics and Engineering via her doctorates on the subjects.

Omnifabrication: Karen possesses the ability to build or upgrade anything out of any materials in a short amount of time. Though she despises subpar craftsmanship, so she is sometimes held up by materials when she doesn't need to be and she has a psychic link to technology that allows her to understand it on a base level. In theory, she can build tech that defies physics and logic but she has yet to do so unless you consider Nanocompression tech physics-defying. For example, she kept hitting roadblocks on the Consciousness Transferral tech, just barely finishing it in time. This ability works flawlessly and as intended after becoming Daisy.

Superhuman Intelligence: With an IQ rivaling Lex Luthor and Batman, Karen is one of the smartest people in existence. She also possesses all of the associated intelligence-based sub-powers sans psionic (It should be noted that a severe mathematics deficiency can hold her back at times). For example Superhuman Creativity. Omnifabrication is actually a tier above what she should be capable of at her level of intellect but because it's her Meta ability she can build something even if she doesn't necessarily know how or why it works and sometimes creates new periodic elements without even realizing it. Phoebe set up radiation detectors and a containment system to protect Karen for when she gets into "Tinker" mode and goes on an inventing spree, possibly creating new radioactive elements without noticing but luckily the R and D girls have each other's backs. Usually, Omnifabrication results in creations with a 100% success rate but Karen not always having access to god-tier materials and not always understanding why her more complex inventions work her invention success rate is only 99%, and once in a blue moon her inventions do malfunction. One of her cooler inventions is a High-Tech Cybernetic Powered Exoskeleton with twin rapid-firing railguns (Perhaps to throw a little friendly shade at Phoebe) that nanocompresses into a wrist computer that functions as a Datapad. Her Omnifabrication became flawless after becoming Daisy.

Techno-Organic Body/Superhuman Condition: Daisy is the Techno-Organic body Karen transferred her mind into from her failing organic body. It is based on Sex-Bot designs with a multitude of upgrades by Ms. White herself. Master Sex-Bot/Sex Specialist/Carnal Intuition: As a side effect of the Sex-Bot base, Daisy has an innate Encyclopedic Knowledge of all sexual and carnal techniques. Advanced Sexuality: She has an insane libido and is the most smooth and romantic fucking bitch you have ever met! A far cry from the awkward hottie you've come to know over the years. Peak Human Beauty: She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed. The upgrades she made make her as strong, fast, and tough as a Kryptonian under a blue sun. She also has superhuman reflexes, balance, dexterity, etc. Self-Sustenance: Daisy does not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or expel waste from her body. Sanitized Metabolism and Pleasant Scent: She does sweat, but only because she knows you like that. It serves no purpose other than making her smell like yummy honey. She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet. Biological Immortality and Auxilary Organs: Her tech is constantly self-repairing her organic parts and she has redundant double organ systems. Mechanical copies of all of her vital organ systems that will never wear out and cannot be hacked, not that they even have an off mode, to begin with. All of her robotics is completely unhackable and EMP-proof. Contaminant Immunity: Daisy is immune to diseases, poisons, drugs, radiation, etc.

Cyber Brain: Her brain is partially organic and partially cybernetic. This both allows her brain to function as and process at the speeds of an actual supercomputer. Just one example is Accelerated Perception ("Bullet Time"). Technopathy: She can also directly interface with, download, upload, and hack tech with just her mind. Encyclopedic Knowledge and Internal Archive: She has an encyclopedic knowledge of the known universe and has the literal entirety of the Automaton Database archived in her head... A gift from X7 who has really grown to like Daisy, who always treated her like a goddess and had many insightful tech conversations with her over the years. Multitasking and Parallel Processing: She can also Multitask and Parallel Process like no other. She can talk to you while texting with her brain while doing research on the web while writing a novel. You even try to catch her off guard with dumb riddles... Like Earth 66 Riddler "Sparrow with a machine gun" level WTF riddles. Omnilingualism and Panmanesia: She speaks every recorded language in the database and never forgets anything. Ever. Her unique brain grants her full Psychic Immunity: Perfect Psychic Shield and causes Psychic Feedback. She's also a perfect lie detector and her cyber brain cuts through any and all illusions. Instant Learning: Like Taskmaster's ability but 1000 times more versatile, she just understands things instantly. These are just a few examples of what her super brain can do. Computer Operation Intuition: She understands machines on a base level instinctively. She is a master Coder, Decoder, Programmer, Hacker, etc. However... Because her Autistic brainwaves were cloned flawlessly... Despite having a healthy, nay, improved brain... Daisy still has Asperger's and can't do mathematics to save her life...  Though the electronic components of her brain mitigate this math weakness somewhat. She could've easily written a program to edit out her math deficiency or even her Autism while her consciousness was code in her lab's computer but she wanted to remain her truest self despite changing bodies. It's kind of a good thing. It means she's the exact same person she was before, just with more knowledge and skills now.


Lab Defense Grid: Daisy's Lab Security Systems can restrain even intruders with super strength and additionally will verbally chastise anyone intruders who say abusive, mean, or rude things after being captured.

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