Sunday, March 20, 2016

Division Head Bio: Phoebe Jane Blackwell

Full Name: Dr. Phoebe Jane Blackwell. Your nickname for her is PB and J.

Aliases: "Amy" was an alias she used when she used to Babysit you for the Strikers while in a human disguise, "Squid Queen" is her callsign in the Navy, "Phoebeast" is her nickname in Meta Brawl, the Metahuman fight club in the Hive. Legal and sanctioned by the Queen herself, no killing allowed.

Hair: Black, Ass Length, Emo Bangs cover one of her eyes, she has her hair in an Updo with some ribbons that kind of make it look like a squid's mantle. These normally white ribbons are sensitive to electricity and glow neon blue when an electrical current runs through them, it's neat tech Phoebe herself invented.

Compound Eyes: Red (Mutation). Behind them... You see pain... The pain of being labeled a freak and hearing the whispers behind her back... Pain that you know all too well... They glow blue when she's charged with high levels of bio-electricity. She also has superb Night Vision and full EM Spectrum Vision, fun fact she told you.

Height: 5'5

Figure: C-Cup (But can be bigger depending on how full her water sacs are). Hourglass. Curvy. (She used to be very petite but, her mutations gave her extra organs). Fat Ass. Thicc Thighs. Gorgeous modelesque legs. They're as powerful as they are sexy! Like with most of these sciencey types she makes labcoats look sexy. Also, it should be noted... Well... Long story short... She has dark purple octopus arms where her human arms used to be... Science Experiment gone horribly wrong after a lab accident... She uses her feet for certain things that require more dexterity. She also has really sexy legs and seems to only wear leggings (She doesn't wear panties. The camel-toe is real! It's like she's trying to seduce you...) The skirt does nothing considering how much she moves her legs around to do shit... That is when she's wearing her skirt... See note below on personality.

Feet: Size 9, Shiny Dark Purple Polish. Long toes. She's extremely dexterous with them... She also has a holster around her ankle for her phone and has some rings packed with tech that allow her to interface with her lab equipment more easily. Gonna be real here... She has gorgeous feet! You teasingly refer to her as the Ocean Goddess when you're worshipping her feet but you think she secretly loves the love and attention... Gonna say it... Her incredible dexterity with her feet and toes means she gives the most divine footjobs... She can also electrify her feet in just the right way so that you feel pure, electric, sexual pleasure in your nerves, in your skin, in every cell in your body. As far as you're concerned she's part mutant sea lamprey due to her incredible ability to utterly drain you of your sexual fluids with her feet... Wink wink. Even sucking on her toes is more enjoyable when she uses them to tease you... Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from wielding weapons to cooking to building complex and intricate technology, this girl is good with her feet! In addition to her electrical, gallons of pussy juice inducing footjobs... Phoebe is kinda... Maybe... Really good at hyperspeed footjobs too... I mean she's always been a lesbian and hasn't had powers her whole life... So the underlying technique was already there... And the hyper-cooling lube protects you from friction burns. Superspeed electric footjobs are just... Mind-meltingly amazing! Phoebe has a large black Semicolon tattooed on the top of her left foot. Made from her own bio-ink so that her Healing Factor leaves it alone. It is extremely meaningful to her as a woman who struggles with depression. It's a reminder to her that she chose to continue when she could've easily given up and chosen a period instead. Because in writing a semicolon is used when an author could've ended their sentence, but chose not to. Along the same vein, she also has "Just keep swimming!" tattooed on the top of her right foot with a black lineart of Dory also made from her own bio-ink. Daisy later developed a special dye to add to Phoebe's bio-ink, so now she has a beautiful vibrant blue Dory and little yellow stripe. Her Healing Factor and lack of human arms limit her in her choices but Daisy has been a massive help with her genius inventions.

Personality and Background: Phoebe might be seen by some as brooding, cynical, jaded, and apathetic... In your opinion she's just hurting and uses it as a coping mechanism, she probably has really bad depression. You're always nice to her, but you tend to get along with everybody anyway. What you really think is that deep down Phoebe's a sweetie and just needs a hug sometimes. Low self-esteem and a different viewpoint on public exposure as "Embarrassment about showing your body is completely illogical." have caused Phoebe... She has a habit of randomly stripping down to her underwear, either her upper clothing, her skirt, or both. Maybe it's because of her gills but... The girl doesn't see the issue with stripping in public... She doesn't think she's hot at all and thinks that no one wants to see her gross mutated body... As a side note if she used to strip like this when she babysat you and you saw her in her underwear all the time... Wait... "Amy" stripped randomly from time to time! You sometimes wonder if she's the one who made you like women too... The way you do I mean, being as thirsty as you are. The gay thing has definitely always been there, Phoebe probably just reinforced it. If you saw Phoebe/"Amy" in her underwear all the time at such a young age that would explain why you're such a perve. Tee hee. She's definitely 100% responsible for awakening your foot fetish though because apparently, her feet were the only way she could care for you because you didn't like the sensation of her slimy "tentacles" (Arms) touching you... She didn't necessarily give you a foot fetish, but she made the one you were born with as strong as it is today. Crossed wires and all that. Seriously... She did everything to care for you with those sexy ass feet of hers... You've had dreams about her feeding you with her feet when you were a little kid even if you don't necessarily remember it. She continued to be your babysitter disguised as the human babysitter "Amy" until you were 19. Aunt Vicky was concerned about the self-harm so "Amy" stayed around to keep an eye on you. In retrospect, those were probably image inducers around her octopus arms which would explain why "Amy" was so damned awkward and clumsy and did almost everything with her feet after getting frustrated enough. Growing up "Amy" did her best to protect you from Mike but she couldn't be around 24/7. Some of your best memories of her are being the cool babysitter who let you watch R-rated movies, but she would cover your eyes with her feet and toes at any violent or too sexy parts, sometimes for several minutes at a time where you could also enjoy their scent and focus on it... They were so soft and comforting... According to Phoebe, her normal arms were lost in a lab accident and she attempted to regrow them using DNA from different sea creatures...  This was the result. When Phoebe was 16, she was the Vice-Head of Facilities and she was working on a highly experimental Portable Micro-Fission Reactor. It was poorly designed and the cooling system failed, resulting in a meltdown. Keep in mind this is well before Stark appeared and brought stable miniaturized ARC Reactor tech from his dimension. Anyway, the mini-reactor malfunctioned and Phoebe's arms and wings were vaporized in the explosion of bright blue light and she was dosed with lethal amounts of ionizing radiation and covered in third-degree burns. The Facilities Head, her best friend was killed in the explosion. Partially blinded by the flash and disoriented from the nausea of her insides rapidly liquefying and her Central Nervous System beginning to fail she stumbles into the DNA splicing pod in Bioscience. Seeing that it says Blue Ringed Octopus as the last genetic sample she fires up the pod, figuring it will allow her to regenerate her arms and survive the fatal dose of radiation... What she didn't realize is that several species' DNA was in the machine and her highly irradiated DNA caused several additional mutations while making her immune to the harmful effects of radiation... Her new Healing Factor combined with the hardy immune system of a Bullshark and the cancer-killing Hemocyanin blood of a cephalopod and an (unknown at the time)  Metahuman power she possesses that allows her body to adapt to anything allowed her to survive fatal radiation poisoning and she somehow did not get just... All of the cancer but instead thrived, becoming an extremely powerful Metahuman. But not before the radiation had eaten away at the insides of all of her bones, regenerating them as flexible shark-like cartilage but much stronger. That much radiation should've destroyed all of her DNA and Chromosomes completely but her Adaptive Metabolism caused it to make her stronger instead. The test chamber was only dangerously irradiated for a few days because of the small amount of nuclear material used, similar to how quickly the radiation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki dissipated. Phoebe is older than she seems. She has maybe 15 years or so on you, apparently, she babysat you when you were very young, too young to remember but you have dreams sometimes... She certainly doesn't look her age. Daisy/Karen and Sakura/Leslie are like sisters to her due to how frequently and how closely they collaborate on projects and all of Phoebe's volunteer work for the other branches of R and D.

Age: 42 (Lost human arms at 16 and stopped aging once she was fully grown) 

Rank and Occupation: Head of the Facilities Division of R and D. She is one of 4 Division Heads. R and D Division Heads are treasured by the Hive. She is ranked somewhere under a Branch Overseer, which is the acting Queen of a Biyalian Territory! Volunteer Diver for the Biyalian Navy, Volunteer Deep Aquatic Specimen Collector for Bioscience, and Volunteer Cloned Megalodon Tooth Collector for Bioscience. Please note that she is very well compensated for all of her volunteer work. Volunteer High-Tech Exoskeleton/Power Armor Radiation Safety Test Subject for Advanced Systems and Robotics. Her military and dive callsign is Squid Queen. Champion Pit Fighter "Phoebeast" in the Metahuman fight club in the Hive. Legal and sanctioned by the Queen herself, no killing allowed. Nail Drying Technician at various nail salons, her Ultraviolet powers are quite useful there and she gets fat tips for being faster than the machines. Phoebe likes to keep busy!

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian


Superhuman Combat/One Woman Army/Army Annihilation: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant: She is a surprisingly skilled fighter, having developed her own unique Martial Art that's a mix of Capoeira, Savate, Taekwondo, and Kickboxing. Utilizing her unique "boneless" biology to be extremely difficult to hit and her overwhelming biological superpowers to confuse and disorient her opponents. Due to her regeneration, she has Enhanced base stats like Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Endurance, Reflexes, etc. She's as graceful as a ballerina and deadly as a viper. She is a master of float like a butterfly... Sting like a bee! She holds her strength back when sparring against "Squishy" non-Meta opponents who can't handle her full power. Those sexy legs of hers could take someone's head off in one kick probably. Her combat skill, superhuman stats, and powerful Metahuman abilities truly make her a One Woman Army that can tear through entire armies with ease... In theory. She's more of a sport fighter, it's more of a hobby for her.

Enhanced Stealth: Due to her light body she is completely silent when she walks, she is extremely quick and agile, can hide in and behind literally anything, stick to walls and ceilings, and she can turn completely invisible by bending her light around her so it's no longer in the visible spectrum or the exact same color as the background in addition to her Camouflage ability. This also means that she can hide from all types of vision spectra and imaging tech, as she can also freely manipulate the Visible Light Spectrum. Body Heat Camouflage and Thermokinetic Invisibility: Her cold body also doesn't show up on thermal cameras. She's a ghost as long as she hasn't recently gone on a deep dive and reeks of TMAO (A highly fishy-smelling chemical that allows organs to function under crushing deep ocean pressures.)

*Peak Human Beauty: She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed. Even with her mutations, many people find this gloomy scientist attractive. However... Some people are put off or even scared of her... Even though she's still mostly human-looking.

Mutational Notes

Spliced DNA: The DNA that was in the splicing machine at the time Phoebe used it was from the Blue Ringed Octopus, Humboldt Squid, Fire-Shooter Squid, Australian Giant Cuttlefish, Flying Fish, Bullshark, Gulper Eel, Black Gulper, Planarian Worm, Starfish, Electric Eel, Mantis Shrimp, and Hagfish.

Adaptive Metabolism: She possesses a supernaturally adaptive metabolism, which allows her to withstand virtually any toxin/pathogen, survive incredibly harsh conditions and recover at amazing speed from otherwise lethal damage. She can build up her physical abilities to potentially infinite levels through increasingly harder training, and develop powerful elemental resistances via gradual exposure. This flexibility extends also to her brain cells, allowing her to learn at an accelerated rate, and she proves highly compatible with enhancing drugs and similar empowering substances, permanently incorporating the enhancements and quickly nullifying their various side-effects. This, combined with Radiation-Induced Secondary Mutations is why Phoebe mutated so many beneficial and awesome superpowers as a result of mutations and not deformities.

Biology: Hemocyanin Blood: Her copper-based blood is blue due to hemocyanin. It is less efficient at transporting oxygen but more efficient at keeping the body oxygenated in freezing environments and as a side effect makes Phoebe deathly pale. She has extra hearts to supply her body with the required amount of oxygen. See below.

Extreme Cold Resistance: Her hemocyanin based blood provides extreme resistance to the cold. Her body can completely function even in the icy depths. She is cold-blooded but her special octopus biology makes her immune to typical cold-blooded weaknesses.

Aquatic Breathing: She has large gills on the sides of her torso that allow her to breathe fresh, salt, or chlorinated water. In addition to her primary heart, she has two smaller secondary hearts near her gills that enrich the blood with oxygen before delivering it to her primary heart.

Deep-Sea Adaption: In addition to having the durability and cold resistance necessary for deep-sea exploration she's also bioluminescent and her body can produce a substance in her blood called Trimethylamine Oxide or TMAO. This substance allows her biological processes to function, even under crushing pressures. It has the unfortunate side effect of having a strong fishy smell as it breaks down. Phoebe is ecstatic that you still hang out with her even after deep dives where her blood chemistry is returning to normal and the TMAO is breaking down making her smell heavily of fish. As she often extremely lonely after a dive.

Acquired Poison Immunity (Chlorine): After months, years, and decades of building up a tolerance through swimming pools, she longer suffers any ill effects from Chlorine poisoning. Despite her healing factor Chlorine used to really fuck her up and make her sick because of her gills but nowadays she can traverse all waters.

Poison Immunity (Tetrodotoxin): She is completely immune to the effects of her own highly lethal venom.

Poison Immunity (General): Due to her Healing Factor and sea creature biology she is immune to most if not all types of poisons.

Ink Generation/Ink Sacs: She has ink sacs that allow her body to produce thick clouds and high-pressure streams of ink. She can release it from either water siphon on her body... It works best underwater but the water siphon under her tongue allows her to spray ink from her mouth at extreme pressure. The ink is an extreme eye and skin irritant. It may cause temporary blindness and temporary loss of sense of smell and taste due to the heavy pungent odor it gives off. Phoebe can also internally mix her ink with her Tetrodotoxin to create paralytic poisonous ink, the ink dilutes the poison making it a sort of Taser attack. She can use black to dark purple ink or bioluminescent glowing ink.

Water Sacs: She has water sacs inside her body that due to a mutation can expand to ridiculous volumes and hold several dozens of gallons of water. The first few dozen gallons of fullness actually make her boobs and ass bigger which she sometimes uses to her advantage. But eventually, once she starts going into Metahuman territory her whole body just balloons much like "Blueberry Violet" from either version of the Chocolate Factory movie. However, holding so much water is impractical for many reasons. Although maybe it could be useful in a very niche situation where she needs to unleash a massive hydro cannon attack... You've never actually seen her ballon from water but there's a video of the RPG thing... See below.

Water Siphons/Jets: Phoebe has two water siphons in her body that she can shoot water or ink from at a high enough PSI to sever limbs due to a mutation. One is located under her tongue which she uses for combat on land and the other is located near her tailbone which she uses for underwater escape cloud ink and extreme travel speed underwater. She can travel at a top speed of 770 mph, or just over Mach 1.

"Pistol Chambers": Courtesy of mutated Mantis Shrimp DNA, Phoebe has small cavities located in the ends of her "tentacles" (Arms). She can slam the "Doors" of these chambers shut at such force that a Cavitation Bubble is formed. This briefly superheats the water to 8,500+ F, produces a 220 DB sound, and a brief flash of light as water rushes back in. When a bubble in a liquid rapidly collapses it produces a shock wave, essentially while underwater Phoebe has access to a short-range (Few feet tops) Bubble Beam which sounds cute until you realize there's plasma as hot as the surface of the sun inside these bubbles as they pop! They are louder than a gunshot when they pop and the shockwave hits with such great concussive force they can easily break bones and rupture internal organs. She actually uses this particular ability to dislodge and harvest Megalodon Clone teeth. They grow back so she's not hurting it in the long run. Note that due to the laws of physics this ability only functions underwater.

Arms/"Tentacles": Her "tentacles" (Arms) are extremely powerful, and each of her suckers has phenomenal grip strength. Each one of the 250 suckers on each of her arms hides a ring of serrated teeth that can shred flesh if she simply moves her arms around like one of those apple slicers or a cookie-cutter... She has full conscious control over the deployment of the teeth.

Blue Ringed Octopus Venom: She has barbs hidden in the suckers of her "tentacles" (Arms) that can inject Tetrodotoxin. The injection itself is painless and the target may not even feel it. It can cause up to total paralysis and kills in minutes usually via respiratory failure. There is no anti-venom to it. She has full conscious control over the deployment of these barbs.

Bioluminescence Manipulation: She can glow bright enough to temporarily blind an opponent. Due to mutations she can also glow bright enough to burn out retinas and cause permanent blindness. She can freely adjust the color.

Camouflage, Limited Shapeshifting, and Limited Vocal Replication: Chromatophores, Iridophores, and Leucophores in her skin allow her to blend in with any background. Due to mutations, she can also somewhat modify her appearance by using this ability in conjunction with her flexible bones, but not her height or her arms... So it's really obvious that it's her, even if she changes her face... She can also copy voices she has heard but remains deadpan and monotone... Her undersuit can shift color and texture along with her body, so all she has to do is ditch her labcoat, bottoms, and shoes.

Enhanced Senses: She has a heightened sense of Sight (Incredible Night Vision and many vision modes), Hearing, Smell, Taste, and especially Touch.

Underwater Senses: She has full use of all 5 senses underwater.

Electroreception: She can sense the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings due to activity from their nerves and muscles. She can also sense the EM fields generated by electrical devices.

Mucous Generation and Frictionless Skin/Slippery Body: Super slippery and super sticky varieties. Her entire body is lined with mucous glands, so she can easily slip out of being grabbed or make the floor extremely slippery with generic fish slime. She can also spit mucous from her mouth reaching insane distance with incredible accuracy. Her Hagfish mucous acts like a net made of pure slime. Hagfish mucous is made of a combination of protein and sugar called mucin and has protein fibers that stretch when pulled making it extraordinarily hard to escape from and clean off. It can lethally gunk up airways and gills easily and utterly destroys machines with moving parts. It makes a great "Capture net". She is not always slimy, it is only when she needs to be.

Radiation-Induced Secondary Mutations

Disease and Health Ailment Immunity: Her already incredibly hardy Bullshark immune system mutated to give her full immunity to diseases and health ailments. This coupled with her Healing Factor gives her full Contaminant Immunity, making her body immune to the effects of all foreign substances. Because of the massive doses of radiation that hit her she also has full Radiation Immunity. Extremely handy for her job in Facilities and volunteer work testing how radiation-proof the Power Armor models are.

Hybrid Gulper Eel/Black Gulper/Bullshark Digestive System/"Super Digestive System": Phoebe's mutated digestive system is a chimeric amalgamation of these three species. She can unhinge her jaws and open her mouth to swallow objects much larger than herself. Her jaw returns to normal human size when she's done. Her entire digestive system is extremely elastic and can stretch to many times its original size. Her mutant Bullshark digestive system allows her to digest anything to the point where it's almost a superpower. She doesn't get nourishment from say... Metal but she can dissolve it in her stomach.

Expandability: Her bones and organs are extremely flexible. This means that she can safely overfill her water sacs to the point where her body begins to bloat until round with no ill effects. Much like "Blueberry Violet" from either version of the Chocolate Factory movie. Her elastic durability is so great she once ate an RPG fired at her during a training exercise and it detonated in her stomach! She briefly ballooned for a couple seconds from the pressure released before returning to normal as smoke leaked from her mouth for a bit. It was like watching a cartoon.

Absolute Flexibility: Phoebe is absolutely flexible due to her now flexible bones and completely boneless arms. She wears braces on her boneless "tentacles" (Arms) so that they can better support her weight when she does Yoga for example. She's basically Ragdoll but with zero limitations, it's actually rather freaky... She can bend in any conceivable way with no limitations and fit through and into the tiniest of spaces.

Power Mastery: Phoebe is a master of using and combining her powers in creative ways, she is basically a goddess of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and the oceans.

Bio-Electricity Generation and Electrical Immunity: Her Electric Eel DNA mutated to become exponentially more powerful while also rendering Phoebe herself completely immune to electric shocks. Because her body is constantly generating low-level bio-electricity Phoebe is completely immune to electrocution and all of the indirect and direct negative effects of electricity. In addition to basic shit like generating electricity, she can shoot blue lightning from her "tentacles" (Arms) and feet pretty much indefinitely. A cool combo is shooting water from the siphon under her tongue at low pressure but electrifying it.
Bio-Electric Aura: Similar to Kryptonians she is invulnerable due to a Bio-Electric Aura surrounding her body like a thin invisible forcefield hugging it. The terrifying thing is Phoebe can keep this on all the time as her body generates so much electricity it's like a drop in the bucket for her to keep the aura on... It actually prevents dirt and grime from sticking to her body so she never stinks except after a deep dive. Note that because the TMAO that produces the strong fishy smell after a deep dive is internal it is unfortunately unaffected by the aura and she still stinks but you honestly don't mind and Phoebe absolutely loves that you still hang out with her.
Electric Touch: Pretty self-explanatory. Phoebe's touch is shocking! She can zap someone just by touching them. Like the famous "Shoulder Touch".
Electrical Pleasure Inducement: Her touch is also... Electric... Wink wink. She has such fine control over the voltage and amperage to stimulate your nerves and your very cells in just the right way... She can turn you on just by touching you... Making foot worship especially interesting sometimes... Making out can be if she so wills it... Electrifying... It's like licking a battery but erotic. Every part of your mouth and face tingling with pleasure as she stimulates your facial nerves.
Electro-Kinetic Combat: Phoebe can enhance her melee strikes by discharging a jolt of electricity every time a part of her body contacts an opponent. Like strapping Stun Guns to your boxing gloves.
Bio-Electric Adhesion/Electric Wallcrawling: Achieved via Van Der Waals forces Phoebe can electrostatically cling to any surface on a molecular level like Spider-Man. he must be barehanded and barefoot to stick to surfaces unless she's wearing shoes made of a special material to still allow for atomic interaction, but her flats are so easy to kick off this is a non-issue.
Bio-Electric Healing and Heart Restart: She can heal others by electrically stimulating cells. This is of course limited in what it can do. She can also restart hearts with a precise electric jolt.

Bio-Electricity Generation: Nerve Stimulation Empowerment/"Sea Goddess Mode": Phoebe can enhance her physical and mental attributes by using electricity to stimulate her nerves to accomplish a variety of things like increasing her Strength, Speed, and Reflexes exponentially to high superhuman levels, granting herself Superhuman Condition for example. A Super Saiyan power-up for all of her already high base stats or a Raiden Mode. While she can remain powered up indefinitely, being powered up all the time isn't necessarily useful. In addition to the ambient static electricity that she gives off at higher levels of power not agreeing with the electronics in her lab so well. So until she can EMP-proof it she will not be doing tasks like a Speedster in her lab. She can also boost her already powerful healing factor by stimulating her cells with electricity.
Accelerated Activity: She can do anything at a faster speed than what is naturally possible, including thinking, moving, etc. regardless of what speed time is moving at.
Accelerated Thought Process: She can speed up her brain to nigh-Speedster levels to think faster. She processes information at incredible speeds, allowing her to analyze and come to conclusions at an unprecedented rate and perceive everything at a faster time frame.
Accelerated Perception: She can essentially activate bullet time and in her eyes, the world will be moving in slow motion because her mind senses and processes information at such lightning speeds. She can also do the Speed Reading thing.

Bio-Electromagnetism: Where there's electricity there's magnetism.
Electrical Telepathy: She can read, scan, manipulate, and project thought waves as electromagnetic pulse signals. She seems to only have the most basic form of Telepathy. Just reading thoughts and sending them. I have no idea if she can control minds too.
Electromagnetic Telekinesis: She can move objects with her mind by influencing the electromagnetic fields around them.
Magnetic Projectile/Railgun Effect/"A Certain Scientific Railgun": Phoebe was heavily inspired on new ways to use her powers by a certain science fiction anime... She thought... "I can improve on that!" She takes hold of a small marble-sized Osmium-Tungsten Alloy ball bearing and runs two parallel currents in opposite directions on either side of her tentacle, the projectile acting as a bridge between the currents. The driving current goes through the positive side, through the projectile, and comes back through the negative side using the Lorentz Force with the addition of Fleming's left-hand rule. The projectile is then fired using electromagnetic force. A few things to note about the Railgun. She normally fires it at about Mach 3 but can fire at up to Mach 30 (1.5 times the speed of a typical space shuttle launch) and fire 12 shots a minute. She can freely steer the projectile via her Electromagnetic Telekinesis abilities. Unless someone has god-like dodging abilities and some kind of precognition or probability manipulation power she never misses her shots because she also has Superhuman Accuracy via the Numerical Precision of her super brain and her flawless calculations. Her power level of Railguns are: Level 1 (Mach 3), Level 2 (Mach 5), Level 3 (Mach 10), True Railgun (Mach 15, Stationary Railguns fire at this speed), and Ultimate Railgun (Mach 30 and she switches to Depleted Promethium and enhances the projectile, see below. This level is extremely dangerous and should be saved for appropriately dangerous threats)
Projectile Enhancement: Her projectile is enhanced via Electromagnetic Infusion. The already heavy, dense, and durable Osmium-Tungsten ball is charged with electromagnetic energy and flies even faster, has even greater penetration power, and explodes as it rips through the target. They often melt before hitting the target at longer distances. She switches to Depleted Promethium rounds for the higher levels of Railgun as the Osmium-Tungsten often turns to molten slag due to heat generated from air friction. Though the "Hypersonic Slag Spear" Effect where the projectile melts before impact, penetrates the armor like a liquid spear, and further continues to melt and burn inside the target can be useful. Functioning like a molten Kinetic Energy Penetrator Round can be extremely useful. She electromagnetically recovers any Depleted Promethium balls that get lodged in her foes, it's a rare metal and is indestructible, better to reuse it than to have the enemy keep it and somehow find a use for it. Usually, it just embeds in the wall or ground somewhere behind them after piercing straight through though...

High-Speed Flight: Phoebe lost her Biyalian wings in the explosion that took her arms and irradiated her. She can fly in a hilarious number of ways now, ironically faster than she ever could before. Organic Wing Manifestation: Due to Flying Fish DNA she can sprout fin-like wings to fly with. By far the slowest but safest method of flight. She can also fly with both her Bio-Electric and Bio-Electromagnetic powers which are still relatively safe. Especially if she's riding a metal object or manipulating the copper in her blood to fly. If flying electrically there's an area of a few feet of danger around her. And now we get into Radio-Kinetic Flight. Phoebe can propel herself through the air using pretty much any type of EM Spectrum Radiation from Gamma Rays to Radio Waves so in the interest of not giving everyone nearby cancer she never flies using these. Due to her incredible ability to make calculations, she can also use her water jets to jet jump and change directions on the fly, essentially flying because of her incredible calculations, dexterity, agility, and precision. As long as she has the water she can keep herself in the air for extended periods of time but she usually utilizes this technique in more of a pinball-style, bouncing off of walls, floors, and ceilings with her rubbery body.

EM Spectrum Manipulation: There's a whole spectrum of Bio-Electromagnetism. She can create, shape, and manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum, the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, which in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength, consists of radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, cosmic rays, and gamma rays.

EM Spectrum Vision: She can perceive the world around herself based solely on the patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. She can see the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is visible to the user and she can "tune" her vision to interpret the various ranges of the energy. She can see radio waves (which include AM, FM, and TV frequencies), radar, infrared (Thermal), visible light, ultraviolet (Including Blacklight vision... She's never commented cause the maids clean your room daily but... You're always a little insecure about it even though you know it's not always on and she wouldn't judge you for it anyway... You almost forgot... All Biyalians have UV vision by default...), power waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and even cosmic rays. She also has night-vision. She can also see the energy flowing through power lines and technological objects (can tell if they are active or not). She can tell if a radio transmitter is 'on' and if it is sending signals.

Superhuman Intelligence: Her brain cells are constantly regenerating and super healthy. Her brain also mutated to be more cephalopod-like in structure (Physical size unchanged), massively increasing her intelligence. As a result, her intelligence is superhuman and she can further boost it with her Bio-Electricity. She is far smarter than most super-geniuses. Even before mutation, she had a genius-level intellect. Her upper limits are not known. She easily rivals Lex Luthor and Batman and can probably push into Brainiac territory... She has all of the intelligence-based sub-abilities sans psionic (Her TK powers are Electromagnetism based). Such as the lesser version of Karen/Daisy's metahuman ability to build anything, Superhuman Inventing. In that Phoebe can build anything in theory but she is much more limited by materials and the laws of physics than Karen/Daisy is but she can still build theoretical tech, and create new technology or even new elements if she has to but she still pretty much leaves the major building to Karen/Daisy. Unlike Karen/Daisy whose ability to build is a Meta power, Phoebe's building ability comes from her intelligence and extremely advanced knowledge of Mechanical Engineering with Mechanical Intuition. Phoebe has made a quite few inventions of her own, like her tech access toe rings. This is just one example of her intellect-based sub-powers. Unlike her intellectual rival Karen/Daisy, Phoebe is a literal math wizard! She has Numerical Precision: She can solve, measure, and calculate problems through numbers without using mathematical operations, but through pure intuition. She has an intuitive understanding of all forms of mathematics, perceives reality as a numerical construct, and instinctively identifies the variables/quantum possibilities in any situation. She can isolate/analyze/calculate any/all variables, to solve any/all problems, she possesses flawless accuracy/precision, and allow her to always calculate the optimal choice/tactic in any situation, etc. instantly. She can tell how many bullets there are inside a gun and how many have been shot, the measurements of areas or coordinates without having data of it or any information, etc. An advanced user can tell the numbers of stars in a galaxy, know how many atoms in a certain body, and even determine the material percentage of any chemical compound or physical structure, tell the right time including hour, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds with the slightest thought, which are winning numbers in a lottery, determine the speed and velocity of any object, calculate and predict every outcome related to cause and effect, etc. On the battlefield, she can tell the number of incoming armies without counting them. Phoebe has many other sub-abilities like Multitasking and Parallel Processing, but this one was worth pointing out. Enhanced Calculation: Like the Espers of a Certain Scientific Railgun, she also uses real math in addition to her magic math. Her squid brain is like an organic super calculator.

Type VI Healing Factor (Ultimate Regeneration): Due to DNA from several regenerative sea creatures, a boost from radiation-induced mutations, and her Bio-Electric Healing Boost (Stimulating her cells with electricity.) Phoebe has ridiculous cellular regeneration. She can heal from any bodily damage. Because her cells and telomere lengths are constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, she does not age, can recover any damaged body parts, and sustenance requirements are drastically reduced, to the point where she attains a form of immortality. Even the separation and destruction of her head is pointless, as she can simply regenerate an entire head or body, repairing any and all brain and nerve cells to perfect working order, keeping her mind intact. She is effectively immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. She is immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to their unaltered state, blocking her mind from any attacks or invasive attempts. Aside from complete recovery, the ability is also adaptively intelligent, meaning it will not multiply harmful cells such as tumors, but instead repair the sick cells to their original, optimal healthy forms. Also, she does not require to turn twisted limbs in the right orientation manually for regeneration to occur. Even if something is jammed into the body, it will not prevent regeneration as it can simply shift the obstacle to make the recovery complete. If the user gains the ability after birth, then the ability can also heal any and all birth defects such as heredity illnesses and unformed limbs. Phoebe's regeneration reads her DNA as sea creature DNA, hence why her arms did not return to normal. Due to mutated Planarian Worm DNA, she can regenerate from a single cell... Hell, even a single strand of DNA will do, but she's so damned durable that her regen rarely kicks in.

Elastic Durability, Regenerative Durability, and Pressure Resistance: Her rubbery bones and organs, rapid regeneration, and extreme resistance to blood loss make her resistant to all types of physical damage. Blunt Force Immunity and Cutting Immunity: She has full immunity to blunt force trauma and her elastic body is immune to cutting and stabbing. She can survive the crushing pressures of the deep ocean. She's run tests on herself that basically amount to industrial crush tests after she got hit by a hover freighter (Biyalian equivalent of an 18 wheeler) and she was fine so she decided on further testing... Well, she's obviously still here and perfectly fine... Makes sense with all the sea creature DNA with depth pressure and whatnot. She is invulnerable while her Bio-Electric Aura is up, which is all the time but if anything were ever to disable or get around it... She's a damned tough cookie!

Enhanced to Superhuman Condition: Phoebe's base physical stats range from slightly enhanced to high superhuman levels of strength, speed, reflexes, mental processing speed, etc. when her nerves are powered up with Electricity.

Superhuman Strength ("Tentacles"/Arms only), General Enhanced Strength: Due to powerful suckers on her "tentacles" (Arms) and the dense musculature connecting them to her body if she can get a grip on it Phoebe can lift things much larger and heavier than herself. Each sucker can lift roughly 35.25 pounds and she has 250 per arm so in theory on the grip strength of her suckers alone she can lift 17,625 lbs or roughly 8.8 tons. Due to her healing factor, the rest of her body has a degree of Enhanced Strength due to the numerous other effects of her regeneration. She can increase her strength exponentially with Bio-Electricity and her upper limits are not known. She can also extend this aura like Kryptonians to help large objects keep structural integrity when they shouldn't and defy physics.

Nigh-Absolute Stamina, Endurance, and Self-Sustenance: Phoebe's Healing Factor keeps her going. Her poison immunity includes all fatigue toxins. She meditates in a pseudo-sleep once in a while for her personal mental health but does not actually need to sleep. She can sleep and does sleep, she tends to sleep when she stays over at your place in your bed... Her body has glands that filter nutrients from the air and water. So technically she doesn't really need to eat either. Fail-safes in her biology also prevent death by asphyxiation. Though it's unclear if she needs to breathe or not. Her digestion is so efficient that she does not produce waste...

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