Sunday, March 6, 2016

Eva Mengele

Hair: Blonde, shoulder-length, Bun

Compound Eyes: Blue... Behind them... You can just see the madness... But also... Something... Deeper... Like maybe she isn't all bad... Mad sure... But not necessarily a bad person... Maybe... She might be a bad girl... But maybe she's not a... bad girl...

Height: 5'11

Figure: D-cup, hourglass... Yet another woman who can make Labcoats look sexy...

Feet: Size 9, Onyx Black Polish. I only just barely noticed her playing with her flats... Not the best attire for the O.R. but I'm glad for it.

Personality and Background: This woman's battier than a whole fucking colony of bats... And her urge to erm... Dissect her "patients" is rather unnerving... However... Seeing as she comes from a family of Nazis... She's surprisingly not what you'd expect... Aside from the obvious mental health issues and macabre hobbies. What mean to say is... I can't believe I'm saying this... She's not a bad person... I mean her personality when she isn't going off is pretty tolerable, and she seems to harbor no ill will to anyone else... Aside from patients... I mean we're all aliens at this point anyway... She's no Saint... But maybe you might be able to at the very least forgive her for taking your voice from you... After all... She was just following orders... Which reminds me... She's a relic from WWII... That's right... World War Fucking 2... She was probably born in the 1930s... And she doesn't look too much older than like 33! Makes sense... Bea looks like 28ish... Eva is the daughter of a rather infamous Nazi "Doctor". It's also worth noting that she doesn't really have a German accent despite be most likely born and raised in Germany. Well... A very light accent anyway. I would chalk that and possibly her lack of racism up to living in a multicultural Hive and hanging around the English speaking Queen Bee for half a century. When she gets angry though she does start cursing in German. Or just yelling... German as a language just sounds angry all the time anyway, you know?

Rank and Occupation: *Cough* Nazi *Cough* I mean *Cough* Mad Scientist *Cough* No seriously uh... Surgeon? If you can call her that... I'd like to see this woman's medical license... I mean she cleanly cut out my vocal cords and stitched the hole back up after all so... She has some degree of skill I guess... (I may be a bit bitter over becoming a mute all of the sudden...) Annnyway... Zazzala seems to highly value her.

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