Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bio: Ellen's BFF's

Skylar Haruyama

Hair: Black, neck length, straight. Styled in a bob

Compound Eyes: Green

Height: 5'6

Figure: This is interesting... It seems the black in her manifests itself here, she's very curvy... Especially considering her age... Gonna say DD cup and hourglass... And she's not even done puberty yet!

Feet: Size 12, Unusual for her height but then again her mom has yummy big feet too. Always has her nails painted but the color can vary, although it's always something fancy. Her feet are gorgeous.

Personality and Background: Well... She's an Alpha bitch and doesn't take shit from anyone. She will often try to take control of any situation she's placed in. She's very prissy and into fashion but has an extraordinarily high IQ. Her racial background is a bit of a mixed bag... Her mother is Japanese and her father is black and white... So she's... Half Asian, one-quarter white, and one-quarter black... Yet somehow... She came out looking almost 100% Asian... Her eye color maybe being the exception... Genetics are weird like that... Also... She took her mother's last name... Her parents are very much married and have a healthy relationship... It's just a status thing since her mother outranks her father in their shared vocation. Korllian Law Article VII, Subsection IX.

Age: 17

Rank and Occupation: Junior Researcher (It takes years to be named a full-fledged researcher) in The Research and Development Labs, the Bioscience Division Specifically. After all her parents are the Head and Vice-head.

Lineage: Mother: Bioscience Head Dr. Leslie Haruyama

Father: Bioscience Vice-Head Stephen Thompson

Veronica "Viper" Long

Hair: Currently Purple (Natural Brunette), mid-back length, Emo Bangs, hair usually in a ponytail for her job

Compound Eyes: Amber brown

Height: 5'4

Figure: She appears petite but is hiding C-cups and a nice hourglass figure

Feet: Size 8, nails painted interestingly... Let's call it a Goth French Pedicure... They're painted base Matte Black but the tips are painted shiny Onyx Black

Personality and Background: She can be a bitch... But only sometimes... Sometimes she's just the sweetest thing... She's a typical moody Goth on most days, however.

Age: 19

Rank and Occupation: Vice-Captain of the Royal Guard, Captain Rebecca's Protegee

Lineage: Mother: President of Public Relations Jade Long

Father: Chief War Machine Mechanic Anthony Long

Paige Edelweiss

Hair: Light Brown, shoulder-length. Bun

Compound Eyes: Pink (Note: She is almost completely blind, needs specially designed glasses to be able to see... Anything really... Other than blurry blobs)

Height: 5'0

Figure: Very petite, an A or B cup at most.

Feet: A petite 5 or 6, usually painted light pink

Personality and Background: Paige is a sweet girl, shy and soft-spoken. She does not speak much and is often buried in a book. She is extremely intelligent. Paige inherited most of her mother's blindness, while not completely blind... Without specialized eyewear, she can't even see her own hand in front of her face... It doesn't help that she's an enormous klutz...

Age: 16

Rank and Occupation: Royal Records Keeper, Advisor-in-training

Lineage: Mother: Chief Royal Advisor Stephanie Edelweiss

Unknown Father

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