Friday, April 8, 2016

Bio: Ellen a.k.a. The Little Demon Alchemist

Author's Note: Ellen's Teen Stats are indicated in Red, her Adult stats in Blue. Please note that there is a two-year time skip to 2040 when Ellen is 19 and has greatly matured. Most things are the same, but any changes will be noted in Blue. Also, let's say Harley is a certified Nutritionist as well.

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User ID Confirmed: Chief Hive Psychiatrist and Psychologist Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel

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Content Located: Patient: "Ellen" Vi Korll physical and mental development notes 2030 - 2040

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Aliases: Little Demon, The Honey Badger

Hair: Blonde, shoulder-length, messy

Dyed dark blue, mid-back length, she has an undercut and the so-called "Emo Bangs" covering one of her eyes.

Compound Eyes: Honey Yellow

Height: 4'0 (She should be around 4'4, but she is malnourished)

5'6 (Nutritional program worked extremely well. Successfully caught her up to where she should have been)

Figure: She's 9 so... Typical 9-year-old frame, although a little skinnier than most kids her age. She is malnourished.

Still developing, but about a C-Cup. She has her mother's hips. You could call her a little pear. Well her hips fit with her body type so it doesn't look odd, she's still somewhat thin. (May need to up calorie intake.)

The two years made a world of difference. Still a C-Cup, but her ass and thighs filled in like crazy and she got thicc, putting a bit of meat on her bones in the right places. She's still slightly bottom-heavy which is just fine. (She is a healthy weight now, but still leans a little on the skinny side. She may have an accelerated metabolism like her mother.)

Feet: Size 4, nails unpainted

Size 9, almost always paints her nails gloss onyx black, sometimes with skulls or spiderwebs patterned on

Personality and Background: Ellen is a psychological mess, I mean this girl is a Psychiatrist like myself's wet dream. I mean her mother didn't even bother to name her! Due to her mother's treatment of her, she has a few issues... Among just a few of her problems are: Explosive outbursts of violence, bipolar disorder, and low self-esteem. Also directly imposed onto her, albeit indirectly by her mother, masochism, and foot fetishism, both only apply to women. Despite this, at most times Ellen is a sweet loving little girl that just wants to be loved back. Ellen is around 9 years old and was conceived via rape when her mother, going by the Smiling Demon at the time before she became the Smiling Archdemon was knocked out on a mission...

Well into her teenage years Ellen is still messed up, maybe even moreso. Her self-esteem is a lot better but, self-harm and smoking can be added to her list of issues. Though the latter is mostly just in rebellion. The sweet little girl is gone, Ellen is rebellious, aggressive, foul-mouthed, rude, vulgar, and probably more violent than she was as a child, though she controls the outbursts a bit better now. Although she usually keeps a switchblade on her person at all times. The only person who can keep her in line is her mother... Ellen has become a typical punk girl, both in appearance and attitude. Ellen is 17 years old.

Ellen has matured immensely in the two years since she was a teenager and became a really well-adjusted adult after 10 years of therapy and that really rough patch as a teenager. She's become a sort of "Goth Geek" in that she's into "Nerdy" hobbies now at 19. It's almost a minor miracle that she became such a well-adjusted adult considering the multitude of abuses she suffered for the first half of her life...

Rank and Occupation: Urchin? Her mother feeds her about once a week so she has to seek handouts.

Teenage rebel, deviant and all-around punk. Queen Zazzala has temporarily disowned her until she cleans up her act. Ellen has somehow managed to hold down a job at a fast-food place in the commercial district, she despises her job and all of the customers, but she needs money because she's disowned.

Technically since Elana was reinstated as Princess Ellen is like... Second Princess or something by birthright, it's hard to keep track of. She has a job at a shoe store that she absolutely loves. She also has a side business selling Beauty Products made inside her biochemical factory of a body, see below. It's so lucrative she even has interdimensional customers such as the Animal Army from one of the parallel timelines and Velvet from the "Prime" timeline. The Animal Army is polite enough to portal into the shoe store to purchase shoes and products from Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. But Velvet's feet just randomly portal in, always near her face with a note and payment clutched between her toes with an order. Once she fills up her bag she grabs it with her toes, but her feet always come back out to play with Ellen's face and mouth for a couple of minutes of teasing and foot worship. Ellen gives her discounts because of this even though in her own words Velvet is "So annoying and inconvenient." Yet these transactions happen weekly... Velvet uses a lot of lube...

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (I knew the second I met her at age 9. As a woman who's more into women than men myself, I sort of just knew. She is currently dating her Step-Mom Rachael's best friend Kate. They both age more slowly so the 29 year age gap isn't really relevant.)


Enhanced Durability: As the "Spawn of the Archdemon" Ellen seems to have inherited her mother's remarkable durability, taking full force blows from her even as a child (She can easily send someone flying into a wall hard enough to easily break their spine by backhanding them with a tentacle and she used to "backhand" Ellen frequently before she got her issues (Mostly) under control and started to love Ellen instead of seeing her as someone who ruined her life)

Healing Factor: Ellen seems to have inherited some of her mother's regenerative abilities, however, they are of a lesser level.

Appendage Generation: Retractable Tentacles: At age 17 she discovered that she can generate at least two, possibly even four powerful tentacles from her back like her mother can. She can really only morph them into hands so they're much better for "Doing stuff with extra hands" than "Viciously murdering people" like her mother's are and they don't turn into mouths to eat people or shoot out acid. Well, actually she can open them up to use like grinders for scents, for example grinding up lavender since the smells of her products don't always come from nowhere. Ellen is thankfully more of a lover than a fighter.

Beauty Factory/Living Spa (Biochemistry Manipulation) and Osculated Sway: At age 19 she discovered that instead of acid, her tentacles produce a pearly white, soapy, lotion-like substance that has incredible cleansing and moisturizing properties. It attracts dirt like a vacuum and beads up and rolls or wipes off extremely easily. It exfoliates and moisturizes, even softening up Kate's sharkskin. It has an incredibly Pleasant Scent, anyone who smells it is compelled to do whatever Ellen tells them to. She can seep this lotion through her skin at any time to gain the Sway effect. She tested this by asking for a raise 3 days in a row and getting one each time. When women from corporate came to chew out her boss Mayumi she simply offered them lotion she had previously bottled up (Along with a nice foot massage for some hard-working women... Ellen is good at schmoozing like that and thankfully they were all hot as fuck) and asked them to let Mayumi off the hook. She has full conscious control over the activation of the Pheromones, but it always smells good regardless. Ellen can also make nail polish that lasts for months without chipping, strengthens, and hardens the nails underneath. She started selling it. It's great for normal women who like one color for a long time and for women with literal animal claws who want to look fierce and keep their weapons sharp and protected. She can make any color with or without glitter and can make the polish smell like various different pleasant things, like tangerines for example. She can also make lube that when applied to the genitals helps promote blood flow, and activates sex hormones to make the user hornier and enhance their libido and passion. It's also pleasantly tingly, friction activated. Ellen runs a small Beauty Empire selling super cleansing, exfoliating lotion, long-lasting weaponizable nail polish of any color of the rainbow you want after her tentacle takes a small sample, wet or dry once, and lube that enhances your sex. To name just a few products. She also has a volumizing shampoo that assists in hair regrowth and body wash that over time can sanitize a person's metabolism to make them always smell pretty. Funnily enough, they continue to buy it for various reasons even after gaining a Sanitized Metabolism. Her company is called Little Demon Alchemist Beauty Supply Co. This is just a side hustle though, she loves her job at the shoe store and a lot of customers there hit her up about her products. Her new Osculated Sway ability, or as she calls it her Aphrodite Swag ability... She doesn't enjoy controlling people so she rarely sways anyone to do her bidding. Like maybe she'll use it once in a while to get an annoying person to leave her alone or get a discount or get her stepmom to give her more footjobs on a daily basis than she should, but she's just so good at them and they are such a great stress relief for her... Plus she hooks her up with shoes and sometimes they have pheromone battles to try and control each other and establish dominance, Rachael pushing for a good multi-foot massage, and Ellen pushing for a good multi-footjob, though it's all in good fun. No matter who loses, everyone wins.

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