Thursday, April 23, 2015

Biyalian Technology Codex: Volume I

Leslie's Notes: Blueprints and Other Data

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Biyalian Physiology: Biyalians are similar in form to humans, however, they possess wings for sustained flight. Biyalians naturally emit pheromones from their bodies, although they primarily only affect humans. Biyalian sweat smells and tastes faintly of honey. Biyalians have a small pair of antennae growing from the crown of their heads, these are used to gain information through touch, to Biyalians intertwining antennae is a way of bonding.

Biyalian Males: Biyalian males do not have wings due to the interference of the Y Chromosome in the conversion process. They instead take to the skies with jetpacks built into all the male armors standard issue. Said jetpacks run on energy cells. They allow for approximately 1 hour of flight time before needing to be recharged. Males carry spare power cells in their Field Kits for extended campaigns.

Aging: Biyalians live approximately 4 times longer than the human average, and physically age 4 times slower. This is largely dependent on the age when converted.

Biyalian Eyes: Similar to the compound eyes of some insects, Biyalian eyes are the same size and in the same location as a human's eyes, however, they have multiple lenses and some light regenerative properties, if one is gouged out as long as some tissue remains it will fully regenerate, good as new, this applies to injuries prior to becoming Biyalian as well. Biyalians have night vision and can see further than a human can, making them excellent snipers and soldiers. However technological assistance is still needed to see X-Rays and Infrared.

Honey: Honey is produced by Earth's Honeybees. Biyalians have a unique physiology in that Honey is like a drug to us. It produces a buzz similar to alcohol intoxication. Minus the bladder annoyances and hangover later. It is possible to build tolerance but it is only temporary. If a regular user stops for a few months and comes back it'll be just like their first time all over again. I have been unable to crack the mystery of this phenomenon.

Military Weaponry

Weaponry: All Biyalian weaponry is energy based, even flamethrowers, which actually spray superheated Plasma. They make a horrifying screeching sound, hence the nickname "Banshee". Biyalian rifles have a safety switch, just like a traditional rifle. Rifles are fired by placing the fingers into the indented slots in the side of the rifle and pulling. They produce no recoil. Rifles can collapse using nano-compression technology and are generally holstered with compatible armor.

Armor: Biyalian armor has three forms. Nude: In which the armor and undersuit are completely compressed using nano-compression. In this form, it takes the form of a tattoo on the user's hip. The undersuit is redeployed by double tapping the tattoo. Undersuit: In this form, the armor is a form-fitting undersuit. The armor itself is actually a cell phone sized device on the hip. Pressing the button on the device fully deploys the armor. Armored: In this form the armor is... Well, armor... Complete with a helmet. To deactivate the armor to its undersuit form, a button on the wrist is pressed. All Biyalian armors come standard with a communicator similar to a cell phone. It can bebe accessed via helmet or removed and used like a regular phone when in undersuit mode. Armors are always capable of generating a forcefield to protect its wearer. As a security precaution, only the user may activate or deactivate their armor. All armors have the same features, "Custom" armors are represented by how the "Tattoo" looks in Nude mode.

Custom Armor, Ghidorah: The armor worn by Princess Elana. It's the newest and most advanced model currently available, Elana obtained it in a case of right place, right time. This model just has a few minor tweaks from the older model, it's not that much better, just newer. In Nude mode, the Tattoo looks like a three-headed dragon.

Custom Armor, Hydra: The armor worn by Captain of the Royal Guard Beatrice. It's the previous model before Elana's, she's due for upgrade actually. In Nude mode her Tattoo like a multi-headed serpent.

Custom Armor, Monarch: The armor worn by Queen Zazzala. It's the same model as Beatrice's, she's also due for an upgrade. In Nude mode, her Tattoo looks like a Bee wearing a crown, a queen bee if you will.

Vehicles: Biyalian vehicles use the most advanced technology, and can only be piloted by Biyalians. All vehicles have a forcefield. The army primarily consists of Mechs, the Armored division. The Navy consists of flying vehicles though they are generally slower than those of the Air Force. The Air Force consists of the fast-moving vehicles, most of them similar to Earth VTOLs.

Custom Vehicle, The Godzilla: Elana's Mech. It is bipedal, although it can transform into "Roller Mode" where it controls like any wheeled vehicle. The Godzilla's primary weaponry is a Plasma Repeater (Laser Machine Gun), Scatter Bombs and Heat Seeking Missiles. It can also use its arms and legs to smash and stomp.

Custom Vehicle, The Phoenix: Beatrice's Fighter. This bright red VTOL is highly maneuverable, fast and deadly. In the hands of Beatrice it is nigh untouchable, then again Bea is Ace among Aces. It's the fastest fighter in the Biyalian fleet. It is armed with a Plasma Repeater, Heat Seeking Missiles, Laser Guided Missiles, and Emergency Flares. 

Flagship, HMS Dreadnought: The pride of the Biyalian Military, this Behemoth of a ship darkens the skies with its presence. It is heavily armored and possesses a multitude of weapons. It is covered is anti-air defensive turrets, for offense, its main weapon is called the Ragnarok cannon, a massive laser cannon that actually takes up the bulk of the front of the ship, this weapon is fired in a sweeping motion, carving a swath of destruction through whatever it touches. It also possesses several secondary explosive weapons, such as missile launchers. It can also function as a bomber, via its Bombay doors. And it carries thousands of troops.

Conversion and Cleansing

Pods: Semi-organic and filled with a viscous liquid, humans are stored in these as their transformation into a Biyalian takes place, like a Chrysalis. The amount of time the process takes varies from person to person. Sometimes the transformation's effects are delayed if a person of larger size is converted. The process is irreversible and is difficult to perform on Green Martians.

Cleansing: Humans who are determined to be a problem upon capture or Drones who have committed sins against the Empire are "Cleansed" Having their free will wiped away and being relegated to... Mindless Drones... Like fleshy robots running on whatever orders they're given. Mostly useless, they can generally perform menial tasks and have no personality.

Free Will Reinstatement: Drones who have demonstrated good behavior can have their free wills reinstated. However the process is not perfect so the subject may experience some memory loss.


Drones: Drones generally have their last name taken for easier sorting, being given a serial code following the "Greek Letter, Number" pattern. The are three classes of Drones, ranging from I - III.

Drone Class III: As far as Drones are concerned they're at the very bottom rung of the ladder, all drones start as a Class III, and those that have their free will Cleansed never advance past here. Those who have had their free will Reinstated from a cleanse are reset to Class III, but they are allowed to advance. In order to advance Drones must show that they are good Biyalian Citizens. Those that cause trouble are penalized and delay their advancement. Class III drones are heavily restricted and closely monitored by the guards unless they are accompanied by someone of a higher rank, they are not allowed in certain places in the Hive at all, and are only allowed to take jobs at the Honey Processing Plant or Honey's (A Strip Club in the Entertainment District)...

Drone Class II: As far as Drones are concerned they'd be in the middle tier. Class II Drones have a few restrictions as to where they go in the Hive without proper paperwork, also certain jobs are unavailable to them, such as Political positions.

Drone Class I: As far as Drones go they're in the top brass. Class I Drones are allowed to have nearly any job in the Hive and can travel freely.

Royal Guard Class II: Class II Drones and Above can apply for a Guard position. Royal Guards are of higher standing in Society than a Class I Drone. Class II guards are tasked with policing the Hive and upholding law and order.

Royal Guard Class I: Generally only trusted associates of the Biyalian Royalty get a Class I guard position, as it is their duty to protect said royalty. They generally act as bodyguards to the royalty, and mentors to the Class II's. Beatrice is the head of the Guard and Zazzala's personal Bodyguard.

Researchers: Researchers rank around the same as a Royal Guard Class II, Head Researchers rank around the same as a Royal Guard Class I

Royal Advisers: Royal Advisers rank just under the Princess. They advise the Monarchy on decisions and policies, giving their input and suggestions.

Royalty: Royalty are obviously the highest position in the Hive. 

The Princess: The Princess has power to an extent and can make minor political decisions, promote Drones and hand out Royal Writs. However major political decisions must be run by the Queen. The current Princess, Elana likes to run all decisions by the Queen, both major and minor. As well as details on Drone promotions.

The Queen: The Queen has absolute power in the Hive. Her word is law. She makes all of the political decisions in the Hive and generally handles external conflicts and negotiations. The Queen looks to her adviser for wisdom however... The current Queen, Zazzala does not have an official adviser... But... She looks to Princess Elana for advice as she is sometimes the only voice of reason and one of the only people Zazzala will take advice from.

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