Thursday, April 23, 2015

Allison's Posse

Alexandrie "Alix" Alpha 19 Manon Dupont

Hair: Blonde, shoulder-length? Her hair is in a very neat bun.

Compound Eyes: Blue. Behind them... No wonder she gets along with Allison... She's haughty... And a bit rude... And kind of a bitch... But you kinda like her... Also, she has a beauty mark under her left eye.

Height: 5'10

Figure: She looks like a freaking model. Enough said. Her boobs are about the same size as Allison's, maybe a little bigger.

Feet: Size 9, French Pedicure... Yes... That is a bit cliched... But oh so sexy... She also has a very expensive looking toe ring on her right foot's second toe. It's odd that she doesn't mind you slobbering all over it... She has freakin model feet, they are gorgeous...

Personality and Background: She's a bit snobby, see note on eyes. Ok... So she's very clearly French... She has a thick accent and will occasionally speak French or interject French words into her sentences. She comes from a wealthy family. She's usually seen wearing very nice dresses or some kind of skirt or other fashionable clothing, she doesn't often if ever wear pants. It should be noted that she lives in open-toed heels... Which you like. After she gets seriously involved with you and Zazzala took notice however she almost always wears the special Biyalian undersuit/deployable battle armor for her own protection. When in nude mode the thigh "tattoo" takes the form of a Fleur-de-lis, a symbol of French Royalty... I mean her family is rich... So maybe she does have noble blood from somewhere down the line... If anyone survived the French Revolution that is... Anyway, while it saddens you that she wears it and the stockings and thigh highs that go with it to make it up to you she does do fun stuff with her pedicure.

Rank and Occupation: Class I Drone, As far as Drones go she's in the top brass. Class I Drones are allowed to have nearly any job in the Hive and can travel freely. Drones generally have their last name taken for easier sorting, being given a serial code following the "Greek Letter, Number" pattern. You never asked Allison her code because you know with 100% certainty what her last name is. Anyway, Alexandrie has been here a while, being a Class I Drone. Mid 20's. She is the owner of a Boutique in the Commercial District.

Sexual Orientation: *Lipstick Lesbian
*A lesbian who is exceptionally feminine, even amongst girly girls. They are the polar opposite of butch lesbian.

Notable: While most girls here do paint their fingernails Alix's are notable for being longer than average (With the exception of her index and middle finger on her right hand... Hmmm...) Nothing crazy but you know... Typical rich girl "I will chew you up and spit you back out" nails. They're painted dark red and when she runs them along your skin... Goosebumps... The good kind... Hehe... She also usually has some kind of fancy rings and whatnot.
She is also a wizard in the kitchen and has been teaching you how to make Classical French Cuisine. She always wears an apron that says "Kiss the Cook" when she does.

Misaki Zeta 177 Junko Shinotokei

Hair: Black, neck length, bob

Compound Eyes: Amber Brown. Behind them... Well, you see a sweet and gentle girl... 

Height: 5'6

Figure: What is with all the girls around here having hourglass figures? Anyway. Misaki has a more petite frame... Probably is around a B-Cup.

Feet: Size 8, her nails are unpainted, but very clean and well cared for. Perhaps maybe even a clear coat? They have a certain shine to them.

Personality and Background: Holy crap... She's so nice! Anyway, Misaki is also very polite, always addressing you as Hime-sama. She's Japanese, judging by her accent and the fact that she calls you the Japanese word for Princess. She is very traditional and practices Buddhism.

Rank and Occupation: Class II Drone. As far as Drones are concerned she'd be in the middle tier, it would be easy for her to advance to Class I. Class II Drones have a few restrictions as to where they go in the Hive without proper paperwork, also certain jobs are unavailable to them, such as Political positions. Misaki is such a sweet girl... It hurts you to see that she's only a Class II... If you put in a good word with Zazzala you might be able to get her promoted early... Anyway, Misaki has probably been here a while, being a Class II Drone. Mid 20's. Misaki cleans for a living, she doesn't dress like a maid sadly.

Notable: She is surprisingly strong for her size and you never seem to hear her when she walks... She has damned good reflexes as well... She's also extremely fit and toned... (You've on rare occasion see her wear something other than loose-fitting more traditional Japanese clothing, she does wear normal clothing on occasion) That housework body am I right?

Rosalina "Lina" Omega 2424 Juanita Consuela Maria Ramirez

Hair: Dark Brown, mid-back length, ponytail

Compound Eyes: Brown. Behind them... Hmm... You'd say she likes to start things... Probably why she remains a Class III...

Height: 5'8

Figure: Hourglass, D-cup... However... She's a little on the curvier side... Still really hot though.

Feet: Size 10, dark red nails

Personality and Background: A bit of a troublemaker, a little rough, but at the end of the day, she seems like an okay sort of person. She's Hispanic, judging by her thick accent and usage of Spanish. She's from Puerto Rico specifically.

Rank and Occupation: Class III Drone. As far as Drones are concerned they're at the very bottom rung of the ladder, all drones start as a Class III, and those that have their free will Cleansed never advance past here. Those who have had their free will Reinstated from a Cleanse are reset to Class III, but they are allowed to advance. In order to advance Drones must show that they are good Biyalian Citizens. Those that cause trouble are penalized and delay their advancement, such as is Rosalina's case. She's been in a few scuffles with the Guard... Class III drones are heavily restricted and closely monitored by the guards unless they are accompanied by someone of a higher rank, they are not allowed in certain places in the Hive at all, and are only allowed to take jobs at the Honey Processing Plant or Honey's... Can you guess where Rosalina works? She also works as a housekeeper for your family, you felt really bad for her so you practically begged your mother to bend the rules for her, she does make good money there having established herself as a house favorite so she didn't actually quit but now only works the weekends at the strip club. So Rosalina... She may or may not have been here a while, with her being a delinquent and not getting promoted, you've not the slightest clue how long she's been here. Mid 20's.

Notable: Always keeps a bandana with some pattern or markings on it tied to her arm. Also has a tattoo with the same pattern on the back of her neck... Odd... Some of her less than reputable looking friends do the same.

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