Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bio: Aphrodite: The Goddess of Love

Pronunciation guide: Aphro-DEEte (She absolutely hates the rhyming her name with Mighty thing, it's her biggest pet peeve!)

Aliases: The Goddess of Love, Auntie Aphrodite

Hair: Light Pink (Though she occasionally rocks blonde like she used to back in the day, she looks hot with any color hair though.), Ass-Length, Straight or Bubble Ponytail usually.

Eyes: Pink... Behind them... You see pure, unconditional love. So rare... There is a reason you chose her to be your literal godmother.

Height: 9’6 (She is a Goddess, this is normal for her true form. She has proportions like a normal human, just much bigger.)

Figure: E-Cup, Hourglass. Perfect ass. Perfect legs. Perfect thighs. Literally Perfect Body. Curvy, Thicc, Perfectly Toned. She is obviously hot! Absolute Beauty, hands down. Words don’t accurately describe her.

Feet: US Women's Size 39 (20 inches long). Absolute Beauty, they are literal Perfection. Long toes. Onyx Black on her big toes with “L💝VE” in White, but the heart is Pink on her left big toe and a Pink Lipstick Print 💋 on her right big toe. All other toes are pink and have XOXO in White on them. As a Goddess, she can change her nails at will. Though she will make them plain and accept pedicures from you! Even when her toes are "unpolished", they are drool-worthy... She wears many sexy toe rings and anklets, lots of gold, silver, and pink. Aphrodite is the undisputed Queen of footjobs, cause she invented them... Everything Ally learned... She learned from her... When she gives you one, it is so good that all 9 of your brains fritz out in a horny stupor as they crash and reboot. She even taught you to use her amazing techniques on your lovers! She wears beautiful jeweled pink barefoot sandals with roses... She definitely shows off her stupidly perfect Goddess feet on purpose to tease you... They accentuate her flawless feet so much better than the sexy gladiator sandals or being outright barefoot...

Personality and Background: She likes to call you mini-me or Lil’ Aphrodite, she's your literal godmother who took you under her wing as a protégée Goddess of Love-in-training and follower, though that's just cause you love and respect her. She doesn't actually expect you to worship her, though she's extremely into foot worship and generally having people lust after her, so she does enjoy your foot spa and foot worship sessions. You did the Binding Ritual/Marry your god type thing with her where you washed her utterly perfect feet and swore to worship her... Which is easy, considering what she is the Goddess of... So technically you’re a devout follower of her because sex, masturbation, and even just platonically loving and being good to others counts as showing devotion to the Goddess of Love. So what if she's your Great-Great Aunt? Artemis is also your Great-Great Aunt and it's not weird hanging out with her to do her thing, archery, Aphrodite’s thing is just sex is all. She even accepts prostitutes, who have made her their matron Goddess, followers are followers and they are judged on their devotion and actions, not their jobs or life choices. Which in their case is actually greatly pleasing to Aphrodite, spreading the love and all. She has a heavy Greek accent, which you absolutely can’t get enough of, even her voice is sexy. She usually wears an extremely short, light pink, extremely low-cut toga.

Occupation: Greek Goddess of Love

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. She loves everyone.


Love Goddess Physiology: Aphrodite has absolute control over all aspects of love, lust, and sex. She is a Goddess who represents and is associated with love, lust, desire, passion, and romance, as well as fertility and sexuality, and all their aspects, such as gender. This grants her absolute knowledge and power over them, their concepts, and principles. For example, she can change sexuality at the absolute level, because she loves you, she actually protected yours so that no one can ever try to magically make you straight or take away your foot fetish. No one messes with her Lil’ niecey!

Sex Goddess: Aphrodite obviously has an Encyclopedic Knowledge of all sexual techniques. She invented most of them. Like footjobs, for example, her idea!

True Omnipresence: As the Conceptual Embodiment of Love itself... She is actually everywhere... And nowhere... At all points in time... In all possible alternate timelines... All at once. She is seen when she wants to be seen. She's not spying on everyone all the time or anything. It's more that she can freely appear in any place, in any dimension, in any reality alternate or true, at any point in the past, present, or future or combination thereof. As listed above she also knows the past and all possible futures and alternate timelines. Even before her existence. Wrap your head around that.

Absolute Beauty: Especially her feet! Ahem... Words cannot accurately describe Aphrodite’s beauty. It transcends what your eyes can actually see, so she is like... Divinely hot! The most beautiful being you have ever seen... But don't ever tell Hera that you think Aphrodite is more beautiful... Even if only by a hair... Not physically mind you, they are absolutely equal there. But personality-wise... Aphrodite has a slight edge, her pure love and sex mastery make her a better complete package.

Sanitized Metabolism, Pleasant Scent, and Aphrodisiac Scent: She always smells amazing at all times and makes you horny just by her yummy smell alone. Damned pheromones... All fluids that come from her body have a neutral or better smell to them and will make you horny if they so much as touch you... Did you mention she just... Tastes good? She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet or like roses. Something along those lines. She generally reigns in her pheromones, otherwise, orgies would just break out whenever she showed up! Her pheromones are that powerful!

God Soul: Her body is but a shell for her Immortal Soul. She can freely hop dimensions and reform her shell as she sees fit to have any appearance. She has Absolute Condition, she is not the strongest, fastest, or smartest Goddess, but could she lift a planet, run circles around the Flash, and outthink the Thinker? The answer is yes. Obviously, her body is Self-Sustaining and she does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc.

Omniversal Singularity: Because she is a Greek Goddess, she is an Omniversal Singularity, there is only one Aphrodite and she is Aphrodite in every timeline. Basically, she has no Doppelgangers. Aphrodite is Aphrodite. Kinda like The Supreme Being, there's just the one, hopefully, this makes sense.

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