Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Bio: Blythe Adams

Name: Blythe Adams

Aliases: Daymare, Scream Princess, The Stepford Smiler, Princess Preppy, Rich Bitch

Hair: Half Blonde, Half Jet Black, 1 color per side (Natural Blonde, the black part is actually naturally white after the fear experienced during her initial remolding torture nearly killed her, and stress hormones turned half of her hair white... It's unknown why she dyes it, it would still look hella cute in Blonde/White...), Mid-Back length, Twintails (Purposely lopsided and uneven.)

Eyes: Blue... Behind them... Her eye occasionally twitches... Whatever Bella did... It killed whoever this girl was before... She's been broken and glued back together wrong...

Height: 5'6

Figure: DD-Cup. Hourglass. Fat ass. Thicc thighs. Model legs... In great shape... No wonder Bella hated her...

Feet: Size 7. Light pink polish. Her feet are just... Flawless... She is really good at footjobs... Like... Really good. Bella said she was like that and it wasn't anything she did... And that it was a weird Sorority thing...

Personality and Background: Blythe is what Dr. Crane would classify as a Type C/Unstable Stepford Smiler. She always has a huge, ever so slightly twisted, sadistic smile on her face... Always... Even when she is visibly distressed and crying. Clearly, something is not right up there... It's like her face is actually broken, and she's some kind of living Barbie. Like... "Hi! I'm Tour Guide Barbie!" energy... Her smile hides a very unstable, very broken, very crazy person. Personality-wise, she's extremely meek, quiet, submissive, and obedient, doing anything her "goddess" Bella or her mother Raven asks her to do. But don't let her meek demeanor and smile fool you, she's a highly trained killer and will defend herself... Except against Bella or Raven, though they aren't too terribly abusive to her, mostly just drunk accidents. She maintains her Stepford Smile even in combat. It's goddamn terrifying! Blythe was formerly Bella's primary tormentor in high school, one day some time years after graduation she kidnapped Blythe and tortured her in her basement with Fear Toxin, using her psychological knowledge to slowly remold her into the woman she is today. A humble maid of the Crane family, sexy French maid outfit and all. She's also played sidekick to both Bella and her mother as Daymare and Scream Princess respectively. Her style is a weird blend of Preppy and Goth... It's cute. She comes from a rich, Old Money family, her parents were Ivy League Alums, and she used to dress and act super preppy in high school.

Sexual Orientation: Extremely Lesbian. She actually hates men just a little... A little gift from Bella...

Occupation: Supervillain in Gotham, Maid of the Crane family

Skills, Abilities, and Equipment

Peak Human Intellect (Functional Insanity): Blythe is an Ivy League Alumna.

Peak Human Beauty: Blythe is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Makeup or not. Even if she just woke up. Even with a shiner from her drunk mistress, she looks amazing.

Peak Human Athleticism: Agility, Dexterity, Endurance, Stamina, Reflexes, Speed, Leaping, Balance, and Flexibility: Blythe did Gymnastics and Ballet her whole life growing up. She still practices in her spare time.

Gymnastic Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combat: Bella trained Blythe in several Martial Arts and she fights really dirty. She's actually kind of ruthless and sadistic in combat... Such as using Pocket Sand! Naturally. Just kidding, it's pouches of crushed glass powder she carries around till she needs to throw it into someone's eyes. I guess that's still technically Pocket Sand... It usually causes permanent damage to their vision if they survive a fight with her... But the Pocket Sand is usually Wombo Comboed with a follow-up finisher... Like a point-blank gunshot to the head, run through with her swords, decapitation, etc. Blythe actually taught herself Panantukan, she will punch and kick her opponent in the throat and groin, eye gouge, and every counterattack results in her breaking her opponent's wrist, elbow, knee, or ankle as she slowly dismantles her opponent's limbs. She can also mix athleticism, acrobatics, and gymnastics with close-quarters combat, utilizing flips, cartwheels, tumbling, pole swings, twists, and other such movements to attack or defend.

Weapon Proficiency and Dual Wielding: Katanas, Knives, Throwing Knives, and Semi-Auto Pistols: After training with Bella, Blythe is highly proficient with all of these weapons and can dual wield them when necessary.

Fear Inducement via Fear Toxin: As Daymare, Blythe carries around Fear Gas bombs and wears a gas mask as part of her costume.

Artificial Sonic Scream: As Scream Princess, Blythe wears a special choker that amplifies her voice into a powerful sonic scream, capable of shattering glass and popping eardrums at the max setting and is lethal at point-blank, with a few seconds of continuous exposure causing enough internal bleeding to "liquefy" organs and cause death. It's quite similar to how your Vocalizer works, Bella even based the core design off of it. It is a heavily modulated artificial-sounding high-pitched warble. Like a... Canary Cry from some alternative reality where Black Canary isn't a Metahuman, goes by her middle name, is a brunette, can't fight worth shit, and has to use tech to use her signature freaking ability! As if! Haha! Maybe the Kryptonians there have blue heat vision for some odd, ass-backward reason, even though their eyes glow red! Heat vision is red. But anyway, Blythe is actually an amazing singer, this enhances the effect of her sonic attack. It hits almost as hard as Bella's did when she was 13 years old... That's actually pretty destructive, Blythe can really push the Sonic Amplifier Choker to its maximum potential...

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